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What are you doing to achieve immortality?

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#61 forever freedom

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Posted 09 March 2008 - 06:42 PM

I'm currently studying Business Management, and inted to get awfully rich so besides getting all the best treatments and supplementation available i'll also fund many institutions that are making researches towards extreme life extension, like reverse engineering the brain, nanotech, biotech, cryonics, A.I., and some others.

I also plan on starting a life-long Intermittent Fasting diet once i reach 21 y.o. (CR would be just too hard for me, but i think i can manage IF).

My ultimate dream would be to create something like a Manhattan Project but in the life extension fields, with tens (or maybe hundreds?) of thousands of people working on various fields concerning the technologies i listed above. Giving it a lot of publicity, i would hope to get the funding help of many more wealthy people in the world.

Edited by sam988, 09 March 2008 - 06:49 PM.

#62 williamhessian

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Posted 14 March 2008 - 07:16 PM

These are the five steps I plan to take to become Immortal. Obviously each step contains a great deal of smaller steps. I will refer to this list while planning for my future.

Step 1: Raise Immortality Awarness
The first step is getting as many people as possibly to pay attention and help fund the research of immortality. This will be done partially by word of mouth to friends, family, social events, co-workers and random passerbys. It will mostly be done through my profession: art. I will begin to incorperate the concept of immortality more fully in my creations, online, with stickers, in stories, videos, graphic novels, paintings, graphics etc. This should help feed the underground immortality advertising awarness movement.

Step 2: Make Contacts
This would be an ongoing goal. I will be joining local and online groups focused on life extension. Alcor's Extreme Life Extension Conference is something I plan to attend in the future. I want to make contacts with scientists, writers, green energy enthusiasts, inventors, politicians, other social conscience artists and like individuals. Basically, anyone interested in pursuing immortality, and moreso those that are proactive about making such changes.

Step 3: Donate
Currently Immortality Institute is my primary focus for donating money. Although, I am open to other life extension research which I would like to support. I am keeping very strict books of my earnings, and designating a certain percentage to donate each year. Other possible places to fund: Curing Old Age Disease Society, www.eons.com.

Step 4: Save Money
Being financially smart and strong is extremely important. Even if steps 1-3 go perfectly, immortality research figures out the key to staying alive forever, if I do not take care of my own finances I will be unable to afford the substance myself. It is very clear that becoming immortal will not be cheap. Therefore, saving my money now is crutial. I plan to live a very inexpensive lifestlye.

Step 5: Stay Healthy & Self Sufficient
Another key aspect to this end goal, is to make sure I am staying as healthy as possible in the mean time. I want to have a really strong base to start at when an immortality product hits the market. It is also very possible it will never hit the market, and in that case I want to live as long as possible based simply on health and diet.

Hopefully when the researchers dust falls, there will be an answer.

This was a blog post I made a few months ago at: Zombie Robot Frosting

I love this thread and plan to tweak my own list of things I am doing, on an artists' salary, to live forever. Please visit and support my blog. I am also trying to find as many other bloggers, groups and websites supporting anti-aging research. So if you have one, or know of a good one i should like to, please let me know. Besides the obvious ones that appear on this forums. Thanks

#63 lunarsolarpower

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Posted 14 March 2008 - 10:15 PM

Hey William, I noticed on your blog post http://zombierobotfr...ve-forever.html you mentioned finances as a reason for not signing up for a cryonic policy.

I'm not signing up to freeze my head just yet (partially because i dont have the money)

Even if expenses are tight for you I highly recommend looking into purchasing a life insurance policy now while you're young, healthy and insurable. You can get a $250,000 policy for $15-20 per month that has a 20 year term and can be converted to a whole-life policy at any time without the company reexamining your health. You are far more likely at your present age to develop some condition that makes you uninsurable than you are to outright die. Imagine your frustration facing some horrendous disease and knowing you have no prospect of coming up with the finances for cryonics although you may continue to live for several more decades.

#64 JonesGuy

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Posted 15 March 2008 - 05:05 PM

I just had an insight into the 'affordability' of life extension treatments.

I think that for some time there will be a threshold in the depreciation of the treatments. Kinda like heart surgery: it's gotten cheaper over the decades, but it seems to have a 'minimum cost' that if you can't afford, you're dead. So, this is a good reason to collect wealth.

OTOH, the treatments will depreciate. This means that the earlier they're discovered, the cheaper they'll be when you need them. If they initially depreciate at (say) 8% per year, then getting them discovered a year earlier is the same as you saving 8% more into your 'longevity fund'. Hmmn.

#65 treonsverdery

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Posted 15 March 2008 - 07:56 PM

get the chinese aware of longevity treatments

it just occured to me that I could write up n multiply spread a written item on genetically engineering rice to have longevity producing aedg peptide as well as a various newer longevity peptides

I think I read that longevity medicine is a 70 billion annual chinese ndustry right now; with awareness plus rising standard of living that could be hundreds of billions or a trillion that goes to longevity products

genetically engineered rice produce protein http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum
epitalon known as peptide AEDG http://www.ncbi.nlm....Pubmed_RVDocSum

The plan: write a comprehensible paragraph
computer translate to chinese
as a youtube person to rewrite n maybe even speak as chinese
multiply spread written item with youtube reference online

longevity rice is a giant financial opportunity

#66 Johan

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Posted 15 March 2008 - 08:26 PM

I'm currently in the midst of undergraduate studies with the goal of becoming a molecular biologist and help with SENS. When I do get there and start earning money, I'm going to invest it and accumulate enough wealth to be able to afford anti-aging therapies in the future.
Also, I practice CR - something I plan on continuing to do as long as I live, unless something better comes up.

Edited by Johan, 15 March 2008 - 08:28 PM.


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 08:55 PM

I'd like to see more research on head transplants like the one done back in 1970, somehow have cloning become socially acceptable so you can get a body that wont be rejected, research on connecting nerves somehow... Making enough money to afford treatment... staying healthy as long as possible... Also as far as computers go I think people should work on trying to get computers to sequence people's dna, and then be able to print out dna from information stored in a computer file. All these thing in my oppinion are already feasible or will likely be so in a decade or two.

New idea... brain transplant.

Edited by Fear&Obey, 15 March 2008 - 09:14 PM.

#68 Luna

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Posted 18 March 2008 - 10:10 AM

Studying Biotechnology to enter the battle field.

#69 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 18 March 2008 - 05:53 PM

I heard a while back, discussions of wether one would transplant their head to a pig, or cow body--if it was demonstrated that it would keep them alive when their own body was at the point of failure, I think I'd do it. Who knows what kind of treatments might come up? (keeping a brain 'alive' but with no sensory input or output, for example--that might drive me nuts, don't know if I'd take that over straight up cryonics...)

I'd prefer brain scanning and uploading though :)

Or say ending aging before I die... :)

Till then, I support as many organizations in the life extension movement as I can, make as many connections as I can--and stay signed up for cryonics.... I eat healthy, exercise and such of course, but I suspect I'll end up being preserved in whatever process is most advanced at the time of my death.

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