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Nootropics, and Dental School

aniracetam nootropics school

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#1 blckflcn7

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Posted 09 February 2013 - 01:33 AM

Hey all, I've been reading around on the internet lately about Nootropics and am interested in them. I've just recently decided to pursue dental school after graduating in 2 years time, and because of this I also became much more interested in learning about "smart drugs". Even though I have a very good g.p.a. right now, I love learning things and learning better so the idea of substances that can help me there is alluring. I have a couple questions though that I can't seem to find an answer too, hopefully some of you can put my mind at rest.

1. Does anyone know if Dental school drug tests? Either during admissions, or during your time there. I'm not worried about other substances showing up, just nootropics. Which leads me to #2:

2. Does Nootropic usage show up on drug tests? Specifically, aniracetam (or any racetam), vinpocetine, and DMAE, as those are what I plan on taking. I know things like Adderall will, and I don't think the three I listed would, but I would like some reassurance.

3. For those of you who have stopped nootropic use for a length of time, did you find it much more difficult to study/learn new material or recall previously learned info that you learned while on them? That's something that has always worried me, I don't want to become dependent on any drug. Especially not since I'm already pretty smart and dedicated without them, I don't want to use anything that could develop into a real or psychological necessity.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: aniracetam, nootropics, school

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