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Does grounding/earthing really work? Can you even feel it? YES!

grounding earthing brain fog clarity emf shielding emf emr brain health

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#31 Duchykins

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Posted 10 July 2015 - 09:34 PM

In regards to placebo and zapping, the following testimonials tend to put that in doubt. However, these are for information purposes only, and I cannot validate if any of these are for real. But I'm not sure why someone would zap themselves so they could experience some of the below events unless they were convinced their ailment was parasitic in nature. In fact, this turned me off completely to zapping myself. That's why I'm trying to find someone on this forum who has used a zapper, and can provide their feedback, whether positive or negative, to enlighten us. Warning: Disturbing content.


Well 45 minutes into my first zapping session my nose began drool slime. I began to cough up all kinds of nasty stuff then I felt something literally moving in my face an go to the back of my throat, I began hacking really hard and to my disgust a little egg shaped thing came out and into the sink It was about 1/4 inch hard yellowish egg with white stringy things coming off of it (sounds more like total recall). Then more drainage followed. I shocked myself for most of the day, the euphoria is almost addictive, any way I under went extreme pain in my spine for about 4 hours as well as my head and stomach. Then all stopped!




Those are all from one site. However there are many other sites with with both positive and negative reviews, including one person who injured themselves after one zapping session at a high frequency. So I must highlight the dangers. I'm also not on here to debate the existence of parasites in the human body. They can and do exist, but I'm not sure how many people are affected. And I'm not even touching on the other benefits people claim that zapping does. But it's one of those weird things that does exist, and people use, and I'd like to get more opinions on what is going on if even one of these testimonials are genuine.


Sushi anyone? 



You should have provided a link to the site.  But after googling I think I know why you didn't.    :laugh:





This madwoman's home page:  http://barbfeick.com/




Why is it barbfeick and not barbaragregory? I used my maiden name for my website because there are too many Barbara Gregory's in the world. There were three Barbara Gregory's just in Sandusky, Ohio! When I searched the Internet, I could only find three Barbara Feick's. And using BarbaraFeickGregory was just too long.


My daughter once informed me (few years ago) that she and her friends had voted me the weirdestmom in Sandusky, Ohio. She said it was because I played weird folk instruments, ate weird food (natural foods is not the norm!), and did weird things like go to dowsing meetings -  nobody else's mom did things like that.


Well, I'm still weird if not more so. I still pull out my musical saw and dulcimers at times, go to dowsing meetings, believe in alternative health - natural foods...


I get interested in things and investigate for myself. I've always had trouble just believing something because somebody else or "everybody else" says so.  There are cures for cancer. Diseases and illnesses do not just happen. There are reasons and it isn't just that you are a victim of a bug.


I once had a long conversation with a creation scientist. Even though he did not entirely convince me that the earth and man was created as the Bible says, he did poke significant holes in the theory of evolution. Do I believe in evolution? Not as it is presented in the school books...


Things do not become true just because they have been published and repeated over and over again. And maybe the reason we don't know the truth is because we aren't looking for it. And the reason we aren't looking for it is because we really don't want to know it. We like the status quo. We might have to think for ourselves. It's easier being "normal".


I enjoy going to dowsing meetings. I became a believer when I held the y-rods in my own hands and they bent down so hard that my hands hurt. I have had so many metaphysical-type experiences that I went from believing in "science and math" to "quantum physics and spirituality".


I regard "science" and "medicine" as religions... mostly faith in substandard scientific studies.   Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. talks about it in his book Confessions of a Medical Heretic.


We have become "The Country of the Blind" (an H.G. Wells short story. The entire country is blind and a sighted man enters thinking he can become a leader of the people. Instead they attack him and blind him so he will be just like everybody else.) Normal people just accept the advertising on TV as being the healthy way to eat and live. They accept the news that is reported as being the truth. They accept the B.S. that the children in communist countries are taught propaganda but our children are taught the truth....





