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Narcissism on the rise?


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#31 eon

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Posted 17 March 2014 - 05:59 AM

so at the end of the day, it still comes down to id, regardless if the opposite sex is not present. id is a psychological theory, look it up.

As far as race goes; segregation was default. Integration was an experiment in progress and still is. It was forced upon by politicians and lawmakers to get votes, part of it.

Racism exists regardless of inte- or segre- gration. Integration only lessens racism because racists have no choice but to get along with others and adapt. Those that do not adapt end up living in the boonies. Racism these days is not like what it used to be from what we've seen or read about the past. When I said "better off in the closet" I meant that it's better that racism is kept to themselves and not share their beliefs with others. However this varies from region to region.

When "integrated" these tensions are "suppressed" but it's there hiding in the closet. Same with racial issues. Just my opinion and observation. Better off in the closet than not, right? Same with racism and so on...

This sounds like an argument for separation of the races. Am I reading that right?

I read it meaning the opposite: "Better off in the closet" ; though I don't know why eon doesn't think that Integration should, eventually, lead to less racism.


My point about the handbags was that people vie for social position, usually females among females and males among males. It doesn't matter if there is a member of the opposite sex around to impress or not. Higher social position means more power and access to resources ('resources' can include potential mates). The handbags are merely a status marker.

[Well, I guess the 'access to resources' thing is the evolutionary explanation, but social position has become something of an end in itself in humans. I keep thinking of scenes from Little Dorrit (I highly recommend the series, the set design alone is stunning. Another interesting thing about it is that came out right before the Madoff scandal and there's a plot line that is pretty much the same - Merdle, the man of the age...]

People have been saying 'this is the worst generation ever' for years. People are just people. My thinking is that with the media (social media and 24/7 news media) available today we are more aware of the horrible crap people do to each other.


Luminosity, My mom was a stay at home mom AND and actual narcissist (she had narcissistic personality disorder). I really wish she had gone to work and hired a nice nanny or put me in daycare/camp.

Edited by eon, 17 March 2014 - 06:03 AM.

#32 lemonhead

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Posted 17 March 2014 - 03:45 PM

Sorry you had that experience, Lemonhead. My father was pretty much of a textbook narcissist too. It was bad. They don't make good parents.

I'm sorry you had that experience, too.
Nope, they don't make good parents. ((hug))

#33 eon

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Posted 17 March 2014 - 09:08 PM

These so called parents are nothing more than teenagers even in their 30's, 40's, 50's, and beyond. Some of them when they grow old and pass away they probably would not even leave any inheritance to anyone, due to something petty that happened in the past. Narcissism is at play here.

#34 Ben

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Posted 09 April 2014 - 09:49 AM


Sorry you had that experience, Lemonhead. My father was pretty much of a textbook narcissist too. It was bad. They don't make good parents.

I'm sorry you had that experience, too.
Nope, they don't make good parents. ((hug))



They definitely do not as children of the baby boomers have discovered. Both my parents are extreme narscissitics and exist in a solipsistic world where there is no true reality outside their own thoughts and emotions.

#35 Ames

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Posted 19 April 2014 - 05:56 PM

Narcissism is what comes after Christianity goes.



Why discriminate? Any legalistic religion inherently has the same issues as Christianity. Anyone who only harps on Christianity has a selective view of history.


I read it meaning the opposite: "Better off in the closet" ; though I don't know why eon doesn't think that Integration should, eventually, lead to less racism.



I'm not sure why we, as supposedly rational individuals, "should" think that there will be a result for which there is no evidence nor precedent. It's all hypothesis regarding the outcome in a system that is far more complex than could ever be reproduced under controlled conditions or modeled by even our best computers. It's a large gamble. Stating that you don't "know why" someone doesn't think that an uncontrolled experiment will lead to a certain result is a strange, irrational statement.


Part of the problem lies in the fuzzy definition of "integration", the likely differing group concepts of "integration", and the "what happens after" question that applies to even the most extreme concepts of integration that most utopians fail to think forward to. It's quite easy and rational to arrive at the conclusion that there will always be the "other", as there is always a political if not purely cultural incentive to be such. The inevitable existence of this "other" should provoke a serious look at the inherent value of the experiment because it will always be selectively applied within certain groups while others will be exempt, if not by law or culture then by geography. That's a dangerous political situation because of the inherent political power imbalance between the culturally strong "other" and the integrated.

Edited by golgi1, 19 April 2014 - 06:16 PM.

