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Essential Tremor Treatment

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#1 canuck

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Posted 24 February 2015 - 12:30 AM



Came across this site while searching for information. Decided to post and see if maybe ya'll can help with my situation.


I have had essential tremor since childhood, started with the hands. Now it has progressed to the head tremor (random nod of moving my head upward or to a side).

I didn't get officially diagnosed till last year.

Tried propranolol and didn't like the side effects, it ruined my performance at the gym, would make my feet cold during cardio. And gave me erectile dysfunction problems.

Looking for a natural route of vitamins, supplements, nootropics VS Prescription medicine to treat my ET.


A little background on me:
- 28 years old

- Male

- History of ET in family

- Have had issues with anxiety & depression, not always, but the symptoms are more prominent now

- Have used Marijuana daily since my teens to mid-20s (I'm from BC where it is practically considered legal)

- Have used MDMA/Ecstacy in my teens, randomly not consistently enough to be considered abuse.

****All I can think of off the top of my head to add, please ask if you'd like to know anything****


From ages 26-28 I went on 2 MDMA binges, which lasted 3 months each time. I had withdrawl symptoms of extreme-depression, had sleep paralysis from distrupted REM cycle. Really stupid thing to do but it happened and I've learned to not abuse MDMA. Feel like my ET symptoms worsened after these binges, especially the head tremor which I didn't use to have.


In my own research I've come across these two studies I would like to add:


Decrease in concentration of GABA receptors in Cerebellum:



Citicoline found to aid in ET Treatment:



I've read about Benfotiamine & Magnesium being beneficial to ET sufferers.



Does anyone have knowledge of this illness that can help me with figuring out long-term solutions to reduce the tremors?

Is there any particular nootropics that I can benefit from?


Please ask me any questions....

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#2 canuck

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Posted 25 February 2015 - 06:41 AM

Defective dentate nucleus GABA receptors in essential tremor


The development of new treatments for essential tremor, the most frequent movement disorder, is limited by a poor understanding of its pathophysiology and the relative paucity of clinicopathological studies. Here, we report a post-mortem decrease in GABAA (35% reduction) and GABAB (22–31% reduction) receptors in the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum from individuals with essential tremor, compared with controls or individuals with Parkinson's disease, as assessed by receptor-binding autoradiography. Concentrations of GABAB receptors in the dentate nucleus were inversely correlated with the duration of essential tremor symptoms (r2 = 0.44, P < 0.05), suggesting that the loss of GABAB receptors follows the progression of the disease. In situ hybridization experiments also revealed a diminution of GABAB(1a+b) receptor messenger RNA in essential tremor (↓27%). In contrast, no significant changes of GABAA and GABAB receptors (protein and messenger RNA), GluN2B receptors, cytochrome oxidase-1 or GABA concentrations were detected in molecular or granular layers of the cerebellar cortex. It is proposed that a decrease in GABA receptors in the dentate nucleus results in disinhibition of cerebellar pacemaker output activity, propagating along the cerebello-thalamo-cortical pathways to generate tremors. Correction of such defective cerebellar GABAergic drive could have a therapeutic effect in essential tremor.






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#3 canuck

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Posted 28 February 2015 - 07:42 PM

....Any help would be appreciated?

#4 Nate-2004

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Posted 07 July 2016 - 07:10 PM

Canuck, I also have Essential Tremor and was first diagnosed at the age of 12. I'm now 42 and things are worse. Essential Tremor is a neurodegenerative movement disorder as you probably know. This means it will get worse over time. I hate propanolol as well, and none of the other treatments were worth it. I do keep Propanolol 40mg on hand and take it occasionally as needed, before shows or other events with full knowledge that my next day at the gym will be super tough.  Outside of treatment via DBS surgery, which is in my opinion a medieval "steampunk" style solution, there is the up and coming high frequency ultrasound surgery awaiting FDA approval in the U.S.


I see that you're in Canada which means you're in luck. Health Canada has already approved this treatment for essential tremor and if you're not in line already you should get in line.  This treatment focuses 1000 points of high frequency ultrasound waves onto a single point in the thalamus to essentially perform a non-invasive, non radioactive minor thalamectomy in the area affecting tremors.


