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#1 amart

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Posted 30 September 2010 - 08:13 PM

When ever i try and get into a political convo people seem to get upset and it seem to me like people would just rather not think about politics are what there politicians are doing to there country. To me this is an outrage its as if the American people have given up on the American government like it is just going to be corrupt and ran by money but we cant do anything about it so lets just not think about it. I think it is time for us to realize that the government is supposed to be for the people by the people and that we can collectively make a change if we just educate are selves and stand up for what is right. Corporations should not be allowed to control and dominate peoples lives just like people shouldn't be allowed to take advantage of there employer but there has to be a medium were the two advance each other respectfully and we have to realize that just because someone isnt as smart are hardworking doesn't make them less than human and everybody that works should be entitled to a certain standard of living. There is enormous wealth here in American and there is still a class of working poor does that even make sense honestly. The existence of the working poor is just proof of injustices in this country and proof that there are corporations that unfairly exploit there employees for there own personal gain. The only time a worker should be allowed to be poor is when there boss is poor also it only makes sense and is the only time the existence of a class of working poor should be allowed to exist.

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