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#1 Johann

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Posted 09 February 2011 - 10:07 PM

Chlorella at first made me vomit, or very nauseous to point of almost vomiting. Why is that?

My hypotheses are that either it is chelating some toxins and that is the cause. Or the chlorella itself

may be producing some ill effect all on its own.

The former notion seems more believable because I am a little less sick when I take it now as opposed to several months ago.

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#2 TigerMask

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 12:39 AM

Have you noticed any other benefits from the chlorella? Do you mean that you're less sick in general or less sick when taking the chlorella?

#3 Johann

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 02:00 PM

To answer your questions: I've had fibromyalgia for four and a half years. I came down with it immediately after getting the 3rd of the Hep B series of vaccinations. I was not completely aware of the controversy surrounding vaccines back then or I would have never received them.

I know, I know already. Someone will probably now post the old lie about how vaccines have cured lots of diseases but that canard has been disproved. It was an increase in better nutrition and hygiene that led to an eradication of these diseases. And for polio, it was when the US stopped using lead, arsenic, and DDT as pesticides that polio outbreaks stopped.

But anyway, back to chlorella. When I use it for a couple of days, I will be very nauseous and generally lethargic. And then I will stop taking it. Then following that, for two to fours days my fibromyalgia will subside and I will not need to take as much tylenol and ibuprofen. Plus, my sense of smell will increase and cognitive clarity will as well.

Each time I take chlorella I'm a little less nauseous. But not enough to make me want to take it regularly. To say I feel nauseous is an understatement. Its more that I feel horrible, miserable.

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#4 matter_of_time

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 02:22 PM

just simple start with a little powder or one pill and raise the doses when you dont have any discomfort anymore.

i start taking it a few years ago and it took four weeks before the discomfort went away.

#5 Johann

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 02:33 PM

just simple start with a little powder or one pill and raise the doses when you dont have any discomfort anymore.

i start taking it a few years ago and it took four weeks before the discomfort went away.

Though I do not take it daily, when I do, I've cut down from a heaping teaspoon to one level 1/4 teaspoon. And even there it is difficult. I must be loaded down w/ metals and toxins.

Anyone here tried bentonite clay either the mudbath or the oral consumption?

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#6 ajnast4r

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 03:55 PM

likely you are just having a mild allergic reaction to it... if you feel 'horrible miserable' from anything its a good idea to stop using it.

Someone will probably now post the old lie about how vaccines have cured lots of diseases but that canard has been disproved. It was an increase in better nutrition and hygiene that led to an eradication of these diseases. And for polio, it was when the US stopped using lead, arsenic, and DDT as pesticides that polio outbreaks stopped.

there is ZERO truth to that... while i dont doubt you may have had a negative reaction to your vaccine, those type of reactions are EXTREMELY rare. vaccines ARE responsible for eliminating many diseases... smallpox, polio, etc. these diseases still exist at epidemic levels in countries with no agriculture & no industry (re: africa, middle east), therefor no significant exposure to things like lead, arsenic & DDT. the viruses that cause these diseases have been the subject of so much research that to say they are caused by anything other than their respective viruses is ludicrous at BEST.

an electron micrograph of poliovirus
Posted Image

Edited by ajnast4r, 10 February 2011 - 04:12 PM.

#7 pamojja

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 04:18 PM

... these diseases still exist at epidemic levels in countries with no agriculture & no industry (re: africa, middle east), therefor no significant exposure to things like lead, arsenic & DDT.

How can you be so sure about that. As far as I know, Africa and other non-industrialized areas has been sprayed already very long ago with DDT against Malaria mosquitoes. And guess where all the toxins in batteries end up there?

#8 Johann

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 04:24 PM

DDT is indeed being used in some 3rd world countries. The ban has been lifted. Do your research.

And for the record, Dr Wakefield has been vindicated by other research that proves there is a connection between vaccines and autism.LINK <<<<-----

The virus mythology is just smoke and mirrors. Viruses can sometimes be harmless passengers. They may be even the result of the disease, not the cause.

Most drs have never even seen a virus.

A virus is not a living thing like bacteria. It is simply a piece of DNA or RNA wrapped in some protein covered in some fat.

