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L-Theanine Gaba Tolerance

Zuckerwasser's Photo Zuckerwasser 19 Mar 2014


as much as i understand, for treating anxiety i should avoid supplements, that have GABAergic actions.
So i read here http://www.longecity...ly-effectively/, L-Theanine is not doing it, but on examine.com i found this: http://examine.com/s...ine/#summary4-3


"Injections of theanine (30µM/kg only; 15µM/kg being ineffective and all doses higher than 30µM/kg being ineffective) have been found to increase cerebral concentrations of GABA by 19.8% following"

I mean, this seams like a big increase of GABA, wouldnt this lead to tolerance by down regulation of the receptors?

So now i am confused, is it ok to take supplements, that increase the GABA concentrations without beeing anything like an GABA agonist or reuptake inhibitor?

Thanks for answers,
Edited by Zuckerwasser, 19 March 2014 - 09:36 AM.

Mr Serendipity's Photo Mr Serendipity 19 Mar 2014

I demand an answer to this mans inquiry! > From a man high on life due to theanine, which also causes a Hyde side that comes out with a short fuse.

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Strelok's Photo Strelok 20 Mar 2014

I demand an answer to this mans inquiry! > From a man high on life due to theanine, which also causes a Hyde side that comes out with a short fuse.

I second that.

jroseland's Photo jroseland 27 May 2014

I've been drinking 1-3 litters of green tea for over a year while supplementing GABA (in a bunch of different stacks brands etc). I've never felt more energetic, creative, etc than when on GABA supplement+liquid L-Theanine diet.


Mr Serendipity's Photo Mr Serendipity 27 May 2014

Aren't you worried about the flouride in green tea?


jroseland's Photo jroseland 27 May 2014

Aren't you worried about the flouride in green tea?

I don't live in a country that puts flouride in it's water...


Mr Serendipity's Photo Mr Serendipity 27 May 2014

But 1-3 litres of green tea, sounds like you might be getting a lot of flouride from the green tea itself.


Liquidfire's Photo Liquidfire 28 May 2014

Oh, yes you should be warned! Especially if you are a mouse, and inject L-theanine like this.




http://www.jigsawhea...s.pdf<br><br> Also read this topic


Edited by Liquidfire, 28 May 2014 - 11:02 PM.

jroseland's Photo jroseland 06 Jun 2014

But 1-3 litres of green tea, sounds like you might be getting a lot of flouride from the green tea itself.

That may be concerning to me as I drink A LOT of green tea... Do you have a link to a human study on this?


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tolerant's Photo tolerant 28 Jun 2014

The topic starter of this thread has a valid point, which I posed to the topic starter of this thread: http://www.longecity...ly-effectively/


We now know (and it took psychiatry 30 years to work this out) that benzos result in never-ending tolerance (although this is still not a settled issue in psychiatry). We even know the putative neurobiological pathways which accounts for that tolerance. However, why would increasing GABA by consuming l-theanine not result in tolerance? Just as injecting testosterone lowers the body's natural production of the hormone (in some cases irreversibly). I don't see the difference. Neither do I see the difference between consuming a GABA agonist which will cause increased binding at GABA receptors on the one hand, and naturally increasing GABA on the other hand, which will amount to the same thing.

Edited by tolerant, 28 June 2014 - 02:08 PM.