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Reference of moderation sources sticky?

Chip's Photo Chip 26 Jun 2005

Oh, in order to avoid public scrutiny and adding to noise rather than the quality of this superlative forum, I went looking for a moderator (director?) to which I might report quietly and privately the actions of cross posting insults by an apparent member become stalker. I suggest a sticky in this area listing those responsible to monitor and moderate areas in the forum. Could facilitate smooth operation rather than a tendency to descend into chaos.


tiktok's Photo tiktok 26 Jun 2005

whilst your at it chip, be a sweetheart and also report welcoming new members by calling them sheep just bcause they dont agree with u.

DJS's Photo DJS 26 Jun 2005

Hey Chip, I watch over all forums except noots, supps and free speech. I've looked over the various threads and see your complaint is valid.


1. Learn how to spell.

2. Read the user agreement

3. Refrain from personal attacks -- Failure to do so will result in you being banned from this site.

All malicious posts made by you so far have been removed and placed in the catcher.

This is your warning.

Chip's Photo Chip 27 Jun 2005

I find it interesting that after prometheus stopped posting to his so-called poll, tiktok became a member on the 24th proceeding directly to the so-called poll and then here and there with ad hominems his chosen modus operandi and me as his target, quite exclusively. Now that tiktok is gone, apparently, prometheus is back posting in his supposed poll, guess what, starting with ad hominems directed towards me. I really wonder with what I find to be continually exhibited callousness of information handling on the part of prometheus with an apparent unshakealbe agenda if he might have stooped so low as to create another alias to help bias his "poll" and attempt to denigrate me. Of course my opinion of prometheus and his poll is just that, opinion. If you are interested you can go look at the poll "Poll: Euthanasia? What choice for yourself?" It's been quite prominent now for awhile in the Immortalism section. The poll is supposedly about Terry Schiavo, not euthenasia which is where I first saw the attempt at misleading rather than informing. I guess as long as one used a different IP address there would be no proof of my fake persona allegation. Tiktok and prometheus could make some efforts to dispell this by disclosing some decent data about themselves, in the spirit of fostering trust. As it stands, as far as I can tell, they are both really quite nebulous. This is really not meant to elicit any response by the good staff of Imminst's forum but maybe tiktok and prometheus would find it in their hearts to help demonstrate their authenticity and reveal themselves in the personal information they make available.

So ah, what do you think of a sticky here at the top of this area sharing who can be contacted with complaints about activities in which areas? Wouldn't that be better than having the dirty laundry get aired in public? I think I've suggested this before or maybe that was another forum. Just seems that such would be reasonable and conducive to better functioning of the forum. Might free the staff to not have to worry that much about reading every little post if the participants could do a little reporting of unhappiness here and there directly to the appropriate staff member. Maybe it could lead to little corrections instead of bigger ones later after a bunch of garbage or noise going down in the public eye. Gee, I think I qualify as a troll but I think my bait is an attempt to inform and not misinform. I'm dangling potential mutual reward, me thinks, and not a barbed hook. I'm not trying to hide it either though some really harmful trolls I've seen make quite the skill of appearing to disclose themselves. Maybe the kind of trolling that degrades forums, that does seek to harm, can be better minimized if private messages can be facilitated directly to those with the power to do something ASAP? I think it might make actions seem less dictatorial and maybe more informed and cooperative, not that any actions here have been dictatorial. [:o] Oh these human institutions. Got to use all the politesse you can muster.

DJS's Photo DJS 27 Jun 2005

Might free the staff to not have to worry that much about reading every little post if the participants could do a little reporting of unhappiness here and there directly to the appropriate staff member.

Forum users are always welcome to contact me or any of the navigation team via PM. There's is also an area for suggestions in the Full Members forum. But you're right, this might not be such a bad idea. And also even though I check in a few times a day there are still things that will occasionally get by me and the rest of navigation...ah, it happens. Anyway, we will be having a forum upgrade soon, and quite a few things will be changing at that point so I would ask for you to be patient and let's see what happens.



