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Surviving Ebola, what can you do?


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#271 Nemo888

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Posted 03 November 2014 - 03:50 PM

Uhh tanks make up such a small portion of GDP, it's like a drop of water in a pool. Unless your being sarcastic.


"The U.S. State Department has cleared a $600 million sale of 46,000 120-millimeter armor-piercing tank rounds for the Iraqi Army’s M1A1 Abrams tank fleet, Defense One in the U.S. has reported." That is 60,000$ worth of AP rounds PER ISIS militant. That is a lot of military aid being rebranded a sale.


Could have had the vaccine ready in a freezer for a tiny fraction of that.


Building tanks the Army doesn't even want.



#272 xEva

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Posted 03 November 2014 - 08:51 PM

It's true what she says. Pork barrel politics is expected from politicians in the entire world. Money could be better spent as we all know. Toss the entire US defense budget towards orbital microwave power plants and SENS :)

ah but we can't do that. We're aftaid of the Russians.

(and some are already here :))

"The U.S. State Department has cleared a $600 million sale of 46,000 120-millimeter armor-piercing tank rounds for the Iraqi Army’s M1A1 Abrams tank fleet, Defense One in the U.S. has reported." That is 60,000$ worth of AP rounds PER ISIS militant. That is a lot of military aid being rebranded a sale.
Could have had the vaccine ready in a freezer for a tiny fraction of that.
Building tanks the Army doesn't even want.

Building tanks is good for economy. And building fighter jets is even better. Just this year, due to the Russians scare, the US managed to sell a whole bunch to Australians, Japanese, Poles, Estonians, and.. ..there must have been others.

Edited by xEva, 03 November 2014 - 08:58 PM.

#273 Ark

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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:47 AM


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#274 Ark

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Posted 04 November 2014 - 12:50 AM

Time and time again it has been proven that military investments aren't very beneficial to the economy. Unless you use those tanks to conquer and install other corporation's that might be a argument but at the end of it all the world needs more basic infrastructure which can pull more out of poverty then weapons alone.

#275 Nemo888

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Posted 04 November 2014 - 01:17 PM

Having been in the army I think investing in more industrial scale murder will only produce destruction and misery. It becomes a self reinforcing cycle. The ever escalating arms races around the planet are only good for impoverishing and terrorizing the most vulnerable. These failed states are the perfect place for pandemics to start as the medical infrastructure is destroyed. Many virii like Ebola have been weaponized. Imagine the mental illness required to make bioweapons designed to wipe out the majority of a populace and kill within hours. There are dozens of freezers around the world with pandemics that make Ebola look like a sniffle. Having created these weapons and then cutting the budgets of our defense capability to the point where not just the equipment but even the skill sets are gone is an incredible risk.

#276 Kalliste

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Posted 04 November 2014 - 07:57 PM

Yeah imagine if we had cases of Ebola popping up in every city in the country within hours with no clue what it was to begin with. That's what a mature bio-attack would look like. An excellent 30 minute read along these lines is The Moral Virologist by Greg Egan, available for free online.



The schematic of the protein molecule trembled very slightly. Shawcross grinned, already certain of success. As the pH displayed in the screen's top left crossed the critical value - the point at which, according to his calculations, the energy of conformation B should drop below that of conformation A - the protein suddenly convulsed and turned completely inside-out. It was exactly as he had predicted, and his binding studies had added strong support, but to see the transformation (however complex the algorithms that had led from reality to screen) was naturally the most satisfying proof.
para.gif He replayed the event, backwards and forwards several times, utterly captivated. This marvellous device would easily be worth the eight hundred thousand he'd paid for it. The salesperson had provided several impressive demonstrations, of course, but this was the first time Shawcross had used the machine for his own work. Images of proteins in solution! Normal X-ray diffraction could only work with crystalline samples, in which a molecule's configuration often bore little resemblance to its aqueous, biologically relevant, form. An ultrasonically stimulated semi-ordered liquid phase was the key, not to mention some major breakthroughs in computing; Shawcross couldn't follow all the details, but that was no impediment to using the machine. He charitably wished upon the inventor Nobel Prizes in chemistry, physics and medicine; viewed the stunning results of his experiment once again, then stretched, rose to his feet, and went out in search of lunch.


http://eidolon.net/?...oral Virologist

Edited by Cosmicalstorm, 04 November 2014 - 07:58 PM.

