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Scientists, please list yourself here.

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#1 justinb

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Posted 20 June 2005 - 04:26 AM

All scientists: undergraduates, graduates, post graduates, medical doctors, post doctorates, etc.
I want to list all of the professional scientists here.

Please list yourselves in this fashion below.

First name.
Last name.

Current education and specific name of degrees and where you earned them.
Current interests.
Near-term goals.
Current position.
What you plan to do to work on aging and other related fields. (If you haven't clarified already, of course)
Anything else you care to mention.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Will start undergraduate studies in Premedical: Bioengineering this fall.
Currently interested in synthetic organs and tissues. I also plan to study and eventually work with stem-cells intensively.
I want to receive a B.S. in Bioengineering, then a M.D. in general biology, then a dual Ph.D. program. One in Bioengineering and another in Nanotechnology, both from the University of Washington.
I am currently a student.
I want to work with Aubrey de Grey.

#2 zoolander

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Posted 20 June 2005 - 05:09 AM


Just about to complete and write up Ph.D in biomedical science. My main area of research is aging and exercise biochemistry/metabolism. I am currently looking at the effects of resistance training and dietary supplementation on mitochondrial ATP production rate in aged males.

I would like to increase awareness about how we can maintain our youth and vigour for longer. For example, the classic decrease in muscle strength and endurance that we tend to see with age. This may not be the cause of "aging" per se but rather the result of a decrease in physical activity as we age.

I regards to immortality..... at the moment I am in general not overly concerned about immortality from a physical stand-point. I am however concerned about immortality from a pyschological stand-point. I believe that it is my role to find out as much as I can about how to maintain the quality of one's life whilst we are alive and hence minimise suffering that results from preventable situations.

#3 John Schloendorn

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Posted 20 June 2005 - 05:12 AM

Good initiative, thanks Justin.

John Schloendorn, 27, male

Education: Masters' in Biochemistry.
Interests: Medical bioremediation, cell replacement, and generally all biotech with a "yuck factor".
Near-term: Get a phd doing medical bioremediation
Current position: LysoSENS reseach volunteer, Tempe AZ
What you plan to do: Keep doing this, until I learn of something better
Anything else: Always happy to cooperate with everyone!

Edited by John Schloendorn, 07 July 2006 - 08:23 PM.

#4 kevin

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Posted 20 June 2005 - 05:57 AM


Education: I'm in the 20 year General Science program at the University of Alberta. Actually re-enrolled Fall /04 after a lengthy hiatus although I've been taking singe courses over the past few years. Majoring in Physical Sciences and minor in biology. Should graduate by the end of next year.
Interests: Mitochondria, bioinformatics, programming and databases, and as an old friend said.. I'm interested in everything... it's just good to know all there is to know
Near Term and Current Position: Working on a c elegans research project trying to create a mutator mitochondrial DNA Pol gamma. Thus far the PCR is 'difficult'. Another major aspect of my life is to promote the heck out of the Mprize as much as I can wherever I can.
What I plan to do: spend every last waking free moment honing myself into a better message that healthy life-extension is within reach.

#5 ag24

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Posted 20 June 2005 - 07:38 AM

Feel free to add me to your list, Justin. I think the only item on your list that isn't given at http://www.gen.cam.a...sens/AdGbio.htm is that I'm 42.

#6 ddhewitt

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 02:03 AM


Bachelor's in Molecular Biology (McMaster University)
Master's in Molecular Biology (University of Calgary)
Over eight years Pharma/Biotech work experience.
Currently working at VaxInnate. A startup vaccine biotech.
Current interests/goals.
Reduce mortality and morbidity from influenza and other infectious diseases.
Develop a revenue stream to fund anti-aging research.
Build molecular toolsets for development of anticancer/anti-senescence therapeutics.

#7 bgwowk

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 03:11 AM

forty something

B.Sc. Physics
M.Sc. Medical Physics (radiation oncology)
Ph.D. Medical Physics (functional MRI) all at University of Manitoba

Current interests: Science and engineering of complex tissue preservation (medical cryobiology)
Current position: Senior Scientist, 21st Century Medicine, Inc.
Goals: End all disease, or die trying

Edited by bgwowk, 21 June 2005 - 04:35 PM.

