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Coca Leaves As A Nootropic?


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#121 Geoffrey

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Posted 04 May 2014 - 01:00 PM

I wonder if there's something that would potentiate the focus/stimulant effect or make it last longer, like reversible MAO- or COMT-inhibition (EGCG?), or perhaps throw in some black pepper which is known to dramatically increase absorption of many things.


Great idea! I have some bioperine, so will test. However, I don't think bioavailability of the alkaloids is the issue -- it's more that they get destroyed by stomach acids, and of course the fact that there are only micro-doses in the leaf. I think I got very mild euphoria the first time I tried coca leaf tea (though it was probably placebo), but since then I have never noted any euphoria at all, although I would say it gives a slight mood lift.

#122 normalizing

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Posted 04 May 2014 - 07:03 PM

I wonder if there's something that would potentiate the focus/stimulant effect or make it last longer, like reversible MAO- or COMT-inhibition (EGCG?), or perhaps throw in some black pepper which is known to dramatically increase absorption of many things.


i know i kept trying to get a prolonged buzz feeling but goddamn it lasts so short! like, i dunno, 10 mins? so i started experimenting with nicotine gum, let me tell you, it doubles the buzz 2x over, but it still lasts just 15 mins extra and i couldnt keep it up any longer..... and i tried tons of gums 4mg nicotine too!

#123 normalizing

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Posted 04 May 2014 - 07:05 PM


I wonder if there's something that would potentiate the focus/stimulant effect or make it last longer, like reversible MAO- or COMT-inhibition (EGCG?), or perhaps throw in some black pepper which is known to dramatically increase absorption of many things.


Great idea! I have some bioperine, so will test. However, I don't think bioavailability of the alkaloids is the issue -- it's more that they get destroyed by stomach acids, and of course the fact that there are only micro-doses in the leaf. I think I got very mild euphoria the first time I tried coca leaf tea (though it was probably placebo), but since then I have never noted any euphoria at all, although I would say it gives a slight mood lift.



tolerance builds extremely quick! first time i downed shitload of leaves, real nice ride! then i kept trying to repeat all day long, nothing! then next day again, first time, nice flying time, later ZERO. bah the serious problem with those leaves is, you need FRESH leaves to get the most out of the juices which are the alkaloids. the dry leaves are pathetic!

#124 normalizing

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Posted 04 May 2014 - 07:10 PM


ok i did some without baking soda not rly the same. the numbness was 60% less and i guess baking soda does add a lot to it.



Chewing really numbs the mouth, Some Former cocaine users say that it numbs their mouth more than "gummies"(Rubbing pure cocaine on their gums). This obviously has to do with the fact that the Coca leaf contain 3 local anesthetics, with cocaine being the weakest one I believe. Some people say the leafs smell bad. I love the smell :D. But anyways, try making a really strong tea with 5-10 grams, I find it lasts longer when ingested. Just try to add in a little but of baking soda in the tea to neutralize some of your stomach acid. It could be YOUR specific biochemistry that is the issue. Honestly, the effects from coca are subtle(for me). It does enhance concentration and motivation. But it does not suddenly make you extremely euphoric and motivated like snorting real cocaine. Instead, I find it to sort of "amplify" my focus and motivation by maybe 10%. That said, If im depressed and unmotivated, coca will help very little.




actually the dry leaves contain very little bitter juices to give me any major numbness. as i said, adding baking soda pinch to the leaves, completely turned my whole face into nonexistence. i could not feel anything, not my tongue, teeth, even cheeks. i thought they were wiped off earth until i checked in mirror lol

and i cant make tea now, i downed those leaves like a psycho in just 2 days. you said they are not addictive and i must agree BUT since the first time i tried em, i kept chasing that buzz so passionately, that i didnt realize how fast they were dissapearing from the bag lol so in just 2 days i probably gobbled on hundreds of them.


anyway ill repeat this for others, you want to amplify the effect, smoke cigs with them, or if you think cigs are the big bad wolf who is going to eat you, just do as i do, chew potent nicotine gums. ;)

