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Epithalon - People using it please chime in

MikeGreo's Photo MikeGreo 13 Oct 2015

So what is the deal with Epithalon? Has it given expected results? Does this thing really work?


Also, is there a difference between Epithalon and Epitalon, and where can I buy it from? The capsule/tablet form and not the injections. Is it really that effective in reversing aging? Even on a cosmetic level?





Logic's Photo Logic 13 Oct 2015

Worked well for me, but I was taking it along with a telomerase activation stack:


LOTS more info and worth scanning:

The best place to buy is in one of these threads:


Cant remember which.


While there is a pill available it would have to be specifically designed to get Epitalon into your system without it being broken down by the digestive process...
The best way to take it is by injection.
The most convenient is sublingually.  ie:  put it under your tongue and leave it there.

Edited by Logic, 13 October 2015 - 07:33 AM.

MikeGreo's Photo MikeGreo 15 Oct 2015

Thanks for that response.


However, I haven't been able to find where to buy it from looking at those links.


Logic's Photo Logic 15 Oct 2015

Thanks for that response.


However, I haven't been able to find where to buy it from looking at those links.



soz:  both links go to the same, wrong thread.  The above one goes to the relevant post in the correct thread.


MikeGreo's Photo MikeGreo 15 Oct 2015

Thanks for providing me with that link.


I'm guessing this is the link, since I found it one that thread. But I can't find Epithalon itself being sold there.


Also, I've been reading conflicting reports about this, from "amazing" to "useless".


Logic's Photo Logic 15 Oct 2015

PM the Pure, the poster, and ask for his advice.

Conflicting reports could be due to fake product, old product, shaking the crap out of it when adding water, swallowing rather than absorbing it sublingually, or individual genetic makeup.
Its a fragile peptide.


NB:  There is no 'One supp to save us all and from the darkness hide us'
I found C60oo complimented Epitalon very well and was taking a comprehensive Telomerase activation and anti cancer/pro longevity stack with it.

There is no quick, spoonfed route...
I have been reading/studying this for about 4 years now and some other members for way longer than that.

Edited by Logic, 15 October 2015 - 10:37 PM.

MikeGreo's Photo MikeGreo 17 Oct 2015

The picture about the Epitalon was very impressive. And frankly I am a little sick of just taking supplements that are said to reverse the clock, without any VISIBLE signs of improvement. That's really what I am looking for. And so it is also a little unnerving when you see that the inventor such as the Russian scientist has the nerve to talk about this appear in front of the camera with white hair. I mean, does this stuff work or not.


Also a little surprised this thread is not more active if it is so revolutionary.

Edited by MikeGreo, 17 October 2015 - 08:12 PM.

niner's Photo niner 18 Oct 2015

The picture about the Epitalon was very impressive. And frankly I am a little sick of just taking supplements that are said to reverse the clock, without any VISIBLE signs of improvement. That's really what I am looking for. And so it is also a little unnerving when you see that the inventor such as the Russian scientist has the nerve to talk about this appear in front of the camera with white hair. I mean, does this stuff work or not.


Depends how you define 'work'.  If you mean does it make white hair dark again, then no, it doesn't work.  If you were in the early phases of going grey, you might be able to turn it around, but I don't know anything that will color white hair other than topical dyes.


mpe's Photo mpe 18 Oct 2015

Has anybody ever shown extended telomeres after taking Epitalon ?

I've never been able to any quantifiable proof that it works. 


Logic's Photo Logic 18 Oct 2015

The picture about the Epitalon was very impressive. And frankly I am a little sick of just taking supplements that are said to reverse the clock, without any VISIBLE signs of improvement. That's really what I am looking for. And so it is also a little unnerving when you see that the inventor such as the Russian scientist has the nerve to talk about this appear in front of the camera with white hair. I mean, does this stuff work or not.


Also a little surprised this thread is not more active if it is so revolutionary.


If you want visible improvement I suggest taking C60oo with it and some extra telomerase activators (See 1st link) and Nicotinamide Riboside.

Mikey and some others are taking high doses of C60oo along with Epitalon and many other supps and report notable visible effects.
He also takes PABA for grey hair and probably Rooibos.

You have a lot of research to do!  :)


Rocket's Photo Rocket 25 Oct 2015


The picture about the Epitalon was very impressive. And frankly I am a little sick of just taking supplements that are said to reverse the clock, without any VISIBLE signs of improvement. That's really what I am looking for. And so it is also a little unnerving when you see that the inventor such as the Russian scientist has the nerve to talk about this appear in front of the camera with white hair. I mean, does this stuff work or not.


Also a little surprised this thread is not more active if it is so revolutionary.


If you want visible improvement I suggest taking C60oo with it and some extra telomerase activators (See 1st link) and Nicotinamide Riboside.

Mikey and some others are taking high doses of C60oo along with Epitalon and many other supps and report notable visible effects.
He also takes PABA for grey hair and probably Rooibos.

You have a lot of research to do!   :)



Can you point out the thread by "Mikey" and his results that you speak of?  Like the OP, I believe if someone had found something that gave clearly visible signs of age reversal and health improvement, people would be shouting it from the rooftops. 


I've scanned the epithalon discussion and it seems people "feel" better.  Well hell, I feel better when I sleep 8 hours instead of my normal 6.


This is a not so good example, but that's why there are so many forums devoted to steroids: THEY WORK!  With the anti-aging industry, you get told that if you don't notice something happening that's great, because otherwise you would be getting worse or older or sicker. 




Edited by Rocket, 25 October 2015 - 09:21 PM.

4ever_young's Photo 4ever_young 27 Oct 2015

I have personally found that taking 3ml C60 in Olive Oil twice daily along with 5 mg Epitalon twice daily has a very profound impact on how I feel.


I also find that my recovery time after a hard workout is vastly reduced, in fact I have to be careful not to train again too soon because I do not want to over train.


At 63 years old and having trained regularly for over 45 years I feel I have a pretty good idea how my body responds to training and what my recovery rate is, so I think it is a safe bet that the C60 and Epitalon are improving my physical capacity, but other than feeling 15 years younger and seeing some very slight reductions in facial "crows foot" wrinkles I don't have anything concrete.


But this is still the first 30 days of this protocol.


I put the C60 in my protein shakes (without any added fiber) and I dissolve the Epitalon in DMSO and apply to inner forearm. May try Sub Q for the Epitalon but so far the DMSO is doing the trick.


I almost forgot one thing - WOOD MULTIPLE TIMES EVERY DAY ;)


At 63 years old that is worth mentioning.

Edited by 4ever_young, 27 October 2015 - 04:10 PM.