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Obama to seek $4B for self-driving ca...

Florian Xavier's Photo Florian Xavier 16 Jan 2016

And not a penny in SENS research what a shame !




corb's Photo corb 16 Jan 2016

Isn't Biden supposed to butter up the FDA to hasten cancer research or somesuch in his last year, I don't keep up to date with USAian news.

It's not exactly anti aging research but I'd say it's close enough.


As for the self driving car, yeah it's a dumb waste of money and so many people will lose their jobs because of it, but whatever, it's the trendy thing now. "Democrats" have to appeal to their young and impressionable audience.


niner's Photo niner 16 Jan 2016

This is truly idiotic.  Car makers already have well-developed self-driving car programs.  They're being rolled out now, for godsake.  Then there's the program to "cure cancer" or whatever they're calling it.  At least that's money going into biomedical research.


Rocket's Photo Rocket 18 Jan 2016

The idiot is going for a legacy!!!


We're already hard at work on it, and I'm in the field.


This fricking loser is going to waste 4B dollars on this?? Huh??  We're doing it already on a very small fraction of that!!!


Great, I can hear it now, 10 years from now people are going to call their self driving car "Their Obama Car". 


Can we be done with this idiot now!?


Not a cent for anything related to recent findings in aging, but $4,000,000,000.00 for a problem that DOES NOT exist.




corb's Photo corb 19 Jan 2016

"Their Obama Car".


Their Obamobile you mean.  ;) 


Rocket's Photo Rocket 19 Jan 2016


"Their Obama Car".


Their Obamobile you mean.  ;) 



And you will probably have sign a waiver giving up your right to own a gun to buy an Obamamobile!


Turnbuckle's Photo Turnbuckle 19 Jan 2016

Four billion is a lot of money, but it will save the lives of car bombers.


johnross47's Photo johnross47 19 Jan 2016

From out here in the rest of the world it just looks like another of those massive subsidies to US industry that the USA would rush to declare illegal if it was done by any other country. Autonomous cars are coming, like it or not and the USA wants to own the business; it's too late though, because all the world's other manufacturers are very busy at the same game.


Rocket's Photo Rocket 20 Jan 2016

From out here in the rest of the world it just looks like another of those massive subsidies to US industry that the USA would rush to declare illegal if it was done by any other country. Autonomous cars are coming, like it or not and the USA wants to own the business; it's too late though, because all the world's other manufacturers are very busy at the same game.

We're already working on it. We don't need Obama's money. We don't want Obama's money. I work in the field and sit in an office a few dozen feet from the people working on it. Obama needs to go fly a kite in a thunderstorm.

Multivitz's Photo Multivitz 24 Jan 2016

It's like all the money they asked for when they done the moon landings lol. Or the money they forced into the quatative easing, that was 60% of the worlds yearly GNP! The money system is control, the words are the curtain that cover the control, the auto driven car is no quicker if there's traffic, no safer if secondary avoidance is needed. Most accidents happen before you have time to react, so a computer would not be any good, I mean a cars suspension can only manuvour a car so quick.
The fact that he has asked for $4b says he doesn't care about the smaller important needs of the people he is meant to represent. Then they say private enterprise leads industry lol it does. But it only leads into an industry that has profit potential. Then they ask the people for $4b of there hard earned public worth, but in reality the money is already there, just numbers on a screen waiting for a reason to jump onto someone elses screen with a justfied reason the public is happy with. Hipocratic behavioural tendencies? I can't wait to see Bernie Sanders take over, have you donated yet?
When is the system going to change? Can't stop bitcoin, can't fund big wars, can't destract a critical number of people believing whats correct, they will try to cheat and play the blame game, it's up to individual to find courage, fear is an illusion.
Edited by Multivitz, 24 January 2016 - 01:17 PM.

Multivitz's Photo Multivitz 24 Jan 2016

Cancer is curable, a synthetic harmful treatment ensures life expectancy gets neutered. There should be advice into precancerous symptoms, but everyone would see how unhealthy they were and be sad about it. There is a whole world of fear instead of explaining that cancer is what the body does to stop localised metabolic acidity harming surrouding bodily tissues. The fact that the acidic metabolites(or clastogens) alter genetic switching in an immunodeficient cell is beside the point. Genes don't give you cancer, have you seen the fragmentation of genetic material that cells can undergo? The fact that cancer is contagious to a weak body is never seen as a reality because the manifestation of the disease is slow and selective. The potency of ANY illness is only apparent in an immunologicerly weak person(or group of persons), just because thousands of people die from a set of symptoms doesn't mean the illness is there, it means thousands of people were unhealthy to begin with.
The true definition of human health is not told by the main stream media, because most people would find it uncomfortable. The uncomfortable feeling would come form a parapsychological denial of the truth, and we all know the cycle of behaviour from the denial stage!