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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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How to speed up rejuvenation & becoming young forever by changing the priorities of the society

rejuvenation young forever funding for research real change defeating diseases

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#1 2525

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Posted 30 March 2015 - 11:30 AM

This will be a story about a very curious  journey into the ways to stay young forever.


Currently, because of the old generations writers and old generation literature, most people

still believe unfortunately that death is inevitable. The same way like people from old generations

have thought for millions of years that the Earth is flat, that people with mental disorders are possesed by demons, and so on...


This old belief is keeping most people trapped in a life of spending most of their money

on the same things that their neighbours spend as well: large PLASMA TVs, big expensive car,

wasting money in casinos and strip clubs, expensive purses, shoes, etc


Everything for a society of consumerism and a "live fast, don´t think about the future" way.


Nowhere in the nature (made by nature) do not exist true antibiotics, smartphones, cars,

airplanes, stock exchange, hospitals. They are all very unnatural and made by us, humans,

for a better life quality.


The biggest improvement to our life quality would be rejuvenation and staying young

as long we choose to. Definitely we know in our hearts that this is the most important

goal. This can be achieved with 2 steps:


- just as we humans, through medical research, we cured thousands of diseases

we must cure also the disease of aging,

dementia, Alzheimer, Parkinson, heart diseases and cancer


- replacement of the organs with identical but healthy organs


- a way to stop and reverse the aging of the brain.


For these, we need mainly more funding directed to it.


Some of the top 3% richest people of the planet can be contacted by us,

with a short message about our most noble projects into curing age related diseases, that will benefit themselves and all the dear ones to them.


Right now, in the top richest people in the world, a majority of them should be very interested

into funding research into rejuvenation, because almost all of them are over 60 years old:




They should be asked to think if they love life, and to be alive and young,

and probably their wish will be to participate, hopefully.

#2 2525

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Posted 30 March 2015 - 11:34 AM

What also I am trying to raise awareness is that  all of these very good improvements to our lives are

completely "unnatural" :  antibiotics, smartphones, cars, airplanes, stock exchange, hospitals.


The same, the defeat of dying may seem at first "unnatural", but so it is almost everything

that surrounds us in any town at home and at our jobs.


Billions of dollars are going into funding casinos, computer games, cosmetics industry,

while the most important direction for research can and should be to defeat aging

and the aging related diseases.

#3 Droplet

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Posted 31 March 2015 - 06:14 AM

Have you considered doing some outreach to these people yourself? If it is not your thing then you should post the names in the outreach forum.

#4 2525

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Posted 01 April 2015 - 10:58 AM

Yes, I would like to do that.


I am not sure yet of the right way to get to people´s hearts

and make them see and realize that it really shouldn´t be anymore happening

"one day everything will end and nothing from a human will remain"


I know that we should outreach with a short, condensed message,

in which we ask for nothing, but only for them to think about.


(maybe about where they will realistically be in 2200, what they want to feel then,


maybe if they love life and being alive without diseases and without old age,


maybe if they want their parents and grandparents to not age, and stay alive

free of suffering and diseases,


or other ways might be even more effective)


Thank you Droplet for posting here


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Posted 04 April 2015 - 03:26 AM

I think any impact will require organizational cooperation. The idea of knocking on doors is something of a unicorn IMO.

#6 Logic

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 04:18 AM

Ye; I have considered this, but this type of person is surrounded by an entourage of people who's sole purpose is to insulate them from heaving masses.  Many of which are asking for handouts.


I think the way to approach this to to approach the already rich people like the Google boys and Peter Thiel to approach them as they are welcome in those circles and likely to be listened to.



#7 Antonio2014

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 11:12 AM

Maybe the better way to do it is not trying to convert people into immortalists, only inform them. People tend to respond negatively when they feel they are forced into something. Did you try, for example, to make a presentation/talk/roundtable at some university or cultural center? Inviting an expert to talk about some aspect of immortality (cryonics, SENS, telomeres, whatever) in front of some auditory could be a good strategy.

#8 Mind

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 11:47 AM

Seems like promoting life extension is a long slow slog, getting nowhere, but that is not the case. LongeCity does not do A LOT every year, but we have made the most of our small budget. Over the past decade we have planted a lot of small seeds. Things are beginning to grow. Our former members, leaders, directors are now in industries and academic settings where they are influencing people with money. It is happening behind the scenes.


We should continue to plant seeds, while also banging on doors and social media feeds. We will get there. If you have a great idea, please post it in either the outreach forum (for contacting people) or here in project ideas forum.

Edited by Mind, 04 April 2015 - 11:48 AM.

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#9 Logic

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Posted 04 April 2015 - 10:50 PM

We should continue to plant seeds, while also banging on doors and social media feeds. We will get there. If you have a great idea, please post it in either the outreach forum (for contacting people) or here in project ideas forum.



Speaking of social media feeds Mind: Why not put 'Share this post on my Facebook, Twitter etc buttons above the Like/dislike etc buttons?




#10 Logic

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Posted 06 April 2015 - 01:22 AM

Tech titans’ latest project: Defy death

"...Thiel’s disdain for the status quo is clear in the manifesto for Breakout Labs, the grant-making group he set up through his foundation. It laments that scientists with bold ideas have been left out in the cold and promises to change that. “We want to jailbreak them from existing research institutions and set them free...”

Peter Thiel
Larry Page
Larry Ellison
Sean Parker
Sergey Brin
Mark Zuckerberg
Pierre Omidyar
Marc Andreessen



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#11 2525

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Posted 06 April 2015 - 11:41 AM

Aging related diseases are killing (in pain and suffering) over 3 MILLIONS americans every year.


It is very clear to me that aging is by far the biggest enemy.


As Peter Thiel (the founder of Paypal) was saying...

you can do like the most people and not think about death at all,
always put it away, until it is too late...

or YOU CAN REALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, to really fight death,
for example by gathering all the people who have a STRONG WILL

and simply do not accept death as an alternative

All of us great people who really love the beauty of being alive, the amazing
feeling of experiencing all of this here

A very promising and very healthy chance is given by stem cells


I found this on youtube, and I find it to be sounding very true:


I am about to state the TRUTH about living forever. To live forever,
you need Stem Cells. We humans are created with Stem Cells. When we
are developing in the womb, stem cells are created and those cells
form all the organs in the body. You can call Stem Cells "cell
templates". The reason why that is true is because Stem Cells can
literally transform into any cell that exists. If we could create
trillions of stem cells for every person, we could all become
immortal. The reasoning behind this is whenever an organ starts to
fail, you create a new organ with stem cells! It would be like
changing the faulty parts in a car or any other mechanical device!
Think about it, your heart starts to fail and all donated hearts from
organ donors are already scheduled to be used by another person. What
do you do? If you can create a new heart from Stem Cells, you'll have
a healthy new heart! If we could develop a way to mass produce stem
cells and technology to use the stem cells for creating new organs and
refreshing the brain to make it as if it was 20 years old in order to
preserve your memories, you could potentially live forever!

Using Stem Cells to live forever is also much better than using
robotic parts because you'll still be 100% human. Tell me people, does
it pain you to know that arguably one of the most important scientific
discoveries, "Stem Cells", isn't being researched that well because
some lunatics don't accept SCIENCE?

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: rejuvenation, young forever, funding for research, real change, defeating diseases

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