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Ciltep effects mainly due to dopamine receptors upregulation ?

ciltep dopamine

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#1 somethingstrange

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Posted 02 September 2014 - 12:58 PM

I found this research "Molecular mechanisms underlying forskolin-mediated up-regulation of human dopamine D2L receptors." and it states "We have examined some of the molecular mechanisms underlying this forskolin-mediated up-regulation. 2. Forskolin (100 microM, 16 hr), but not 1,9-dideoxyforskolin, a forskolin analogue that is unable to activate adenylyl cyclase and raise intracellular cAMP concentrations, up-regulates the hD2L receptor population by 43%" It would seem that increasing cAMP causes a surge in dopamine receptors number. It would have practical implications

1. Ciltep would not act immediate but rather it would take time to show it's effects

2. In some people with high receptor density CILTEP wouldn't work at all

3. Also it could be beneficial in ADHD because "ADHD and non-ADHD brains appears to be lower density of dopamine receptors in the first group" as this article says http://www.psycholog...eceptor-density

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ciltep, dopamine

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