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Selegiline, Tianeptine, Memantine, Pramipexole

selegiline tianeptine memantine pramipexole pea phenethylamine depression motivation

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#1 Ruinmir

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Posted 24 July 2014 - 06:57 PM

Hello All,

I'm a longtime lurker, first time I've started a post, forgive me if I do anything wrong.

I wanted to get people's opinions and possibly experiences on a combo that I plan to try.  My goal is helping to alleviate depression and anxiety, while boosting energy, motivation, focus, etc.  I know these topics have been discussed to death but I haven't found much on this specific combo.

So, the core combo would be selegiline, memantine, taineptine, and possibly pramipexole, with sprinklings of phenethylamine.

I am already quite familiar with the selegiline + pea combo, and have been taking tianeptine on and off over the last ~6 months.

I have never tried memantine or pramipexole though, and I'm not sure how they will combine.

I like the sound of memantine both for controlling stimulant tolerance and reducing obsessive/compulsive type behavior induced by the pea.

I've already found sources for all of these legal and readily available compounds, just saving up money till I can buy all at once.

So, anyone have experience with these in any combination?

#2 noot_in_the_sky

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Posted 27 July 2014 - 02:25 AM

I have try selegiline, pramipexole, & soon tianepetine.  What I will say is that, pramipexole is a very dangers drug.  When I took it, I had a very suddel personality change and not necessarly good once.  By this I mean that if you have some desire, but normaly restrain yourself this drug will destory your inhibition, and the way it does is so suddle that it happens mostly outside of your counsiousness.  Until, may be one day you deside to look back at your actions, and discover what you have been doing.  If you where to combine both selegiline + pramipexole your only increasing your chance of getting the negative side effects.  There are more negative stories online. Here is a link to a YouTube video: 


I haven't expiremented with selegiline + tianepetine yet, but had heard good things about them. Here is a link on this thread about it: http://www.longecity...adhddepression/



Btw, have you concider modafinil there also many good reports of it for motivation? 

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#3 Introspecta

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Posted 27 July 2014 - 09:43 PM

Yeah there was a story of a straight married man who became a gay sex addict and gambled all his money away. Dopamine is a powerful thing. Too much and you go crazy. I've noticed compulsive behavior when I first started using phenibut in high doses. Every store I went into I just wanted to buy everything. I'd have sex with my girlfriend then stay up all night watching porn. Def be careful with dopamine agonists. If anything use the lowest doses possible and skip days.

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#4 Ruinmir

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Posted 28 July 2014 - 07:12 PM

Yes, pramipexole is just a maybe, I'm more interested in memantine.  Noot_in_the_sky: may I ask what dose you were taking?  Did you ramp it up slowly?  I've read that with pramipexole it's particularly important to adjust slowly.  I may or may not try it, and if I do it would be a very low dose.

I've not tried modafinil but I have taken its prodrug adrafinil, it is useful but not much more than caffeine.


Introspecta: You got those effects from phenibut?  That's interesting, it must affect dopamine in some way too?  I've taken phenibut but only relatively small doses, I got rather irritable after a while so I haven't taken any recently.


I'll probably be ordering the memantine and selegiline soon, already have tianeptine on hand.  I'll report back on my experience if there's anything worth mentioning.

#5 noot_in_the_sky

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 09:06 PM

When I try pramipexole I started at .1mg/d, but was getting sleepy so I lower it to .05mg/d.  The highest I ever took was .25mg/d, and it took my about 2 months to get to it. 


Slowly ramping up the dose only help with pramipexole making me drowzzy, but the personality changes happen regardless of me ramping the dose.  For me, my personality began to change at around .2mg/d.  I had the same sexual side effect as Introspecta, and it happen even at .05mg/d -which could be concider good if you into that. 


*Tip of Advice:

If you decide to try pramipexole get it in liquid form, and get a 1ml syringe to get a better measurement.





