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The day after the discovery for the cure to ageing

immortality day after

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#1 cats_lover

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Posted 08 September 2014 - 11:25 PM

I came to this forum looking for something different to the extention of life, enhance cognitive performance.

I had never thought about the life extention until I started reading posts in this forum; anyway I like the idea that scientific research develops life extention.

What I see is that in this forum there are many people who dream with the day when life extention will be discoverd, probably because they feel that we live in this world very shortly (and im agree with this).

But, how do you think that will be the day after this discovery?

Because, this probably will not be for everyone, today there are about 7 billion people in the world, all of them will be immortal?
Why you, and not another?

#2 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 09 September 2014 - 07:07 AM

Hm... life extension is actually discovered. :)


It is the immortality, that is not discovered yet :)


The average life span of the human is increasing due to development of science, technology and according to me the development of the most important factor - the medicine. This is a statistically proven fact, and it really exists.


So... if you want to know how the world will look like after the discovery of the life extension look arround you. This is our world now. :)


Many people in this forum actually count on the already discovered life extension and desire to reach the such called "escape velocity" (which according to me is entirely wrong term, since what they mean can be interpreted better than as an escape velocity, and most probably has beeen suggested from someone from the crowd, rather than from a serious scientist, but this goes off-topic). E.g. when they grow for example + 10 years old, thay hope, that the science, the technologies and the medicine will be advanced into a state, allowing them to live 10 years more. When these 10 years pass, they hope, that the development will go even further, allowing them to live even further. They hope, that in the best case scenario the discovery of the immortality will apper within their life sppans by constantly repeating as in a circle : development of medicine -> living longer -> development of medicine -> living longer etc.


Edited by seivtcho, 09 September 2014 - 07:14 AM.

#3 cats_lover

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Posted 09 September 2014 - 09:24 PM

 Seivtcho, thank you for your answer and especially for your clarification.

My question is, if it is discovered how to make people immortal; who could access it?

This "formula" will be free for everyone?


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Posted 09 September 2014 - 11:34 PM

I think Seivtcho was splitting hairs....You did say "cure to ageing" in your title which is perfectly accurate. What we are looking for is a way to extend the maximum lifespan of humans beyond around 120 years. That hasn't been achieved and curing ageing would be best since it should allow those extra years to be comfortable and pleasant.


Personally I doubt we will know for sure for some time after since treatments would have to be obvious like reversing signs of ageing and even then we wouldn't know if the patients would necessarily live longer or just drop dead with beautiful young bodies. Our best hope for finding out would to be to treat the really elderly (110 plus) and see them live beyond 120.


Assuming at some point wwe see this and assuming that it is an announcement one day...I think 80% of people will still insist they don't care and don't want the treatment. Within 20 years, at least 80% of people will have had the treatment :).


I suspect pretty much 99% of people on this board for life extension purposes will have had the treatment within a year, a lot well before the announcement. It is unknown what form it might take, it could be a pill, injections, an operation, and could be a one off, multiple treatments or even every day forever. This will affect how people respond to it. Ask someone to swallow a tiny pill once and that is it forever, you're going to have a lot more people saved than if you say you have to have a monthly stem cell transplant with massive painful bone marrow injections etc etc...





#5 Antonio2014

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Posted 10 September 2014 - 04:32 PM

Sadly, with today's legal system (patents and all that shit) anti-aging treatments only will be available to the very rich (see for example the price of anti-cancer drugs in recent years). So, if you want to be immortal, first become rich. If you are poor, you will have to wait for 20 years until patent expiration.

Edited by Antonio2014, 10 September 2014 - 04:33 PM.

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#6 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 11 September 2014 - 04:22 PM

The social availability of the treatment methods and medications is more a question of politics, rather than patents, but if we start to discuss it the topic will rise to the level of political dogfight :)


At this moment I suppose, that the day after the discovery of the treatment, that will make the human immortal, will be just an usual day, in which will be known, that the upper treatment will be available only to the rich people.

#7 cats_lover

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Posted 12 September 2014 - 01:41 AM

Well, if people start to become immortal the retirement system would collapse the economy; In my country every worker must contribute a percentage of their salary while working and after 60 years the state paid him monthly a retirement until his death (As in most countries I guess). The day after the discovery for the cure to ageing nations will prohibit its use until thay find the solution for this and other problems.

#8 Antonio2014

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Posted 12 September 2014 - 08:07 AM

Well, if people start to become immortal the retirement system would collapse the economy; In my country every worker must contribute a percentage of their salary while working and after 60 years the state paid him monthly a retirement until his death (As in most countries I guess). The day after the discovery for the cure to ageing nations will prohibit its use until thay find the solution for this and other problems.


It's easier to eliminate retirement subsidies for immortals, it isn't?

#9 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 12 September 2014 - 05:48 PM

I don't think, that the governments will differentiate immortals/non-immortals. They most probabbly will simply stop the retirement system as general and will not return the oney of the people, who has already paid for it.

#10 Antonio2014

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Posted 12 September 2014 - 07:59 PM

If a government did that, it will not survive next election. And probably not even next month.

#11 cats_lover

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Posted 12 September 2014 - 10:29 PM


Well, if people start to become immortal the retirement system would collapse the economy; In my country every worker must contribute a percentage of their salary while working and after 60 years the state paid him monthly a retirement until his death (As in most countries I guess). The day after the discovery for the cure to ageing nations will prohibit its use until thay find the solution for this and other problems.


It's easier to eliminate retirement subsidies for immortals, it isn't?



That's true, especially with Rajoy as president (just kidding).

Maybe with a few simple adjustments you can solve this kind of problem, but also some policies should be implemented for birth control and other things.


#12 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 02:21 PM

Birth control will be extremely important in order not to be overpopulation.

#13 cats_lover

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Posted 15 September 2014 - 08:28 PM

Birth control will be extremely important in order not to be overpopulation.


Even without immortality birth control is very important

Edited by cats_lover, 15 September 2014 - 08:42 PM.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: immortality, day after

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