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Urgent help needed. Please help mega boost immunity


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#31 Godot

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Posted 22 April 2013 - 04:54 PM

I'd start with 1/8-1/4 scoop Monolaurin 2x day, and ramp up to 1-2 scoops 3x/day. It can upset the GI a little at first due to flora disturbance, but ime this passes very quickly.

#32 Chmekas

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Posted 22 April 2013 - 06:38 PM

I bought Lauricidin, which is in capsule form http://lauricidin.com/


I'd start with 1/8-1/4 scoop Monolaurin 2x day, and ramp up to 1-2 scoops 3x/day. It can upset the GI a little at first due to flora disturbance, but ime this passes very quickly.

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#33 Godot

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Posted 22 April 2013 - 06:47 PM

Lauricidin isn't encapsulated, it comes as little pearls, very easy to swallow. They give you a scoop with it, and a scoop of pearls is about 3g.

#34 Chmekas

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Posted 22 April 2013 - 07:44 PM

got it, thanks!!

Lauricidin isn't encapsulated, it comes as little pearls, very easy to swallow. They give you a scoop with it, and a scoop of pearls is about 3g.

would somebody help me understand the role of lecithin on staphylococci ? many scientific papers like this: ( http://iai.asm.org/c...9/2268.full.pdf ) but not clear to me, either lecithin should be added or excluded in the diet (I have a low prostate lecithin level).

Edited by Chmekas, 22 April 2013 - 07:59 PM.

#35 niner

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Posted 22 April 2013 - 10:58 PM

would somebody help me understand the role of lecithin on staphylococci ? many scientific papers like this: ( http://iai.asm.org/c...9/2268.full.pdf ) but not clear to me, either lecithin should be added or excluded in the diet (I have a low prostate lecithin level).

I don't think that lecithin is going to be relevant for you, at least based on this paper. Here, a particular kind of staph is producing a protein that causes a lot of trouble in the gut, but that protein can be neutralized either by normal blood serum or by lecithin. In your case, if you are getting that particular toxic protein, it's probably already being taken care of by blood. At any rate, the lecithin isn't killing the staph organism, which is what you want. You could try eating some lecithin to see if it does any good. It probably wouldn't do any harm.

#36 daouda

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Posted 22 April 2013 - 11:04 PM

I'm interested to see if you get results from monolaurin. Maybe it could help with my chronic prostatitis? ANtibiotics do nothing against it, but then I have no real proof that bacteria are involved in my problem (some peopl say that the organisms can hide in biofilms and thus fail to show up in prostatic fluid cultures, some say bacteria has nothing to do with it). How did you identify you staph? Prostatic fluid culture?

#37 Chmekas

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 04:58 AM

prostatic and/or seminal fluid test. don't have any intercourse before the test at least for a week, then it might show up.

I'm interested to see if you get results from monolaurin. Maybe it could help with my chronic prostatitis? ANtibiotics do nothing against it, but then I have no real proof that bacteria are involved in my problem (some peopl say that the organisms can hide in biofilms and thus fail to show up in prostatic fluid cultures, some say bacteria has nothing to do with it). How did you identify you staph? Prostatic fluid culture?

#38 xEva

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 06:22 AM

To break down biofilms you can use enzymes, taken on empty stomach, like serrapeptase and nattokinase.
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#39 Chmekas

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 02:15 PM

somebody could give their opinion if 50mg of cis-2-Decenoic Acid would be sufficient enough for the treatment?

one question regarding cis-2-Decenoic Acid that is show to inhibit staph as well as staph biofilm.


"...C2DA at concentrations of 500 μg/mL and above inhibited growth, while 125 μg/mL C2DA inhibited biofilm. Combination with antibiotics increased these effects. At concentrations up to 500 μg/mL, there were no cytotoxic effects on fibroblasts. Chitosan sponges loaded with 100 mg of C2DA eluted concentrations at or above biofilm-inhibitory concentrations for 5 days..."

I am able to acquire 50mg of cis-2-Decenoic Acid. Would this be enough? What would be sufficient dose for taking?

#40 Telo

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 07:58 PM

Although there hasn't been done much clinical testing yet, telomerase activators seem to have a positive effect on immune cells.



Product B

While checking for Silymarin (ingredient in Product B) studies on Pubmed I came across this:

Synergistic effects between silibinin and antibiotics on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical specimens.

(silybin is the major active constituent of silymarin)

http://www.ncbi.nlm.... Staphylococcus

#41 niner

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Posted 23 April 2013 - 10:12 PM

somebody could give their opinion if 50mg of cis-2-Decenoic Acid would be sufficient enough for the treatment?

one question regarding cis-2-Decenoic Acid that is show to inhibit staph as well as staph biofilm.


