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Docosapentaenoic acid

tlm884's Photo tlm884 19 Dec 2012

Does anyone take docosapentaenoic acid with their DHA and EPA? I am doing research into omega-3 supplements and came across DPA. Is it as important as some sources claim?

This is the produce I am considering buying (I do not work for Swanson and am in no way advertising for them)


chung_pao's Photo chung_pao 19 Dec 2012

http://www.jlr.org/c...0.full.pdf html

This study shows that infants have the highest levels of brain 22:5 fatty acids (DPA), which decline during our lifetime.
Supplementation would probably elevate your brain levels of 22:5; I don't know if this is a good or bad thing though.

In my own opinion, it'd be a beneficial supplement.
Higher omega-3 fatty acids have shown to increase neurogenesis, intelligence, cognitive capacity, memory and recovery of the central nervous system. You've probably heard of the omega-3 hypothesis of schizophrenia as well.

I've noticed a great leap in progression in my mental capacity since I started supplementing with fish oil as well increased gains in strength.

Please post any interesting conclusions you make on this subject, since I'm also very interested in this field of research.
Edited by chung_pao, 19 December 2012 - 08:17 PM.

tlm884's Photo tlm884 20 Dec 2012

DR. BYELASHOV: It is important to realize that levels of DPA in human milk and blood of healthy humans are similar or higher than those of EPA. This was demonstrated in multiple studies on different populations. This suggests that DPA has an important role in our body; it's there for a reason.
Also, multiple studies demonstrate that higher blood levels of DPA are associated with better health. For example, a recent Harvard study that involved 30,000 participants showed conclusively that higher plasma concentrations of DPA were associated with much better cardiovascular health.

A British study, the Edinburgh Artery Study, demonstrated that although high levels of omega-3s in blood were related to arterial health, DPA was the only fatty acid that was significantly associated with this outcome measure.

From reading what this guy has to say about DPA it sounds like he is convinced that DPA is more essential than EPA and DHA. The product isn't expensive so I might try it for a month, the dosage is only 1 capsule a day. However, I have never been on fish oil for a long term before to compare the results too.

I personally would like a high DHA and high EPA fish oil. I want the benefits of the DHA but I want the anti-inflammatory benefits of the EPA. I have a few chronic medical conditions that would probably be helped along with EPA. However, I think I will place an order for EPA/DHA/DPA and try it for a few months and see how it makes me feel.
Edited by tlm884, 20 December 2012 - 12:23 AM.

chung_pao's Photo chung_pao 20 Dec 2012

The most significant improvements I've experienced since implementing 400g salmon 4-6 times a week in my diet.
It's very rich in EPA, DHA, DPA and ARA!
Edited by chung_pao, 20 December 2012 - 01:22 AM.

tlm884's Photo tlm884 20 Dec 2012

The most significant improvements I've experienced since implementing 400g salmon 4-6 times a week in my diet.
It's very rich in EPA, DHA, DPA and ARA!

I get enough ARA and don't need anymore. I will order some EPA DHA DPA tonight and will keep you posted how the progress goes. Also, with that much salmon aren't you concerned about mercury?

chung_pao's Photo chung_pao 20 Dec 2012

Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Fortunately salmon has one of the lowest occurring levels of mercury among fish.

What's your take on cholesterol?
I believe it's at least as essential as omega 3 and 6. I notice significant differences in neural function between diets containing high/no cholesterol.
Having a few eggs or cholesterol-rich meat daily always put me in a better mood and makes me more productive the subsequent day.
This is probably due to the anxiolytic and positive effects of Testosterone on monoamine levels.
As it's also an essential building block in nerve tissue and muscle, you should make sure you are getting enough.
Edited by chung_pao, 20 December 2012 - 06:38 PM.

tlm884's Photo tlm884 21 Dec 2012

I generally try to avoid cholesterol. I have a strong family history of strokes and heart disease, and have a few risk factors myself. I was a smoker but quit in June, my LDL is borderline high, my hsCRP was incredibly high, I have upper airway resistance syndrome, and I am overweight.

I am currently using magnesium taurate with additonal taurate to reduce my cholesterol. I am also using d-limonene to reverse some of the affects of fat on the liver.

blood's Photo blood 04 Jun 2013

To tlm884, did you ever try the supplement with high levels of DPA? I'd be curious to know if you experienced benefits from it.

Apparently there are few commercially available, rich sources of DPA.

Swanson's is selling a menhaden fish oil product.

I did find a product made from seal blubber which I couldn't bring myself to order.