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Loss of will to live

life disillusion disorder

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#1 RogellParadoxXIV

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Posted 06 January 2015 - 12:06 AM


I've been experiencing some problems for several years (seven, more or less)

I can't be social. I can't feel anything for my fathers, and neither for myself.

I can't have friends or girlfriend. I just want to be alone.

But sometimes, I feel as if I would die if I couldn't get, at least, a girl.

I masturbate a lot. Once I did that ten times in a day.

But after I do that, I feel myself so dirty, so sick.... that I try to stop to do that. But it's really hard.


I have no will to do anything. Even activities I used to love (play keyboard, draw, etc) I don't do no more, or just ocasionally.

I also feel just will to lay down on my bed and wait time to pass. Can't think about a future. Think sometimes I should have killed myself.


I believe it's not just a mental disorder. But if it is, I would like to someone to give me advices...

I'm sorry with my english. I'm also sorry if I posted it in the wrong place.

#2 pro-v

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Posted 06 January 2015 - 01:57 AM

Look up no fap. Some people have had remarkable results.

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#3 jaiho

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Posted 06 January 2015 - 07:00 AM

Have you tried any anti depressants? The good thing about them is they suppress your libido, which would make masturbating less desirable, hence helping reduce your prolactin levels, in turn increasing dopamine levels.

Fluoxetine is a good starting point. 


If you're not suicidal, low dose Moclobemide with low dose SSRI is very effective as i've referenced in another thread.


This can be treated, remain optimistic, friend. I've researched this subject heavily for self treatment. 


You're masturbating excessively for a release, to get some kind of stimulation from life. The dopamine release makes you feel good, and thats why you do it so much.

To bring your mind back in balance you're going to need to try some kind of medication.

It's easy for people to say, just exercise, get out, get a new hobby. I find that is only effective for situational depression.


Physiological depression is an entirely different matter, and medication greatly helps that.


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#4 Al Capacino

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Posted 07 January 2015 - 07:17 PM

Nice reply jaiho. He speaks a lot of sense there.

I would also recommend as first line treatment moclobemide. It doesn't have many side effects bar say dizziness at first and it can maybe make it harder to fall asleep at night. It's got decent anti depressive and anti anxiety properties in my experience although for me it wasn't strong enough to boost my mood.

If you've not taken anything yet then it's a good Start.

Just know there are many options out there. Nothing is perfect but some can get close to some sort of normality, whatever that is!

#5 Flex

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Posted 09 January 2015 - 06:59 PM

Try Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) for the affect and feelings.

It even in candies and helped at least to me a bit.

But its an aphrodisiac


- Neuravena a mao-b + pde4 inhibitor.

I had some good results with it.


- or Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) it activatess a bunch of receptors (more than 10 different ones), but its quiet short acting arround 10-30 min.


In regards of desperation: Do never be so desperate and take Cocaine, as I´ve done it.

It wont help on the long run, but willl damage the Brain and change it enduringly.


My Life and Social life is fucked since my Cannabis abuse in the Adolescence.

I´m still trying to find a way.. I fall down and stand up nearly every day... Maybe there will be something promising in the near future, who knows ?

Apart of that, wouldnt You try to live on for Your Family ?


Could You tell how Your problem begun and what did the Doctors said ?

#6 RogellParadoxXIV

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Posted 10 January 2015 - 12:11 PM

I was thinking about getting some ADs, but the truth is... I don't want to go to a doctor. And that would be the only way to get a prescription.

I've been reading.... I think any medicine that reduces oxytocin as a side effect would help. Because "Recent studies have begun to investigate oxytocin's role in various behaviors, including orgarsm, social recognition, pair bonding, anxiety" (and it's released after sex, no?)


Flex, no. I wouldn' live for anyone.

My problem begun more or less seven years ago. It just happened step-by-step. Once I caught myself completelly down.

I never went to doctors, neither will.

#7 Flex

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Posted 10 January 2015 - 12:47 PM

If You cant find anything that decreases Oxytocin, then try to find something that increases, more or less, solely Oxitocin to prove Your theory.

Because increasing Oxitocin doesnt change anything on the longterm and shouldnt therefore be a problem.

#8 Michael Rian

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Posted 11 January 2015 - 03:33 AM

What do people consider the best prescription anti-depressant these days?  I am considering trying something soon and would appreciate some ideas.  I was on Lexapro for a few years but it did more for anxiety than it did for any depression.  Perhaps Sertraline or Fluoxetine?