#8 Mark Hamalainen

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 03:39 AM

Mark Hamalainen 20/M

Education: Will be graduating from Queen's University with a biochemistry-computing medial undergrad degree in spring 06
Interests: Medical Bioremediation, Bioengineering, Developing biotechnology for profit to reinvest in aging research
Near-term goals: Finish undergrad, get an experimental paper published before applying to grad school, meet people and learn at SENS2
Current position: research project at Queen's

#9 kraemahz

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 05:04 AM


Education: Junior Bioengineering Major (Current, University of Washington)
Interests: Regenerative medicine, prosthetics' biological integration
Near-term goals: Involvement in undergraduate research opportunities
Long-term goals: BS BioEng, PhD along the lines of nanotech/bioeng.

I plan to work on nano-scale applications for life extension and human enhancement.

Edited by kraemahz, 03 August 2006 - 05:13 AM.

#10 Cyto

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 05:40 AM


Cell and Molecular Biology Major/Chemistry Minor, in Fall of 06

Molecular Chaperones, Misfolded Protein Degradation Pathways, Protein Stability.

Get what I need from a Protein Stability Conference in July, hide in a grad program at Colorado State University when done with BS (Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Neuroscience - Protein Conformational Diseases subsection), know all about it before I get there.

Currently I seem to be the Western Blot slave for everyone (shrug).

Anything else you care to mention.

Girls are very distracting, yet welcome to be one. [tung]

#11 Richard Leis

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 09:21 AM


Education: Undergraduate currently attending the University of Arizona, majoring in Geosciences with a specialization in Planetary Science.
Interests: Planetary science, astrobiology, the Technological Singularity, the mediasphere, globalization, LGBT studies
Near-term goals: Finish undergraduate degree.
Current position: HiRISE Operations student assistant (HiRISE is the camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, to be launched August 2005.)
What you plan to do to work on aging and other related fields: Financial support, advocacy, exploring worthwhile reasons to extend lifespans.

#12 Lazarus Long

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 12:28 PM

Kenneth Xavier

University of Wisconsin, Madison. BA in Letters and Science (Philosophy)
Teacher's certificate in ESL from UNAM Centro Enseñaza de Lenguas Extranjeras
20 plus years as a pilot and in construction as well as an 8 year period working with aircraft.

Self taught, thus defining current and past interests in physics, basic engineering, piston and turbine engine operations/mechanics, political science, social sciences, anthropology, archeology, paleontology, linguistics, language learning, writing and computer hardware/software integration.

My near term goals are to complete projects that are already begun and return to higher ED for some additional degrees. I devote a lot of attention to developing online social webs for the support of this institute and intend to be able by next winter to begin better outreach activity when the parenting will be shared again. However that will also no doubt include many *honey do* projects that are also requisite.

Currently working as a 24/7 single parent of two teens, building, writing, a Director here at Imminist, and meme seeding fertile minds everywhere the internet reaches.

I am interested in doing more to not only ensure longer life but help secure that it will be a higher quality life for everyone including myself. I consider a major part of what I do to be assisting many of you because the odds are frankly against me. I commit to this process fully understanding (though keeping my hopes alive regardless) that I am not a likely recipient of the benefits we are collectively working toward but I am confident can help make them a reality regardless.

I work to keep us all honest (including myself) and well behaved here at Imminst and I try to contribute what I consider important news and personal opinion on a wide array of topics from bio and nanotech, singularity tech and environment to the war in Iraq. These include ethical analysis, observations and ideas.

I also work in the real world and need too. I have been honing my skills as an effective writer hoping to find the correct venue for me to focus these talents on.

It certainly would help if I am going to contribute more money to our collective goals as well :))

#13 dannybelkin

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 02:58 PM


B.Sc. Biology (Tel Aviv University)
Ph.D. Immunology (University of Cambridge)

Scientist at TheraVitae, a stem cell biotech startup

Current interests/goals.
Push forward stem cell research and therapeutics.
Perhaps do an MBA at some stage and cross over from science.
Write more and help spread the word about immortality.