#36 Layberinthius

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 04:59 PM



Take a look at some of the posts to this thread.


Its not religion, its a mixture of upbringing and what Corporations have been brainwashing us with for the last 60 years+.

Corporations would love to make you think that Religion is to blame for everything, it is not, when all is said and done most religious people are non-violent and are infact trying to fight against corporations, but they've found that they need corporations to live, so they cannot destroy them completely.


Corporate worship is what is killing and corrupting religion, infesting the religious followers with ideas of selfishness, greed, bloodlust and conformism to the Company way.



Eat at Wendy's!

McDonalds is Heaven!


We are all being bombarded by advertising which pushes away any sort of resembelance to what we might think as ourselves what the real world ACTUALLY looks like. That is the definition of brain-washing. Brainwashing goes hand-in-hand with washing away what we might think of OURSELVES, our own SELF IMAGE is washed away whenever somebody or something else (eg, the television) writes over it.


Our own self image, the same one which was portrayed in The Matrix movie, is what we think the world sees us as. This is what drives consumerism.


Consumerism must die before the world can ever attain peace and harmony with itself and with nature.


While Consumerism is alive, our world will die.


Because Consumerism is hate-fuled, full of hate-filled bloodthirsty machines endlessly ravaging at your body and your soul until it is all gone, until it is all said and buried.


They've recently raised the retirement age again, this time to 67, in Aust.


You want to help? Save money and put it into precious metals. Then buy some land and build your own treehouse. Then give the big finger to the world and say goodbye. While you hold your loved ones hand and books in the other one. Make it a gradual thing.


This world is burning out its own people, 20 years of schooling is next, followed by 60 years of work then 10 years of free time before you die of "old age", this world is the purest definition of hell and its fundamentally FLAWED. We are being worked to death leaving no time to actually LIVE our LIVES.


Its time to say goodbye to it and batten down the hatches. Its really sad when people who grow up today get to experience our world through a wikipedia page:



If you had to ask me why I rarely post on this forum, its because of the disillusioned posts that have been made in this thread. none of you actually know what is going on in the world, let alone are capable of commenting on it with an experienced mind.


You are all still 'inside the matrix' as it were, it makes me feel creepy being around people who don't understand how the world really works, you never know when one of you will turn into Agent Smith and come and get me.


That and because you will fight to protect it. To protect the system that has carried you from birth to the present day.


Here is a thought that will blow your minds. Have we completely stopped Evolution and given "feral" or "opportunistic" and "selfish" people the upper hand by forcing everybody to fight for money, to "stab the other guy in the back" for a promotion?


Is selfishness a genetic trait, and because of America and Corporations, have we all forced it out of the evolutionary soup?


Take a look at society's values and traits from the 1800s and compare them today, modesty has certianly gone to shit.


Just like some people are built to be football players, they just are, they have the endurance and resilience to persevere in a job which demands it. But on the flipside of that, we have forced the people who are kind and gentle and patient to become extinct, to kill themselves on mass, to be forced out of society.


It truly is a sad story to tell, but I urge you all to take the time to think my words through. I have taken the time and been patient enough to spread my ideas as accurately as I can convey them.


The saddest part is that patience is required for so many things it isn't funny, especially if you want to grow your own food and yet NOBODY that I know actually has it.


“Only after the last tree has been cut down. Only after the last river has been poisoned. Only after the last fish has been caught. Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.” - Cree Indian Proverb

Edited by Layberinthius, 20 April 2014 - 05:28 PM.

#37 eon

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Posted 22 April 2014 - 12:58 AM

The real religious people I can deal with, they are really nice as long as they don't ask me to convert. The phony ones who claim to have certain religion tend to be the problematic ones. Just another form of narcissism as well (i.e. my god is better than yours or I'm a better person than you because I believe in such god). Yet behind closed doors these people's behavior is anything but holy. I've seen this all my life.

Edited by eon, 22 April 2014 - 12:59 AM.

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#38 niner

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Posted 22 April 2014 - 01:59 AM

Corporations would love to make you think that Religion is to blame for everything, it is not, when all is said and done most religious people are non-violent and are infact trying to fight against corporations, but they've found that they need corporations to live, so they cannot destroy them completely.

Is there a shred of evidence for any of this, or is this something that would be self-evident to me if only I weren't such a corporate tool? In my experience, corporations don't want to talk about religion, they just want to maximize profit. Religious people, with a few exceptions, are perfectly happy with corporations. "Corporations are people, my friend!" -some Mormon dude.