DJS's Photo DJS 27 Jun 2005

As far as your other allegations, well, I'm not sure what you want me to say. Quite frankly there is no evidence for them so I can not take them seriously. One of the features of the software upgrade will be IP display for navigation, but at this time these phantom personalities are as much a mystery to me as they are to regular users. Still, even with IP identification a user could post from various locations and cloak their duplicity...it seems that this sort of thing is just the nature of cyberspace. However, ImmInst does have standards for conduct and they will be enforced. How they will be enforced...well, we're still working on that... ;)

Chip's Photo Chip 27 Jun 2005

Wow. I found that so hard to believe, that IP addresses aren't being checked, that I went and tried it. Incredible, I now have another member ID, simple as pie. I wont use it and if you want to delete it it is under the name "alias alias" with the alias "alias"

Sorry but I really haven't seen a forum before where you could do that. Doesn't help allay my suspicions at all. Here's hoping you can implement the desired changes but, alas, as you shared, one could still use an alternative IP address, I think there is even software available to do that, to log in under multiple identities. It would add at least a bit of work with IP checking, a bit more trustworthiness. Wee, can't really trust any polls here, ya know?

27 Jun 2005

QUOTE (DonSpanton)
Hey Chip, I watch over all forums except noots, supps and free speech.  I've looked over the various threads and see your complaint is valid.


1.  Learn how to spell.

2.  Read the user agreement

3.  Refrain from personal attacks -- Failure to do so will result in you being banned from this site.

All malicious posts made by you so far have been removed and placed in the catcher.

This is your warning.

Hi Don. Did you notice that Chip started insulting this new user first? It appears that this pertinent fact has been ignored or obfuscicated. I note that Chip has deleted the offensive post that also insulted Clifford. In contrast you have moved this user's posts in the Catcher, and I must say they do seem tactless when not read in the context of Chip's interaction. Unlike Chip, this user no longer has the power to delete his/her posts. Incidentally, are spelling mistakes worthy of a warning?

As I see it Chip did provoke tiktok on two separate occasions prior to being served back. In all fairness and as a new user, tiktok may have assumed that such banter was acceptable. Consequently, I strongly advise you to issue at least a similar warning to Chip, who as an experienced member of this forum should know better.

27 Jun 2005

Wee, can't really trust any polls here, ya know?

Yes, I feel the same way. Critical polls could be moved to the members only area, but then that would preclude you, Chip.

Chip's Photo Chip 27 Jun 2005

Prometheus, at least in this case I know you lie. I cut and paste the definitions for bleating mainly to show that it did not necessarily mean I was calling tiktok and Clifford sheep as tiktok suggested. Then a definition of sheep, and then a definition of clueless, all in response to tiktok. I then stated, "Thanks for the demonstration, tiktok." I did not mention Clifford at all in that post as prometheus has lied here. I am coming clean. Prometheus is lying.

I guess it is not worth your denying that tiktok was you, prometheus? I mean if some one had made such an allegation of me, that would be the first thing I would address. I wouldn't leave that serious allegation floating out there.

27 Jun 2005

I am coming clean. Prometheus is lying.

[lol] [lol] [lol]

For those who have seen "Team America", recall the scene when the agent/actor is in the jeep with the terrorists being pursued by his gun happy pals who are now shooting at him as well as the terrorists and he is waving his hands about trying to give them the secret signal so he does not get shot (this is a hilarious scene in a hilarious movie). Well, Chip reminds me of the marionette waving his hands about "help! help! prometheus is lying! help!"

If I was as thin skinned as you are Chip, I suppose it would be the first knee jerk response. If it makes you happy to think tiktok is me I'm fine with it for now - whilst this user is a tad uncouth in delivery style I share the sentiment.

Chip's Photo Chip 27 Jun 2005

Gee, I'd call that a straw man ad hominem. Do they stuff marionettes with straw?

So, it doesn't matter if he lies, he doesn't deny it. It is fine with prometheus to suspect that he created an additional member ID to foster bias and personal attacks. This guy is a member of your staff? Who here on the staff finds dirty tricks unacceptable? Me, a full member? Fat chance. Not with what I have just learned.