Long-term goals: get involved in a nanotech/brain-computer interfacing company.

#14 eternaltraveler

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 04:59 PM


Bachelor's in Business, currently persuing MD/MSc and working on SENS research.

For the last four years I've run a business (real estate, construction, and instant water heater distributor), have studied Gong fu, the russian language, and learned to fly when I've had the money.

My interests in general are:

Shaolin Gong Fu, Languages, Mathmatics, Physics, Chemistry, Bio-molecular engineering, Automechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Poetry, Travel

I would eventually like to get a doctorate in theoretical physics as well.

#15 alex83

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 07:27 PM


B.Sc in Electrical Engineering, Technion.
B.A in Physics, Technion.

Physics graduate student, Technion.

Edited by alex83, 10 March 2007 - 02:32 PM.

#16 knite

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 09:12 AM

Ahh, one day ill be able to call myself a scientist.

Atm just doing gen ed. very torn between physics and engineering, but no worries, they arent too far apart, so i have time to choose.

#17 rhaze

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 10:30 AM


BS in Microbiology (molecular emphasis)
BS in Chemistry

Working at an assembly plant (distracted by girl). Moving to Boston 7/11 to be a lab assistant.

intrests: BMI, Cell replacement
short term goals: Ph.D. in bioengineering
long term goals: living forever and being really really cool
to work on aging: develope a life support system for a mouse CNS, add BMI, increase its life span with cell therapy, and then scale this up to humans.

#18 psudoname

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 11:05 AM


Doing MA Maths, Bath Uni (NOT bath spa), UK

Interested in maths, physics (especially quantum), computing, the singularity, nanotech, uploading, philosophy.


Finish degree.
Maybe do Phd
Get into recerch on AI/quantum computing/uploading/nanotech.
Trigger singularity.
Upload myself
Upload everyone who wants to be uploaded.
Solve the problems of entropy, big crunch etc.
Live forever.

#19 mnosal

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 12:53 PM

Mike 34 male.

6yrs US Army Foreign Intelligence(Enlisted into OCS then made Captain)
BA English
AS Biology/ Nursing
BS Nursing(currently)

Disillusioned with Military life, opted out and worked in RF networking
Obtained AS Bio/Nursing while working fulltime
Starting BS Nursing in the fall

Intend on Nurse Practitioner Liscensure

Edited by mnosal, 22 June 2005 - 05:12 PM.

#20 antilithium

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Posted 04 July 2005 - 06:02 PM

Arthur "Art"
Born 8/30/1985

Current education: Sophomore Pre-Science considering either Computer Science (BS) or Management Information Systems with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
(Current, University of Arizona)

Current interests: I'm mostly interested in interdisciplinary work between computer science, applied physics, chemistry, engineering and business solutions. If you have any information please PM me.

Current position: I'm a computer lab aid at the Pima Community College and I also do freelance tech support if I have the time. Plus, I'm the event coordinator of a non-profit youth organization know as "Break the Chain", we mostly do community service and fundraisers to help out the needy. But our organization is falling apart due to lack of commitment, even with all the effort I place on our members.

Near-term goals: Obtaining either a BS in Computer Science or a BSBA in Management Information Systems. I'm looking forword to starting a business in software development and applications if possible. If not, I'll continue my interdisciplinary studies.

Long-term goals: Start up or support several business involving the "new" industry (nano-manufacturing and self-modeling software). One long-term goal is to achieve my childhood dream of living and expanding through space and I will use my abilities to support that cause.

Edited by antilithium, 04 July 2005 - 07:37 PM.

#21 Mind

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Posted 04 July 2005 - 10:53 PM

First name: Justin
Last name: Loew
Age: 34
Sex: Male

Current education and specific name of degrees and where you earned them: B.S. Meteorology, Madison

Current interests: Life extension, math, quantum theory

Near-term goals: Support Imminst, Body building, Save money

Current position: Morning meteorologist, TV & Radio broadcasting

What you plan to do to work on aging and other related fields. (If you haven't clarified already, of course): Support Imminst.

