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Jack black's Memantine thread

memantine adhd

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#1 jack black

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Posted 20 July 2016 - 04:14 PM

I came across very informative threads on Memantine here:

http://www.longecity...xibility/page-2 (page 2 only)

and here:



I understand from various studies, that Memantine is known to be helpful in social anxiety, OCD, GAD, ADHD, and neuropathic pain in addition to the approved use in Alzheimer diseases (not very helpful from what i hear):  https://en.wikipedia.../wiki/Memantine


So, I decided to do a Memantine trial to see if it helps with my (supposed) adult ADHD. I tried clonidine before for ADHD, but it made me sleepy, tired, and depressed, even in small doses and when taken in evenings. I had some response in the past to NAC, DMAE, piracetam, and tyrosine, but they were minimal.


I started with 5mg dose of Memantine (1/2 pill) per day at late morning. The first effect were felt 2-3 hrs with some weird subjective mental feeling (minimal) and sudden realization that colors are so much brighter that usual. This is the first time in my life that I perceive colors that strongly. I did some reading and some people reported that after taking nootropics. I didn't respond to piracetam like this in the past, but I'm currently taking piracetam and Memantine together, so that's a possibility. Another possibility is the D2 agonist or anti-ACh action as some people believe that it can increase color brightness/saturation: https://www.reddit.c...could_possibly/


Another effect I noticed at 4-6 hrs was lifting of social anxiety and smoother conversation with my coworkers. At the same time, there was a slight talking impairment, but probably subjective, and noone seemed to notice any slurred speech. So, this could be that dumbing effect of ACh receptor antagonism.


At the end of the day, I did some exercising and noticed I was a bit more motivated to do it. I usually find excuses not to do it and I skip it often.


Today I did another 5mg (together with my coffee, vitamins, fish oil, and piracetam/NAC/DMAE combo) in early AM, and noticed a significant mood improvement, increased self esteem, and a surprising motivation to cook breakfast that I usually skip because of laziness in AM.  At work, I was more focused on tasks and more efficient to finish them. I dictated a few reports and had a few meetings that went super smoothly. Looks like my ADHD (or rather ADD or SCT or whatever I have) was lifted by either Memantine or the whole supplement combo (see above). Time will tell if that effect lasts long.


Lastly, as I type this, I do notice quite a few misspellings and typos (thanks God for spellchecks, LOL). Likely more that usual, but not by a huge margin (I'm sort of dyslexic, too). Be my guest to judge if this sound coherent enough for English as a second language person.


Based on the initial effects, it sounds like my entire family could use Memantine (we are all ADHD and/or anxiety with a few borderline family members).


I'll keep you posted.


The only thing that gives me a pause is that revelation that Memantine created neuro problems in patients with multiple sclerosis: https://www.ncbi.nlm...pubmed/19092106

Why would that be? I would like to know.


Thanks for listening/reading.


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#2 Dichotohmy

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Posted 20 July 2016 - 10:47 PM

I understand what you mean by color perception and other benefits while not habituated to memantine. This is the case for me as well, in that the benefits of memantine, in terms of ADHD and similar cognitive (mis)processes are limited to the periid of titration. My hypothesis is that my benefit from memantine has to do with the fact that it is a weak dopamine agonist and that once dopaminergic homeostasis kicks back in, the benefit of titrating to a higher dose vanishes.

Unfortunately, memantine seems like another cynical case of modulating dopaminergic activity is what I need, but such efforts are inevitably doomed to failure and unsustainable because the brain keeps tight homeostatic control on the dopamine system.

I seriously doubt memantine's NMDA properties were of any benefit for me, probably because I don't have anxiety or other signs of glutaminergic over-activity to begin with. Quite the contrary. Once I reached 12mg or so of memantine once daily, my ordinarily problematic brain fog became full blown dissociation. It was bad enough I felt it no longer wise to drive a car. I also noticed this while trying to titrate from 0 to 10mg a day. In my case, stepping up in doses of 2mg or so was the only way I could tolerate memantine and unfortunately, the encouraging cognitive effects invariably go away with tolerance. Because I can't tolerate this drug in doses over 10mg once daily, I can't exactly chase the magic by continually titrating up either.

Edited by Dichotohmy, 20 July 2016 - 10:48 PM.

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#3 chemicalambrosia

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Posted 21 July 2016 - 12:14 AM

Jack Black, you are aware of the long half life of memantine, right? It will build up in your system. You might want to take an even lower dose going forward if you're getting good effects from 5mg.

#4 jack black

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Posted 21 July 2016 - 12:09 PM

It's a shame there's a tolerance for this. It's ironic because it's supposed to be tolerance breaking drug.

I'm aware of the long half-life and plan to stay on low dose.

I noticed one negative at end of day 2. An episode of night eating. This is my long term issue, but I had it under control lately. There is study showing benefits for eating disorders, but maybe I need higher dose?
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#5 jack black

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Posted 30 July 2016 - 11:52 PM


after almost 2 weeks of 5mg, the benefits are still there, but not as startling as one gets used to good things fast. I still have the enchanced color thing. I'll give you one example, one of the icons on a desktop at work (the one I use the most, work related) used to be boring yellow. now it's yellow-green. The synthetic bright pink, bright green and similar neon colors are so saturated, it's shocking.


Dyslexia is better, but I still make a few typos more than I should. The night eating was a fluke, it's a hit and miss, still working on it.