#9 molecular joy

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Posted 11 January 2015 - 09:03 AM

OP, I've been in your shoes about 10 years or so ago, no friends to speak of, no girls, just afraid of everything and everybody, too much time indoors, which then leads to either porn or masturbation. Terrible way to live.


What I recommend is you start looking into self improvement, as well as PUA (Pick-Up Art) material. It won't turn you into James Bond overnight, but it will clarify aspects that right now you may not even notice, as you're living too much in your head. Things like how you dress, how you speak, body language, as well as where you hang out. 


Exercise is a HUGE part in getting back to health. I can bet you're not doing enough of it, and so your moving/thinking ratio is very much off, towards being inactive and worrying, overthinking. This depletes nutrients and neurotransmitters, and from that depleted, drained state, you can't form any confidence. Start running, lifting, dancing, do whatever you like to do, but make sure you MOVE more than you think.


Food-wise, you want to take in more things with omega 3 in them. Green plants, fish, and also make sure you get a bunch of olive oil and nuts, get plenty of useful nutrients. Omega 6 (found in grains and grain-fed beef) will have an inflammatory effect on both brain and body, that will lead to precisely the overthinking you seem to engage in. Switch to Omega 3, A LOT of it, and you will see a difference. 


Finally, ask yourself what you like to do, and go join some group that does it. Join an art club or course, dance club, martial arts, something. You have to integrate in some group that performs a skill. Then you can focus on learning and doing the skill, and everyone else will be doing the same, so you won't have to worry about too much attention being on you. 


Try some of this stuff out, you'll be well rewarded  :-D

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#10 Thew

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Posted 22 January 2015 - 06:08 AM

You are not alone Buddy, i live in a dump life every single second of it. Depression is killing me little by little. Just like yours, social life of mine is zero. I have no one to speak of. In fact never had a girlfriend in my whole f*****g life. Just like moleacular joy, i am afraid of everything. Self confidence is reaaaaaaallllllllllly way low, so socialization is a not a good idea for me, even though i'm dying to have one. I have more friends inside the net than the real world. I spent my whole days staring at my computer. What a life, huh?. Maybe the only difference between us is, i am substance abuser. Everytime (always) depression is choking me, weeds is my hero. I feel like i am in the middle of f*****g nowhere with no one to cling onto. But i realized, the main problem is, we always keep telling ourselfves or focusing ourselves on how so pathetic we are. So i know there is something wrong and i need to change it somehow. The plan i have in my mind is how can i rid my addiction first. Not only on drugs (actually i'm somewhat need an advice here guys, looking for some suggestions or maybe if any chance you know some a "magic pill" that will reduced my craving on weeds. I already did a tons of research about it including steps in recovery and how will you done it, just like this one i found a while ago Intervention Center Athens GA ,if you know some tips feel free to give me a shout), in cyber world too. And build my self confidence. Maybe i will start by changing my healthy life style.
-dum spiro spero

#11 Flex

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Posted 22 January 2015 - 06:51 PM

My story is this: I´ve started somking weed in my adolescence and it made me more introverted, aphatic and mute.

Over the Years I thought if I cant find a girlfriend I´ll keep on smoking untill the time is right.

This never happened !

I stopped weed for a month or so but didnt noticed any improvement in the mentioned terms and get back to smoking.


Listen: You wont get any reward if You stop smoking weed, the problem with weed is that it is not-problematic (seemingly)

Everybody is talking funny stuff about it, it good against cancer and what not, but not much people are seeing the dark side of weed.

Example: Weed is in Thailand known for centuries as well as Kratom.

Guess what: Fathers would rather let their daughters get married with a Kratom abuser than a Weed abuser.

Because of the lazyness & etc.


The only thing or reward for stopping is solely hope !

This is basically what weed does, it throws You in a "developmental stasis"

means = if You keep on with weed nothing will change for 100%, but "maybe" if You stop.

You will feel some changes only after a few months and a more afer 1 Year.


My reward/substitution is playing games, watching movies, cigarettes and energy drinks period.

And I was a chronic smoker e.g. smoking 3 joints a day for several years and when beeing sober for a whole week it felt such weird.

Nowadys ( I´m sober for more than a Year), if I take something like magnolia which activates cb receptors, I feel the annoying autisitc like effects again and cant barely wait untill it goes away.. 


Admittely everyone responds different to drugs and stuff, so it could be that You are even more addicted as I was.

