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Maintaining Higher Testosterone

testosterone maintain raising hormones work out exercise raise

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#1 sparkk51

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 12:35 AM

Hi all,

recently I've come to the conclusion that I have low testosterone levels. After a simple 5 minute push-up session I can feel the effects of the testosterone rush (of course I do understand that there are other hormones that influence this). What I've noticed is that the effects rapidly diminish after about an hour. Does anyone have any tips to not only raising my testosterone levels but also to maintaining them? Constantly working out is not an option because I have school.

P.S. The effects are generally present through raised cognition as well as ambition.

Edited by sparkk51, 29 November 2011 - 12:35 AM.

#2 rwac

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 01:09 AM

Why not get a blood test for all your hormones instead of guessing?

#3 sparkk51

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 01:17 AM

I did do this about a year ago. Well, it was really a normal blood test, but what I recall is that the results didn't fall within the normal range for my age but were dismissed as "fine" (I looked up the proper levels online). I've asked my parents for the results but they don't have them anymore.

Let's please assume that I do have low testosterone. How does an 18 year old, still in high school, maintain day-long testosterone. If I work out the same amount per session, will the testosterone release lower per consecutive workout?

#4 niner

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 01:20 AM

What are the symptoms that you'd like to fix? Low libido? Are you taking any medicines or supplements that might be causing problems? The guys on the bodybuilding forums are always talking about T. That might be a place to look. In the meanwhile, instead of pushups, use your larger muscles, as in leg press or squats. You'll get a bigger bang that way.

#5 sparkk51

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 01:28 AM

Thanks for responding so quickly guys!

The symptoms are lower cognition and lower ambition - trust me, the effects are actually quite profound after a workout. The supplements that I take are fish oil and a multivitamin. I do not have low libido.

Has working out been proven to raise testosterone levels in the long term or just the short term?

Edited by sparkk51, 29 November 2011 - 01:28 AM.

#6 niner

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 02:08 AM

Working out certainly helps in the short term; by short I mean a couple days, not just a couple hours. I don't know what the long term effect is, but working out is good in general. Based on the symptoms, it sounds like you may have some depression going on. Exercise will help that as well.

#7 sparkk51

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 02:27 AM

How does it sound like I have depression? I do not have low libido and the symptoms I gave can be from several things including low testosterone.

#8 niner

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 03:06 AM

How does it sound like I have depression? I do not have low libido and the symptoms I gave can be from several things including low testosterone.

Lower cognition and lower ambition. How are you feeling? Is your life going well? School, Job, Girlfriend, Family, College choice... At 18, you have a lot of pressures. Depression can manifest in different ways, but being sleepy and unmotivated are classic. You don't have to be suicidal to be depressed. It's possible that you aren't depressed at all, but it's sort of an Occam's Razor approach- The most likely cause of those symptoms is probably what's causing them, and the most likely cause is depression.

#9 sparkk51

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 03:16 AM

I don't think being depressed even matters in this situation. If I am depressed its because of an underlying physical issue like low testosterone. Also, if I am depressed, I've been so my entire life. This, again, prompts physical weakness as a cause.

Edited by sparkk51, 29 November 2011 - 03:16 AM.

#10 niner

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 04:19 AM

I don't think being depressed even matters in this situation. If I am depressed its because of an underlying physical issue like low testosterone. Also, if I am depressed, I've been so my entire life. This, again, prompts physical weakness as a cause.

I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand. What if a serotonin problem was causing the lower T? It could be the other way around, as you suggest, too. If so, you should talk to a doctor about the symptoms. Ask if low T might be the problem. The medical practice that ordered your blood tests should still have a copy of the results. You could use a topical T gel, like Androgel, to boost your levels. I think that would be pretty unusual at your age. Your doctor would probably want an endocrinologist to sign off on it, and is a lot more likely to try you out on an SSRI.

#11 Sillewater

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 07:20 AM

how's ur Zinc intake? vegan by any chance?

#12 sparkk51

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Posted 29 November 2011 - 08:25 PM

I am not a vegan and I take a multivitamin everyday that contains 73% of your daily value of zinc.

I have been on an SSRI before and all this did for me was increase my sense of well being. I did not feel any more ambitious nor did I have an increase in cognition. Do you think a dopamine deficiency can lead to lower testosterone levels? I ask this because I have ADHD-PI (I am not hyperactive).

The cognitive effects I receive from short workouts are not exactly the same as when I take a stimulant (amphetamine or methylphenidate). Things are a lot more clear and less confusing. I process things a lot more logically.

#13 sparkk51

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 03:19 AM

Does anyone know if testosterone promotes left brain thinking? From what I understand, prenatal testosterone exposure suppresses left brain development.

#14 yoyo

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Posted 01 December 2011 - 01:00 AM

Does anyone know if testosterone promotes left brain thinking? From what I understand, prenatal testosterone exposure suppresses left brain development.

I think via dopamine activity it increases left brain 'approach' behavior.

