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Stack Reviews

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#1 worldeater

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Posted 13 August 2005 - 07:17 PM

Let's use this general form for posting stack reviews in this forum:




[name], [dose/day], [how long you have been on this]

Medical Conditions:


[name], [dose/day], [how long you have been on this]


[name], [dose/day], [how long you have been on this]

Other Supplements:

[name], [dose/day], [how long you have been on this]

How you feel this stack has benefited you:


Simply copy & paste this form and add your current stack review. You obviously don't have to fill out some of the fields if you don't want to give out too much personal information (e.g., Occupation, Medical Conditions, etc.).

Any modifications to or suggestions for this form are also welcome.


Edited by worldeater, 13 August 2005 - 08:47 PM.

#2 worldeater

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Posted 13 August 2005 - 07:48 PM


Age: 26
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 160
Occupation: Grad student


Prozac, 40mg/day, 9 years
Modafinil/Adrafinil (occasionally)

Medical Conditions:

moderate depression
generalized anxiety


Piracetam, 3200mg/day (1600mg morning, 1600mg afternoon), 3 months*
Huperzine A, 200mcg/day (100mcg morning, 100mcg afternoon), 3 months*
Pyritinol, 100mg/day (100mg morning), 3 months*


Vitamin B Complex

Other Supplements:

Fish Oil

How you feel this stack has benefited you:

Improved alertness and wakefulness throughout the day, reduced social anxiety (I feel more level-headed and calm in social environments), I feel more talkative, my concentration has noticeably increased, and I feel like I can process information more rapidly. I have also noticed some improvements in memory. I am waiting for the school year to start, so I can assess how these nootropics impact my classroom and academic performance.

Side Effects:

For the first couple of weeks, I felt a noticeable "rush" right after taking this stack. It actually felt a little like a caffeine rush, but without the added jitteriness and nervousness. I also tried using DMAE along with this stack at the very beginning, but it kept giving me a headache, so I stopped using it. I also used CDP-choline with it, but it kept giving me slight headaches and made me tired.


*Note: I have been taking these nootropics for about 3 months, but I have just this week started to take the dosage amounts listed above. Prior to this week, I was taking Piracetam 1600mg/day, Huperzine A 50-100mcg/day, Pyritinol 100mg/day.

#3 xanadu

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Posted 19 August 2005 - 10:51 PM

Do you take breaks from this stack and if so, how often and how long

#4 worldeater

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Posted 20 August 2005 - 04:36 PM

I take a break and lay off all nootropics two weekends out of every month (4 days per month). I was thinking that it might be better to space it out a bit more - maybe taking a break every sunday. How about yourself?

#5 xanadu

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Posted 21 August 2005 - 09:39 PM

I just started on the noots, unless you count vinpoccetine I started taking about a year and 1/2 ago. I just took 3 days off after about 3 or 4 weeks on with piracetam. You have to catch up on your rest and the pir makes the horses always want to trot even when you're trying to sleep. I did try theanine last night, 230mg, and it worked great. I got a good effect out of that small dose. I tried gaba and it helped some but I noticed a rebound effect after I stopped it. I seemed to have more anxiety and woke up with bad dreams right after quitting. It might be better to taper off with that. I have used phenibut but I'm leary of getting hooked on it so I only use it now and then.

#6 worldeater

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Posted 21 August 2005 - 11:39 PM

I agree. Piracetam does make it difficult to get to sleep sometimes. I mean the increased motivation and mental stamina is great, but it's not great when you just want to sleep. However, at least in my case, I'm inclined to think that my difficulty sleeping has a lot to do with my poor diet. I'm trying to buy lots of fruit and nuts whenever I'm at the grocery store now, so I think this will help out. I'm also trying to cut down on large amounts of caffeine, coffee in particular.

As far as the Phenibut goes, I've never tried it. However, I have tried Ashwaganda + Rhodiola Rosea in the past, and it definitely helped me get to sleep.

#7 worldeater

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Posted 31 August 2005 - 10:55 PM

Hey gnp990,

Thanks very much for the detailed post. That's great that your stack is working out so well. I am also looking into getting blood work done, and I'll post when I get the results.

I'm curious about your take on Pramiracetam. What kind of subjective affects have you noticed?

#8 mitkat

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Posted 31 August 2005 - 11:03 PM


what are your feelings about nicergoline? any thoughts - is it worth it?

#9 worldeater

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Posted 01 September 2005 - 06:28 AM

hmmm...Pram sounds like it would be a great once-in-a-while thing for me, maybe once a week or so, when I really need to just get stuff done, which is actually every day. [8)] Yea I've been checking UN every once in a while in the hopes that he'll get some in. I think he's getting more in sometime in September. [sleep]

#10 outsider

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Posted 06 September 2005 - 06:05 AM

Great, that's exactly the kind of topic I like.

#11 worldeater

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Posted 21 September 2005 - 06:32 PM

Ok, here it is. I just got my bloodwork results back:

Lipid Panel
Units Reference Range

Triglycerides 83 MG/DL <150
Cholesterol, Total 208 H MG/DL <200
HDL Cholesterol 48 MG/DL >= 40
LDL Cholesterol 143 H MG/DL (CALC) <130
Chol/HDLC Ratio 4.3 (CALC) <5.0

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel

Glucose 91 MG/DL 65-99
Urea Nitrogen (BUN) 12 MG/DL 7-25
Creatinine 1.1 MG/DL 0.5-1.4
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 11 (CALC) 6-25
Sodium 140 MMOL/L 135-146
Potassium 4.5 MMOL/L 3.5-5.3
Chloride 102 MMOL/L 98-110
Carbon Dioxide 28 MMOL/L 21-33
Calcium 10.0 MG/DL 8.5-10.4
Protein, Total 7.8 G/DL 6.0-8.3
Albumin 4.9 G/DL 3.7-5.1
Globulin 2.9 G/DL (CALC) 2.2-4.2
Albumin/Globulin Ratio 1.7 (CALC) 0.8-2.0
Bilirubin, Total 1.1 MG/DL 0.2-1.5
Alkaline Phosphatase 65 U/L 20-125
AST 22 U/L 2-50
ALT 22 U/L 2-60

TSH 1.63 MIU/L 0.40-5.50

Obviously my cholesterol is a little high, definitely due to my having been so inactive for the past two years. Other than that, any comments?