In this case I would try Rhodiola rosea (extract) + St. johns worth(extract) or more radically Rimonabant ( but very low doses at the beginning + tapering on and off because it can lead to severe depressions)

a natural cb1 antagonist from Voacanga and CBD

Cannabinoid: cb1 antagonist cb2 agonists/antagonists and Gpr55 antagonists



or by increasing kynurenic acid

Possible Treatment for Marijuana Abuse Found



via tryptophan supplementation * or perhaps anything serotonergic like SSRI (?)

High tryptophan diet reduces extracellular dopamine release via kynurenic acid production in rat striatum



* cant be overdosed in contrast to 5-ht which causes neurotoxic serotonine syndrome in excess or in concurrent usage of mao or sert inhibitors

Edited by Flex, 22 January 2015 - 06:55 PM.

#12 Galaxyshock

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Posted 22 January 2015 - 07:24 PM

or by increasing kynurenic acid

Possible Treatment for Marijuana Abuse Found



I would never do that, it also increased suicidal thinking in the same or similar study. Kynurenic acid is antagonist of all glutamate + nicotine receptor, basically a total no-mind anti-reality chemical. It's found at excess amounts in psychotic and schizophrenic patients.

#13 StevesPetRat

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Posted 23 January 2015 - 08:46 AM

Have you tried any anti depressants? The good thing about them is they suppress your libido, which would make masturbating less desirable, hence helping reduce your prolactin levels, in turn increasing dopamine levels.
Fluoxetine is a good starting point.

I'm sorry to say that this is pretty wrong... Ever heard of "antidepressant apathy?" SSRI antidepressants decrease dopamine signaling (first study I found, I'm sure there are more).

Try Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) for the affect and feelings.
It even in candies and helped at least to me a bit.
But its an aphrodisiac

Licorice might help or it might hurt. It has powerful estrogenic properties (though not as much as hops). Low estrogen does occur in men, but it generally leads to low libido, which you don't seem to have.

I was thinking about getting some ADs, but the truth is... I don't want to go to a doctor. And that would be the only way to get a prescription.
I've been reading.... I think any medicine that reduces oxytocin as a side effect would help. Because "Recent studies have begun to investigate oxytocin's role in various behaviors, including orgarsm, social recognition, pair bonding, anxiety" (and it's released after sex, no?)

Dunno if you need that. I think less oxytocin is released during masturbation, but kinda hard to search for that sort of thing. Read something on Savage Love one time, though.

Exercise is a HUGE part in getting back to health. I can bet you're not doing enough of it, and so your moving/thinking ratio is very much off, towards being inactive and worrying, overthinking. This depletes nutrients and neurotransmitters, and from that depleted, drained state, you can't form any confidence. Start running, lifting, dancing, do whatever you like to do, but make sure you MOVE more than you think.
Food-wise, you want to take in more things with omega 3 in them. Green plants, fish, and also make sure you get a bunch of olive oil and nuts, get plenty of useful nutrients. Omega 6 (found in grains and grain-fed beef) will have an inflammatory effect on both brain and body, that will lead to precisely the overthinking you seem to engage in. Switch to Omega 3, A LOT of it, and you will see a difference.

I'm not sure that inflammation leads to overthinking directly. But this is good advice regardless. 

Admittely everyone responds different to drugs and stuff, so it could be that You are even more addicted as I was.
In this case I would try Rhodiola rosea (extract) + St. johns worth(extract) or more radically Rimonabant ( but very low doses at the beginning + tapering on and off because it can lead to severe depressions)
a natural cb1 antagonist from Voacanga and CBD
Cannabinoid: cb1 antagonist cb2 agonists/antagonists and Gpr55 antagonists

or by increasing kynurenic acid
Possible Treatment for Marijuana Abuse Found
via tryptophan supplementation * or perhaps anything serotonergic like SSRI (?)
High tryptophan diet reduces extracellular dopamine release via kynurenic acid production in rat striatum
* cant be overdosed in contrast to 5-ht which causes neurotoxic serotonine syndrome in excess or in concurrent usage of mao or sert inhibitors

I'm not sure you want to go this route, CB receptors are the key to the "runner's high" via anandamide, an endocannaboid. Would interfere with your motivation to exercise, a far more important recovery modality. Also, as you can see, boosting serotonin lowers dopamine.