Anything else you care to mention: Go Packers

#22 chubtoad

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Posted 04 July 2005 - 11:39 PM


Currently an undergrad in math (focus is in pure) and physics.

Current Interests: life extension, math, quantitative things in biology, animal behavior and evolutionary game theory

Near term goals: support endeavors that may lead to increased life span imminst google's protein folding effort etc., learn some understudied areas of math, improve personal health.

Long term: get a phd in math or applied math. Consider as I go how math can be applied to areas of biology and life extension.

#23 docmartyn

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Posted 12 August 2005 - 03:54 PM

Martyn Sharpe
B. Sc. Biochemistry 1985.
M. Sc. Biochemistry 1989
Ph. D. Biochemistry 1993.

Currently a Visiting professor at MSU.
I am synthesising new cell specific targeted antioxidants, Mn-Salens, nitroxides and selinium compounds.

Recent oxidative/nitrosative stress disease/longevity work.

Clayton, R., Clark, J. B and Sharpe, M. A. (2005)
"Cytochrome c release from rat brain mitochondria is proportional to the mitochondrial functional deficit: Implications for apoptosis and neurodegenerative disease"
J. Neurochem. 92, 840-849

Keaney, M., Matthijssens, F., Sharpe, M., Vanfleteren, J and Gems, D. (2004)
“Superoxide dismutase mimetics elevate superoxide dismutase activity in vivo but do not retard aging in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans”
Free Rad. Bio. Med. 37, 239-250

Rejdak, K., Petzold, A., Sharpe, M. A., Kay, A. D., Kerr, M., Keir, G., Thompson, E. J and Giovannoni, G. (2004)
“Cerebrospinal fluid nitrite/nitrate correlated with oxyhemoglobin and outcome in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage”
J Neurol Sci. 219, 71-6

Chatterjee, P. K., Patel, N. S., Kvale, E. O., Brown, P. A., Stewart, K. N., Mota-Filipe, H., Sharpe, M. A., Di Paola, R., Cuzzocrea, S and Thiemermann C. (2004)
“EUK-134 reduces renal dysfunction and injury caused by oxidative and nitrosative stress of the kidney.”
Am J Nephrol. 24, 165-77

Sharpe, M. A., Robb, S. J and Clark, J. B. (2003)
“Nitric oxide and Fenton/Haber-Weiss Chemistry; Nitric oxide is a potent antioxidant at physiological concentrations”
J Neurochem. 87, 386-394

Rejdak, K., Petzold, A., Kay, A. D., Kerr, M., Sharpe, M. A., Thompson,E. J and Giovannoni, G. (2003)
“Correlating cerebrospinal fluid nitrite/nitrate with the oxyhemoglobin concentrations after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a novel approach”
J Neurol Sci 208, 1-7

D'Emmanuele di Villa, Bianca, R., Wayman, N. S., McDonald, M. C., Pinto. A., Sharpe, M. A., Chatterjee, P. K and Thiemermann, C. (2003)
“A superoxide dismutase mimetic with catalase activity (EUK-8), reduces the organ injury and dysfunction caused by endotoxin in the rat.”
Euro. J. Pharmacol. 466, 181-189

Stewart, V. C., Stone, R., Gegg. M. E., Sharpe, M. A., Hurst, R. D., Clark, J. B and Heales, S. J. R. (2002)
“Preservation of extracellular glutathione by an astrocyte derived factor with properties comparable to extracellular superoxide dismutase”
J. Neurochem. 83, 984–991

Izumi, M., McDonald, M. C., Sharpe, M. A., Chatterjee, P. K and Thiemermann, C. (2002)
“Superoxide dismutase mimetics with catalase activity reduce the organ injury in hemorrhagic shock”
Shock 18, 230-235

Casley, C. S., Land, J. M., Sharpe, M. A., Clark, J. B., Duchen, M. R and Canevari, L. (2002)
“Beta-Amyloid fragment 25-35 causes mitochondrial dysfunction in primary cortical neurons”
Neurobiol. Dis. 10, 258-267