#39 Layberinthius

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Posted 23 April 2014 - 02:49 PM


Corporations would love to make you think that Religion is to blame for everything, it is not, when all is said and done most religious people are non-violent and are infact trying to fight against corporations, but they've found that they need corporations to live, so they cannot destroy them completely.

Is there a shred of evidence for any of this, or is this something that would be self-evident to me if only I weren't such a corporate tool? In my experience, corporations don't want to talk about religion, they just want to maximize profit. Religious people, with a few exceptions, are perfectly happy with corporations. "Corporations are people, my friend!" -some Mormon dude.



"Corporations" is a pretty broad term, but if one corporation were to manufacture a car which was designed by another which when driven would kill thousands of people I'm sure they would continue to do it because it maximises profit, blind faith in the people who have designed it and all that. My point is, an individual employee of a Corporation are just as much blind as a Religious person is. The Christian doesn't necesserially know the ultimate overall goal of the Pastor, just as much as the Employee doesn't know the overall goal of the Boss or CEO.


A little move here, a little descision there, all of a sudden the corporation is doing something it shouldn't.


Shred of evidence, don't you just love that word? Its such a strong word that it implies that I have no evidence whatsoever and what ever circumstancial evidence that I do bring up should be immediatley dismissed. Almost as if you have your head ready and primed to be immediatley buried into the ground. I don't know about experience but you certianly have an amazing method of dismissal for any new ideas. Maybe that is all it takes to keep the corporate tools ignorant of outside influences which would somehow otherwise harm the greater whole corporate-america.


Have you ever by any chance watched media coverage of a fanatical religion's protests? Have you seen how well pigeonholed they are? Don't your people have rights to freedom of speech? Who said the right to freedom of speech ever needed to be carried over to a corporation?


They have a great message, nothing wrong with toning down the slutfest of the media, nothing wrong with censoring rap music so that our kids don't grow up with a large percentage of lead bullets. But the cry is ignored, its shunned and dismissed by corporations. All in the name of profit and all that.


Despite what they've done or have done, I'm sure that dreding up so-called proof and claiming it as fact on an immediate and regular basis is somehow not considered to be evidence in your mind. After all, what criminal would want themselves to be convicted of breaking a law with hard evidence which will put them away? Isn't it best to craft their methods into a form which can be neither proven nor disproven? Isn't that how sleight of hand occurs? How people are deceived? How people are Lied to? What is the point in telling a lie if the person you're telling it to finds it obvious that you're telling them a lie?


I have no proof. I have however gathered circumstancial evidence for a possible manipulation of the public and/or a direction of our goals in life, to what end, I know the end, its to make profit, everything that a corporation does is to make profit, as you have said, but they don't care what other things they do while they are maximizing profits, including stepping on the toes and going against Religions and christian beliefs to their own benefits. Throughout the media and Hollywood all you can see is the exact-opposite of Christian value systems being utterly raped day in and day out. This is corporations doing this.


The whole goal is as you say to maximise profit, but the thing that I have a beef with is the things that they do while they are chasing after profit, like for example making crap that doesn't last longer than a year. At the expense of our atmosphere/environment.


As a whole it is an all-out war against christian values. As a part, it is merely a corporation bringing out a new more skimpier Barbie doll. It is perfect because you cannot merely attack a single corporation, most of them, like Barbie, are apsolutley HUGE, so even if you disagree and your child or your senses are being bombarded by this corporation's marketing you cannot do anything about it except to accept it and not be "left out" by wanting or trying to ignore it.


So you've just Gotta buy that new washer and dryer combo.. Every few years... Meanwhile the Earth takes another one for the team.


When it comes down to it, if you want to actually try to live an alternative lifestyle in any western culture you have to undergo the scrutiny of EVERYONE around you. You cannot just ask a Corporation to change something overnight. So therefore censorship and moderation of sexual behaviour, a reduction in violence in television and audio media (rap music) will never happen.


And god help you if you actually try and break away from everybody else and make your own commune. The media fucking LOVE picking on you then. Manipulating and distorting everything that you say, all for the greater good of course, the kids must have their flu shots! God forbid if they don't wear $50 designer sandals!


The people who are in charge of the world, that is you and me, the poor people, actually have no fucking control over their own corporations or government, and that wall of text up there is the mechanism for which I see how they do it.