Anyway, now that I've quoted and crapped on most of the suggestions in this thread, let me offer you my stupid one.
Try teaching, or find some structured way to get up in front of a group. This is what kept me sane for a long time in academia; I can trace severe declines in productivity to the times when I stopped having a leading role in the classroom. In retrospect, it's probably because social dominance increases dopamine receptor density (yes it's a monkey study, but I'm 100% sure this applies to humans as well). Note that it's been proven that this works in the order of "leadership increases dopamine" not the (perhaps more expected) other way around. When thrust into the leadership role your brain will adapt. I'm sure there's some glib ev-psych story I could throw at you that would make this more plausible, but I have too much disdain for the field to humor it. Furthermore, being placed in a position of dominance increases testosterone as well. (A classic study, it has been repeated)

Well, that's my stupid advice. It really works, though, if you can swing it. I've recently accepted a (temporary) teaching position after turning down several more lucrative job offers because I finally recognized its therapeutic potential. Good luck.

#14 Flex

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Posted 23 January 2015 - 10:10 PM

@ Galaxyshock & all

Sorry for that suggestion, I didnt look into the implications that much.

It was unconsidered.


@ StevesPetRat

Its admittely out of an analogy: Cannabis increased, accoring to stories form others and in my case, shyness and social impairments.

So I thought by using an antagonist of either GPR55 and/or CB1/2, it would lead to a betterment as well as for addiction, because You do directly reverse the effects of Weed.

This has also led me to this thought:


While marijuana's "exogenous" cannabinoids also can reduce anxiety, chronic use of the drug down-regulates the receptors, paradoxically increasing anxiety.

This can trigger "a vicious cycle" of increasing marijuana use that in some cases leads to addiction.

Cannabis Targets Receptors in the Amygdala Linked to Anxiety



I havent had the chance to try those antagonists, so I cant say whether it would work even for my case.

In addition I could be also mistaken in the case that e.g. a CB1 agonist and a antagonist, for some reason, dont reverse each others effects.


Psychological approaches are sometimes, even from me, underestimated.

Success in social events (e.g. nice chats) or self-esteem through e.g. acceptance can sometimes do wonders and perhaps reveal unknown sites of Your self.

Edited by Flex, 23 January 2015 - 10:23 PM.

#15 StevesPetRat

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Posted 24 January 2015 - 11:38 PM

Its admittely out of an analogy: Cannabis increased, accoring to stories form others and in my case, shyness and social impairments.
So I thought by using an antagonist of either GPR55 and/or CB1/2, it would lead to a betterment as well as for addiction, because You do directly reverse the effects of Weed.
This has also led me to this thought:
While marijuana's "exogenous" cannabinoids also can reduce anxiety, chronic use of the drug down-regulates the receptors, paradoxically increasing anxiety.
This can trigger "a vicious cycle" of increasing marijuana use that in some cases leads to addiction.
Cannabis Targets Receptors in the Amygdala Linked to Anxiety

Sure, it might be worth a shot. But it isn't always true that agonists downregulate and antagonists upregulate receptors. It might be worth a deeper search to see if you can find evidence that these antagonists will in fact upregulate CB receptors over time. Please if you do find something that reliably upregulates CB receptors do report back. Personally I am curious because I have lost the "runner's high" over a year ago. Maybe it's related to downregulation of CB receptors from a very powerful edible my friend convinced me to try (gave me 16 hour "panic attack" and miserable week of high anxiety)... there was a few weeks' delay between the two, though.


Edit: Maybe not.

Edited by StevesPetRat, 24 January 2015 - 11:46 PM.

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#16 Ok555

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Posted 31 January 2015 - 12:59 PM

I was thinking about getting some ADs, but the truth is... I don't want to go to a doctor. And that would be the only way to get a prescription.

I've been reading.... I think any medicine that reduces oxytocin as a side effect would help. Because "Recent studies have begun to investigate oxytocin's role in various behaviors, including orgarsm, social recognition, pair bonding, anxiety" (and it's released after sex, no?)


Flex, no. I wouldn' live for anyone.

My problem begun more or less seven years ago. It just happened step-by-step. Once I caught myself completelly down.

I never went to doctors, neither will.


Apparently you have full-blown clinical depression. Oxytocin? Really? Don't try to reinvent the wheel, use clinical guidelines for depression treatment,-start taking antidepressants try a lot of them until you will find the one which suits you, start taking Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Don't want to go to doctor? Ok, when you have a depression you should not listen to you feelings or your mood, instead use your cognition and do what you should do despite you like it or not. With depression things are very simple, either you live miserable life and suicide as result or you start medications, therapy and maybe then you will get a remission.


What do people consider the best prescription anti-depressant these days?  I am considering trying something soon and would appreciate some ideas.  I was on Lexapro for a few years but it did more for anxiety than it did for any depression.  Perhaps Sertraline or Fluoxetine?


Try agomelatine, wellbutrin.

Edited by Ok555, 31 January 2015 - 01:02 PM.

