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Phenylethylamine (PEA) + yohimbe Hcl + caffeine + NA-l-tyrosine - safe?

yohimbine phenylethylamine pea tyrosine n-acetyl-l-tyrosine caffeine

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#1 montana2012

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Posted 26 September 2013 - 04:44 PM

lately I've been trying to find phenylethylamine on it's own in supplement shops to no avail. This is what made me go for a product by the name of "Black Jack" from Pure nutrition based in OK.
It's essentially a bodybuilding supplement, it does have a "focus" blend however.
The sole reason I'm taking it is to boost attention span.

- caffeine
- yohimbine /hcl I believe?/
- phenylethylamine (PEA)
- n-acetyl-l-tyrosine

It's 500 mg combined, however they won't give away the ratios of the components in the blend. I'm taking half a scoop (3.5 grams), so that means 250 mg of blend /all four, not just PEA on it's own/. My guess would be , that PEA in that combination is around 75 mg.

Now, does this stack have the potential for dopamine - / neurotoxicity and long term neurological damage?
Keep in mind, caffeine, phenylethylamine (PEA), n-acetyl-l-tyrosine boost dopamine and
yohimbe is a MAO inhibitor, that makes the case worse. Even though it's a legal, "balanced out" supplement, I'm still worried. I took it 4 times and it left the impression of being quite potent. I took half a scoop yesterday and today I'm scatter brained, edgy, totally absent minded. It smells like a dopamine downregulation.

Is phenylethylamine neurotoxic on it's own? I know there's not alot of research, but this is what I found:

While the cause of dopaminergic neuronal cell death in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is not yet understood, many endogenous molecules have been implicated in its pathogenesis. β-phenethylamine (β-PEA), a component of various food items including chocolate and wine, is an endogenous molecule produced from phenylalanine in the brain. It has been reported recently that long-term administration of β-PEA in rodents causes neurochemical and behavioral alterations similar to that produced by parkinsonian neurotoxins. The toxicity of β-PEA has been linked to the production of hydroxyl radical (.OH) and the generation of oxidative stress in dopaminergic areas of the brain, and this may be mediated by inhibition of mitochondrial complex-I. Another signifi cant observation is that administration of β-PEA to rodents reduces striatal dopamine content and induces movement disorders similar to those of parkinsonian rodents. However, no reports are available on the extent of dopaminergic neuronal cell death after administration of β-PEA. Based on the literature, we set out to establish β-PEA as an endogenous molecule that potentially contributes to the progressive development of PD. The sequence of molecular events that could be responsible for dopaminergic neuronal cell death in PD by consumption of β-PEA-containing foods is proposed here. Thus, long-term over-consumption of food items containing β-PEA could be a neurological risk factor having significant pathological consequences.

This study claims, that PEA even in doses present in chocolate can lead to dopaminergic damage.

Does my current stack have the potential of irreversible neurological damage in the doses I'm taking, should I stop taking it immediately? I hate wasting money on stuff I never use afterwards.

Thank you

Edited by montana2012, 26 September 2013 - 04:51 PM.

#2 leftside

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Posted 17 October 2013 - 08:07 PM

It's probably 200mg caffeine, 5mg yohimbine. You'll be feeling these the most. The small amounts of PEA and tyrosine will add to the stim effect. Take it every now and then if you must.

Most of those pre-work out drinks are just legal stims (mainly caffeine) mixed with a bunch of colorings (some banned in Europe) and crappy artificial sweetners. Avoid.

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