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Log of ceasing twice daily dose of bupropion @ 200mg per dose, after several months treatment

bupropion d-phenylalanine racetams misc noots

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#1 Duchykins

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Posted 19 April 2014 - 07:59 AM

So here's the deal, Bupropion performed well in the beginning as far as motivating me to get up and get out more. But I believe I have reached the threshold at which bupropion stops being cool to me. Side effects of bupropion: memory difficulties, blurry vision (caused by high dopamine apparently), no anxiolytic properties and can put some people in a state of high anxiety anger and increase aggressiveimpulses (too much norepinephrine here), blah blah blah

Worse, bupropion properties kept hindering me from trying a lot of noots that I hope will help with memory but more importantly make me sociable, make eye contact, and be talkative without benzolike sedatives. It's so bad I can't survive the interview process and keep failing to get work. I decided it was time to leave the nest.

Last time I tried to taper down and ended up in a shitty hole where I hardly got out of bed. So I went dack on it and started looking around for some supp that I could use in bupropion's place and one of the things I found for that is d-phenylalanine. After reading and writing in my little drug notebook, I decided that today I was just not going to take bupropion at all and replace those two doses with d-phenyl instead. This came with the risk of seizure, which can happen with bupropion withdrawal since you've pretty much took out the floor underneath dopamine. This can cause seizures and parkinsonlike symptoms. However it seems D-phenyl picked up the dopamine/norepinephrine torch, as I had hoped. It felt like any other day on bupropion, but without the aggressive type of anxiety I get with bupropion. So far so good. A side note, my chronic lumbar pain disappeared for a long time, and I didn't even realize it until the day was almost over and some of the pain was coming back. Took my usual ambien, works like usual, going to bed now, will leave another report later

#2 Duchykins

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Posted 20 April 2014 - 09:35 PM

Still good. My visual acuity returned with such a suddenness that it was as if everything was too sharp, too detailed, but I know it's my normal pre-bupropion 20/20.

I think I may have been wrong about eye problem with bupropion. High dopamine can cause blurry vision, but so can inadequate acetylcholine, or so I've read about anticholinergics. Anticholinergic activity can also cause some memory problems, which most of us already understand. Low ACh also explains some other symptoms that I originally thought were unrelated to bupropion; increased urination (kidneys' ability to concentrate urine was compromised) and constipation. These symptoms have also resolved, and these symptoms would also lessen whenever I was on a nootropic stack with typically 100mg citicoline, 400mg ALCAR.

Anyway the d-phenylalanine is working like a champ, no loss of energy, no mood swings, no anger, my lifelong slight hand tremors actually calmed a bit (they got a tad worse with bupropion), no seizures, it's as if I had only been taking a bupropion placebo the past six months.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: bupropion, d-phenylalanine, racetams, misc noots

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