The FDA is who stands in our way here in the U.S. for a number of advancements, stifling research and otherwise preventing access to proven treatments. It's enraging at times.  That said, I continue my experimentation with other supplements in hopes of discovering something that works. My latest experiment is with high dose pterostilbene and a significant dose of quercetin (enough to absorb an amount that will have some kind of effect). 


I've been doing this much for a week now and while I see a promising change in tremor amplitude and frequency, I'm not going to say that this works just yet as I've experienced multiple promising signs like this in the past while trying other things that did not pan out. CBD oil, high dose vitamin D, etc.  


My stack is as follows for the past 60 or so days now and until the high dose quercetin/pterostilbene combo I have not seen any results with this stack in terms of tremor:


C60OO - 14mg/day - 5 days, stop for a week, then again

Nicotinamide Riboside - 500 - 1000 mg / day. 

Pterostilbene 100mg (w/400mg resveratrol) - Now 250mg (w/1000mg resveratrol)

Honokiol - 400mg


Other additions since then not likely relevant, just my hopeful attempts at slowing or reversing aging:


Niacin - 500mg (250 2x)

Quercetin - 3500mg

B complex (Doctor's Best) 1 a day.

Carnosine - 3000mg (500 - 1000mg w/meals)

Vit C - 1000mg (with Collagen Peptides (bed))

Glutamine 5g

FOS - 4 a day

Fish Oil 1000mg

N-Acetyl-Glucosamine (NAG)


Other things I've been doing for a long time:


L-theanine (bed) 400mg

Taurine 1000mg (bed)

Melatonin 3mg (bed)



I hope some of this helps in terms of eliminating time/energy/money in your exploration of avenues of things to try. I hope you get in on that HFUS treatment in Canada. I wish I were Canadian. I hear the treatment really works well. No batteries, no wires, no brain drilling, it's pretty cool.


I have other threads on this board where I explain my reasons behind pterostilbene, here is part of why I chose quercetin to try next:




Studies showed that flavonoids such as quercetin (50, 100, and 200 mg/kg body weight) markedly improved the motor balance and coordination in N-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP; a parkinsonism-inducing neurotoxin)–treated mice, and significant increases were observed in the activities of various antioxidants such as glutathione peroxidase, SOD, and Na-K ATPase (37). In neurons, the administration of quercetin not only attenuated microglia activation (a precursor of PD pathogenesis) but also suppressed cell death (38). Studies have demonstrated that the consumption of green and black tea had beneficial effects in reducing the risk of PD (39). 


The focus these days is frustratingly always on Parkinson's with a complete neglect of Essential Tremor which I believe actually affects more people. Essential Tremor is a non-Parkinsonian tremor but there are many things they have in common as far as the brain is concerned. So when I see something that treats Parkinson's where neurodegenerative movement disorders are concerned, I pay attention, even though the root cause is in atrophy of the dopamine producing gland.

Edited by Nate-2004, 07 July 2016 - 07:17 PM.

#5 Nate-2004

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Posted 10 July 2016 - 05:32 PM

So update on this: The quercetin and high dose pterostilbene isn't helping as much as I had hoped. Had an audition today and I could barely hold the script. It was awful and embarrassing.


I also neglected to put Apigenin as one of the supps I'm taking regularly. The half-life is supposedly 91 hours but that's got some conflicting evidence that says 12 hours.


Let me know if anybody has found anything that I've not tried yet.



#6 JayZin

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Posted 10 July 2016 - 07:28 PM

Lemon Balm.






Also, something like Ketanserin might help.

#7 Nate-2004

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Posted 11 July 2016 - 02:57 AM


Thanks for the links. I only see one place where Lemon Balm is mentioned. Lemon balm has harmine in it which has been linked to possibly causing ET but not sure I've heard anything about it since that link was made. I've tried all the standard medications, as I and the original poster indicated, they all suck hard. Most of those known by doctors have terrible side effects.


I looked into it more today and discovered that in Berlin another focused ultrasound study was completed on a much larger sample with less than stellar results. The treatment only reduces the tremor by half, it doesn't eliminate it like DBS does. It also begins coming back after a year. Not too useful for something so expensive.