The problem that I have. With Corporations. Is that they are tools themselves, they are slaves to money and will do whatever it takes to manipulate and spam the public at all costs, no less than forcing people to buy into their view of the future and the world, The people are then creating a new image of the world around them, ignoring the actual real world view that is we are merely simply human beings on a sphere floating in space, no that is ignored, that is rejected, instead a gangster/homeboy sees nothing but vengeance and acting cool and MONEY and drugs and trying to survive.


As a result of this most of the youth will waste a huge chunk of their money on buying crap that they don't need just so they can fit in, and teenage years and 20s drinking (causing brain damage) and smoking (causing further brain damage). So instead a huge chunk of these people are no longer interested in schooling or study much as it was in the 1950s, and yes I idolize that era despite its shortcomings.


So right there you've got people frying their brains and leaving themsleves pennyless and in huge amounts of debt, all in the name of profit.


The end result is, mayhem at the hands of other people, again all in the name of profit.


I'm sure it sounds like complete and utter crap to you but Enjoy the reading anyway. I for one am going to enjoy not paying the power bill this month. By the way, I don't need to keep on buying Lead Acid batteries every 5 years, because a stifled little invention called the Edison Nickel-Iron battery was invented, it was just ignored by everyone until now.


Edison batteries have a theroetical lifespan of 100 years by the way, much better than the 2.5-5 years that you get out of Lead Acid batteries, you know lead don't you, that carcinogenic shit that is easily recyclable and puts a fuckton of money into corporations hands because they have to needlessly rebuild the plate structure every few years? Needlessly expending a fuckton of fossil fuels in transport and remanufacture of them... Solar's dirty little secret. All in the name of profit!


What it comes down to is, we are needlessly wasting resources and money and time just because some fuckhead in a corporation wants it that way, I for one would gladly welcome the next economic collapse because that is the ONLY WAY that I can see things ever changing. because as it is now we are extremely inefficient and extremely wasteful. And nobody can do a god damn thing about it just because Corporations must constantly have profits inorder to survive. They cannot put themselves out of buisness.


Fact of the matter is, in a finite world with finite resources and finite room, a corporation which requires an infinite level of growth each year is completely incompatible and will ONLY result in disaster.


We need to grow up and realize that we need to do things better. That is what I'm waiting for.


I also wash my clothes manually in a sink instead of buying a new flimsy plastic $1,000 washing machine, I let them drip on the line. Which also takes care of a gym membership and buying exercise hardware too by the way. Also instead of buying a brand new bed every 5 years at the cost of $1,000 a pop I started sleeping in a Hammock that I bought for $80, best nights sleep I've had in years!!


Oh by the way, they perfected soap 1000's of years ago, Aleppo Soap, or a cheaper alternative is Olive Oil soap from Greece, both of which by the way is /THE BEST/ skin moisturiser on the planet, yet we seem to need to buy fucking Palmolive or Dove soap which leaves your skin HEAPS dry, which neither of them actually have Olive Oil in them, even though it says that they do right on the boxes, even the name "Palm-olive" is very misleading. Yep, screw corporations... Progress my ass.


Edited by Layberinthius, 23 April 2014 - 03:41 PM.

#40 0010

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 08:56 PM

As someone who is a narcissist and have inherited this personality trait in third generation, having a half Jewish ancestry I can definitely say that narcissists achieve more than the peasants who support same sex marriage,interbreed with other races and are borrowing money from banks to buy shit they don't need to impress people they hate. My father who owns a holding company in four countries and my grandfather who worked as a secretary for ministry of interior during the socialist regime are good examples of how narcissism enables one to thrive for accomplishments. Funny thing is that I also inherited schizophrenia from my grandafther who was always in fear for his life and carried a gun at all times.But theres one thing I really hate about narcissists is that they can't sustain long term monogamous relationship.

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#41 niner

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 09:23 PM

As someone who is a narcissist and have inherited this personality trait in third generation, having a half Jewish ancestry I can definitely say that narcissists achieve more than the peasants who support same sex marriage,interbreed with other races and are borrowing money from banks to buy shit they don't need to impress people they hate. My father who owns a holding company in four countries and my grandfather who worked as a secretary for ministry of interior during the socialist regime are good examples of how narcissism enables one to thrive for accomplishments. Funny thing is that I also inherited schizophrenia from my grandafther who was always in fear for his life and carried a gun at all times.But theres one thing I really hate about narcissists is that they can't sustain long term monogamous relationship.

