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Buyer's club from Jeff (ex. Smi2le)

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#1 jeromewilson

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Posted 08 June 2005 - 08:37 PM

His idea is to get people together to bulk buy selected products in 1kg per person lots, with them taking 20% commission (so you end up with 800g). You pre-pay a set price but they will refund you if they make any further savings. You can then accept delivery and do what you will with it, or leave it with them and they will cap it up (for a fee), sell it on and split the profit with you.

Eventually there will be two sites - http://www.nootropica.org/ for the bulk buy side and http://www.nootropica.com/ for retail. At the moment only the .com is up and running (currently with the bulk buy stuff).

#2 lemon

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Posted 08 June 2005 - 09:51 PM

To re cap:

Rizzer solicited Jeff to work for him. Jeff brought Smi2le back to life but got fed up with Rizzer's "issues". I want to make that clear so as not too stigmatize him unduely. I have had nothing but good dealings with him (while he worked for Smi2le).

The bulk buy is 800kg for $121 USD (This price is better than for Aniracetam).

I've ordered and plan on taking Pramir as my fat soluable 'racetam instead of Ani.

#3 lemon

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Posted 08 June 2005 - 09:54 PM

800 grams that is (they're backing a truck up to my place and dumping it on my drive [thumb] )

#4 jeromewilson

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Posted 08 June 2005 - 10:04 PM

LOL, bulk buying is good but you would have had to find a lot of different uses for it with that much. "Baking Delicious Cakes with Pramiracetam, by Lemon". :)

By the way, I was wondering what you use for capping...? I've got a Cap-m-Quick but I find it a bit fiddly.

Edited by jeromewilson, 08 June 2005 - 11:00 PM.


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Posted 14 June 2005 - 09:29 AM

You could just get some very small tupperware and premix each dosing period in each...then you just pour the powder mix into your beverage and swig. THey actually do have small containers manufactured for such practice...just gotta find out where my friend bought his...

Hmm, no, I like the Cap'm'Quick. You just need to chill out and put on some music or cuss out the absurdly idioitic sludge pouring out the tele while you get on with the pillmaking.

I was wondering if there were some way to make biscuits or compressed powder wafers with all these compounds...how about popping back some nootropic Jello shots? Oh, I want to make choco-pudding with whey protein...it has to be good. :)

Jeromewilson, what is that picture you have as your avatar? I don't want to insult you by saying anything in case it's you, but... it does look a bit like the main character from the Dark Crystal. I've noticed there are a few avatars used that have a character's face looking at something held by their hand in front of their face. It's kind of strange...
My avatar pic is somewhere between "focused curious viewing", "a disbelieving WTF?!", and "who even cares?". That's actually a pretty good assessment of my internal struggle lately. That's a whole other forum topic though.

Edited by liplex, 15 June 2005 - 07:08 AM.

#6 jeromewilson

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Posted 14 June 2005 - 10:08 AM

Some top tips for spicing up nootropic consumption there! Not sure if Delia Smith would approve though.

I'm starting to go off capsules in a big way - I'm sure my swallowing technique must be all wrong, but I find myself gagging every morning. Three at once seems about my limit... hmm, I hope no one ever sees that out of context [:o] .

My avatar is actually 'Stig of the Dump', an old UK kids TV progam about a caveman who lives in a rubbish dump, erm, as they do. You can probably guess I'm not really up on the whole online nickname /avatar thing but I needed a picture when I signed up for stumbleupon.com (great site for when you're bored) and Stig happened to be the only picture I had on my machine at the time.

Since then I've become quite attached to the old loincloth wearing, landfill dwelling troglodyte, so there he is :)

Hmm, I'm paranoid about my avatar now. And my nick. Maybe I'll reinvent myself and return in a somewhat cooler guise...

Edited by jeromewilson, 14 June 2005 - 11:33 PM.


