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Elevated GDF11 Is a Risk Factor for Age-Related Frailty and Disease in Humans


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#1 Jim Morrison

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Posted 13 July 2016 - 07:37 AM




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Posted 12 March 2017 - 10:14 PM

Interesting, but... how do you explain Steve Perry and 19 other individuals taking GDF11 and physically displaying results opposite to this pictograph?

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#3 ortcloud

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Posted 24 July 2019 - 10:12 PM

Steve Perry says this is fakenews

#4 stevegperry

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Posted 25 July 2019 - 08:42 PM

The paper above is 3 years old and is ancient history in terms of GDF11.  If you look at the white paper on my site, GDF11Rejuvenation.com, there is a section that explains GDF11 controversies and why one might think GDF11 goes up with age.


Also, read the Wikipedia entry for GDF11, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GDF11, which has more positive papers than I can count, including one on GDF11 and skin as well as a few on GDF11 enhancing neurogenisis.

#5 Rocket

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Posted 01 August 2019 - 12:45 PM

Interesting, but... how do you explain Steve Perry and 19 other individuals taking GDF11 and physically displaying results opposite to this pictograph?


I took it and I put others on this site into touch with suppliers. None of us got anything out of it. It was a complete and total waste of money. No one even got the side effects that S.P. claims to have experienced.


Considering GDF11 is a mytostatin similar protein, you should expect frailty to go up with the GDF11.


There are papers out there that refute the entire GDF11 debate. Do you notice that you hear crickets these days about GDF11.


I am not seeking 15 minutes of fame and so I can speak the truth and say GDF11 is and was a waste of time and money.

Edited by Rocket, 01 August 2019 - 12:48 PM.


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Posted 01 August 2019 - 06:05 PM

Did you use Steve's Supplier? 

#7 stevegperry

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Posted 02 August 2019 - 07:32 PM



When you say “none of us got anything out of it” what does that mean exactly?  That you didn’t feel anything?  What kind of science is that??  I don’t think the Journal of Nature will be publishing your results anytime soon.


Did you bother taking a full “Biomarkers of Aging” baseline and post GDF11?  (see https://drive.google...6WGY1fuvmyYbVkI for an example).  Now if you saw zero change in sophisticated biomarkers like these, then your statement would carry some weight.  But I doubt you bothered with these, especially since they are $1300/pop.


Did you even bother with the daily biomarkers like BP, pulse, HRV and reaction time?  How did they trend?  Did you titrate the dose to daily biomarker trending?  If you didn’t do the daily biomarkers, that’s about as smart as dosing insulin without a glucometer.


GDF11 is guaranteed to improve reaction time and pretty much guaranteed to improve BP, pulse and HRV.  You should feel improved reaction time and HRV, but if you’re below 50, you probably won’t feel these biomarkers improving.


That’s why anti-aging research needs to be done with BIOMARKERS not HANDWAVING.


And you may think GDF11 is a waste of money, but the research community does not.  Read the Wikipedia entry for GDF11:  Tens of millions of dollars worldwide are being poured into GDF11 research as you can see.  Care to guess how much it cost to do just this one study in Nature on GDF11 enhancing neurogenesis? https://www.nature.c...598-018-35716-6


Also, there is Elevian which is backed by Harvard Stem Cell institute researchers.  Elevian has raised millions to commercialize GDF11.  Do you think these guys know what they’re doing or do they just enjoy wasting time and money?


As for my “15 minutes of fame” I already had that and much more in the software industry, thank you.  The GDF11 project has cost me hundreds of thousands dollars – for starters the biomarkers and biomarker equipment are very expensive.  But I don’t mind the big loss I’ve incurred – I’m 61, have no health issues and have biked, backpacked and skied a record number of days this year. And I know the GDF11 cohort and I are on our way to dramatically increasing human lifespan. 


Want to see why I make that claim?  Start by reviewing the biomarkers on my site.





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#8 ortcloud

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Posted 17 November 2019 - 04:00 PM

I took it and I put others on this site into touch with suppliers. None of us got anything out of it. It was a complete and total waste of money.


No one even got the side effects that S.P. claims to have experienced.


 so I can speak the truth and say GDF11 is and was a waste of time and money


@Rocket, I think you may have had some fake or expired gdf11, not sure which supplier

you used but it may explain why you didnt and your friends didnt have a response.



I looked through the forum here and found a post from @sonofdarth and his experience with it.


He definitely noticed a response and he got the side effects that steve perry mentioned.



"Took my first dose yesterday.  20 minutes after taking it, my systolic bp shot up 34 points, no change in HR or diastolic or spo2.  Didn't last long and within a few minutes dropped down to normal.  Felt a little warm all over.  For the rest of the day, I felt OK... which for me is pretty good.  By the end of the day, I was feeling a little better.  This morning, I was up, ready to go, and feeling fine.  Not a radical change, but like I used to feel.  I had decided to inject every other day, but very tempted to take another injection."


"followed Steve Perry's advice for dosing.  You will definitely know when you inject too much.  Reflux and dyspnea are the result.  Its a little alarming if you're not prepared for it.  At that point where I was getting symptoms even using Steve's formula, I began cutting the dose until symptoms went away."



Also the dose is also critical, not sure how much you were taking but the therapeutic window is narrow.

Rocket was taking 16,000pg. Steve now recommends 250pg. dose.

Edited by ortcloud, 17 November 2019 - 04:02 PM.

#9 nickthird

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Posted 19 November 2019 - 05:51 PM

I don't see the conflict here.

Just like any drug, every person is different. It may have not worked for rocket and the people he connects with (who are likely to be similar), but does work for others.

I suspect rocket based his conclusion on lack of the expected side effect from a high dose.

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