DJS's Photo DJS 27 Jun 2005

I could give a detailed explanation for my navigator actions, but its quite simple really. The virtually personality known as tiktok made several posts in violation of the user agreement and I observed these transgressions. It therefore gets a warning. Other individual's action are irrelvant to this particular case -- two wrongs do not make a right. Howeverf, if individuals have particular incidents to report to me then I will be obliged to investigate.

Incidentally, are spelling mistakes worthy of a warning?

Stop trying to be so clever Prometheus, it is really quite unbecoming.

Doesn't a biotech advisor have something better to do with his time other than making a fool of himself by squabbling with basic membership?

27 Jun 2005

Doesn't a biotech advisor have something better to do with his time other than making a fool of himself by squabbling with basic membership?

Being a biotech advisor does not predispose me to being immune from pests so I am sure you will understand my desire to swat.

Other individual's action are irrelvant to this particular case -- two wrongs do not make a right. Howeverf, if individuals have particular incidents to report to me then I will be obliged to investigate.

Very well, Don. As per your statement I formally request for you to launch an investigation on the events leading up to tiktok's behaviour.

Chip's Photo Chip 27 Jun 2005

"For those who have seen "Team America", recall the scene when the agent/actor is in the jeep with the terrorists being pursued by his gun happy pals who are now shooting at him as well as the terrorists and he is waving his hands about trying to give them the secret signal so he does not get shot (this is a hilarious scene in a hilarious movie). Well, Chip reminds me of the marionette waving his hands about "help! help! prometheus is lying! help!"

I get the message, power decides, might makes right, truth comes from the barrel of a gun, kill the messenger, eat shit and die. Sounds like something contrary to fighting the blight of involuntary death. I see. I understand. This is not the first forum I have witnessed that has been co-opted from its stated purpose. So what else is new?

DJS's Photo DJS 27 Jun 2005

I formally request for you to launch an investigation on the events leading up to tiktok's behaviour.

No, this is not how it works. Although I do occasionally spot infractions while browsing the forums, this is not in general how things work. Let's get real here, I have limited time and can't investigate every generalized allegation that is thrown my way.

If you have specific complaints/incidents that you wish to refer me to then please do so (with a link provided). I will review, and if necessary issue warnings. Obviously we have an imperfect system here at ImmInst, but we do the best we can.

eternaltraveler's Photo eternaltraveler 27 Jun 2005

comeon guys. Just relax.

If Don and I can get along, anyone can get along ;))

Chip's Photo Chip 28 Jun 2005

Hey, I just saw a stuffed marionette at a toy store today! Sure maybe the conventional idea of a marionette is maybe an articulated doll made of wood but, I bet ya plenty of straw stuffed marionettes have entertained children over time!


Oh heck. I was just answering a question I made a couple of posts ago here. No personal or public allusion intended. Went shopping with my daughter today with birthday money. Didn't buy anything but I think she decided on a digital camera which we'll pick up tomorrow.

28 Jun 2005

Man.. give the number of your dealer.. :)

justinb's Photo justinb 29 Jun 2005

JESUS.... if these are the people that are going to work on a cure for aging then we are all fucked.

Chip's Photo Chip 29 Jun 2005

If all the intelligence we can muster is crass one-liners then, yes, we ain't got a chance in hell.


Lighten up.

justinb's Photo justinb 29 Jun 2005

QUOTE (Chip)
If all the intelligence we can muster is crass one-liners then, yes, we ain't got a chance in hell.


Lighten up.

It was meant as a joke. [tung]

Chip's Photo Chip 29 Jun 2005

Image removed due to offensive nature of material. PM Chip if you want the juicy pic.

It wasn't really all that offensive, a picture of a bottle of pills with one spilling out and the label read "Fukitol" with a little ad line at the bottom. Still, it is not my intention to take up bandwidth with relatively useless graphics, so I deleted it.
Edited by Chip, 14 July 2005 - 01:55 AM.

justinb's Photo justinb 29 Jun 2005

I am with Prometheus here.... may I have the number of your dealer?