Something I spotted off to the side of her main page:   Asthma: What is causing the asthma epidemic? Answer: Tylenol and antibiotics.





... Well I hope you all laughed as much as I did.


Yes, you need a few science-minded people like me and OneScrewLoose around.

Edited by Duchykins, 10 July 2015 - 09:35 PM.

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#32 Duchykins

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Posted 10 July 2015 - 09:37 PM

I keep saying it so much around here, it's almost cliche:



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#33 Duchykins

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Posted 10 July 2015 - 09:52 PM

In regards to placebo and zapping, the following testimonials tend to put that in doubt. However, these are for information purposes only, and I cannot validate if any of these are for real. But I'm not sure why someone would zap themselves so they could experience some of the below events unless they were convinced their ailment was parasitic in nature. In fact, this turned me off completely to zapping myself. That's why I'm trying to find someone on this forum who has used a zapper, and can provide their feedback, whether positive or negative, to enlighten us. Warning: Disturbing content.





Those are all from one site. However there are many other sites with with both positive and negative reviews, including one person who injured themselves after one zapping session at a high frequency. So I must highlight the dangers. I'm also not on here to debate the existence of parasites in the human body. They can and do exist, but I'm not sure how many people are affected. And I'm not even touching on the other benefits people claim that zapping does. But it's one of those weird things that does exist, and people use, and I'd like to get more opinions on what is going on if even one of these testimonials are genuine.


Sushi anyone? 



I was still reading this testimonial page for laughs when I found this one at the bottom:


This customer was surprised at the results that she obtained when she zapping for ringworm. She zapped for 30 minutes straight rather than 7 minutes x 3. - K__ Just for the record, I believe it's ring worm when I googled [did an internet search for] the appearance [how it looked on her body] it was an exact match [for what she had], but I wonder why it rose to the surface [she zapped for 30 minutes straight] or had I zapped per your instructions [7 minutes x 3] would it be any different? Just interesting, since the zapper is so efficient. Going to the dermatologist Monday. Conversely, I've also had this happen before where I zap a tiny mark is there or a slight irritation. I'm a dowser too, and when I was shopping for a zapper, yours is the best. Thanks for you input. Have a great rest of your weekend!

Sincerely, Rachel Apr. 1, 2007




Ringworm is a parasitic worm... O RLY?
Gotta love that Google University diploma by the way.  I got mine in 2000. 

#34 Fenix_

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Posted 11 July 2015 - 12:13 AM

Dowsing... So these people walk around with a stick and when it magically moves in their hand, they dig for gold or water. This is just too funny. I bet they have psychic powers too :laugh:

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#35 Duchykins

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Posted 11 July 2015 - 02:29 AM

Dowsing... So these people walk around with a stick and when it magically moves in their hand, they dig for gold or water. This is just too funny. I bet they have psychic powers too :laugh:



Dude you have to look at that site some more.  I haven't found one this awesome since about 7 years ago some hysterical anti-vaxxers I was talking to at the time kept citing articles from whale.to .As is my custom, I immediately went straight to the main page and began sniffing around.  HOLY SHITBALLS.  It's way funnier than Natural News.  You have to look at it sometime.  It's got comedy material that can last you months, I still haven't browsed even half of it.


And if you don't think Natural News is hilarious, I dare you to read this whole article:






Anyways, check this one out




We now have many children who can die just by driving by a bakery making peanut butter cookies. I personally know of a child who could die if she smells fish cooking. And it is becoming extremely common. Parents are buying peanut-sniffing dogs so their children can leave the house! And it is not just peanuts. Why doesn't every child have a peanut allergy? Because the amount of peanut protein is not identical in each shot even if it is from the same vial. And it is NOT just peanuts! Every ingredient, listed and unlisted, is causing allergic reactions in someone. 