"interbreed with other races"? WTF? Are you a White Supremacist or what? I'll interbreed with whoever I damn well please. (Assuming my wife's ok with it, which is unlikely... but you get my drift.)
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#42 niner

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Posted 24 April 2014 - 09:30 PM

Corporations would love to make you think that Religion is to blame for everything, it is not, when all is said and done most religious people are non-violent and are infact trying to fight against corporations, but they've found that they need corporations to live, so they cannot destroy them completely.

Is there a shred of evidence for any of this, or is this something that would be self-evident to me if only I weren't such a corporate tool? In my experience, corporations don't want to talk about religion, they just want to maximize profit. Religious people, with a few exceptions, are perfectly happy with corporations. "Corporations are people, my friend!" -some Mormon dude.

"Corporations" is a pretty broad term, but if one corporation were to manufacture a car which was designed by another which when driven would kill thousands of people I'm sure they would continue to do it because it maximises profit, blind faith in the people who have designed it and all that.

Umm, this is why societies have laws against that kind of thing. Corporations who kill thousands of people with defective products have a hell of a PR problem on their hands, and are not likely to stay in business longer than a few days.

I don't know about experience but you certianly have an amazing method of dismissal for any new ideas.

It's called a functioning BS detector.
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#43 Layberinthius

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 03:28 PM




Corporations would love to make you think that Religion is to blame for everything, it is not, when all is said and done most religious people are non-violent and are infact trying to fight against corporations, but they've found that they need corporations to live, so they cannot destroy them completely.

Is there a shred of evidence for any of this, or is this something that would be self-evident to me if only I weren't such a corporate tool? In my experience, corporations don't want to talk about religion, they just want to maximize profit. Religious people, with a few exceptions, are perfectly happy with corporations. "Corporations are people, my friend!" -some Mormon dude.


"Corporations" is a pretty broad term, but if one corporation were to manufacture a car which was designed by another which when driven would kill thousands of people I'm sure they would continue to do it because it maximises profit, blind faith in the people who have designed it and all that.


Umm, this is why societies have laws against that kind of thing. Corporations who kill thousands of people with defective products have a hell of a PR problem on their hands, and are not likely to stay in business longer than a few days.

I don't know about experience but you certianly have an amazing method of dismissal for any new ideas.

It's called a functioning BS detector.



Right, but that wasn't always the case and you are dismissing the point on a technicality. Also you're being insulting.


Why do I even bother replying to any of these threads? Half of the human race is inevitably going to tell you that you're wrong and full of shit whenever you try and change their ideas, so why do I even bother putting up with it.


Oh thats right, because I care about the direction that the human race is taking, because I live on this rock with all of you.


Your probably unaware of it because you're ignorant. But its really painful to hear that somebody won't even recognise an idea that you've spent an hour typing in.


Why the hell did you even bother replying if it was to just stir shit up? Infact why are you even in this thread replying? You're a moderator.


Just incase you didn't get as to why that is a bad thing, anything that you say will be considered the opinion of the forum owners. Not only that, it gives you a privelaged position which the none of the other contributors of the thread have, so the other contributors to the thread may think that your opinion is gospel no matter what is stated or what is fact or true.


They have a name for that, oh yeah, Narcissim.


If this forum is meant to be a snapshot of what we were like for future contributors and future viewers then we need to recognize that your status could very well end up stunting the growth of this thread and whatever other ones you've "contributed" to. Which as far as I can see aside from a single post on the first page has so far been negative, I hope that is a trend which won't continue. And I hope that I've made my point clear enough because its my neck on the line here, not yours.

Edited by Layberinthius, 25 April 2014 - 03:49 PM.

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#44 TheFountain

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Posted 12 January 2015 - 01:15 AM

  1. Histrionic personality disorder
    Consult a doctor if you have a medical concern.
  2. Histrionic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people act in a very emotional and dramatic way that draws attention to themselves.


#45 eon

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Posted 12 January 2015 - 06:42 AM

Lots of people in the city have this disorder. I wonder if being around too many people has brought such personality to surface? Is it a "social disease" (if such thing exist)? I know Bon Jovi sang "love is a social disease". People that have a lust or love interest have to act in a dramatic and emotional way that draws attention to themselves. Such behavior seem common is public places and social gatherings (schools, universities, workplaces, and so on).


"Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder. HPD is characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking emotions, usually beginning in early adulthood, including inappropriately seductive behavior and an excessive need for approval. Histrionic people are lively, dramatic, vivacious, enthusiastic, and flirtatious. HPD affects four times as many women as men."