#9 Johann

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 04:27 PM

Polio caused by Pesticides Not Virus
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#10 Johann

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 04:35 PM

In the Religion of Modern Medicine, environmental causes can never be the root of the disease because viruses make

for better mysticism. Not only that, but if we were to recognize that most modern diseases are caused by toxins we encounter, then there is very little money to be made in finding a solution to the problems we created.

Viruses and genetic research makes for more money for research because the cure is always just a few years away.

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#11 biochemie

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 04:46 PM

I have a question regarding Chlorella. Is it dangerous to use with Amalgam fillings? I know ALA is but is chlorella dangerous in the same way?

#12 matter_of_time

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 05:07 PM

A friend of my has done research on amalgam fillings, there is nothing that will dilute it in a way it will poison you.
If you are afraid for mercury dont eat fish and biological foods. Amalgam hype is from the same people who have problems with aspartam. I am aware these people also promote chlorella.

btw chlorella is for me one of the best supplements, i take i daily for five years now.

#13 biochemie

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 06:44 PM

Biological foods have higher mercury content?? How much chorella do you take per day? I heard that ALA will dilute the mercury from the fillings.Though I don't really get it because there is virtually no bloodflow at the site of the fillings themselves.

Edited by biochemie, 10 February 2011 - 06:45 PM.

#14 biochemie

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 06:44 PM


Edited by biochemie, 10 February 2011 - 06:46 PM.

#15 ajnast4r

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 06:51 PM

Polio caused by Pesticides Not Virus

you are going to have to come with some scientifically valid evidence before anyone humors those ideas.

And for the record, Dr Wakefield has been vindicated by other research that proves there is a connection between vaccines and autism.LINK <<<<-----


Falsified studies claiming to show a link between the MMR vaccine and autism risk by Dr. Andrew Wakefield in 1998 had a multimillion-dollar motivation behind them, investigative journalist, Brian Deer, reveals in the BMJ (British Medical Journal). Disgraced Dr. Wakefield's scheme is exposed in the second part of a series of reports "Secrets of the MMR scare". The first part revealed the scientific fraud, while in the second part Deer simply "follows the money"

Additional Evidence Refutes Vaccine-Autism Link

MMR vaccine does not cause autism, new evidence

MMR vaccine and autism - No link - Major Study

etc etc etc

In the Religion of Modern Medicine, environmental causes can never be the root of the disease because viruses make

modern medicine recognizes many diseases that are caused by environmental factors... the idea that every diseases is caused by some sort of exposure to 'toxins' is false. the human body is not infallible... theres documentation humans have been dying from diseases related to viral and bacterial infection since the beginning of recorded history, long before there were any such 'toxins' in existence.

Edited by ajnast4r, 10 February 2011 - 06:58 PM.

#16 Johann

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 08:26 PM

All of the following doctors have signed onto the statement put out by the International Medical Council on Vacations. I guess maybe the case is not as cut and dried as you once thought.

Nicola Antonucci, MD
Todd M. Elsner, DC
Alexander Kotok, MD, PhD
Máximo Sandín, PhD
David Ayoub, MD
Jorge Esteves, MD
Eneko Landaburu, MD
Len Saputo, MD
Nancy Turner Banks, MD
Edward "Ted" Fogarty, MD
Luc Lemaire, DC
Michael Schachter, MD
Timur Baruti, MD
Jack Forbush, DO
Janet Levatin, MD
Viera Scheibner, PhD
Danny Beard, DC
Milani Gabriele, CRNA, RN
Thomas Levy, MD, JD
Penelope Shar, MD
Françoise Berthoud, MD
Sheila Gibson, MD, BSc
Stephen L'Hommedieu, DC
Bruce Shelton, MD, MD(H)
Russell Blaylock, MD
Mike Godfrey, MBBS
Paul Maher, MD, MPH
Debbi Silverman, MD
Fred Bloem, MD
Isaac Golden, ND
Andrew Maniotis, PhD
Kenneth “KP” Stoller, MD
Laura Bridgman, FNP, ND
Gary Goldman, PhD
Steve Marini, PhD, DC
Terri Su, MD
Kelly Brogan, MD
Garry Gordon, MD, DO, MD(H)
Juan Manuel Martínez Méndez, MD
Didier Tarte, MD
Sarah Buckley, MD
Doug Graham, DC
Sue McIntosh, MD
Leigh Ann Tatnall, RN
Rashid Buttar, DO
Boyd Haley, PhD
Richard Moskowitz, MD
Adiel Tel‐Oren, MD, DC
Harold Buttram, MD
Gayl Hamilton, MD
Sheri Nakken, RN, MA
Sherri Tenpenny, DO
Lisa Cantrell, RN
Linda Hegstrand, MD, PhD
Christiane Northrup, MD
Renee Tocco, DC
Lua Català Ferrer, MD
James Howenstine, MD
Amber Passini, MD
Demetra Vagias, MD, ND
Jennifer Craig, PhD, BSN, MA
Suzanne Humphries, MD
Ronald Peters, MD, MPH
Franco Verzella, MD
Robert Davidson, MD, PhD
Belén Igual Diaz, MD
Jean Pilette, MD
Julian Whitaker, MD
Ana de Leo, MD
Philip Incao, MD
Pat Rattigan, ND
Ronald Whitmont, MD
Carlos de Quero Kops, MD
Joyce Johnson, ND
Zoltan Rona, MD, MSc
Betty Wood, MD
Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
A. Majid Katme, MBBCh, DPM
Chaim Rosenthal, MD
Eduardo Ángel Yahbes, MD
Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH
Tedd Koren, DC
Robert Rowen, MD