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#6 Ruinmir

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Posted 29 July 2014 - 10:49 PM

Wow, even at that low dose. If I do try it I will be careful, I guess it really is powerful stuff. The source I found does have the liquid. Actually I found memantine and selegiline in liquid form as well, so I can control all dosages easily.
Did you have any positive effects from pramipexole? Or was it mostly just negative?

#7 noot_in_the_sky

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Posted 30 July 2014 - 02:52 PM

Oh no, pramipexole those have many positive effects:

1. The prosexual effect can be really fun.  Perhaps, if I had taken something like .01mg or less it wouldn't have given me the negative effect, and just a bit of a sexual boost.


2.  It decreases prolactin.  Which means less refractory period after orgasm, and less body fat.


3.  It increases GH.  Even though, I was trying to bulk I didn't get that much fat.


4.  It seems to be both a dopamine and 5ht2a agonist. Some have speculated that it can with time potentiate its self. Which means you would need less of it, or it might repair some damage dopamine receptors.


5.  I became more sociable.



The thing is, that I can get most of this effects with something safer like Selegiline @ 2.5mg/d w/ 2 days off.


FYI, I found that tianpetine can cause high levels of prolactin in some cases:





Polycystic ovary syndrome and hyperprolactinemia are distinct entities.

The aims of the present study were to identify the cause of hyperprolactinemia in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and to compare prolactin (PRL) levels between PCOS women without hyperprolactinemia and women with insulin resistance and without PCOS. A group of 82 women (age: 27.1 +/- 7.6 years) with PCOS was included in the study. Their PRL levels were measured and compared with those of women with insulin resistance without PCOS (controls; n = 42; age: 29.2 +/- 8.2 years). Among the 82 PCOS women, 13 (16%) presented high PRL levels (103.9 +/- 136.0 microg/l). The causes of hyperprolactinemia were: pituitary tumor (responding to cabergoline) in nine cases (69%; PRL range: 28.6 - 538 microg/l); oral hormonal contraceptive treatment in two cases (15%; PRL: 46 and 55 microg/l, respectively); and use of buspirone and tianeptine in one case (8%; PRL: 37.1 microg/l); one case (8%; PRL: 34.4 microg/l) had macroprolactinemia. In drug-induced hyperprolactinemic patients PRL levels normalized after treatment interruption. The average PRL level in the 69 remaining patients was 12.1 +/- 5.5 microg/l, a value not statistically different from that of the control group (11.8 +/- 4.9 microg/l). This result leads us to conclude that PCOS patients with increased PRL levels must be investigated for other causes of hyperprolactinemia, because hyperprolactinemia is not a clinical manifestation of PCOS.



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#8 Ruinmir

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Posted 30 July 2014 - 05:00 PM

In that study I think I'd attribute the prolactin to buspirone, though maybe the tianeptine played a role. If prolactin is an issue, I guess low dose prami would take of that, but maybe selegiline alone would be fine. Thanks for the input, I can read about receptors and pharmacokinetics all day, but people's subjective experiences can be much more helpful.

#9 Ruinmir

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Posted 13 August 2014 - 06:55 PM

Well, I ended up receiving my orders of Selegiline and Tianeptine yesterday.  Being the impatient type that I am I took a dose of each in the evening.  As I mentioned above, I'm familiar with both separately, but not in combination. 

So last night all in all I took: ~30mg Tianeptine, 5mg Selegiline, 3mg Melatonin, 25mg Diphenhydramine, 4 capsules Valerian (don't know the mg).


For the ~4 hours I was awake after consumption I had a slight mood and energy boost, nothing spectacular but noticeable.  At about 11pm I was still fairly awake but needed to go to sleep for work the next morning.  Despite not feeling very sleepy it didn't take long to drift off.  Today I was able to wake up at 6am without trouble, which is not typical for me.  I usually hit the snooze a gajillion times.  I took another 5mg Selegiline along with yogurt and will be taking Tianeptine throughout the day.


Next I will try adding a low dose of Memantine and see how that works out.

#10 normalizing

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 04:24 AM

how did you order rasagilline and tianeptine? im from the US too and there is no place that sells it here. even with prescription, its not well known or popular by the doctors.