"...C2DA at concentrations of 500 μg/mL and above inhibited growth, while 125 μg/mL C2DA inhibited biofilm. Combination with antibiotics increased these effects. At concentrations up to 500 μg/mL, there were no cytotoxic effects on fibroblasts. Chitosan sponges loaded with 100 mg of C2DA eluted concentrations at or above biofilm-inhibitory concentrations for 5 days..."

I am able to acquire 50mg of cis-2-Decenoic Acid. Would this be enough? What would be sufficient dose for taking?

50mg is not enough. 125 ug/ml is the same as 125 mg/liter, and you should probably consider your "effective volume" to be something like 10-50 liters. If you want to try this particular fatty acid orally, you'd probably need something like 1.25 grams to 6.25 grams at a time, and you might need to take it multiple times a day. At these doses, side effects are at least a possibility.

#42 Chmekas

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 04:45 PM

thank you!

Although there hasn't been done much clinical testing yet, telomerase activators seem to have a positive effect on immune cells.



Product B

While checking for Silymarin (ingredient in Product B) studies on Pubmed I came across this:

Synergistic effects between silibinin and antibiotics on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinical specimens.

(silybin is the major active constituent of silymarin)

http://www.ncbi.nlm.... Staphylococcus

thank you for clarification.

What would be good options for staph biofilm removal besides cis-2-Decenoic Acid, EDTA and enzymes?


What could be the therapeutic dosing of alpha-amylase for antibiofilm acitivity? The product I bought:


the science behind:


somebody could give their opinion if 50mg of cis-2-Decenoic Acid would be sufficient enough for the treatment?

one question regarding cis-2-Decenoic Acid that is show to inhibit staph as well as staph biofilm.


"...C2DA at concentrations of 500 μg/mL and above inhibited growth, while 125 μg/mL C2DA inhibited biofilm. Combination with antibiotics increased these effects. At concentrations up to 500 μg/mL, there were no cytotoxic effects on fibroblasts. Chitosan sponges loaded with 100 mg of C2DA eluted concentrations at or above biofilm-inhibitory concentrations for 5 days..."

I am able to acquire 50mg of cis-2-Decenoic Acid. Would this be enough? What would be sufficient dose for taking?

50mg is not enough. 125 ug/ml is the same as 125 mg/liter, and you should probably consider your "effective volume" to be something like 10-50 liters. If you want to try this particular fatty acid orally, you'd probably need something like 1.25 grams to 6.25 grams at a time, and you might need to take it multiple times a day. At these doses, side effects are at least a possibility.

Edited by Chmekas, 24 April 2013 - 04:57 PM.

#43 niner

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 10:04 PM

What could be the therapeutic dosing of alpha-amylase for antibiofilm acitivity?

This will be difficult or maybe impossible. You need to exceed the Biofilm Inhibitory Concentration at the site of the biofilm. The problem is, you won't have much luck with oral dosing. Amylase is a protein, and when you eat proteins, your body wants to digest them into their component amino acids. The product probably isn't sterile or otherwise fit to be injected, so I don't see a good way to dose it.

#44 Strangelove

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Posted 21 February 2014 - 01:54 PM

How is going Chnekas after trying all the supplements with the antibiotics? Is your situation hopefully resolved?

Something I am looking right now, and possibly can be os some help


I am dealing with the same issue as well.

#45 GoingPrimal

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Posted 07 March 2014 - 02:34 PM

I second the recommendations for colostrum, oregano oil, lactoferrin.

You might want to try a high quality Ginseng product as well. Ginseng is very high in saponins, which are soap-like - sapo being latin for soap. Because of their soap-like actions, saponins have been found to be able to dissolve biofilms. Add to this adaptogenic and immuno-modulating qualities and Ginseng may be a good addition to help your case. And while I haven't read specifically about Gynostemma and biofilms, it does have roughly 4 times as many saponins as Chinese Ginseng, many of which are identical. It is an inexpensive tea you can buy in bulk and is quite tasty.

You can read a bit about Ginseng, and specifically it's actions on biofilms through this link, or check out pubmed :


Of course this guy is in the business of selling Ginseng and other Chinese herbs, but he is well researched and his products have been top notch from my experience. Best of luck!

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#46 mrvontar

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Posted 27 March 2014 - 05:18 AM

I'd suggest allicin.


Make sure you get some probiotics after you're done.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: staph

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