#125 normalizing

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Posted 04 May 2014 - 07:15 PM

Any results for appetite suppression? Would you mind taking your weight and BMI? I wonder if they'll replace the caranavi with some raw leaves... I didn't experience anywhere near as much numbness as you describe, definitely not something I'd use for getting a cavity drilled...


i dont think they are really good for appetite suppression. of course when i chewed them and all the numb feeling and the nasty smell and taste, i lost all appetite! but it lasted like 2 hours and then it was like back to normal. i guess chewing gum also ehanced the time before i wanna eat anything because chewing gum is usually keeping people from actually eating. but, yeah the mild stimulant effect and the numbness coca causes in your mouth and throat, you lose your appetite completely. the problem is, that is not going to last too long therefore i consider them not a significant appetite suppressant.

#126 Ritchie

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Posted 06 May 2014 - 08:59 PM



ok i did some without baking soda not rly the same. the numbness was 60% less and i guess baking soda does add a lot to it.



Chewing really numbs the mouth, Some Former cocaine users say that it numbs their mouth more than "gummies"(Rubbing pure cocaine on their gums). This obviously has to do with the fact that the Coca leaf contain 3 local anesthetics, with cocaine being the weakest one I believe. Some people say the leafs smell bad. I love the smell :D. But anyways, try making a really strong tea with 5-10 grams, I find it lasts longer when ingested. Just try to add in a little but of baking soda in the tea to neutralize some of your stomach acid. It could be YOUR specific biochemistry that is the issue. Honestly, the effects from coca are subtle(for me). It does enhance concentration and motivation. But it does not suddenly make you extremely euphoric and motivated like snorting real cocaine. Instead, I find it to sort of "amplify" my focus and motivation by maybe 10%. That said, If im depressed and unmotivated, coca will help very little.




actually the dry leaves contain very little bitter juices to give me any major numbness. as i said, adding baking soda pinch to the leaves, completely turned my whole face into nonexistence. i could not feel anything, not my tongue, teeth, even cheeks. i thought they were wiped off earth until i checked in mirror lol

and i cant make tea now, i downed those leaves like a psycho in just 2 days. you said they are not addictive and i must agree BUT since the first time i tried em, i kept chasing that buzz so passionately, that i didnt realize how fast they were dissapearing from the bag lol so in just 2 days i probably gobbled on hundreds of them.


anyway ill repeat this for others, you want to amplify the effect, smoke cigs with them, or if you think cigs are the big bad wolf who is going to eat you, just do as i do, chew potent nicotine gums. ;)





Any results for appetite suppression? Would you mind taking your weight and BMI? I wonder if they'll replace the caranavi with some raw leaves... I didn't experience anywhere near as much numbness as you describe, definitely not something I'd use for getting a cavity drilled...


i dont think they are really good for appetite suppression. of course when i chewed them and all the numb feeling and the nasty smell and taste, i lost all appetite! but it lasted like 2 hours and then it was like back to normal. i guess chewing gum also ehanced the time before i wanna eat anything because chewing gum is usually keeping people from actually eating. but, yeah the mild stimulant effect and the numbness coca causes in your mouth and throat, you lose your appetite completely. the problem is, that is not going to last too long therefore i consider them not a significant appetite suppressant.


An alkaline(Basic) substances is always added to coca leaves to raise the PH of the saliva inside the mouth. Generally saliva is too acidic to absorb significant amounts of active alkaloids, so an alkaline substances bypasses this. In this situation, Baking soda is our alkaline substance. However in ancient times they also used quinoa ashes and slaked lime as well.

I don't smoke cigarettes, but I believe adding a higher amount of baking soda to coca tea or coca chew should amplify coca's effect due to increased absorption.


In terms of appetite suppression, it is really only apparent when chewing. Drinking coca tea does give some mild appetite suppression, but it won't make you "lose weight effortlessly" like stronger stimulants can. Chewing the leaves provides very strong appetite suppression, but this is almost entirely due to the local anesthesia it produces in the mouth and throat.   