I'm looking more for a cure than a treatment. It looks like in the end it's going to be stem cells, and I doubt anyone is working on that. This is a disease that affects 10 million but they want to focus on Parkinson's which only affects 1 million.

Edited by Nate-2004, 11 July 2016 - 02:58 AM.

#8 Nate-2004

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Posted 13 July 2016 - 03:22 PM

The FDA finally approved the Exablate machine but its side effects for thalamotomy are abysmal sounding (loss of balance and gait problems) especially given that it’s only 40% effective and loses its effectiveness over time. There’s stem cell treatment in Switzerland costing an upwards of $18,000 that I can never afford. That was where the Exablate was first approved. They’re always years ahead of us.


The organization in Switzerland is called Swiss Medica XXI century S.A.


I talked to a guy on the phone from there about it after sending my details to them, here is what they sent me. It sounds a little sketchy and the term "detoxification" is a little alarming to me and provokes my skepticism. I don't know what is up with Switzerland when it comes to medicine but this is what I got:


Thank you for your convirsation today please review your treatment program.


We've carefully looked through your data and according to our successful clinical experience for achieving the best results in your case we suggest the following 12 days Neuro- regenerative program. This program includes individually developed Neuro-regenerative protocols, Neuro - metabolic protocols, NeuroMicroNutritional Protocols, activated autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells therapy, adipose tissue-derived stromal vascular fraction therapy, ex-vivo expanded allogeneic bone marrow-derived stem cell treatment - the most effective and strong combination to reverse the damage occurred in the central nervous system, to restore injured neuronal pathways, to encourage the formation of new neuronal pathways, to improve significantly neurological status(balance, coordination, motor function, sensory function of the limb, etc.), overall well being and quality of life the patient.


taking in consideration your age, the duration of your disease, we strongly recommend the combination of autologous (own stem cells) with allogeneic stem cells (ex-vivo expanded,) in order to achieve the best results.


Hereafter, you find the details of 12 days Neuro- regenerative program.


12 days days Neuro- regenerative program will include Diagnostic and Therapeutic parts which will be composed from listed below procedures.


Diagnostic part 

·      individual plan of medical examination;

·     medical doctors consultations (neurologist, specialist in stem cells therapy, specialist in regenerative medicine, specialist in biological medicine and others as needed);

·      special wide-profile blood and urine tests to reveal all misbalances in the body especially those that may cause health problems (tests on hormonal, immunological, inflammatory body’s profile, levels of vitamins, minerals, presence of heavy metals, toxins and etc.);


Treatment part

·         Neuro-regenerative protocols, Neuro-metabolic protocols for restoration of damaged neurons, for facilitation the creation of connections between neurons, for formation of new neuronal pathways, for anatomical and functional recovery of the central nervous system, for improvement of neurological functions of patient;

·         Individually developed NeuroMicroNutritional Protocols for filling the body with antioxidants, amino acids, minerals, vitamins which play an important role in the nervous tissue regeneration;

·         Safe deep detoxification of the body from toxins (if diagnosed); for removal active toxic agents from the body that may cause health problems;

·         Individually prepared RNA-based medications (according to diagnosed condition and health state of the patient) for physiological modulation of metabolism and immune system of the body at different functional levels that leads to enhancement of regeneration and restoration of damaged nervous tissue;

  • Intravenous laser, ultraviolet and oxygen blood therapy with outstanding anti-inflammatory, oxygenation, detoxification, regenerative effects; for improvement of nourishing and oxygenation of the brain and for enhancement the rate of restoration of neurons, surrounding cells and the level of neurotransmitters; Oxygen blood therapy and Ultraviolet blood therapy ;
  • Swiss Medica natural medications for maintenance of men's health, for revitalization, regeneration and detoxification of the body, for preventing age-related diseases (with continuous therapy by this supplement according to doctor’s recommendations).

Special activated Autologous Mesenchymal (bone marrow-derived) Stem Cell Therapy:

·  Collecting bone marrow from hip area by puncture of iliac bone under local or general anesthesia depending on patient's state;

·  Extracting the mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow by centrifuging;

·  Mixing the obtained stem cells with platelet-rich plasma prepared from patient’s venous blood;

·  Activation mixed cells by EU certified special medical device;

·  Introduction stem cells via lumbar puncture and intravenous infusion of activated stem cells.

