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7-drug regime help, please!

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#1 jakesteele

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 08:11 PM

I need help with a good stack. I am 58 yrs. old and smoked a lot of pot in my days and as a result, my memory, especially short-term, are just about shot. I need a good stack that address memory, focus, concentration, etc. What compounds my problem is that I have really poor sleep. I only can sleep 3-5 hrs. at a time. I also need something in the stack that might help with this.

I am currently taking choline, ginko and piracetam. I also take take psych meds: Zoloft, Neurotin, visteral, Lamictal, Verapmil. I need some input on the following list to add to my current regime. Which ones would you recommend to add, which ones would you not add, etc. I would really appreciate some good input on this as I am in dire need.




Alpha GPC







#2 Pike

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 10:53 PM

I need help with a good stack. I am 58 yrs. old and smoked a lot of pot in my days and as a result, my memory, especially short-term, are just about shot. I need a good stack that address memory, focus, concentration, etc. What compounds my problem is that I have really poor sleep. I only can sleep 3-5 hrs. at a time. I also need something in the stack that might help with this.

I am currently taking choline, ginko and piracetam. I also take take psych meds: Zoloft, Neurotin, visteral, Lamictal, Verapmil. I need some input on the following list to add to my current regime. Which ones would you recommend to add, which ones would you not add, etc. I would really appreciate some good input on this as I am in dire need.




Alpha GPC







good god, you're on an SSRI, a GABAergic, a powerful antihistamine/tranq, a mood stabilizer, and an anti-hypertensive? what is the purpose of this giant cocktail of medications? 2 of those have a liver damage warning and another 2 seem to be implicated in some liver damage

is this some kind of cocktail for treatment of bipolar disorder? if it is, you might want to be careful when it comes to some nootropics.

#3 jakesteele

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 11:22 PM

I need help with a good stack. I am 58 yrs. old and smoked a lot of pot in my days and as a result, my memory, especially short-term, are just about shot. I need a good stack that address memory, focus, concentration, etc. What compounds my problem is that I have really poor sleep. I only can sleep 3-5 hrs. at a time. I also need something in the stack that might help with this.

I am currently taking choline, ginko and piracetam. I also take take psych meds: Zoloft, Neurotin, visteral, Lamictal, Verapmil. I need some input on the following list to add to my current regime. Which ones would you recommend to add, which ones would you not add, etc. I would really appreciate some good input on this as I am in dire need.




Alpha GPC







good god, you're on an SSRI, a GABAergic, a powerful antihistamine/tranq, a mood stabilizer, and an anti-hypertensive? what is the purpose of this giant cocktail of medications? 2 of those have a liver damage warning and another 2 seem to be implicated in some liver damage

is this some kind of cocktail for treatment of bipolar disorder? if it is, you might want to be careful when it comes to some nootropics.

Yes, it is for bi-polar coupled with chronic anxiety/depression. I know that's a lot of stuff, but what I'm also trying to do is to get the right nootropics/vitimans, etc., that will hopefully allow me to cut down on at least the dosage, if not eliminate one or two.

That's why I asked about all of this just to make sure I look before I leap. From the research I've done so far, the list is more of a wish list of the things I most want to address: memory, focus, energy, sleep. I don't really know what's safe and effective or not. Doctors are difficult to deal with because the ones I go to don't even know about nootropics at all.

#4 Pike

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Posted 13 November 2009 - 11:43 PM

ahhhh okay. well, here's my input:

- noopept: it's supposed to be an awesome nootropic, never tried it, buttloads of interesting studies to read about it on pubmed

- alpha-gpc: at your age, a little alpha-gpc might be great for some memory support because it'll also help you out in the HGH department. couple that with some daily strenuous exercise and i imagine that your brain would be feeling pretty young in no time!

- GVS-111: the last time i checked, gvs-111 was synonymous with noopept. it was either that or adafenoxate. either way, i'm pretty sure that's just the chem ID number.

- resveratrol: i know close to nothing about res. the only thing i do know about it is that it's supposed to mimic some of the effects of calorie restriction. however, imminst has a whole subforum dedicated to this particular substance, so they would be the ones to ask.

- sulbutiamine: well, it sure as hell helped with exercise my exercise, that's for sure. it's supposed to have a dopaminergic effect which could have implications on your condition, and i think that there was even one case study in which sulbutiamine interfered with a patient's cognitive-behavioral therapy (but she was using like 2000mg a day or something). may or may not want to avoid it.

- hydergine: ahh, i have a soft spot for this noot. anyway, hydergine helped take some of the edge off stimulants when i took it (which is certainly nice if you get the stimulant-blues from ADHD meds) and can help with some anti-anxiety. however, presently there's a large body of works supporting the development of certain types of fibrosis due to long-term ergot compounds (not to mention, ergotism). if you were to try it, i'd say cycle it at best.