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Posted 15 June 2005 - 07:11 AM

No jeromewilson! Don't give up on your nickname! That's 50 posts of lost forum cred! :)

#8 jeromewilson

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Posted 15 June 2005 - 09:26 AM

Ooooh, good point. I think a dashing alter-ego is called for, then I can have conversations with myself. Hey I could even flame myself. It is a bit boring on here until America wakes up :)

#9 vastman

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Posted 16 June 2005 - 11:28 AM

Regarding the capping issue, isn't it a lot more easy to just mix this stuff into a daily essentials mix? I use both Ortho-core and AOR's e-mix daily and the idea of taking time to cap all this stuff up is scary, as I already walk a fine line of not enough minutes in the day as it is... any thoughts of whats mixable (taste wise) would be appreciated as I am just beginning to investigate the savings/affordability of bulk powders and this new venture of jeffs seems great.

As to the cap consumption issue, it's really all in your head. (ha ha) I have no problem slamin 8 to 13 or more assorted combinations of caps/pills at a time, which is a necessity at my 50-70/day regimine. I first take a swig of water, ensuring my entire throat/mouth is wet then fill my mouth with a gob o goodies, take another swig of water suspending them all and swallow. It really is quite easy and not because of any other practices you are joking about. It's really all in the mind, being relaxed and taking plenty of water... It's rare I get sloppy about coating my throat but when I do, even 1 or 2 caps can be horrible and hard to deal with as they get stuck and irritate the hell out of my larynx. I really feel it's all in how you do it.

cheers all...

Edited by vastman, 16 June 2005 - 11:44 AM.

#10 jeromewilson

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Posted 16 June 2005 - 12:10 PM

I think you're right, vastman and liplex, that just mixing the powders with a bit of water has to be the way to go. Wouldn't want to do that with some of them though - my God things like Idebenone taste like the devil's chugnuts.

Right, so swig of water, relax, insert multitundinous caplets, water, head back (?), relax, big swallow. I'm sure I used to be able to do this, like you say it's all in my mind.

In terms of taste maybe the thing to do is to get the powders you're after (or just get some sample caps from somewhere liek uniquenutrition.net) and see what they're like. If they're thoroughly foul you might have to cap them up, or just grit your teeth and mix them with grapefruit juice or something.

I'll do a taste test later on the stuff I've got and let you know...

#11 blaise

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Posted 16 June 2005 - 04:51 PM

Capping can be a pain in the ass, but it is worth it in the long run. Especially with things like pyritinol, centrophenoxine, ginko, bacopa, sulbutamine, etc.. A little time spent now will save you extra time and pain later on. It is much easier just to pop a few pills then it is to measure out an amount of powder and choke it down.

I like the idea of placing all of the drinkable powders for one dose in a small tupperware container and mixing it with water and crystal light when it is time to take it. That way I can take it to work with me.

#12 jeromewilson

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Posted 16 June 2005 - 10:12 PM

In case anyone's interested, below are the notes from my adventures in taste testing various supplements. Might be handy to know if you're thinking about skipping caps and just downing the powder.

L-Theanine - slightly sweet with a musty / bitter aftertaste, bearable
ALCar - very sharp and smells like a lift in a multi-storey car park, probably bearable
Choline Citrate - sharp and smells like a fish market on a hot day, probably bearable
Ginkgo Biloba - very musty and pretty disgusting, avoid
Aniracetam - slight bitterness, bearable
Idebenone - close to tasteless, bearable
Rhodiola Rosea - woody bitter astringent, avoid
Piracetam - sweet with a bitter aftertaste, probably bearable-ish
NAC - very sharp with a mild but unpleasant aftertaste, probably bearable
Alpha GPC - sweet and no aftertaste strong enough to detect at this point, bearable

So now I've got a mouth like a badger's behind, but luckily I have a bottle of rather fine organic ginger beer to take the taste away. Cheers :)

#13 stellar

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Posted 17 June 2005 - 02:52 AM

Rhodiola Rosea - woody bitter astringent, avoid

MMM.....Rhodiola tastes GOOD. I almost puked the first time I tried it, but now I drink it as a tea alongside Ashwagandha and Bacopa.