Reeder, B. J., Sharpe, M. A., Kay, A. D., Kerr, M., Moore, K and Wilson, M. T. (2002)
“Toxicity of Myoglobin and Haemoglobin: Oxidative stress in patients with Rhabdomyolysis and Subarachnoid Haemorrhage”
Biochem. Trans. Soc. 30, 745-748

Sharpe, M. A., Ollosson, R., Stewart, V. C and Clark, J. B. (2002)
“Oxidation of nitric oxide by oxo-manganese salen complexes:- a new mechanism for cellular protection by superoxide dismutase/catalase mimetics.”
Biochem. J. 366, 97-107

Bianca, R., Wayman, N., McDonald, M., Pinto, A., Sharpe M., Chatterjee, P and Thieermann, C. (2002)
“Superoxide dismutase mimetic with catalase activity, EUK-134, attenuates the multiple organ injury and dysfunction caused by endotoxin in the rat”
Med. Sci. Monit. 1, 1-7

Casley, C. S., Canevari, L., Land, J. M., Clark, J. B and Sharpe, M. A. (2002)
“beta-amyloid inhibits integrated mitochondrial respiration and key enzyme activities”
J. Neurochem. 80, 91-100

Stewart, V. C., Sharpe, M. A., Clark, J. B and Heales, S. J. R. (2000)
“Astrocyte-derived nitric oxide causes both reversible and irreversible damage to the neuronal mitochondrial respiratory chain”
J. Neurochem. 75, 694-700

#24 stormheller

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Posted 19 August 2005 - 05:01 AM

Common Asian last name.

Diploma. NYC Secondary School System, special ed. division.
Nature Mag. reader for over 12 years. Rodent genetics. String theory (Polchinski is my homeboy). Alternative sources of energy. Yoga nut. Cell apoptosis. Civil rights/Asian American activist. Hates grownups. :) Hates parents. Sci-fi. Genetic engineering. China/Taiwan reunification (but that's kinda OT)Better living through technology. Wannabe cyborg.
Wants to learn more about the nature of the universe, to fight racism, and to do that nifty stem cell experiment in the back of June's Nature Methods.
Wants to kill death.

#25 kent23

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Posted 10 November 2005 - 07:07 AM

First name. Kent
Last name. Kemmish
Age. 31
Sex. Male

Current education and specific name of degrees and where you earned them. University of Arizona, B.S. in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Spring '07
Current interests. SENS, $1000 genome project, integrins
Near-term goals. finish my current research project, get some first-authored papers.
Current position. Arizona Cancer Center, Brower Lab, Research Assistant
What you plan to do to work on aging and other related fields. Not sure yet. Fot the next several years, try to follow and assist the right people without being a pest, until I know more than they do or as much.

#26 Mondey

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Posted 07 July 2006 - 02:41 PM

Name: Mondey
Age: 32
Sex: female

Ph. D. Cell Biology 2003
Current interests: My interests are adult stem cells for cell-based therapies (against aging), identification and isolation of “young” adult stem cells from old patients, antioxidant/growth factor delivery by nanoparticles, brain aging/ neurodegeneration

Near-term goals: My near term goal is to study fusion as a basis for improved tissue regeneration.
Current position: Group leader

#27 Normal Dan

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Posted 07 July 2006 - 11:01 PM


Computer Science Degree from Boise State University.
Cryonics, psychology, AI, EEG's, physics, biology, and pretty much everything.
Acquire wealth.
Software engineer.
For now, acquire wealth. I hope to be able to fund and partake in cryonic and other stasis technology research. I'd like to go back to school for a Ph.D in some kind of biology field. I'm also hoping to recruit other potential immortalists to our cause. Oh, and maybe help out with the singularity. Now that I think about it, I really want to do pretty much everything.