- 5-htp: direct serotonin support supplement. this would totally interfere with your ssri (and your mood stabilizer too, for that matter).

- cerebrolysin: don't know anything about it, but there's a specific thread for it on the boards that seems pretty active.

outside of your suggestions, maybe some good old fashioned green tea (w/out milk) on an empty stomach might help with energy/memory and some old&reliable melatonin for sleep support at night. if STAYING asleep is a bigger issue than falling asleep, maybe you could opt for a timed/sustained release melatonin supplement, instead.

#5 jakesteele

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Posted 14 November 2009 - 06:05 AM

ahhhh okay. well, here's my input:

- noopept: it's supposed to be an awesome nootropic, never tried it, buttloads of interesting studies to read about it on pubmed

- alpha-gpc: at your age, a little alpha-gpc might be great for some memory support because it'll also help you out in the HGH department. couple that with some daily strenuous exercise and i imagine that your brain would be feeling pretty young in no time!

- GVS-111: the last time i checked, gvs-111 was synonymous with noopept. it was either that or adafenoxate. either way, i'm pretty sure that's just the chem ID number.

- resveratrol: i know close to nothing about res. the only thing i do know about it is that it's supposed to mimic some of the effects of calorie restriction. however, imminst has a whole subforum dedicated to this particular substance, so they would be the ones to ask.

- sulbutiamine: well, it sure as hell helped with exercise my exercise, that's for sure. it's supposed to have a dopaminergic effect which could have implications on your condition, and i think that there was even one case study in which sulbutiamine interfered with a patient's cognitive-behavioral therapy (but she was using like 2000mg a day or something). may or may not want to avoid it.

- hydergine: ahh, i have a soft spot for this noot. anyway, hydergine helped take some of the edge off stimulants when i took it (which is certainly nice if you get the stimulant-blues from ADHD meds) and can help with some anti-anxiety. however, presently there's a large body of works supporting the development of certain types of fibrosis due to long-term ergot compounds (not to mention, ergotism). if you were to try it, i'd say cycle it at best.

- 5-htp: direct serotonin support supplement. this would totally interfere with your ssri (and your mood stabilizer too, for that matter).

- cerebrolysin: don't know anything about it, but there's a specific thread for it on the boards that seems pretty active.

outside of your suggestions, maybe some good old fashioned green tea (w/out milk) on an empty stomach might help with energy/memory and some old&reliable melatonin for sleep support at night. if STAYING asleep is a bigger issue than falling asleep, maybe you could opt for a timed/sustained release melatonin supplement, instead.

I thank you kindly, sir. That's what I was looking for, the picks of the litter and hopefullly lower my anxiety level.

#6 Dorho

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Posted 14 November 2009 - 07:19 AM

Adding to what Pike said, the combination of 5-HTP and an SSRI drug may lead to excess serotonin amounts in the brain and even induce a dangerous condition called serotonin syndrome (serotonin toxicity). I suggest being careful with those substances. If you get any of the symptoms described in the following excerpt from Wikipedia, you have to seek medical care.

Symptom onset is usually rapid, often occurring within minutes. Serotonin syndrome encompasses a wide range of clinical findings. Mild symptoms may only consist of increased heart rate, shivering, sweating, dilated pupils, myoclonus (intermittent tremor or twitching), as well as overresponsive reflexes.[1] Moderate intoxication includes additional abnormalities such as hyperactive bowel sounds, high blood pressure and hyperthermia; a temperature as high as 40 °C (104 °F) is common in moderate intoxication. The overactive reflexes and clonus in moderate cases may be greater in the lower limbs than in the upper limbs. Mental status changes include hypervigilance and agitation.[1] Severe symptoms include severe increases in heart rate and blood pressure that may lead to shock. Temperature may rise to above 41.1 °C (106.0 °F) in life-threatening cases. Other abnormalities include metabolic acidosis, rhabdomyolysis, seizures, renal failure, and disseminated intravascular coagulation; these effects usually arise as a consequence of hyperthermia.[1][3]

The symptoms are often described as a clinical triad of abnormalities:[1][5]

* Cognitive effects: mental confusion, hypomania, hallucinations, agitation, headache, coma
* Autonomic effects: shivering, sweating, hyperthermia, hypertension, tachycardia, nausea, diarrhea.
* Somatic effects: myoclonus (muscle twitching), hyperreflexia (manifested by clonus), tremor.

Edited by Dorho, 14 November 2009 - 07:20 AM.

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