Hey guys and gals, just wanted to add to the experience bank of coluracetam. Previous racetam usage includes piracetam, aniracetam, oxiracetam, pramiracetam, as well as noopept and sunifram. Been using one form of racetams or another for about two years now, mostly piracetam and aniracetam.
I received my package from New Star Nootropics about 2 weeks ago, containing 250 mg coluracetam and 5 grams phenylpiracetam.
Dosages - have ranged from ~5mg to up to ~40 at once, with usual dosages being ~15mg, twice a day. I haven't taken it every day, so if there is some sort of build up effect or even reverse tolerance as I read on another thread, this may be slowed down a bit.
Appearance - an offish white, maybe light cream color. Fluffier than most other racetams I've used.
Flavor - bitter, chemical-like. Honestly not that bad though, I have no issues or hesitation to consuming it sublingually. Nothing beats the bitterness of EGCG in my experience..
Perceptually - Indeed, colors do seem brighter and bubblier. Very similar to if one were to use a modest dose of LSD, though it really only grabs my attention with brighter colors or stronger contrasts, or lights. If I'm just looking around at my wooden floor, it looks like my wooden floor on any other day. If I look at the bright green scoop provided with my shipment, it's damn near radioactive. I often find myself staring into the headlights of oncoming cars while passing them in the night - prob not a good thing, but the lights are so pretty..
Music is often times enhanced, though not always. Some songs I've noticed seem to be playing slower than normal, and this leaves me feeling less satisfied. It's not the type of substance that makes me want to listen to heavier or fast playing music. But it lends itself well to more ethereal sounding songs, or acoustic, folky songs. Listening to certain Simon & Garfunkel songs left me damn near ecstatic.
As to my other senses, I've noticed no changes.
Mentally - A broad category to cover, but in short, it seems to add fluidity, creativity, and a sense of ease to my life. By fluidity I mean that with coluracetam, I seem to be more in the flow, more "right-brained", with less rigidity of thought or feelings. I find myself making more associations that I normally wouldn't have made, connecting certain aspects of one topic to aspects of a completely unrelated topic. Sometimes I get in these moods on my own, but coluracetam seems to reliably bring them out in me.
I think coluracetam would be a good choice if I was in a creative writing class or music class, but less so if I was in an algebra class.
I can't speak for it's effects on memory, as I haven't really done any tests yet. Hopefully when I start up classes again I can report back on this.
By sense of ease, I mean that it seems to supply a subtle glow of positivity and ease within. Whereas aniracetam provides anxiety-dampening effects in a more sort of dulling way, this substance seems to just provide a sense of ease and glow. I know that's redundant.. Whereas aniracetam seems to dull down the anxiety, coluracetam seems to up the comfort and positivity so that the anxiety seems to disappear in comparison.
I hate to use another drug comparison, but it's kind of like the "afterglow" effect provided by LSD or MDMA, either right after the trip or the day after. It's similar to that feeling, but much more subtle. A residual positivity.
Sociability - It doesn't seem to push me into a more social state, like a stimulant would, but it does help connecting with others and being more empathetic. I seem to analyze what I'm saying and what the other person is saying less, and again, the word "fluidity" comes to mind. It's not something I'd use if I was going to a party or out to the bars, but more if I was getting coffee or hiking with a close friend, or any other more intimate situation.
That about sums it up. I haven't done any megadoses, or even close to the 80 mg dose used in the studies. All in all, this is looking like it may be my new favorite noot.