I was thinking for quite a long time about which is better - to hide the knowledge for how to live longer, or how be immortal, or to share it with everybody.
The general assumption of the majority of people is to keep the knowledge for themselves. They don't want to share the results of their labor, and the knowledge, that they got hard, with other people. In some degree, it is understandable.
On the other side is the idea, that it is better to share your knowledge for how to stay young, and healthy, share the healthy and treatment tips and knowledge, even to help others to live longer, or to be immortal. In some degree it is understandable either. Sharing your knowledge with other people will get you the reverse ability - the other people to share their knowledge with you. Also, you will be able to see the effect of the living a longer and a healthier life tips and strategies, that you believe. Testing them on other people is important - many of the things, that you think will make you immortal very probably will not work out.
What do you think? Will you share an information, that you have and think will make you immortal, or will you keep this important knowledge only for yourself? Which is the better from the both things?