#17 Johann

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 08:30 PM

And for those that still want to believe inHIV=AIDS heres 2,744 doubters. Go there and do a search for the "Harvard" and see how many times it comes up.

#18 Johann

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 08:37 PM

modern medicine recognizes many diseases that are caused by environmental factors... the idea that every diseases is caused by some sort of exposure to 'toxins' is false. the human body is not infallible... theres documentation humans have been dying from diseases related to viral and bacterial infection since the beginning of recorded history, long before there were any such 'toxins' in existence.

A generalized statement. Truth is, researchers want to look for genetic variants or viruses to be the cause of everything from breast cancer to alzheimer's. That way, they can spend decades in the lab "earning" billions and billions of dollars.

Its been over FORTY years now since Nixon declared the War on Cancer. But the research was going on for decades before then, They know that they can put out a story ever now and then about the cure being closer and yet another ten years away.

Think about it. Do you really think that dentists don't want kids to get cavities? If kids no longer got cavities, a large portion of their job would dry up. Does law enforcement really want

an end to crime? Think of how many cops, lawyers, judges, prisons, social workers, psychologists would be affected if there was a massive reduction in crime.

This countries economy is built upon war and health care. Two industries whose fundamental existence depends upon disease and destruction.

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#19 biochemie

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 09:37 PM

No offense but if you ever knew anyone with HIV you wouldnt be talking like this. As far as cancer goes, our ability to treat can only progress with the available technology which at the time was pretty much nil. Right now there is lots of great products that are in the pipeline, but those products require funding to be able to pay for all of the high priced clinical trials for FDA approval. The fact that health care is now being socialized makes matters way worse as the government will become the main buyer of pharmaceuticals and that in turn affects the risks that pharmaceuticals are going to take in product development. You talk like you know something about research but you are an ignorant fool. Researchers make nothing. They are the poorest most educated people in the world. They have PhDs but barely make more than you think. Yet they do it. MOst of them have a passion for the work. Some don't. Professors have to work their asses off for years before getting "tenure" and it isn't a walk in the park. So if you want to start pointing fingers at the pharmaceutical industry for not developing medications fast enough to your liking, consider that they are first and foremost a business and that for the past 10 years or so, product development has been extremely costly. Most new ventures aren't profitable and for the ones that are, about 800 million dollars have to be put into the product to take to market and 12 years total. On top of that they have to offset the costs for the products that never make it. Then after all of that, patents expire and generics take them over and reduce their profits to nil.

No pharmaceuticals do not want to take anymore risks. They have medications routes and development that are much safer and assured. Smaller biotechs are now the ones developing products and then get bought off by pharmaceuticals. Only problem is that pharmaceuticals is a high-risk venture, you need to find investors, have rounds and rounds of funding and well you know whats happened to funding in the past few years. No money.

Before you start badmouthing researchers that make nothing, make sure you have some sense of personal responsibility in getting knowledge about the industry and about the people that work in it, from academia (where most of the research is done) to pharmaceuticals and knowing the difference and role of both.