#36 Fenix_

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Posted 11 July 2015 - 06:05 AM

Whale.to Lets see... MAFIA POISONING RACKETS include vaccines, ADHD drugs, toxic pasteurized milk, 19th century leprosy caused by vaccines, suppressed cancer therapies, death towers, smart meters, Alzheimer's, poisonous ideologies (ironic), and the list goes on. This is some Alex Jones level shit. Or maybe this site was written by a schizophrenic? They might also be the same people who support vandalism of biomed research labs because of muhh animal testing.


I want to get your opinion on this website: http://www.curezone.org/

A worthy target for trolling if I ever saw one.
"I do believe homeopathy works."

#37 OneScrewLoose

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Posted 11 July 2015 - 06:30 AM

Whale.to Lets see... MAFIA POISONING RACKETS include vaccines, ADHD drugs, toxic pasteurized milk, 19th century leprosy caused by vaccines, suppressed cancer therapies, death towers, smart meters, Alzheimer's, poisonous ideologies (ironic), and the list goes on. This is some Alex Jones level shit. Or maybe this site was written by a schizophrenic? They might also be the same people who support vandalism of biomed research labs because of muhh animal testing.


I want to get your opinion on this website: http://www.curezone.org/

A worthy target for trolling if I ever saw one.
"I do believe homeopathy works."


They might be what Alex Jones could aspire to if he worked hard enough.

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#38 Duchykins

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Posted 11 July 2015 - 02:52 PM

Whale.to Lets see... MAFIA POISONING RACKETS include vaccines, ADHD drugs, toxic pasteurized milk, 19th century leprosy caused by vaccines, suppressed cancer therapies, death towers, smart meters, Alzheimer's, poisonous ideologies (ironic), and the list goes on. This is some Alex Jones level shit. Or maybe this site was written by a schizophrenic? They might also be the same people who support vandalism of biomed research labs because of muhh animal testing.


I want to get your opinion on this website: http://www.curezone.org/

A worthy target for trolling if I ever saw one.
"I do believe homeopathy works."



CureZone is lulzy too.



Crystal Healing  












Black Walnut migraine cure:




I have seen that eczema is due to roundworms. Seizures are caused by a single roundworm , Ascarts, getting into the brain. Schizophrenia and depression are caused by parasites in the brain. Asthma is caused by Ascaris in the lungs. Diabetes is caused by the pancreatic fluke of cattle, Eurytrema. Migraines are caused by the threadworm, Strongyloides.




Autism cure!  Bonus: kid's a genius now!




By the time Miles turned 3, all his doctors agreed that his autism had been completely cured. He tested at eight months above his age level in social, language, self-help, and motor skills, and he entered a regular preschool with no special-ed supports.


I think if I was still that old evil /b/tard I would go make some threads and troll the shit out of these people.  But unfortunately I have a conscience nao.   :-D  These people are so ready to try anything and hurt themselves, I can't do it. 

#39 Duchykins

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Posted 11 July 2015 - 02:58 PM

Actually regarding whale.to, considering its age and level of crazy, I think that site is one of the founding sites in the internet tangle of anti-vax garbage.   So many sites borrowed material from whale.to, copied and copied and copied, people lost track of the original source.  I thought about this when I saw claims about vaccines on otherwise not-insane but much younger sites, where they had weeded out a lot of the obvious crazy (like "allopathic" medicine being an atheistic religion) but had kept some of the stupid.

Edited by Duchykins, 11 July 2015 - 03:11 PM.

#40 Multivitz

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Posted 02 January 2016 - 10:44 AM

