I have almost perfected my workout regimen :
I do warmup - cooldown -strech and active recovery sessions for workout
I take workouts as bundles and I push either intensity or frequency or reduce rest period or change the type in a bundle. A bundle is workout days and recovery days and recovery materials (food and sleep) + regular stresses (work + mental exercises etc).
Since I switched to carbs , I listen my body a lot better, I am so happy to be able to increase workout intensity and recovery quality and feel generally great.
HOWEVER I Have a fucking big problem of weight gaining, I look a lot more athletic but I am getting huuuuugeeeeeeee I mean HUGE .
I gained 6 kg I am 1.80cm and 104 kg atm. And people say that I look like an athletic 80-85 kg.
I usually run - swimm - plyometric (box jumping - etc ) - weight liftiing. I cross train these in a bundle in a week
Weight-OFF-Swimm-OFF-PLYO--Runn-Off. All are interval training of 1.30 to 2.30 hours.
I push either intensity or duration or switch to more difficult workout each week, and having fun with it. I am always hungary like a beast however my daily caloric intake rarely exeeds 3500 kcal.
What should I do not to gain weight as muscles or as bones or whatever it is ??? and have a both strong and agile body ?