Lastly, be thankful that people out there genuinely enjoy working out the complex biology that underlies disease and do it because its their passion and not because there is a big paycheck. Often times there isn't.

#20 ajnast4r

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Posted 10 February 2011 - 11:10 PM

All of the following doctors have signed onto the statement put out by the International Medical Council on Vacations. I guess maybe the case is not as cut and dried as you once thought.

this is a small, small fraction of medical professionals. there are 300,000 physicians in new york alone. even among doctors specializing in autism, those believing that there are links between vaccinations and autism very few. thinking vaccines have any causal relationship with autism is, imo, just not looking at the evidence objectively.

Truth is, researchers want to look for genetic variants or viruses to be the cause of everything from breast cancer to alzheimer's.

do you actually know anyone doing research personally? dentists? cops?

Edited by ajnast4r, 10 February 2011 - 11:16 PM.

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#21 timhill88@outlook.com

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Posted 15 December 2014 - 04:20 PM



Can we get vegetable in Chlorella

 I spoke to my doctor which said taking powder forms have chemicals and are no good for the body...

#22 Godof Smallthings

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 03:08 PM


modern medicine recognizes many diseases that are caused by environmental factors... the idea that every diseases is caused by some sort of exposure to 'toxins' is false. the human body is not infallible... theres documentation humans have been dying from diseases related to viral and bacterial infection since the beginning of recorded history, long before there were any such 'toxins' in existence.

A generalized statement. Truth is, researchers want to look for genetic variants or viruses to be the cause of everything from breast cancer to alzheimer's. That way, they can spend decades in the lab "earning" billions and billions of dollars.

Its been over FORTY years now since Nixon declared the War on Cancer. But the research was going on for decades before then, They know that they can put out a story ever now and then about the cure being closer and yet another ten years away.

Think about it. Do you really think that dentists don't want kids to get cavities? If kids no longer got cavities, a large portion of their job would dry up. Does law enforcement really want

an end to crime? Think of how many cops, lawyers, judges, prisons, social workers, psychologists would be affected if there was a massive reduction in crime.

This countries economy is built upon war and health care. Two industries whose fundamental existence depends upon disease and destruction.



I guess the dentists in countries with free dental care are all just incredibly stupid, since they basically give the same advice as those in countries where dental care is not subsidized?


They are obviously not as smart as you and the journalists at Naturalnews who appear to know the hidden truth about everything?

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#23 Gerrans

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Posted 17 December 2014 - 04:58 PM



modern medicine recognizes many diseases that are caused by environmental factors... the idea that every diseases is caused by some sort of exposure to 'toxins' is false. the human body is not infallible... theres documentation humans have been dying from diseases related to viral and bacterial infection since the beginning of recorded history, long before there were any such 'toxins' in existence.

A generalized statement. Truth is, researchers want to look for genetic variants or viruses to be the cause of everything from breast cancer to alzheimer's. That way, they can spend decades in the lab "earning" billions and billions of dollars.

Its been over FORTY years now since Nixon declared the War on Cancer. But the research was going on for decades before then, They know that they can put out a story ever now and then about the cure being closer and yet another ten years away.

Think about it. Do you really think that dentists don't want kids to get cavities? If kids no longer got cavities, a large portion of their job would dry up. Does law enforcement really want

an end to crime? Think of how many cops, lawyers, judges, prisons, social workers, psychologists would be affected if there was a massive reduction in crime.

This countries economy is built upon war and health care. Two industries whose fundamental existence depends upon disease and destruction.



I guess the dentists in countries with free dental care are all just incredibly stupid, since they basically give the same advice as those in countries where dental care is not subsidized?


They are obviously not as smart as you and the journalists at Naturalnews who appear to know the hidden truth about everything?



Under the free National Health Service in Britain, fillings were once made to last for life. Under privatisation they do not last five minutes. In my opinion that is the difference between a service which has to limit expenditure and one that does not.


I do not believe there is a hidden conspiracy. But it is human nature to be less worried about expenditure when the treatment is not coming out of your own funds.


Edited by Gerrans, 17 December 2014 - 05:00 PM.

#24 StevesPetRat

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Posted 18 December 2014 - 06:50 PM


This thread took a turn for the nut-baggy.

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