#15 sparkk51

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Posted 01 December 2011 - 08:23 PM

Does anyone know if testosterone promotes left brain thinking? From what I understand, prenatal testosterone exposure suppresses left brain development.

I think via dopamine activity it increases left brain 'approach' behavior.

Oh my god, thank you for this reply!

I had looked it up before, but I was never able to confirm whether dopamine actually promoted left brain thinking.

#16 Mind

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Posted 01 December 2011 - 08:33 PM

I personally wouldn't do anything with hormone levels without getting a legitimate and current test. You are 18. You can get your own now.

I am half "brain dead" and not ambitious right now, but I am soldiering through, doing more work now, online, after 9 hours at my regular job. Sometimes you just go through phases in life. There is no one I know that is brilliant and ambitious all the time. Keep monitoring your mood and health, in case there is something wrong, but don't assume an "illness" or difficiency is the cause every time.

#17 yoyo

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Posted 04 December 2011 - 03:42 AM

I would guess what you 'feel' is more related to cortisol than testosterone.

#18 sparkk51

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 01:37 AM

Why would cortisol make me feel more logical and clear?

#19 rwac

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 02:02 AM

Why would cortisol make me feel more logical and clear?

Increased cortisol does make people feel better temporarily, it's a fight or flight hormone.


#20 sparkk51

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Posted 22 December 2011 - 02:21 AM

Sorry if I appear to not appreciate the input but I am not asking if exercise gives me a better sense of well being. The temporary effects of a short push up session, literally, makes me think more logically and straight forward. Please assume, just for this post, that the workout caused me to think with my left brain a bit more. Why would this be? increased dopamine and/or testosterone?

Edited by sparkk51, 22 December 2011 - 02:37 AM.

#21 sparkk51

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Posted 18 January 2012 - 09:03 PM

Ok, so I've recently discovered that my testosterone levels are about 425. Is this pretty low for an 18 year old? It's below average, right?

#22 Isochroma

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Posted 19 September 2013 - 08:04 AM

You are badly deficient, though not as bad as my 340 ng/dl at 35 years old.


Read the table in the article below for the normal values for healthy Boston men in 1996.

Testosterone Week - What’s a “Normal” Testosterone Level and How to Measure Your T

I'm a victim of low Testosterone due to the Xenoestrogens we're exposed to.

I solved my problems a month and a half ago.

Read my post in the thread below which details both the cause and my successful cure:

Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

#23 lourdaud

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Posted 19 September 2013 - 12:44 PM

You are badly deficient, though not as bad as my 340 ng/dl at 35 years old.


Read the table in the article below for the normal values for healthy Boston men in 1996.

Testosterone Week - What’s a “Normal” Testosterone Level and How to Measure Your T

I'm a victim of low Testosterone due to the Xenoestrogens we're exposed to.

I solved my problems a month and a half ago.

Read my post in the thread below which details both the cause and my successful cure:

Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

I had my testosterone checked and to my surprise my test levels showed up at 28 nmol/L. I found it weird since my facial hair has always been almost non-existent and I have basically all the symptoms of low T/bad hormonal status.
Would there be any idea to get further tests done (DHT, estrogen etc) or should I drop the whole thing and try to focus on other factors instead? For what it's worth Proviron gave me a major increase in beard growth..

#24 nowayout

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Posted 19 September 2013 - 01:26 PM

Ok, so I've recently discovered that my testosterone levels are about 425. Is this pretty low for an 18 year old? It's below average, right?

What you feel from exercise is an endorphin rush, not testosterone.

Your level is not bad - you should not really have symptoms of T deficiency as long as you are above 350. T levels fluctuate throughout the day by almost 50% anyway, so they might have just caught you on a bad day or a bad hour (levels used for comparison with averages should be morning levels, drawn within 2 hours hour of waking after a good night's sleep, and the test should be repeated at least 3 times to get an average). Don't get taken in by the hysterical comparisons to a 70 year old, as they are not true.

I have pretty high testosterone and, believe me, I am severely lacking in ambition, and the clearness of my thinking leaves a lot to be desired as well. Higher T is not the answer. But antidepressants are not the answer either and can cause low hormone levels and all kinds of other side effects. You would know if you were sufficiently depressed to need them.

#25 Isochroma

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Posted 19 September 2013 - 03:06 PM

Pay no heed to nowayout.


What's most important however is not tests - it's the two challenges I will describe below. If your symptoms resolve then you were deficient. Each man is hormonally unique so you have to take at least the first of these tests. Clomid is cheap, poorly-regulated (I was able to easily buy a single blister-pack for testing and had no trouble with Customs) and available in the manufacturer's original, sealed and date-coded blister-pack for testing. If you turn out to be primary, the second test will verify whether your symptoms are due to low Testosterone or not.

Before you even try the first test described below - Clomiphene Citrate - there is one very simple test you can do without anything else. This test differentiates the symptoms of low Tesosterone from all other diseases that can mimic it - especially Hypothyroid whose symptoms partially overlap.