This thread has attracted alot of idiots. Idiots who believe other nasty idiots who think the stuff on curezone is for the mentally challenged, but really want to protect the crying shame that is the pharmaceutical poisons.
Hahahahahahaha.......grow up boys, you are in the old paradigm. Your genetic material is out numbered 10 to 1, with the parasites. You laugh now, give it some time and you will fall flat on your faces. People with learning attitudes like you always settle for an easy job that requires no creative input.
Grounding ones self for health benefits only works if the grounding rod is 20 meters away from a house that uses mains electric. As the first poster stated in this thread, you won't get any benefit and you will get ill if you don't do it properly. I think you'll find that most systems of healthy regeneration have been thwarted in various ways. The immature none believers in this thread are products of thier environment and have never tried the cures or have mind of thier inner workings as a context to their environment. I bet they couldn't understand the intellectual weight of my last sentence lol.
The main reason people can't get better is in the food we eat. It's low in Silica, cooking harms oil(at 60ºC) and disolves Lysine(at 98ºC) an important amino acid. Trace minerals get used when fighting a harmful parasite, supplementation is often the only way. Most high street shops stock synthetic vitamins that work ok until one runs out of cofactors, then they feed parasites. I feel sorry for all the people who buy in to pharmacology, GMO, electromagnetism, capitalism, monetarism, etc.
Everyone knows vaccines contain very harmful ingredients, and autism is curable. You only have to look on line, testimony after testimony of families successful autism improvement. Curezone, yeah really funny ha....ha....not!
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#41 Multivitz

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Posted 02 January 2016 - 10:48 AM

I have a migraine cure, it's on this site somewhere.
Healthy parasites produce a lot of vitamins for us. Killing them often means repopulating them with digestive resistant carbohydrate and probiotics. A vitamin deficiency is often seen as slowed growth that leads to parasite infection. Olive leaf extract, is that voodoo woo woo? AIDS, is a collection of illnesses, now what is the truth about HIV and real immunity.
I have family who works with autistic children, so I'm not so far away from the subject. I voice my opinion from my own personal first hand experience, not from some half hearted materialistic mainstream mind control system of BS. Did anyone notice the large amount of replies this thread subject has, even though it was answered in the first post! Just a load of time wasters with nothing of substance to add.
Peer reviewed, don't make me laugh!

Edited by Multivitz, 02 January 2016 - 11:24 AM.

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#42 stefan_001

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Posted 02 January 2016 - 09:10 PM

I have some aluminum hats for sale, anybody interested? I will provide free grounding cables...
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#43 Mind

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Posted 03 January 2016 - 05:02 PM

Some other LongeCity discussions about this topic:





#44 natasjlp

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Posted 26 January 2016 - 08:50 AM

Interesting article on PubMed: The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases



#45 thebrainstore

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Posted 26 January 2016 - 10:49 AM

Grounding works, I do it and can feel the effect instantly. Ever walked barefoot on grass and felt how you naturally relax and feel less busy inside? It's the same effect. ground yourself whilst using a computer and all the EMF you are being bombarded with gets drained away as it arises.


What disgusts me are those that chime in after a decent first post like that, completely dismissing the evidence without knowing anything about it, citing one-line pseudo science bullshit as if their opinion is the word of god.


All idiots like you are doing are casting doubt into the minds of other people who might otherwise splash $5 on trying it out. Keep your uneducated fear-mongering to yourselves. This is a forum where clever people talk about the things they have proven to make their lives better. If you instinctively want to argue with these things rather than seeing if they too will transform your life, then you have missed the point of the forum. It's not the place for ego bashing, or chest pounding.

#46 platypus

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Posted 26 January 2016 - 11:14 AM

Grounding works, I do it and can feel the effect instantly. Ever walked barefoot on grass and felt how you naturally relax and feel less busy inside? It's the same effect. ground yourself whilst using a computer and all the EMF you are being bombarded with gets drained away as it arises.


That has nothing to do with electrons in the Earth and everything to do how good it feels in the soles of your feet. Everyone should be against pseudoscience in this forum. 

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#47 drg

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Posted 26 January 2016 - 01:27 PM

I am confused ... Grounding is the pseudoscience?? Or dismissing grounding as psuedoscience is pseudoscience... One or the other. What I don't get about the whole idea is that we are almost constantly grounded unless you are standing upright with two rubber soled shoes and not touching anything.

#48 thebrainstore

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Posted 27 January 2016 - 09:36 AM

No, grounding is simple and obvious when you think about it. The pseudoscience is what is being used to dismiss it.


