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Anyone find Kratom a viable supplement to help focus?

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#1 lifeisabeach

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 07:34 PM

Just curious, I've recently started using this herbal and I really think it helps bring my anxiety levels down and assists in my FOCUS. anyone here used it long term?

#2 jonnyD

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Posted 10 March 2013 - 09:42 PM

Just curious, I've recently started using this herbal and I really think it helps bring my anxiety levels down and assists in my FOCUS. anyone here used it long term?

Yes. I would not recommend long term daily use. The withdrawal is not cool and kratom has some bad side effects.

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#3 moleface

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Posted 11 March 2013 - 11:16 PM

I took 10g of kratom daily for eight months, and the withdrawal wasn't nearly as bad as prescription painkillers or psychiatric drugs. But keep in mind, I'm the same guy who thought that nicotine withdrawal and cold turkey alcohol detox weren't a big deal, so you'll probably have a different experience than I did.

I normally don't take anything that messes around with my endorphin levels, but I have severe social anxiety problems and I was desperate to keep a job despite daily severe panic attacks before/during work. Kratom almost completely abolished my anxiety symptoms and allowed me to keep the job. Unfortunately, even though it's only moderately psychoactive compared to synthetic opiates and it doesn't seem to have a heavy body load, it makes you look like a total junkie. I had pinned pupils and white skin, and dickhead coworkers kept making underhanded insinuations about me being a heroin junkie. I just ignored them and let them think whatever they wanted, since I was confident in the knowledge that I could pass any drug test they threw my way.

Now I don't take kratom anymore unless I have a workout injury. I value the feeling of warmth and vitality I get from exercise and living a clean healthy lifestyle, and it sucks to deal with the rebound endorphin crash after taking kratom for awhile. Kratom withdrawal is milder than stronger painkillers, but it's more insidious in the sense that the hit to your endorphin system is so subtle that you won't even necessarily realize why you feel vaguely burned out and depressed for a month or so after stopping the kratom.

Edited by moleface, 11 March 2013 - 11:18 PM.

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#4 hang10z

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 05:04 PM

I wouldn't touch Kratom with a ten foot pole. It is 100% physically Addictive and although the withdrawal is not as acute as lets say Oxycontin or heroin it still sucks to say the least. Not only that but you then have to deal with PAWS which can last for 6 months... I am talking from personal experience.. I used Kratom everyday for two years, at the end I was using it 4x a day and taking 20 grams at a time, just to feel normal.

#5 lifeisabeach

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 11:10 PM

20g at a time, wow! sounds like some real-life stories to how this can lead to long term addictions. I might just keep a stash for events I need during workout pains and high-anxiety/social-anxiety situations..

thank you for the input...I am a dopamine chaser, so i will often tend to continually use things that alter my state of mind/conciousness...

#6 machete234

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 11:16 PM

Im taking it on and off for years and never noticed anything, what if meant by PAWs?
On and off means when a 50-100g bag is gone then I wont order a new one for quite a while sometimes it had been a year.
The shortest time I killed 100g was one month which is extreme for my standards

Even small doses can be enjoyable for the mood lift and depending on the strain a higher dose makes me sick and gives me hangovers.
So I guess its all a matter of dosage.

Its by no means a supplement or a nootropic it just makes you feel good like a sip of codeine would

#7 hang10z

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Posted 12 March 2013 - 11:28 PM

PAWS is Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, http://en.wikipedia....drawal_syndrome

Kratom is indeed ok to take once and a while, just like any other substance ... however it is a u-opioid agonist, which means physical dependence and withdrawal just like any other opiate. I would not recommend adding it to a daily stack, you will get dopesick and screw yourself up. Just go to any Kratom Forum and see all the people who cannot get off of it. Once and a while is fine, if you are the type of person who does not have an addictive personality.

#8 moleface

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Posted 14 March 2013 - 12:08 AM

I think maybe I just have a high threshold for misery after dealing with PTSD without any professional help for two decades, but I don't find kratom to be that big of a deal. When you withdraw from synthetic opiates or poppy pods or any other real opiate, when you stop it feels like there's a hole in your soul - it's indescribable to someone who hasn't been through it. When someone hears about the withdrawal, they might just imagine it as being similar to having a really bad flu or something along those lines, but it's unspeakably terrible. Nothing feels even remotely enjoyable, it hurts to even walk, you're deathly tired but you can't sleep etc.

In comparison, the first week of kratom withdrawal just gives me what feels like a 30-40% hit to my general feeling of vitality and well being. Then from week two through four I feel around 10% diminished, and it isn't even that noticeable if I'm already in a particularly happy and fulfilled mood. I know it's hard to quantify something like this, but these figures adequately describe how much I feel kratom withdrawal affects my general sense of well being.

I took 10g of kratom daily for 8 months then stopped cold turkey, and I had little to no withdrawal. I was madly in love with someone at the time and I was in a fantastic mood, so that probably had a lot to do with it. But with real opiates, the circumstances of your life don't matter - you WILL feel like the walking dead when you stop the drugs no matter what.

I'm certainly not encouraging anyone to take kratom daily. Keep in mind, a lifetime of utter shit has given me an extremely high threshold for discomfort and misery. This post is coming from the same guy who runs up to ten miles a day in the middle of winter when it's 10 degrees outside, the same person who quit 7 years of heavy cigarette smoking cold turkey, who went through the DTs from alcohol alone with no support or medication whatsoever etc. I'm just pointing out, it's beyond ridiculous to compare kratom dependence to real opiate dependence. Words can't describe how terrible legitimate opiate withdrawal feels. Kratom withdrawal would probably rank far below even withdrawal from codeine.

Edited by moleface, 14 March 2013 - 12:15 AM.

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#9 hang10z

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Posted 16 March 2013 - 11:54 PM

10g of Kratom is not even enough to get a habit.... lol! Give me a break... lol
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#10 moleface

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 09:11 AM

10g of Kratom is not even enough to get a habit.... lol! Give me a break... lol

Yeah it is, if you do it every day for months on end. Even 10g a day for a week gives me a noticeable but relatively mild endorphin crash when I stop.

I was just pointing out that even longterm daily use isn't that bad to withdraw from if you've been staying on the reasonable end of the dosing spectrum. Same goes for real opiates - if you just did four hydrocodone pills a day for a half year, you'd have rebound depression and listlessness when you stop, even though you wouldn't be getting violently ill opiate wd symptoms.

I threw in the disclaimer not to brag about how much of a hardass I am with drugs - I just feel that it's irresponsible to encourage someone to mess around with a physically addictive plant, even if I personally find the withdrawal to be easy to deal with. Everyone has their own threshold for physical and mental pain, and mine tends to be high. In my opinion nicotine withdrawal is no big deal either, yet mllions of people find it impossible to quit. Same goes for alcohol and benzos.

Most of the kratom wd horror stories you find online do involve copious amounts of extract though. Just like with so many other natural substances, you only encounter serious problems once you've artificially concentrated the active alkaloids

Edited by moleface, 17 March 2013 - 09:33 AM.

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#11 jroseland

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Posted 09 September 2023 - 06:46 AM

If you're looking for a focus-promoting Nootropic, I think there are a lot better options out there. I went down the research rabbit hole on Kratom a while back and concluded that it's a non-nootropic performance enhancer with a dark side...


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