Yet when women get sexually taken advantage of, it becomes a crime, but not the other way around? Who asked to "bring it on"? Common in the military and other places...


"They (HPD sufferers) may exhibit sexually provocative behavior, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and can be easily influenced by others."


That explains why women around me act such a way...They couldn't live without catching my attention (i.e. she's interested but why is she on another guy's lap!).  :|o Shocking I know! Which would only result in dismissal/negative opinions about her, but I bet she's "dirty". LOL.


"Associated features include egocentrismself-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs."




mnemonic that can be used to remember the characteristics of histrionic personality disorder is shortened as "PRAISE ME":

  • Provocative (or seductive) behavior
  • Relationships are considered more intimate than they actually are
  • Attention-seeking
  • Influenced easily
  • Speech (style) wants to impress; lacks detail
  • Emotional lability; shallowness
  • Make-up; physical appearance is used to draw attention to self
  • Exaggerated emotions; theatrical


Make up? Seems as if the disorder is prevalent in women than men. The whole wikipedia page on the disorder is on point, what its mixing is a picture of my mother!


I would think the only time (for the most part) it affects men is WHEN there was a woman behind such "macho" behavior! Men will respond to the stimuli or what's the best way of explaining it? You act a certain way, I act a certain way in response.


"Freud believed that hysteria was caused by a lack of libidinal evolution."


And which sex lack such sex drive (hint: the one which lack testosterone).  :wub:



  1. Histrionic personality disorder
    Consult a doctor if you have a medical concern.
  2. Histrionic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people act in a very emotional and dramatic way that draws attention to themselves.



Edited by eon, 12 January 2015 - 07:18 AM.

#46 TheFountain

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Posted 18 January 2015 - 12:35 AM

Do you guys think narcissism is an inherent immortalist attribute? Or are there two kinds of immortalists? The narcissistic type and the caring, giving type? 

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#47 Area-1255

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Posted 18 January 2015 - 01:22 AM

Narcissism comes from either.

A.) A lack of self-worth, or establishment, or social life.

B.) The desire to yield an aura of confidence in a manner inconsistent with what is naturally present.

C.) An adapted response channeled into one's enthusiasm, outlined by one's persistent need and addiction to power, money and other things that reinforce narcissistic behavior.


In other words, narcissists are either.

COMPENSATORY (response to stressor and lack of self-worth) ; OR INFATUATED WITH POWER AND MONEY, or BOTH.


Narcissism is a product of a fast-paced world where one person is always trying to put someone else down or they are doing it partially unaware, and the other person's sensitivity to such things is hidden, and transformed as a way of adapting to a stress they normally can not handle. Like Psychopathy, narcissism is a facade of sorts, except narcissists have to try a little bit harder than psychopaths - whom in which self-made grandiosity often is somewhat within their blood or spirit.


Edited by Area-1255, 18 January 2015 - 01:27 AM.

#48 Area-1255

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Posted 19 January 2015 - 03:54 PM




Corporations would love to make you think that Religion is to blame for everything, it is not, when all is said and done most religious people are non-violent and are infact trying to fight against corporations, but they've found that they need corporations to live, so they cannot destroy them completely.

Is there a shred of evidence for any of this, or is this something that would be self-evident to me if only I weren't such a corporate tool? In my experience, corporations don't want to talk about religion, they just want to maximize profit. Religious people, with a few exceptions, are perfectly happy with corporations. "Corporations are people, my friend!" -some Mormon dude.


"Corporations" is a pretty broad term, but if one corporation were to manufacture a car which was designed by another which when driven would kill thousands of people I'm sure they would continue to do it because it maximises profit, blind faith in the people who have designed it and all that.


Umm, this is why societies have laws against that kind of thing. Corporations who kill thousands of people with defective products have a hell of a PR problem on their hands, and are not likely to stay in business longer than a few days.

I don't know about experience but you certianly have an amazing method of dismissal for any new ideas.

It's called a functioning BS detector.


Lmao, now I think we have a lot in common  Niner, and you understand my intolerance for some statements.  :-D

#49 eon

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Posted 10 May 2015 - 11:33 AM

We all want high social status: study




One commentator said: Yeah, everyone wants to be number one. But almost nobody is willing to put in the work for it.


Kinda summarized the whole article but I think the article is implying we are all narcissists whether we know it or not.

  • Agree x 1

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: narcissism

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