We are oscillating fields of energy on one level, and we are inside another oscillating field of energy called the ionosphere or whatever, so as humans we exchange energy with our environment constantly, it's the nature of physics that things interact. When we are grounded, the fields are connected and anything which builds up inside us will be ameliorated into the surroundings. I'm sorry to use the word 'energy' but what I know of science doesn't give me the vocabulary to explain this very well.


We evolved to walk on the earth and up until recently we wore natural clothing and walked on natural surfaces. The 20th century has insulated the human body from the earth almost completely with concrete ground and rubber insulation between the feat and the earth. Rubber is natural, but when made into elastic rubber it looses all of it's organic conductive properties making it an insulator.


We have not evolved to be electrically disconnected from our surroundings, and now that we pick up energy from all of the RF electrical activity in our environment in addition, that energy which cannot drain away to earth stays in the body and causes inflammation which in turn causes of hundreds of other problems.


Essentially I have seen people with severe health problems gradually get better over time doing nothing more than placing a grounding sheet on their bed at night. When I sleep with such a sheet I have a deep restful night and wake up feeling good. To feel grounded in our language means to be calm and in control, very much like what it actually feels like when regularly draining away your excess electrical activity to the earth.


Edited by spektrolyte, 27 January 2016 - 09:39 AM.

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#49 platypus

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Posted 27 January 2016 - 11:04 AM

It might be "obvious" but it does not mean that "grounding" does anything of significance to the human body. The only buildup of electrons that happen is static electricity that can be discharged by touching something, and there's no evidence I'm aware of showing that a static charge is in any way harmful. 

#50 thebrainstore

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Posted 27 January 2016 - 11:06 AM

You can continue to argue about it if you like, but I recommend spending $5 to find out that we are right...



See the pubmed report linked in post #44 that shows how buildup of 'static' causes lots of harmful effects.

Edited by spektrolyte, 27 January 2016 - 11:07 AM.

#51 platypus

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Posted 27 January 2016 - 11:08 AM

You can continue to argue about it if you like, but I recommend spending $5 to find out that we are right...

Have you done a blind experiment on yourself, with someone else connecting/disconnecting the grounding without your knowledge? 


The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.

Richard P. Feynman

#52 thebrainstore

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Posted 27 January 2016 - 11:15 AM

I have done a variety of blind experiments on myself and other people. If I connect the strap to my leg, and the other end has been pulled out of the wall I notice it immediately.


However, my viewpoint is purely based on all the anecdotal evidence of people saying thank you to me for showing them something which costs almost nothing and helps give a much better nights sleep.


If there is such a thing as whole body inflammation, and some people certainly experience something like this, then grounding has been shown to reduce those symptoms.


This is nothing new to spiritual practitioners from the East, and I think my explanation in the posts above gives a pretty objective stance on this. I just chipped in on this thread because grounding is something I have been doing for years.


The effects are much more noticeable if you are actually aware of the flow of energy inside the body. This is not something most people are aware of unless they have cultivated their internal awareness with some kind of spiritual practice/direct experience technique. We are not all born with our eyes wide open, far from it in fact.

Edited by spektrolyte, 27 January 2016 - 11:20 AM.

#53 platypus

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Posted 27 January 2016 - 11:36 AM

Anecdotal evidence is not enough. Based on anecdotes homeopathy works, but thanks to studies we know it does not work better than placebo. The placebo-effect is real though. 

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#54 Mr Matsubayashi

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Posted 27 January 2016 - 12:27 PM

Interesting article on PubMed: The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases







G Chevalier and JL Oschman are independent contractors for EarthFx Inc., the company sponsoring earthing research, and own a small percentage of shares in the company. Richard Brown is an independent contractor for EarthFx Inc., the company sponsoring earthing research. The authors report no other conflicts of interest."


The last part of that makes me laugh. What could be worse in terms of conflicts of interest?

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: grounding, earthing, brain fog, clarity, emf shielding, emf, emr, brain health

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