#12 enigma

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Posted 20 October 2005 - 12:19 PM

Just briefly, heres my current stack that im using to study for uni exams.

Age: 19
Sex: m
Height: 192 cm
Weight: 90 kg
Occupation: Student

Medical Conditions:


Nootropics and supplements

DLPA 1g (empty stomach)
R-ALA 100mg
ALCAR 500mg (seperate from R-ALA)
Fish oil EPA 1g, DHA 667mg
Multi Vit - Twinlab Daily one
Centrophenoxine 300mg
Lecithin 1 tsp
Pramiracetam 300mg
Piracetam 800mg
Pyritinol 400mg
Idebenone 75mg
Vinpocetine 10mg - divided into 3 doses (effective for me in small doses)
Deprenyl - 1.25mg (every other day, with food)
NAC - 600mg
Green tea extract 800mg - divided into 2 doses

Working well for me.

Edited by enigma, 21 October 2005 - 01:28 AM.

#13 worldeater

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Posted 12 November 2005 - 09:12 PM


Are you using Ergopharm AMP?

#14 nomi

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 02:27 AM

Age: 24






Medical Conditions:n/a


piracetam, 4g/day, 3 months

choline, 2g/day, 1 month


mega man, 2 pills/day, few years

Other Supplements:

omega 3, 2g/day, 3 months

gingko biloba, huperzine a, vinpocetine (i'll throw this in the mix when school starts)

How you feel this stack has benefited you:

its helped a lot w/ memory retention and problem solving. i'm a math/comp sci major and solving/understanding physics concepts have seem to be easier.

#15 tadfish

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Posted 19 August 2006 - 12:00 PM

Pyritinol, 800mg/day THATS alot of pyritinol. whats the attack dose for that i have been using only 300mg
ATP/NADH spray how does that help and what does it do for you

#16 impulsive

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Posted 03 December 2006 - 04:54 PM

bump, good thread but only a few have posted thier stacks :)

#17 mitkat

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Posted 03 December 2006 - 05:18 PM

Pyritinol, 800mg/day THATS alot of pyritinol. whats the attack dose for that i have been using only 300mg
ATP/NADH spray how does that help and what does it do for you

[huh] Wow. That's got the be the highest dose I've ever heard. That's like, LifeMirage styles [tung]. There was quite a hub-bub about pyritinol and potential liver toxicity (as wel as general worthiness) quite some time ago. How is it treating you?

#18 scottl

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Posted 03 December 2006 - 11:14 PM

There were good comments along these lines in an old thread by poster...olderbutwiser. Glad to see he's still around/around again.

#19 mtxr

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Posted 26 December 2006 - 12:00 AM


Age: 24
Sex: XY
Height: 5'-4.5"
Weight: 141.4
Occupation: Student

Medications: N/A

Medical Conditions: N/A


Piracetam, 1600mg/day, 2 months

Choline Citrate, 500mg/day, 3 weeks

Modafinil 200mg/day, off and on depending on activities


OneSource Multivitamin, 1 tablet/day, year

Fish Oil, 1700mg/day, off and on depending on activities

Other Supplements:

Echinacea, 1200mg/day, off and on depending on how long i have gone with out sleep and if i am sick.

How you feel this stack has benefited you:

I have felt that this stack has aided my abilities to learn and has improved my memory. Overall i have more energy. While being on this stack, i am much more aware when i am running low on nutrients or the nootropics are running out. It has improved my studying immensely for school.

Anyone have any suggestions for a more advanced stack? I was thinking of starting to experiment with the more advanced *racetams and upping the choline citrate per day.

Please advise.


#20 Guacamolium

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Posted 28 May 2007 - 02:51 AM

Age: 26
Sex: male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 165
Occupation: Lithographer

Medications: Lunesta, Rozerem - taken as needed.

Prescribed since March 2007

Medical Conditions:


AGPC 1200mg/day
Aniracetam roughly 1 gram/day
Idebenone - eyeball dose, definitely under 300mg/day
Pyritinol 200-400mg/day
Sulbutiamine 500mg/day
DHA 250 2-5 capsules per day

Vitamins: Cheap generic one-a-day like vitamin taken daytime, B150 complex before bedtime.

This stack changes frequently, but it is currently what is explained above.

Other Supplements: Creatine ethyl ester Hcl, Superdrol, for workouts.

How you feel this stack has benefited you:
AGPC is probably my fav out of the bunch, ANI is a let down, but it still has a slight nootropic effect on me. Pyritinol is too speedy at times, as well as Sulbutiamine. Idebenone sometimes makes me tired. DHA 250 is very mood brightening, and when I tend to have a bad day, I can feel it kick in and help out with stress. I'm currently trying to rework a more effective stack for classes coming up in spring 2008.

#21 nikopol

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Posted 22 June 2007 - 12:19 AM

@ Carson

Hey I was on Rozerem for a while and it didn't really do anything for me and then I tried Lunesta and that one worked better but for an all natural solution I would trying something with Melatonin in I have one called Lights Out and it also has valerian and tryptophan - knocked me out flat, and I had a clear head in the AM , I highly recommend it.

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