Now, i discovered an interesting thing. While trying to fine tune my complex stack, i removed piracetam, NAC, and DMAE in the last 2 days. I felt down with lower energy, more anxiety, and a bit of irritation.  Today, I added DMAE back in the afternoon and energy/attention/motivation came back flooding me shortly after. I don't remember DMAE working that strongly before. It must be synergistic with Namenda. The only 1 thing those 2 have in common (as fas as I know) is anti-cholinergic action.


Interesting. I do get tired after high choline meals (eggs, milk, peanuts, etc).

Maybe the impact of my stack is not so much anti-NMDA, but anti-cholinergic?


Here is the thing, ACh stimulation increases release of dopamine. So, lower ACh should make me feel worse (if I do indeed have ADHD). But, what if i have too much dopamine already due to hypofunctioning MAO (according to my 23andMe results) and executive disfunction is due to dopamine overload (the famous reversed U response model)?


Alternatively, what if I have too much ACh in my brain and it's causing depression (via downregulation of the ACh receptors)? Lowering ACh would be beneficial.


I need to look into this closer.

Edited by jack black, 31 July 2016 - 12:40 AM.

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#6 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 01 August 2016 - 08:36 AM

I am too burnt out to reply properly at the moment, but I'm following this one with great interest. = )

I would note though, that I too have COMT-genes that will produce an excess of Dopamine - which may be why dopaminergics are actually anxiogenic to me.


Your problems with SCT are generally linked to norepinephrine as well, so I wouldn't get too caught up in studying dopamine.

#7 normalizing

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Posted 01 August 2016 - 02:21 PM

stink, not sure what gene test for COMT you took, but mine just says reduced expression and low density for D2. not sure if you have idea of what the hell that means, but is it something to do with COMT too and is it discourageble to take anything for dopamine considering there is just not enough expression for those D2 receptors or what?

#8 jack black

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Posted 04 August 2016 - 09:15 PM


Alternatively, what if I have too much ACh in my brain and it's causing depression (via downregulation of the ACh receptors)? Lowering ACh would be beneficial.


I need to look into this closer.


After thinking about it a whole lot of more (and brainstorming with Stinkorninjor in another thread) I'm thinking the above is the real culprit. I must have low dopamine/high ACh state and thus I'm prone to depressions and have ADD symptoms too.


I got used to the Memantine effects a bit after almost 3 weeks of 5mg dose (I really should stop and see what happens), but in the meantime I stopped the daily piracetam/DMAE/NAC stack and replaced by a DL-Phenylalanine dose.


Holly Molly!


Tons of energy and well being and loss of appetite (a good thing for me). I feel like on a heavy duty stimulant (I never did a prescription or illicit one though).


Not sure how much of this is DL-Phenylalanine alone and how much it's the combo with Memantine and everything else (I'm also doing TRT and LDN).


I think I'll develop tolerance to this too, unless the Memantine and LDN will keep tolerance in check.


Anyone doing DL-Phenylalanine with LDN long term by any chance?

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#9 jack black

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Posted 07 August 2016 - 08:55 PM


Tons of energy and well being and loss of appetite (a good thing for me). I feel like on a heavy duty stimulant (I never did a prescription or illicit one though).


Not sure how much of this is DL-Phenylalanine alone and how much it's the combo with Memantine and everything else (I'm also doing TRT and LDN).





I think the whole combo was too strong for me. I stopped DLPA after 2 days, I was too stimulated by DLPA and could not concentrate on details at work, maybe i should have started lower dose than 500 mg (i took probably more than that too, need a better scale for all those powders).  Also, after drinking friday night i lost control over eating and it precipitated a binge episode at night.


Now, I added N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine to the stack. I feel calm and productive, and feels like appetite supression too.


Not planning to increase Namenda dose yet and will experiment some more.

Edited by jack black, 07 August 2016 - 09:11 PM.

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#10 Londonscouser

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Posted 08 August 2016 - 06:42 PM

Try taurine :) And by the way, our individual brains are way to complex to make definitive statements 


I knew about 1 person on this forum who experimented with memantine for over a year, and he said overall it was great while it lasted. I think for him, it just randomly stopped working for him after a good year and half


#11 jack black

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Posted 14 September 2016 - 03:08 PM

I really need to update this. The memantine effects also fizzled for me over the span of several weeks or maybe I just got used to the slightly higher state of functioning. I did not do a dose escalation though as I was experimenting with my underlying stack. Will cycle and stop memantine to see if any worsening without.

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#12 Dakman1

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Posted 15 September 2016 - 02:01 AM

I've found that I've become quite morose and introspective and dull while taking memantine. I was rather hoping for more positive effects that others have posted buy I seem to get rather opposite effects.

#13 jack black

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Posted 25 September 2016 - 05:27 PM

update: i haven't been taking memantine for over a week and nothing noticeable happened. sounds like i was either not benefiting from the low dose (tachyphylaxis) or the subtle beneficial changes were semi-permanent.


either way, i started taking amantadine that also has anti-NMDA properties in addition to anti-ACh and pro-Dopamine and there is a measurable increase in motivation. looks like it works some for my ADHD-like traits. however, unlike memantine, i'm planing to cycle it and only take on weekdays to avoid losing benefits.


at some point i'll retry memantine course to see if any benefits.

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#14 jack black

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Posted 27 September 2016 - 02:35 PM

Well, it didn't last long. Amantadine worked only for a week, despite the weekend drug holiday.
I'll cycle memantine back to see what happens.
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#15 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 27 September 2016 - 07:09 PM

Have you considered cycling with Magnesium-L-Threonate as well? High dose should give non-competitive NMDA-antagonism.


I'm about to trial it soon myself actually! I'll let you know how it hits my system, once it arrives.


Btw, meanwhile, you've probably already seen it, but this old thread has a neat little NMDA-stack:




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