#28 danpop77

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Posted 29 December 2006 - 03:44 AM

e-mail me at danpop77@yahoo.com

Dan Pop
email: danpop77@yahoo.com
address: Horia 6
Home: 0040-722-940299

Data International SRL
Resita July 2000 - March 2003
top management


Polytechnical Institute Timisoara, Bachelor of Science, July 1987
The Polytechnical Institute " Traian Vuia " Timisoara, Romania
Faculty of Chemical Engineering - 5 years - University Degree
Department of Macromolecular Compounds - 1982 - 1987;

Education :

Biography: Curriculum Vitae - 2006

Name: Pop
First Name : Dan
Middle Name Initial : I.
Citizenships : Romanian , application for German
citizenship made in September 2003;
Sponsorship is sought for H1B visa and Green Card
Birthdate: 19.07.1962
Birthplace: Deva, Romania

Address :
Pop Dan Iosif
Str. Horia , Nr.6 , Bl.6
Et.10 , Ap.39 , Resita-1700
Phone : 0040-722-940299
E-mail : danpop77@yahoo.com

Education :

The German Elementary School Deva - 1969-1973
The German Gymnasium Hunedoara - 1973-1977
The German High - School of Mathematics and Physics "
Samuel von Bruckenthal " in Sibiu (Hermannstadt) -
1977-1981, Romania
Military Service - 1981-1982

The Polytechnical Institute " Traian Vuia " Timisoara, Romania
Faculty of Chemical Engineering - 5 years - University Degree
Department of Macromolecular Compounds - 1982 - 1987;
Since 1987 , Chemical Engineer with the mark 9(nine), (very good), on the final diploma.

Professional Training and Activity:


I speak English , German (native level) and Romanian(native level).

Between 1987 -1992 , Chemical Engineer at Plastomet S.A. Company. (Resita), Romania ;

From 1992 , Owner and Administrator of 20 ha of Agricultural land, and of 5 houses, self employed;

Research Work as a researcher at the "Max Planck Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung" in Stuttgart (Germany), on Electrically Conductive Polymers and Graphite Intercallation Compounds . (1990);

During 1995 - professor of English and German at a high-school in Resita.

During 1997 and 1998 - Consultant and Translator at the Consulting Company "Euroimpact". Involvement in Phare projects for Romania.

Since April 2000 till March 2003 , Sole Owner and General Manager of "Data International SRL" , an e-mail database producing , export-only company.

Since March 2003 till present self-employed.

Work for The Ostergaard Group (Denmark), Altair International (Italy), Crosslink Manufacturing (UK).

Author of 3 books (ISBN) of poetry and translations, all published at the Emia Publishing House in Deva, Romania
Editor : Paulina Popa (Fraktalia - own poetry in 3 languages, Paulina Popa , Marjana Gaponenko - translations).

I am an autodidact expert in " Library and Information Science " - all fields of human endeavour, and Biomedical Sciences / Biochemistry /Molecular Biology in particular.

My personal library holds some 3000 journal sample copies (international scientific journals) from virtually all fields of human endeavour as well as many databases and top reference books in Biochemistry / Molecular Biology and related fields. (Lehninger , Lubert Stryer , James Watson)

I am an expert in Internet and in Databases. I am familiar with and own the "Gale Directory of Databases", the "Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory", with "Der Banger", with some 14.000 most important and relevant databases of the world.

I have about 12.000 hours of Internet experience, accumulated since 1997 till present, an extensive experience with the largest and best searchengines (Google e.g.).

I am familiar and work currently with Windows 95/98, 2000 , Adobe and Excel;

I am an expert in Electronic Commerce and my databases hold about 100.000 e-mail addresses of companies, from all 236 countries of the world. I can make sales grow very fast for any company.

Special Interests: Human Immortality, Biochemistry, DNA-chips, Internet, E-Commerce , E-mail Databases, , Human Genome Project , Brain - Computer Interactions, Stem Cells Research , Scientific Poetry , Evolvable Hardware and Software;

Cover Letter :

I can read and understand scientific articles published in top international scientific journals, from any field of human endeavour . I have read thousands of scientific articles in fields like Chemistry , Biochemistry , Molecular Biology , Medicine , and would be very interested to get the opportunity to work in biomedical scientific research, or in any field mentioned above under Special Interests , or in any field of human endeavour.