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Posted 17 June 2005 - 08:50 AM

Capping is a necessity I feel. Then of course, I'm no daytrader or doctor. I would say that you just sit down, get the feel for capping, get in to the swing of it, and over 2-3 six hour periods you will have 6 months worth of pills ready for consumption. Isn't half a day worth the hundreds of dollars you would save from not buying precapped supplements? I certainly think so. I bought a house boat and tractor trailer with the saving from last year alone!

#15 enigma

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Posted 17 June 2005 - 09:17 AM

  I would say that you just sit down, get the feel for capping, get in to the swing of it, and over 2-3 six hour periods you will have 6 months worth of pills ready for consumption

Theoretically workers in developing nations should be able to cap pills much cheaper than anyone in a western country earning minimum wage. That is, in most cases it will be more economical to buy pre-capped pills if you value your recreational time at the same $ rate per hour as you earn per hour. Consider a worker in China who caps pills very efficiently as she/he has been doing it for a long time and earns $1 an hour, if you earn more money than him or her, it shouldnt be worth capping yourself because market competition should ensure that only a small profit is made on the capping, add this onto the chinese labour rate and it is still a very low rate per hour. That is to say, you might be earning the equivalent of $2 an hour from capping your own pills.

#16 jeromewilson

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Posted 17 June 2005 - 11:13 AM

now I drink it as a tea alongside Ashwagandha and Bacopa

Sheesh, I bet you wrestle bears for fun too ;)

#17 Guest_da_sense_*

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Posted 17 June 2005 - 04:58 PM

Green tea (from BN) is by far the worst stuff I've ever put in my mouth. It sticks to your mouth and you simply can wash it away.

#18 jeromewilson

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Posted 17 June 2005 - 09:04 PM

Green tea as a drink reminds me of a grass compost heap that's just on the turn, so I can well imagine that x 1000 and it's a good case for capping. [sick]

Consider a worker in China who caps pills

Do you think they use sweat shop labour for capping? I always figured that they'd use machines. Anyway, there does seem to be a considerable premium on capped supplements - far more that could be explained by a $1 / hour worker doing the job for you. Otherwise I guess they'd be swanning around on house boats ;)

Besides, I stilll get a certain satisfation from capping my own, and maybe even a little thrill - my wife makes me close the curtains while I'm 'capping up' in case the neighbours call the police, thinking we're running a 'drugs lab' [!:)] Fantastic!

#19 MoodyBlue

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Posted 17 June 2005 - 09:58 PM

LOL, bulk buying is good but you would have had to find a lot of different uses for it with that much. "Baking Delicious Cakes with Pramiracetam, by Lemon".

By the way, I was wondering what you use for capping...? I've got a Cap-m-Quick but I find it a bit fiddly.

For sturdy clear acrylic capsule filling machines and seperate additional fitting sheets as well as capsules in eight different sizes (including flavored ones if you want) from #4 through #000 go to this link:www.capsuline.com/.

I also got in on the Pramiracetam group buy with Jeff, and I'm eagerly looking forward to my first "taste" of Pram. [bl:)]

Edited by moodyblue, 17 June 2005 - 10:31 PM.

#20 jeromewilson

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Posted 17 June 2005 - 10:28 PM


Oh yeah, and they do those fantastic multi-coloured caps too. I think my supplements would be at least twice as effective if they were in funky blue and yellow capsules. Honestly!

Trouble is, it's all a bit pricey for a bear of very little spare dosh [cry]

Be good to hear how you get on with the pram, MB.

#21 clyou

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 01:05 AM

so jeff from smil2le is still around... i am wondering if anyone who did not received their order from smil2le ever got their money back....

#22 jeromewilson

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Posted 24 June 2005 - 07:51 AM

It's tough that he didn't manage to help you but in the end he didn't have any control over the finances in order to refund people. From what I've heard he did his best to behave honourably in a very difficult situation.

Edited by jeromewilson, 24 June 2005 - 09:44 AM.

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