#11 Ruinmir

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 03:07 PM

Not Rasagiline, Selegiline. I got the Selegiline from International Antiaging Systems, they are UK based. I got the Tianeptine from NewMind. I used to order it off Amazon but NewMind is considerably cheaper. They are domestic, based in Chicago I think.

#12 mindpatch

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 03:11 PM

I have try selegiline, pramipexole, & soon tianepetine.  What I will say is that, pramipexole is a very dangers drug.  When I took it, I had a very suddel personality change and not necessarly good once.  By this I mean that if you have some desire, but normaly restrain yourself this drug will destory your inhibition, and the way it does is so suddle that it happens mostly outside of your counsiousness.  Until, may be one day you deside to look back at your actions, and discover what you have been doing.  If you where to combine both selegiline + pramipexole your only increasing your chance of getting the negative side effects.  There are more negative stories online. Here is a link to a YouTube video: 


I haven't expiremented with selegiline + tianepetine yet, but had heard good things about them. Here is a link on this thread about it: http://www.longecity...adhddepression/



Btw, have you concider modafinil there also many good reports of it for motivation? 

How can anyone take that video seriously?  The hand-drawn-with-crayon paper cutouts made me laugh.


I was a long-time SSRI user who thinks that this caused dopamine dysregulation.  I suffered through a severe case of anhedonia and anxiety, with little to no libido.  I've been SSRI free for a year and a half, and still have issues with poor sexual function.  


I've looked into D-agonists, but am afraid of down-regulation of a perhaps already compromised dopaminergic system. If I remember, by bloodwork showed elevated prolactin.  


Is there a consensus among users here for the best treatment options to restore natural and healthy dopamine neurotransmission?

Edited by mindpatch, 14 August 2014 - 03:12 PM.

#13 Ruinmir

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Posted 14 August 2014 - 07:13 PM

Yeah, I'm not sure about that video.  I think it's referring to pramipexole lawsuits by people who were misinformed/underinformed about potential undesirable effects.  I can understand people being angry about that, but it's no reason to demonize the substance.


There doesn't seem to be a consensus, dopamine related topics come up a lot.  It really depends who you ask, and if you're a more conservative supplementer or are willing to be a bit more radical.

Releasing agents such as amphetamine will obviously just exacerbate downregulation and depletion.  Dopamine precursors like tyrosine and phenylalanine support synthesis, but won't effect regulation.

Sulbutiamine is supposed to increase dopamine receptor density, some people respond well some don't notice much.

Selegiline boosts dopamine levels slightly by inhibiting its breakdown, that could be a good choice in combo with the precursors.

Agonists like pramipexole or ropinirole in low doses could be a good option.  If the dose is very small it will downregulate the autoreceptors, thereby increasing overall transmission.  They of course come with the possible unwanted effects: nausea, sleepiness, personality changes, etc.  But they would be the most direct way to boost libido, and reduce prolactin and anhedonia.

YMMV, take at your own risk and proceed with caution.

#14 normalizing

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 02:45 AM

Not Rasagiline, Selegiline. I got the Selegiline from International Antiaging Systems, they are UK based. I got the Tianeptine from NewMind. I used to order it off Amazon but NewMind is considerably cheaper. They are domestic, based in Chicago I think.


newmind sells it in bulk powder? im skeptical of most of those cheap bulk powders being good quality. the newmind powder you get now, is it actually just as potent as the pills?

#15 Ruinmir

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Posted 15 August 2014 - 03:42 PM

It seems to be as potent, though I have no means of objectively testing it, so that's just based on my subjective bioassay.

They send an MSDS and LC/MS report along with it, and a microscoop to measure out doses.

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#16 medievil

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Posted 14 September 2014 - 12:18 AM

Amphetamine probably is the only sustainable way to increase dopamine, with memantine there's no evidence that it will work with Selegiline and potential toxicity with Selegiline I'd say is a big concern.
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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: selegiline, tianeptine, memantine, pramipexole, pea, phenethylamine, depression, motivation

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