#277 Mind

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Posted 17 November 2014 - 06:17 PM

Doctor dies of ebola: http://www.nbcnews.c...ficials-n249956


Just going by "the media" report, the poor fellow was in terrible shape when he arrived on U.S. soil so not sure how to count this in the survival rate in the U.S.


NBC reports that he is the tenth person treated in the U.S. (my count is only 8 cases, what am I missing?). either 6/8 or 8/10 is still 70 to 80% survival rate in the U.S.


#278 shifter

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Posted 12 January 2015 - 03:13 AM

We had 60 days to beat this.




It's been 103 days now, how are we doing?


At the time the article was written there were over 9000 to the year of reported infections. They said if we didn't beat/control the outbreak in 60 days (nice round number there), there would be up to 10,000 (another round number plucked from the air) new infections EVERY WEEK.


Did we succeed? The media on the Ebola epidemic has gone pretty quiet now.


Wikipedia has reported a total of just over 20,000 cases and from the 1st of December (the 60 days we had) There have been around 500ish reported cases each week from then. 20x less than was feared. So does that mean we are relativly on top of this?




#279 free10

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Posted 12 January 2015 - 07:44 AM

We had 60 days to beat this.




It's been 103 days now, how are we doing?


At the time the article was written there were over 9000 to the year of reported infections. They said if we didn't beat/control the outbreak in 60 days (nice round number there), there would be up to 10,000 (another round number plucked from the air) new infections EVERY WEEK.


Did we succeed? The media on the Ebola epidemic has gone pretty quiet now.


Wikipedia has reported a total of just over 20,000 cases and from the 1st of December (the 60 days we had) There have been around 500ish reported cases each week from then. 20x less than was feared. So does that mean we are relativly on top of this?




After the Ebola czar was put in place in the US is when the news started to change drastically. The real number WHO and the CDC have warned may be 4 times higher that what is reported. This happens for a lot of reasons and not all of it is to hide the truth politically.


Many cases happen and hide out, and then get secretly buried in the jungle under the cover of night. They don't want to catch ebola if they don't have it by going to an ebola centers, and few come back from them as survivors and they have heard this. They also don't want to be outcasts in their own villages, which can happen even after the survive if they are one of the lucky ones. So most of those cases and dead never show up in the numbers.


One thing I can say with certainty is the number of dead (8000) does not match up with the number of infected (20,000). The first American doctor brought back here said out of the first 41 cases they had all 41 died. Here is a story today with 1 survivor and 29 dead.




Here is another story of a doctor coming back who kept a diary while there, and it is called death becomes disturbingly the routine.



How about 10 million bats it might be in




We are going to ignore the rats, monkeys and dogs, along with everything else, that might have it too LOL


Now as far as good news they seem to have a cure for it, if FDA allows it.




It is quite amazing what it does and what it did with one very advanced ebola case that should have been a goner. In about 6 hours they were able to filter much of it out of their blood, and of course the immune system then could mop up what ebola was left behind. Not only does it seem to work for ebola, but also for some other viruses and maybe even cancers. Who knows....




There is war going on over there to try and stop it, as it continues to grow and spread. 40,000 Africans are joining the fight and 1000 Chinese.




Korea and a bunch of countries are sending in large numbers of medical forces, to save the planet.

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#280 Ark

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Posted 04 June 2015 - 11:15 AM

Seven of 10 mice exposed to the virus and inoculated with Zoloft one hour later survived, as did all 10 given Vascor, a calcium channel blocker also called bepridil. The drugs block viral entry into cells, the team reports in the June 3 Science Translational Medicine.

The researchers plan to further test the drugs against Ebola, which has a high fatality rate and no known cure.

L. M. Johansen et al. A screen of approved drugs and molecular probes identifies therapeutics with anti-Ebolavirus activity. Science Translational Medicine. Vol. 7, June 3, 2015, p. 290ra89.
Further Reading
Read more of SN’s Ebola coverage.

L. M. Johansen et al. FDA-approved selective estrogen receptor modulators inhibit Ebola virus infection. Science Translational Medicine. Vol. 5, June 19, 2013, p. 190ra179.

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