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piracetam and amphetamines/adhd drugs

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#1 brain

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Posted 07 September 2009 - 11:11 AM

I'm currently taking piracetam in conjunction with alpha-gpc and i find it a very useful combination for me. I have mild to moderate inattentive ADD and was considering asking my doctor for a script of metadate (time release ritalin, so not really an amphetamine, but the only adhd drug which didn't turn me into an uncreative, gloomily robotic thought-machine) or a lower dose of adderal XR (around 10 - 15 mg daily) now that i'm back in school. theoretically this sounds like a good combination to me. i'm curious what other people have noticed with it?

Edited by brain, 07 September 2009 - 11:22 AM.

#2 thebluebull

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Posted 14 September 2009 - 07:44 AM

I'm currently taking piracetam in conjunction with alpha-gpc and i find it a very useful combination for me. I have mild to moderate inattentive ADD and was considering asking my doctor for a script of metadate (time release ritalin, so not really an amphetamine, but the only adhd drug which didn't turn me into an uncreative, gloomily robotic thought-machine) or a lower dose of adderal XR (around 10 - 15 mg daily) now that i'm back in school. theoretically this sounds like a good combination to me. i'm curious what other people have noticed with it?

I was taking aniracetam, piracetam, and choline bitartrate along with about 20mg of amphetamine salts (generic adderal) while studying for the GRE. I found it made me very apathetic but I did see a marked increase in memory. But I became very detached and somewhat animalistic, moving more towards the right brain I guess. More instinct, less logic for everyday interactions. It was weird. Then again, I was listening to that iMusic stuff everyday as well at that time. So too many variables here for any solid empirical data but an experience nonetheless. A year later, I'm taking aniracetam and choline bitartrate again and I find myself a bit spaced-out at times, not saying much since I'm ADD. However, I have noticed a difference in my thinking patterns and my dreams are SO vivid. We'll see how things go after a month or so of daily dosing.

Edited by thebluebull, 14 September 2009 - 07:46 AM.

#3 Jowdy

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Posted 20 September 2009 - 04:39 AM


Though I'm prescribed Adderall, I've never taken piracetam alongside, mainly because I find piracetam to have very similar attention-garnering
effects as the Adderall.
To give a brief testimonial: I teach various writing and English Lit courses, and I also write commercial screenplays. However, I take Adderall or piracetam mainly to do the drudgery work (grading papers, developing curriculum, writing syllibi, etc.). When writing, I rarely take anything, aside from a shot of espresso now and then; occasionally, I'll take a "recreational" dose of Adderall to see how it affects my writing, usually after I've gotten some good work done. [This is because I trust my writing process as it's developed over the years, and I see no need to alter it now. I'm always open to change, though. For instance, from much of the testimony on these forums and elsewhere, I thought that piracetam would somehow accellerate my writing process; however, it "flattens" my affect a bit, and that hampers the flexibility of my writing, especially when trying to write an evocative dialogue scene.]

Of course, this is my subjective experience, as always, and I'm interested in hearing what others have to say.

For instance, I often hear people say that piracetam makes them a bit fuzzy headed; I find that's the case with me, unless I take a very low dose (~400mg), despite the fact that I'm taking 250mg citicholine and two raw eggs before any piracetam dosing. Thus far, piracetam has simply been an inhibition to my writing. [However, it does help me retain facts when doing non-fiction and historical research.]

Anyone else on this one?

#4 msied

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Posted 20 September 2009 - 05:20 AM

I've tried amphetamine with phenylpiracetam, and I dare to call it the most potent nootropic combination I've ever taken. Both work in their own unique way on information processing, or so I've noticed. I've felt that piracetam and its analogs actually give you more capacity, clarity (less brain fog) to look at the world and process what's going on as time demands it--instead of the opposite feeling of being slow and having information come at you more quickly than you find processable. Amphetamine, unsurprisingly, speeds up your ability to play the information game, makes you throw yourself at the world a little quicker than you perceive it (which lessens) coming at you. Now, taken together, you get to charge into the world and any information up ahead, comprehend all of it without breaking a sweat, and then rework it in any necessary way to get the best of it. Sort of akin to raising profits by both increasing price (amphetamine) and lowering unit costs (piracetams).

With the more weak racetams, the synergy is similar but not as pronounced on the clarity/perception side.

#5 oster224

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Posted 15 October 2009 - 07:46 PM


Though I'm prescribed Adderall, I've never taken piracetam alongside, mainly because I find piracetam to have very similar attention-garnering
effects as the Adderall.
To give a brief testimonial: I teach various writing and English Lit courses, and I also write commercial screenplays. However, I take Adderall or piracetam mainly to do the drudgery work (grading papers, developing curriculum, writing syllibi, etc.). When writing, I rarely take anything, aside from a shot of espresso now and then; occasionally, I'll take a "recreational" dose of Adderall to see how it affects my writing, usually after I've gotten some good work done. [This is because I trust my writing process as it's developed over the years, and I see no need to alter it now. I'm always open to change, though. For instance, from much of the testimony on these forums and elsewhere, I thought that piracetam would somehow accellerate my writing process; however, it "flattens" my affect a bit, and that hampers the flexibility of my writing, especially when trying to write an evocative dialogue scene.]

Of course, this is my subjective experience, as always, and I'm interested in hearing what others have to say.

For instance, I often hear people say that piracetam makes them a bit fuzzy headed; I find that's the case with me, unless I take a very low dose (~400mg), despite the fact that I'm taking 250mg citicholine and two raw eggs before any piracetam dosing. Thus far, piracetam has simply been an inhibition to my writing. [However, it does help me retain facts when doing non-fiction and historical research.]

Anyone else on this one?

Howdy! I know this is a month late, but I have been taking a combination of piracetam, adderall and vinpocetine for the past year. The piracetam and vinpocetine really help me feel more mentally fluid when I'm on adderall. I usually take about 800mg piracetam with about 10mg of adderall. They don't really seem to multiply the effects, just make thoughts flow smoother. All I can say is just give it a try and see if you like it.

One note, I do take 5mg vinpocetine often with adderall, and I feel it has a much greater effect than piractetam for helping me perform tasks. On adderall, vinpocetine makes me feel much more like I do when I'm not on adderall, eg: not as edgey or axious but still completely focused and ready to tackle anything.

Hope this helps.

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