#127 YOLF

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Posted 07 May 2014 - 12:45 AM

IIRC, ecgonine is also a powerful metabolic stimulant a good Coca tea should cause weight loss IMO.

#128 Ritchie

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Posted 07 May 2014 - 03:27 PM

IIRC, ecgonine is also a powerful metabolic stimulant a good Coca tea should cause weight loss IMO.

I have noticed some thermogenic properties(Sweating, overheating, mild flushing of the face etc.) but again all appetite suppression comes from chewing the leaves

#129 YOLF

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Posted 07 May 2014 - 06:06 PM

I guess I need fresh leaves... 

#130 normalizing

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Posted 07 May 2014 - 08:34 PM

^ thats what i said. those dried leaves barely contained the good juices. fresh leaves is the way to go, but thats impossible if you dont live close to the location it originates from....


yeah i also experienced the thermogenic properties the sweating, overheatings, even feeling shakey but that was when i did a lot and it did remind me of a side effect from cocaine except unlike cocaine, the side effects naturally dissapeared and you experience a relaxation compared to agitation in cocaine. goes to show the whole is better more complex than an isolate.

#131 Ritchie

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Posted 08 May 2014 - 01:47 PM

I guess I need fresh leaves... 

I have tried both the canavari powder and the whole leaves and I have found most success with the latter. I think it may be becaus the leaves are picked fresh while the powder is probably held in storage for a while before being shipped.

#132 Ritchie

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Posted 08 May 2014 - 01:52 PM

If you want to make a stronger coca tea, and you have whole leaves availible to you, try to make an infusion. Just heat some water to 50-60 degrees Celsius, pour in an airtight container with 3-5 grams coca and half tbsp baking soda. The. Refrigerate overnight. When it cools down the water vapor will act as a suction force. I have tried this and the coca infusion is amazing. It produces local anesthesia like nothing I've ever felt and it has a much stronger stimulant effect.

#133 normalizing

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Posted 08 May 2014 - 07:04 PM

even if they were packed fresh, by the time they get to you, since i have witnessed this first hand, they are super dried and "beaten" :(


as i said, the best stuff you can get is local fresh leaves, but thats not possible :/

#134 PWAIN

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Posted 08 May 2014 - 10:12 PM

Just need to get some seeds and grow in a greenhouse. Now where to get seeds lol.

#135 YOLF

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Posted 09 May 2014 - 03:32 AM

They sell them as suveniers (sp). We'd need DEA permits to grow them though. It could be a cool venture though. Imagine going to a convenience store where they had an indoor plant and buying some leaves for tea or chew each day at a per gram price. If the plant runs out of leaves, you rotate it to a green house. Or you deliver cuttings daily and leave the stems in solution/water until picked.  


Or Coca Tea Starbucks...

#136 Ritchie

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Posted 09 May 2014 - 03:35 PM

They sell them as suveniers (sp). We'd need DEA permits to grow them though. It could be a cool venture though. Imagine going to a convenience store where they had an indoor plant and buying some leaves for tea or chew each day at a per gram price. If the plant runs out of leaves, you rotate it to a green house. Or you deliver cuttings daily and leave the stems in solution/water until picked.  


Or Coca Tea Starbucks...

I have looked at growing them. They take about 2 years to fully mature(To get to a point where you can start harvesting). However they can be harvested every 2 months. Keep in mind that the coffee plant takes 3-4 years to fully mature and it can only be harvested once a year. 

You only need really one plant, then you can plant the "branches" or cuttings of the plant and a new plant will grow from that. As  much as I want a Coca tea starbucks, it'll never be legal :(.

People will yell from the rooftops "Legalising cocaine plants?!? What about our children?!?" etc.

Though It would give me a reason to buy from coffee shops :)

Just need to get some seeds and grow in a greenhouse. Now where to get seeds lol.