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#17 RogellParadoxXIV

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Posted 31 January 2015 - 03:29 PM


I was thinking about getting some ADs, but the truth is... I don't want to go to a doctor. And that would be the only way to get a prescription.

I've been reading.... I think any medicine that reduces oxytocin as a side effect would help. Because "Recent studies have begun to investigate oxytocin's role in various behaviors, including orgarsm, social recognition, pair bonding, anxiety" (and it's released after sex, no?)


Flex, no. I wouldn' live for anyone.

My problem begun more or less seven years ago. It just happened step-by-step. Once I caught myself completelly down.

I never went to doctors, neither will.


Apparently you have full-blown clinical depression. Oxytocin? Really? Don't try to reinvent the wheel, use clinical guidelines for depression treatment,-start taking antidepressants try a lot of them until you will find the one which suits you, start taking Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Don't want to go to doctor? Ok, when you have a depression you should not listen to you feelings or your mood, instead use your cognition and do what you should do despite you like it or not. With depression things are very simple, either you live miserable life and suicide as result or you start medications, therapy and maybe then you will get a remission.


What do people consider the best prescription anti-depressant these days?  I am considering trying something soon and would appreciate some ideas.  I was on Lexapro for a few years but it did more for anxiety than it did for any depression.  Perhaps Sertraline or Fluoxetine?


Try agomelatine, wellbutrin.



I'm wanting just to get a way to don't feel certain sensations. Specially orgasm, so I hope to stop doing these dirty things. I also want to lose attraction for women and feeling lack of fondness. I feel it during the whole day. If I can stop these feelings, maybe I can focus on doing things I really should care about.

#18 mrnootropic

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Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:44 PM

Hi there, i have some advice to help get rid of your issues. 


1. Exercise, like someone has already told you, however they didn't go in depth and scream how important exercise actually is.



What type of exercise ?

Strength Training should be Number 1, especially if you want to change your life.  Set yourself some goals to achieve which i will elaborate on soon. Strength Train 5 Days a week and do light cardio 10 minutes a day. I could post studies regarding the benefits of strength training, but scientific studies are useless. Just do it and see for yourself.


2. Life Goals, set yourself some goals in your life, no matter how ambitious or small, set yourself some goals. This is where Strength Training comes into play, once you force yourself to start strength training within 8 weeks you will feel a difference in your overall wellbeing. Within 12 weeks you will notice a difference in your physical body and this is where you will begin to set yourself goals in the Gym and will then start setting goals in your life.


Within 12 months of 5 days a week strength training / 2 days rest, your life will start to change whether you like it or not.


3. Health, just because you strength train and do light cardio each day doesnt mean you will achieve optimum health. You need to eat healthy too.

I don't know what your diet is like now, but you need to eliminate Sugar (Sucrose) from you diet, no matter who you are. Eliminate all junk foods.

Do the elimination diet, to see if you have any food allergies which can cause problems. Especially gluten and processed milk.


4. Dont believe in magic pills, Regarding health supplements , they should be used as such, do not buy herbs, supplements or even prescription drugs and use them as magic pills.  However i would look into herbs, supplements and healthy foods / diet, rather than the prescription drug option. I will list some herbs and supps at the end to help you. Use supplements as a supplement to healthy diet and lifestyle dont just take a pill and think you are healthy.


Some herbs and supplements to help :

Cordyceps, needs to be a standardized extract or it will not work. use daily for 4 weeks at a time and take a 1 week break then start again.

Rhodiola Rosea, use daily for 6 weeks at a time and take a 2 week break then start again.

Gotu Kola & Bacopa Monnieri Extracts, Use daily.

Spirulina & Chlorella use daily.

Ashwagandha, use daily.

Creatine, use daily for 6 weeks at a time and take a 2 week break then start again.

Magnesium, Zinc, Niacinamide, use daily.

Jarrow Formulas B-Right, this is great for helping the brain function.

Schizandra, use daily.

Agnus Castus / Chasteberry use this to help lower your libido and to help stop masturbating.


There are thousands and herbs and supplements out there, so its impossible to say what will work for you.

However, raising your b-vitamin levels and getting daily sunlight to raise Vitamin D levels should help anyone.


Get your testosterone levels checked. Also get your thyroid levels checked.






Edited by Mr.Nootropic, 05 February 2015 - 09:58 PM.

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#19 Plasticperson

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Posted 06 February 2015 - 04:19 AM

you NEED to try atleast 3 weeks of NSI

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#20 mrnootropic

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Posted 06 February 2015 - 06:17 PM

you NEED to try atleast 3 weeks of NSI



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