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5 underrated nootropics that reversed cogn...

RobertPaulson's Photo RobertPaulson 13 Aug 2015

@#30: Sorry don't buy it. A single dose of MB can not do this, IMO. I don't think MB works directly on the memory system, like a *racetame or something. I would call it infantile to take something and then if sometimes later I can remember something, I decide to call that the effect of the stuff I have taken... That is more likely wishful hoping or plain placebo.


Stating that MB can push you beyond a healthy brain, is a strong assumption. That's not the case, I think and is not supported by science afaik.

Edited by RobertPaulsen, 13 August 2015 - 02:54 AM.

contraband's Photo contraband 13 Aug 2015

I suspect that the initial post is viral marketing, mainly because the shop mentioned happens to sell 3 out of 5 of the supplements.


The poster registered just for this topic.


Also: Yerba Mate for cognitive decline? I don't think so...


Yikes, this is not the case, but in retrospect I can see why you might think so. I'll message YOLF to have all references to shops removed from the thead. 


You are right that there aren't very many studies supporting nootropic effects of yerba mate. This was just my subjective experience which is very much fallible. 


h2o's Photo h2o 13 Aug 2015

How much 7,8-DHF do you take and what is your ROA?


contraband's Photo contraband 15 Aug 2015

so contraband you have been taking it for years without ill effects, but what are the positive results then, it helped a lot with depression or just slightly by just augmenting it in combo with other means like inclusion of other different things you take and lifestyle?


It definitely helped with depression. For me, I never experienced dramatic mood improvement from 7,8-DHF acutely, but really helped relieve some of the cognitive side effects of depression, e.g., impaired recall/difficulty socializing/anhedonia/decreased engagement in life.


After acute administration there are few noticeable effects (in this sense 7,8-DHF is very "clean") but after chronic treatment you notice benefits. This is very specific but after multiple major depressive episodes I had this crazy intractable chronic daily headache that NSAIDS and other pain relievers' wouldn't touch. Strangely enough, 7,8-DHF fixed the headache, and every time I've tried to discontinue the 7,8-DHF the same headache returns. 


Of course, this is all anecdotal, n=1, and there are multiple confounds, e.g., the one you mentioned where positive lifestyle changes/exercise/diet + the right nootropics have a synergistic uplifting effect that can make it hard to disentangle the effect of any single substance or intervention. 


contraband's Photo contraband 15 Aug 2015

How much 7,8-DHF do you take and what is your ROA?


I've taken anywhere from 30mg-100mg. I think examine speculates that a reasonable dose would be 1 mg/kg in humans. 


Do you mean ROA in the fiscal sense, like, return on assets? 7,8-DHF has definitely normalized my cognitive impairments and mood instability and it is hard to put a price on that.  But it's also pretty expensive.  I'm considering switching to NSI-189 but I can't locate a reliable vendor. 


Fernando Laniado's Photo Fernando Laniado 16 Aug 2015

roa = route of administration


lol'd@return on assets


Psy's Photo Psy 04 Jun 2019

I think that is no problem. The main impurity should be Arzure-B, but that is the main metabolite in your body anyway.

(By the way Azure-B itself is an even more potent MAO-A Inibitor, I tink around 5 times as potent as MB itself)


Then there is Aluminium, Chrome, Ferrus ect. My stuff is 99.9% and the amounts of toxic metals are way below the

amounts in sea fish, so even with 99%, that's better then nature I think.



They have to write "not for human consumption" ect, for legal issues. There are completely other taxes, safety measures

and claims for damages, if something is declared as for human consumption.





But be careful with the 10mg. I know people here see it different, but IMHO MB is a very potent MAO-A inibitor. However it is reversible and that effect only last a few hours. I take 1mg occasionally with some DXM and it potentiate the serotonin effect already very noticeable, despite of the NMDA effect, which shifts the overall experience. But since its action on MAO-B is small, I think you don't have to be careful with tyramine. 


I think a good deal of people here, who say they "can feel" MB, secretly describe its MAO-A effect. Especially if they say, the feeling only last a short amount of time. The mitochondrial part is not a feeling, IMHO.  


Anyway, if you are after that mitochondrial effect, then I would say 10mg is way to much, because the amount of MB in your system is criticial for this effect. To much and it is gone. I think 10mg is more in the range of the tau-protein effect, like on the low end of  the Rember studdy. 


Would start with 0.5mg. Of course there is no drug-effect or something. If I want to feel its power, I have a very hard body exercise, like running and after that I can still do brain work - clear headed.. MB is good in combination with sport. I spend years of my life as a couchpotato, because every time I tried healthy exercise, I ended up with brain fog, which get in the way of my job as a mathematician. MB changed that in no time and now I can do extensive exercise of all kind, without a reduction in my mental abilities.    



Psy's Photo Psy 04 Jun 2019

I think that is no problem. The main impurity should be Arzure-B, but that is the main metabolite in your body anyway.

(By the way Azure-B itself is an even more potent MAO-A Inibitor, I tink around 5 times as potent as MB itself)


Then there is Aluminium, Chrome, Ferrus ect. My stuff is 99.9% and the amounts of toxic metals are way below the

amounts in sea fish, so even with 99%, that's better then nature I think.



Anyone tried Azure B instead of Methylene Blue?

Edited by Psy, 04 June 2019 - 04:48 PM.

Tim Ventura's Photo Tim Ventura 05 Jun 2019

Hey @Contraband --


Thanks for starting this thread! I cycle Lion's Mane to stimulate NGF, but I feel that it's lost effect after 2 years on/off. Currently taking a break.


You inspired me to buy 7,8-DHF - I'm wondering if it might be comparable in some ways? I know BDNF is different, but the effect hopefully somewhat similar.


Can you tell us more about what you noticed taking it, and what made it such an important part of your regimen?


jack black's Photo jack black 05 Jun 2019

i'm currious what has happened to the OP.


jroseland's Photo jroseland 11 Apr 2022

10 Mitochondrial Nootropics that really move the dial on cognitive decline...
Methylene Blue 
Grape Seed Extract 
Krill Oil 
Discussed here...

Watch: Struggling with cognitive decline? Make a cognitive comeback