You can buy them online, just like coca leaves. The problem is they die within a week(so they may be dead by the time they get to  you). Also they prefer high altitude and warm temperatures, so growing in northern usa or canada would be difficult.

#137 machete234

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Posted 09 May 2014 - 05:23 PM

Just need to get some seeds and grow in a greenhouse. Now where to get seeds lol.


Theres a reason why this shit is mostly only grown in the andes

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#138 normalizing

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Posted 09 May 2014 - 06:44 PM

i dunno i think a greenhouse try to grow them might work. nobody has tried it to say otherwise. im not sure who owns a greenhouse though, since thats another problem right there.

#139 YOLF

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Posted 09 May 2014 - 06:48 PM

Now that I think about it... Those stone terrace villages high in the mountains must have been for growing coca and protecting it. It gives the user more energy and staves off hunger, so it would have been a military installation similar to an Area 51 or some such. Now I see the "alien" connection with these sites! lol.

#140 Geoffrey

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Posted 10 May 2014 - 05:18 PM

If you want to make a stronger coca tea, and you have whole leaves availible to you, try to make an infusion. Just heat some water to 50-60 degrees Celsius, pour in an airtight container with 3-5 grams coca and half tbsp baking soda. The. Refrigerate overnight. When it cools down the water vapor will act as a suction force. I have tried this and the coca infusion is amazing. It produces local anesthesia like nothing I've ever felt and it has a much stronger stimulant effect.

How much water did you use for 3-5 grams coca leaf? Wouldn't this work with tea -- i.e. 3-5 bags of 1g tea? Or how about just making a tea with three bags and some baking soda. Does it really benefit from infusion overnight?

#141 Ritchie

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Posted 11 May 2014 - 11:33 PM


If you want to make a stronger coca tea, and you have whole leaves availible to you, try to make an infusion. Just heat some water to 50-60 degrees Celsius, pour in an airtight container with 3-5 grams coca and half tbsp baking soda. The. Refrigerate overnight. When it cools down the water vapor will act as a suction force. I have tried this and the coca infusion is amazing. It produces local anesthesia like nothing I've ever felt and it has a much stronger stimulant effect.

How much water did you use for 3-5 grams coca leaf? Wouldn't this work with tea -- i.e. 3-5 bags of 1g tea? Or how about just making a tea with three bags and some baking soda. Does it really benefit from infusion overnight?


Tea works fine too. The idea of the infusion is to get every last molecule of the alkaloids infused since some are always left behind in the leaves. I personally used 3-5 grams of leaves in 750ml of water. But you can use more obviously. There really is no danger in using a higher amount as it is impossible to OD on coca.

#142 Danny R

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Posted 12 May 2014 - 02:01 AM

Hey, I'm a little late in reading this, but in reply to the comment about organic versus non and pesticide use, organic does -not- mean something was grown without pesticides. See http://www.ocf.berke...rganictext.html (and many other sources)

#143 jacobjerondin

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Posted 14 September 2018 - 05:21 AM

Bump, anyone know the best brand/source for coca powder or extract these days? I mean full spectrum extract obviously (not cocaine), something similar to what mysteriousbolivian/novoandinastore sells would be great. Unfortunately, those guys don't seem to be reliable anymore so I'm on the hunt for something similar now.

#144 BioHacker=Life

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Posted 15 September 2018 - 04:09 AM

Bump, anyone know the best brand/source for coca powder or extract these days? I mean full spectrum extract obviously (not cocaine), something similar to what mysteriousbolivian/novoandinastore sells would be great. Unfortunately, those guys don't seem to be reliable anymore so I'm on the hunt for something similar now.


I bought some from the states and it work pretty good. Tastes kind of like green tea.

#145 jacobjerondin

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Posted 20 September 2018 - 05:42 AM

I'm assuming you went with the boston guys I mentioned above? In case anyone's wondering, I ended up ordering from novoandinastore aka organicenergystore and it actually came quickly! Stoked to try it soon!

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