Chip's Photo Chip 29 Jun 2005

(use a highly inflective plaintive Robin Williams voice for the following)

OH NO! He's chosen sides and I am on the other one, up against the wall, lined up in the cross hairs. He's invoked the sacred "J" name. My fate is truly set. forgive me father for I have sinned. Hail Mary. Hail Mary. Hail Mary. Phew. Okay wise guys, I got my Jesus juice on now too. We are all secure now from the insults. Flame on!

Remove the Robin Williams voice now and just use my usual logical voiced self for the following, please. and thank you!

What I want to know, is how can any one in their right mind be against SENS? Sure maybe one could take issue with how one might think it will be expressed through time but it makes no sense to consider the idea of seeking to ever more minimize human death and hopefully within the life time of some present today as distasteful especially in a forum that is the fruit of a so-called immortality institute.

Uh oh. Seems I have only seen the tip of the ice berg. I should never have challenged the validity of prometheus' latest poll on Terry Schiavo. The troll has been here and has gathered his troops and here I come all trusting and innocent like, thinking the goal and method is seeking mutual intelligence.

Excuse me. The error is all mine. For some reason I thought this forum might be exempt.

Corinthians 15:26 "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."

Huh? I'd rather we get on with destroying that enemy first and foremost. In fact, I don't see any reason to assume any other enemies.
Edited by Chip, 29 June 2005 - 03:22 PM.

DJS's Photo DJS 30 Jun 2005

I actually am curious Prometheus why you reference a bible passage with your signature. Do you have religious persuasions, or are you attempting a sort of memetic reconcilation between Immortalism and Christianity? Either way, I think your sig has the potential to give serious scientists who are new to the site the wrong idea about the secular nature of ImmInst's mission. I should stress that I am not trying to knock you as much as I am interested to hear your rationale.

scottl's Photo scottl 30 Jun 2005


You should have checked google for that passage:

"1 Corinthians 15:26 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

26The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

Chip's Photo Chip 30 Jun 2005

This has disturbed me: http://www.yuricarep...ngOfAmerica.htm

If it were not so highly well documented and cited, I might just pass it off as paranoia but there actually appears to be individuals who are hiding their true intentions with the express desire to join and subvert humanist undertakings.

If such were happening here, I expect there would be little participation in what I find the "meat and potatoes" of this forum, the supplements and nootropics sections, by said possible counter leaning individuals. They would probably want to involve themselves a great deal to establish some credibility, perhaps even some status within the staff of the forum. It would probably look innocent enough but still reflect core values or lack thereof in being a general denigration of the general purposes of the Imminst forum. I look through the SENS section and see continual remindance to steer clear of taxing bull-headedness (my general description) and a recognition that there appears to be almost a fervent desire or mission to discredit the idea. Of course, a challenged theory can benefit from an attack in that it gets fleshed out and forced into more focus. Still, it is all largely speculation and making real contributions to currently known and available technology, a real desire to help, should be reflected in participation in the supps and noots sections, I surmise.

DJS's Photo DJS 30 Jun 2005


You should have checked google for that passage:

"1 Corinthians 15:26 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)
Public Domain

  26The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

Scott, I know exactly how the passage reads. Hence my remarks:

are you attempting a sort of memetic reconcilation between Immortalism and Christianity?

My concern is more about the impression given to scientists and new online users when leadership uses a bible passage for their signature. Again, I believe in free speech, though I am curious about Prometheus' rationale.

Mark Hamalainen's Photo Mark Hamalainen 30 Jun 2005

I must say this thread has been entertaining [wis]

Chip, you're obviously an intelligent person, but slow down with the conspiracy theories. Nobody here is against SENS, it just happens that a good way of improving on an idea is to intellectually attack it from every possible angle. de Grey himself is anxious for a well known gerontologist to make a serious attempt at critiquing SENS, or is he involved in a conspiracy against himself? I hope you don't really take these conspiracy theories seriously.