Scientific Articles :

1. L.Oniciu, D.Pop, S.Paunescu , Secondary Galvanic Cells Having Electroactive Polymer Electrodes,
published in "Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai",
Chemia , 34, 2 (1989)" ;

2. Tatian Calin, D. Pop ,
Romanian Patent Nr.138/1991;

3. D. Pop , "Astronomy in Romania - The Nikolaus Reinholz Observatory",
published in "Sterne und Weltraum" , Nr.5, 1997, page 476;

4. D. Pop , "Rumaeniens Wunderheiler" , published in the journal "Naturheilpraxis mit Naturmedizin", 6/99, Germany .

5. D. Pop , I. Secasan , "Fighting HIV with HIV" published in the journal " Medical Hypotheses",
1998, Volume 50 , Pages 39-42 ,Nr.1 ;

6. Iosif Secasan, Dan I. Pop, Ciprian C. Secasan:
Potentially New And Innovative Treatments For Superficial, Muscle-Invasive, And Metastatic Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC) Of The Bladder.
TheInternet Journal of Oncology. 2005. Volume 2 Number 2.

7. Iosif Secasan, Dan I. Pop, Ciprian C. Secasan Winning The Battle Against HIV-1 - Main Title Winning The Battle Against HIV-1:
(MPTV-x , HAART-x) /(MPTV-x , Mega-HAART-x) - Couples Formed of a Multivalent-Polivalent-Therapeutic-Vaccine (MPTV-x) and Its Corresponding HAART-x , or Mega-HAART-Regimen, Respectively.
(Edit Matthias: I deleted at least 170 empty lines for a better readability)

Edited by Matthias, 10 January 2007 - 02:03 AM.

#29 Aegist



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Posted 10 January 2007 - 12:55 AM


B. Science (Hons) majoring in Molecular Biology at University of NSW, Sydney.
B. Arts majoring in both Philosophy and History and Philosophy of Science at UNSW, Sydney.

I am currently trying to ge my life set up so that I can focus on research. That involves juggling full time job, part time business interests and part time staying up to date with research. I currently have one website (www.sportsarbitrageguide.com) which I am trying to build into a decent passive income source, plus I have a second website idea in mind which I will start working on as soon as I am comfortable leaving SAG to itself.

My goal is to build these websites and generate enough passive income for myself so that I can spend time studying biological ageing. Ultimately I think I would like to start a Biotech company which is dedicated to age related research. But that is a very long term goal.

Currently I work in an unrelated position for the government. I would be happy to remedy that though if anyone has any positions available in a lab somewhere.

I'm still completely lost as to what I think needs to be worked on first. I think this is the hardest part of the question of ageing...what is most important? Hence why I want to get myself free from financial concerns so that I can sit at home all day reading through journal articles. I want ot try to figure out where I want to research so as to create the biggest difference.

#30 mwhalen50

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Posted 15 January 2007 - 07:19 AM


Current education: I recieved a B.S. in biology from the University of MA Amherst

Current Interets: My current interest is to live forever (apologies for the general answer, I am just too new to the game to really have a specific interest)

Near-term Goals: My near term goal is to read as much as I can in the areas of general molecular biology, the biology of aging, stem cell research and then further on any specific topics that intrigue me. I am hoping this will lead to me finding an area of research to pursue a graduate degree in, which will then lead into a nice long (or quick, if we're lucky) career of helping to find the cure for aging.

Current Position: My current position is a rock climbing intrustor at Carabiners Indoor Climbing in New Bedford MA (if done properly dangling high above the ground is actually much safer then many common day acts, such as driving to work (or at least i am guessing it is) anyhow well worth trying out at some point in your life)

Anything else: As I am just getting started with this path, I would appreciate immensely any advice people could give me in relation to: scientific texts dealing with the biology of aging and relevant topics, or any area of aging research that is in need of young motivated scientists. I was planning on approaching this from the what needs to be done first or what needs people the most perspective, as I am really pretty much interest in all areas I read about on the SENS website. So, once again any advice you got would be great, just PM me. Thanks a lot.

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