After orgasm most but not all men experience a small, acute decrease in circulating Testosterone. Those with hypogonadism will experience a much larger drop and their symptoms will noticeably worsen for a period of hours to a day or even more. If your symptoms worsen then the test is accurate and you have low Testosterone.

For the last decade I have been paying an ever-worsening price after them - with all symptoms becoming much worse within hours to the next day and some persisting for two days afterward. There is no other disease that emulates this peculiar condition after orgasm.

The reason for this reaction that is so different between a man with normal Testosterone production capacity and one who has deficient production capacity is that the normal man's production will rapidly jump in to prevent a large Testosterone decline. He will see a brief dip but it will be small and perk right back up again - often unnoticeable.

The man who is hypogonadal will not have the ability to release more Testosterone and will have a longer, noticeable 'slump' that will take many times longer to rebuild due to his deficient production rate.

If you have any symptoms and anything less than about 80% of the 'normal' found in healthy Boston men in 1996 then it's time to start the real 'testing' - the primary/secondary hypogonadism differentiation protocol. It's the Clomiphene [Clomid] test that I put myself through seceral years ago. Clomid tricks the HPTA axis in an attempt to increase Testosterone production naturally by fooling your system into thinking you have more Estrogenic activity than you normally do.

If your system can, it compensates by increasing Luteinizing Hormone output and if your balls have the capapcity, they respond to that by increasing Testosterone production.

If within a week your symptoms resolve then you're secondary hypogonadal and if they don't you're primary.

That will dictate the next test protocol. If you're primary then your next test is trying a short 'challenge' of taking a low dose of androgen timed to coincide with your natural Testosterone release pulse for about one week. I don't mean the highly suppressive Testosterone either.

If your symptoms only resolve with the second test - hormonal supplement - then you are both confirmed primary hypogonadal and you were deficient or at the least suboptimal in circulating Testosterone.

I can validate that the androgen I took resolved all symptoms in a matter of days with continuous positive progress every single day right up to today - more than a month-and-a-half later.

PS. I was also suicidal with three chemical suicide plans before starting the program. Such feelings and thoughts were wiped away within days and never returned, along with of course the vicious physical effects of having only half normal circulating Testosterone.

Most importantly: you get only one life and then you're dead forever. Every wasted day of doing nothing is one less day you can ever live. Don't be like me and sit around for two decades pondering the possibilities while your body rots. It ain't worth it. Now that I'm cured my life has changed completely for the better and I can now see how the symptoms worsened over those years.

The mental fog of the symptoms themselves prevented me from both seeing the worsening decline and also prevented my taking action. Low Testosterone is an insidious, progressive disease that sucks away life itself. It's a disease with a mind of its own that acts in a perverse way to preserve itself in a very toxic dynamic.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 19 September 2013 - 03:36 PM.

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#26 nowayout

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Posted 19 September 2013 - 04:00 PM

What a bunch of nonsense.

See thread on "broscience". :)
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#27 Isochroma

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Posted 19 September 2013 - 04:50 PM

I checked that thread this morning but it's not relevant to those with hypogonadism.

As for your nonsense claim, you'd have to have hypogonadism yourself and also experience treating it to have any words relevant to the case.

Since I have heard nothing like that from you, it is your words that have no weight, not mine.

I am not joking or being careless. Rather I am being deadly serious about this vicious condition which is affecting greater and greater numbers of men in First World countries.

My audience is those who want to make progress in correctly diagnosing and treating hypogonadism so I won't be taking much if any time to deal with argumentation with others.

I had enough unsupported, vicious attacks against me on the T-Nation forum. Luckily this forum has decent moderators who will put a stop to any such problems.

It's hard enough to fight back and win against such a brutal medical condition.

I won't put up with personal attacks as well.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 19 September 2013 - 04:52 PM.

#28 Andrey_81

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 02:51 PM

It makes only sense to try to boost your own testosterone production with some herbs like Tongkat Ali of Tribulus Terestrit. Google and see if it's worh trying. You have also some mixures available that should help you to boost testosterone like the following:

TestoJack 200

Some people noticed higher agression (together with increased libido), so be carefull!

#29 RJ23_1989

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 09:17 PM

There's a pretty interesting article out there on how to increase your T-levels naturally through a number of lifestyle changes. It certainly worked for this guy and if his test results are to be believed he doubled his natural production through some very logical and natural approaches. Point being, if you are 18 and thinking of jumping on the TRT bandwagon you should think twice about that. Your body at your age in all likelihood has the ability to give you what you want, you just need a means of enabling it to do so through proper health management. I for one, second Niner's notion of depression/anxiety being a strong possibility. Believe it or not depression can be very tricky in how it manifests itself physically and is so much more than just the notion of 'feeling sad'.

Edited by PatrickM500, 27 September 2013 - 09:20 PM.

#30 Isochroma

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 09:32 PM

Yes, his article is excellent. I already practice most of what he preaches.

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