Special activated Autologous adipose tissue-derived Stromal Vascular Fraction (includes Mesenchymal stem cells) Therapy:

·  Collecting fat tissue by liposuction from abdominal area under local or general anesthesia depending on patient's state;

·  Extracting stromal vascular fraction from fat tissue by centrifuging;

·  Mixing the obtained stromal vascular fraction with  platelet-rich plasma prepared from patient’s venous blood;

·  Activation mixed cells by EU certified special medical device;

·  Intravenous infusion of activated stem cells.

Ex-vivo expanded allogeneic bone marrow-derived stem cells will be injected intravenously    (200-250 x 106 stem cells);

The whole procedure is done in operation room in sterile condition. During the procedure the patient is being under constant medical supervision with permanent monitoring the vital functions.


Autologous stem cell therapy and allogeneic stem cell therapy in Swiss Medica Clinics are absolutely safe with no risk of allergic reaction, infections, incompatibility and rejections.


6 months of our medical team follow-up with doctor's consultations regarding your state.


12 days days Neuro- regenerative program costs:


in Belgrade (inpatient clinic) – 18 000 euro - treatment program (with airport transfer;accommodation patient+1;3 times meal)

Looking forward to hear from you soon.


I have no idea why people don't use commas as opposed to spaces when typing large numbers. That aside, I'm of a skeptical open mind for this and having Googled their org looking for other criticisms or scam/rip-off reports I haven't found any yet.

Edited by Nate-2004, 13 July 2016 - 03:48 PM.

#9 JayZin

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Posted 13 July 2016 - 04:02 PM

Phytother Res. 2009 Aug;23(8):1075-81. doi: 10.1002/ptr.2712.
Bioassay-guided fractionation of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) using an in vitro measure of GABA transaminase activity.

A novel pharmacological mechanism of action for the anxiolytic botanical Melissa officinalis L. (lemon balm) is reported. The methanol extract was identified as a potent in vitro inhibitor of rat brain GABA transaminase (GABA-T), an enzyme target in the therapy of anxiety, epilepsy and related neurological disorders. Bioassay-guided fractionation led to the identification and isolation of rosmarinic acid (RA) and the triterpenoids, ursolic acid (UA) and oleanolic acid (OA) as active principles. Phytochemical characterization of the crude extract determined RA as the major compound responsible for activity (40% inhibition at 100 microg/mL) since it represented approximately 1.5% of the dry mass of the leaves. Synergistic effects may also play a role.

Copyright 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

PMID:   19165747   DOI:   10.1002/ptr.2712
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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#10 Nate-2004

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Posted 13 July 2016 - 04:08 PM

Thanks. I suppose Rosemary Extract is on my list of the next thing to try. I'll get some tomorrow. 


I doubt this will go anywhere but I keep trying. I try to not let this thing control my life or ruin it but it does a good job of making that really, really hard.


If I had 10 billion dollars I would make a whole lot of scientists and researchers very happy.

Edited by Nate-2004, 13 July 2016 - 04:11 PM.

#11 Nate-2004

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Posted 07 February 2017 - 03:55 PM

So I was reminded of an older 2009 study that showed LINGO-1 as a gene involved in a negative myelination protein that had a very strong association with essential tremor.


Since then Biogen has been working to develop an antagonist drug targeting LINGO-1 called BIIB033. It has taken more than 3 years to get to PHASE II, (go FDA! ugh) and it is not being tested on ET patients unfortunately. They'll have to go through another 20,000 years of trials and FDA stagnation just to get to that.


So I found this CRISPR kit here. I wouldn't even begin to know what to do with it though, or if it would do what's needed much less how anyone would gain access to it. Perhaps we have some experts who might know more about it.  







