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Creatine and OCD

ocd creatine vitamin b uridine omega 3 coffee

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#1 Samuraidream

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Posted 15 July 2015 - 07:27 AM

Hi all!


I've been supplementing with Uridine, Omega 3 and an occasional Vit B complex recently with mostly positive results, aiming to get rid of a mild-to-moderate anxiety and mood swings.

In the last 3-4 weeks, I've also been taking some Creatine in order to gain weight and perform better when road cycling and running, which I do a couple of times a week. I sort of love the physical effects, however.... around the 3 week mark I've noticed a wave of negative, intrusive and completely irrational thoughts and doubts about everything. It was getting worse and worse until I started experiencing some pretty bad anxiety, caused by those irrational/intrusive thoughts, this week. It sounds a lot like OCD to me, which I had earlier in life albeit on a very very mild level. After doing some research I came to believe it's Creatine that's brought it up to the surface. Either that or Uridine depleted my Vit B levels, since I only supplement with it occasionally. Anyhow, I stopped taking Creatine yesterday and took Vit B, Omega 3 and Uridine last night as well as this morning, and feeling better already (although a bit anxious that it might come back).


Any ideas and/or advice is very welcome.




Edited by SamuraiSlut, 15 July 2015 - 07:29 AM.

#2 Samuraidream

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Posted 15 July 2015 - 07:52 PM


It got worse again tonight after a pretty intense run I did. And after eating and taking the supplements I'm on the way up again...


#3 Duchykins

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Posted 16 July 2015 - 04:05 AM

How long had you been taking the omega 3, and what doses?



Then this:   "It got worse again tonight after a pretty intense run I did."


As soon as I saw this "potassium" came straight to mind.  Early mild hypokalemia symptoms can mimic anxiety to a T, except for a few clinical test that can see the low K and other problems associated with it.  But a lot of docs misdiagnose early cases of hypokalemia as anxiety (if they don't run an electrolyte panel first) and prescribe benzos instead of potassium.   Could be your other electrolytes too that are a bit off.   After eating, your electrolytes could have been replenished enough.  If this were so, you would have started to normalize a minimum of 20 mins after eating, up to an hour after eating.


That's all I can suggest without knowing more.  Please don't act on this post by taking potassium supplements unless more is learned.  But you can still gobble up potassium-rich (and magnesium-rich) foods if you feel like it.


That would really suck if it were the creatine since I take it myself daily (no more than 1 g) and am pretty prone to anxiety myself, but I know my doses of creatine don't bug me since I do them first thing in the morning with all my other shit.

Edited by Duchykins, 16 July 2015 - 04:15 AM.

#4 Samuraidream

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Posted 16 July 2015 - 08:41 AM

How long had you been taking the omega 3, and what doses?



Then this:   "It got worse again tonight after a pretty intense run I did."


As soon as I saw this "potassium" came straight to mind.  Early mild hypokalemia symptoms can mimic anxiety to a T, except for a few clinical test that can see the low K and other problems associated with it.  But a lot of docs misdiagnose early cases of hypokalemia as anxiety (if they don't run an electrolyte panel first) and prescribe benzos instead of potassium.   Could be your other electrolytes too that are a bit off.   After eating, your electrolytes could have been replenished enough.  If this were so, you would have started to normalize a minimum of 20 mins after eating, up to an hour after eating.


That's all I can suggest without knowing more.  Please don't act on this post by taking potassium supplements unless more is learned.  But you can still gobble up potassium-rich (and magnesium-rich) foods if you feel like it.


That would really suck if it were the creatine since I take it myself daily (no more than 1 g) and am pretty prone to anxiety myself, but I know my doses of creatine don't bug me since I do them first thing in the morning with all my other shit.


Thanks a lot for your input!


re: Omega3. Been taking Omega3 for 5-6 weeks now, around 500mg to 2000mg a day (something like 400-800 EPA, 150-300 DHA or so). I started low and increased it this week, after the anxiety kicked in.


I'm also worried that my vit B levels might be low due to Uridine. I only supplemented with an occasional vit B complex pill once or twice a week. So now I'm taking it daily to see if that makes any difference.


Your point about potassium is interesting. Taking creatine requires a larger water intake, correct? I kind of tend to forget it sometimes and therefore dehydrate and deplete the electrolytes... Makes sense?
Anyways, no more Creatine for me. Will try to throw some more electrolytes into the mix as well.

One last thing, I've been taking Zinc (around 25-50mg 2-3 times a week) for almost a year as well, taking a week or two off here and there. I don't think there would be any issues with Copper, since some of the Zinc supplements I've taken had Copper in them as well. And my Zinc intake isn't that huge to begin with.


Edited by SamuraiSlut, 16 July 2015 - 09:13 AM.

