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Is attachment to physical self due to input from senses?

thought experiment ai mind uploading

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#1 comofrtablynumb

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 10:38 PM


I've had a few thought experiments running through my head (excuse the pun!) in the last 24 hours and I would like to put one in particular to my fellow thinkers:

Suppose Jane and Bob are standing next to each other and are asked to hold hands. So they take each other's hand and they both have their individual sensation of holding the other's hand. Now they are asked to go to a different room each where they are both hooked up via electrodes to a computer interface that sends signals to their brain emulating exactly the sensation of holding hands. The question is, are they still holding hands?

From an external observer, of course they are not. However, this is a question (in my mind anyway) relating to how we are attached to our bodies and the signals we receive form our senses.

This thought experiment leads me to many thoughts around how we think about immortality, travel (terra and extra-terra) and to the BIG one - if we learn to separate all our memories (concious and unconscious) into a data source that can be sent via light speed anywhere... you get the idea :)

Any ideas that spring to mind about our attachment to input from senses and the physical self?

thank you in advance


Edited by brokenportal, 16 March 2012 - 02:31 AM.

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#2 Mind

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Posted 15 March 2012 - 11:08 PM

Here are a couple of related topics you might enjoy reading:





Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: thought experiment, ai, mind uploading

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