#12 gamesguru

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Posted 07 February 2017 - 04:57 PM

as pointed out, GABA is a big factor.  could try ginseng/ginkgo.  or agonists such as lemon balm, valerian, and kava.


it's related to epilepsy and normal twitching.  glutamate and acetylcholine are also big factors.  you could try turmeric (for glutamate uptake) and less animal sources of dietary choline.  also look at electrolyte balances, potassium, sodium and magnesium

#13 Nate-2004

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Posted 07 February 2017 - 05:05 PM

Actually ginseng and ginko are hardly GABA boosters, lemon balm (active ingredient rosmarinic acid) is also weak in terms of GABA boosting. Kava helps a little but has drawbacks. Valerian does nothing.


The only cocktail that does the trick of boosting GABA to the degree that it at least calms the tremor a little is a combination of:







I assume the other anti-inflammatory augmentives I'm taking (curcumin, ginger and fish oil) are helping to boost their effectiveness by improving the pathways for magnesium.


This cocktail has to be taken several times per day too, minus the inositol which shouldn't really exceed 700mg.


Any boost in Serotonin whether through tryptophan or SSRI/SNRI tends to make the tremor considerably worse.


I'm more interested in CRISPR as a solution. In the meantime this GABA cocktail helps only in the slightest bit. I'm not sure why GABA helps but it has little to do with the root cause of the problem.

Edited by Nate-2004, 07 February 2017 - 05:34 PM.

#14 Lufega

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Posted 05 June 2017 - 12:01 AM

Vanillin might help. I have ET also and it's getting worse for me too. Does ET cause fatigue also? I'm so tired these days. There new research that mannitol and reverse symptoms in Parkinson's. Can it help ET patients?

im also convinced the root of this is that the liver cant metabolize harmaline and it builds up. So focus needs to be placed on enhancing detox pathways. I bet the solution will be something simple..

Low-dose acute vanillin is beneficial against harmaline-induced tremors in rats.
Abdulrahman AA1, Faisal K1, Meshref AA2, Arshaduddin M1.
Author information
To study the effect of pretreatment with low doses of vanillin, a flavoring agent used as a food additive, on harmaline-induced tremor in rats.
Sprague Dawley rats (110 ± 5 g) were divided into groups of six animals each. Vanillin (6.25 mg, 12.5 mg, and 25 mg/kg) was administered by gavage to different groups of rats, 30 minutes before the induction of tremor. Harmaline (10 mg/kg, i.p.) was used for the induction of tremor. The latency of onset, duration, tremor intensity, tremor index, and spontaneous locomotor activity were recorded. A separate batch of animals was used for the determination of serotonin (5HT) and 5 hydroxyindole acetic acid (5HIAA) levels in the brain.
Harmaline treatment resulted in characteristic tremor that lasted for more than 2 hours and decreased the locomotor activity of rats. Pre-treatment with vanillin significantly reduced the duration, intensity, and tremor index of harmaline-treated animals. Vanillin treatment also significantly attenuated harmaline-induced decrease in the locomotor activity. An increase in 5HT levels and the changes in 5HIAA/5HT ratio observed in harmaline treated rats were significantly corrected in vanillin pretreated animals.
Vanillin in low doses reduces harmaline-induced tremor in rats, probably through its modulating effect on serotonin levels in the brain. These findings suggest a beneficial effect of vanillin in essential tremor.

Edited by Lufega, 05 June 2017 - 12:06 AM.

#15 Nate-2004

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Posted 09 June 2017 - 04:03 PM

I can get vanillin here but it says it's capable of causing eye, skin and respiratory irritation.... so that's a concern. 

#16 Nate-2004

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Posted 13 September 2017 - 09:12 PM

Cure would be better than treatment and I think investigating the root causes should take top priority as it is the means of finding the cure.


I wrote up my own hypothesis here on Reddit, have a look. It's important that relevant people in the field shift their investigation away from GABA and towards adrenergic receptors in the thalamus.

#17 Nate-2004

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Posted 10 October 2017 - 06:49 PM

Update here: http://www.longecity...e-2#entry829620


And here: https://www.reddit.c...sential_tremor/

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#18 Nate-2004

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Posted 15 June 2018 - 04:21 PM

Now that I'm better educated and given the recent review on purkinje cells and their role in ET, I've written up another hypothesis based on why Keto, Berberine and MCT oil seem synergistic in managing the tremor.



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