#5 Samuraidream

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Posted 17 July 2015 - 08:06 AM


Had one of the worst panic attacks last night after taking DHA/EPA, Uridine, Vit B complex and a hydration/electrolyte tab. Now the problem is, I've noticed the hydration tab had quite some caffeine in it (after I've taken it). I do drink a few cups of coffee every day, but they're not very strong and I don't drink my coffee right after taking Uridine, so that's different.
Anyhow, I got nearly suicidal thoughts, but more like thinking that I might go crazy and do stupid things rather than actually actually wanting to do something stupid, if that makes any sense. I also had other irrational and very intrusive thoughts. In the end, Had to take some etizolam, since I couldn't handle it anymore.

I won't have access to Uridine for a couple of weeks now due to traveling. Therefore, gonna take some vit b and omega3 today and hit the road just hoping for the best.

Any ideas? Advice?

#6 Duchykins

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Posted 17 July 2015 - 03:45 PM


Had one of the worst panic attacks last night after taking DHA/EPA, Uridine, Vit B complex and a hydration/electrolyte tab. Now the problem is, I've noticed the hydration tab had quite some caffeine in it (after I've taken it). I do drink a few cups of coffee every day, but they're not very strong and I don't drink my coffee right after taking Uridine, so that's different.
Anyhow, I got nearly suicidal thoughts, but more like thinking that I might go crazy and do stupid things rather than actually actually wanting to do something stupid, if that makes any sense. I also had other irrational and very intrusive thoughts. In the end, Had to take some etizolam, since I couldn't handle it anymore.

I won't have access to Uridine for a couple of weeks now due to traveling. Therefore, gonna take some vit b and omega3 today and hit the road just hoping for the best.

Any ideas? Advice?



Stop the uridine, omega 3 (yes, both uridine and omega 3 can give people anxiety by themselves so they might be contributing here)  and definitely the hydration tab for a little while, no caffeine after 12 noon,  and eat foods high in potassium and magnesium for a few days.  Those electrolyte tabs (and drinks) have a bunch of bullshit in them you don't need right now, never offer a balanced electrolyte profile, and if you look at the nutritional profile most have negligible doses of potassium if at all, and a whole bunch of sodium salts which the wrong thing you need.  Also bicarbonate which you should also not be taking extra of right now.


Have a bunch of fresh spinach, baby carrots, milk or soymilk, yogurt, broccoli or cantaloupe, mushrooms


If you can't be bothered to do this, then next time you get an attack, go to the hospital, one of the things they will do is run an electrolyte panel.  


If it comes back low potassium, they will give you a fat K pill, lecture you about caffeine, and send you home.


I don't know what else to say because I don't have enough info about you.  Sorry.

Edited by Duchykins, 17 July 2015 - 03:56 PM.

#7 Samuraidream

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Posted 06 August 2015 - 07:35 AM



So I stopped taking supplements all together (incl. Omega-3, Uridine, B vits, coffee and Creatine) and most of the symptoms disappeared. It's important to note that due to travelling my diet changed a bit as well (way less meat, way more fish, green tea instead of coffee, etc) for nearly 2 weeks.

Anyways, now I'm back to my old routine and after drinking only two sips of coffee and eating a protein bar this morning (with B vitamins and minerals in it) my mind started racing again, which resulted in moderate levels of anxiety. Furthermore, throughout the week I've noticed that my libido is not as strong as it was during the vacation either, which also bothers me a little.
Do you think it's B vitamins that's causing problems? Coffee? Something else?

And do you think it's smart to re-introduce a small dose of Uridine on its own 2-3 nights a week? I tend to sleep better when taking Uridine....

You've been a great help so far, guys. Thanks a lot!

#8 Duchykins

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Posted 06 August 2015 - 02:09 PM

Were they active Bs, by chance?  Any methyls there?


* you might have to stop coffee full stop for a while longer.  It was a couple of months after going back to normal that I could drink half a cup of coffee without flipping out.  

Edited by Duchykins, 06 August 2015 - 02:11 PM.

#9 Samuraidream

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Posted 16 August 2015 - 07:01 AM

It wasn't the Bs, since I'm still going through some issues more than a week later.

My OCD (well, it's mostly O/rumination) was back for a couple of days. Randomly. So I might start taking SJW Kira to help with the moods, anxiety and intrusive thoughts. I've taken it last year and it helped quite a bit, but made my eyes sore sometimes.

Anyway, to conclude this topic... I am not sure if it was Creatine that brought up my OCD/intrusive thoughts to the surface, since I got them again more than a month after I've quit. But who knows...

One last question. Can anyone recommend something for energy, muscle growth etc similar to creatine?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: ocd, creatine, vitamin b, uridine, omega 3, coffee

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