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Petition to End Age-Related Disease

change.org age-related disease petition activism campaign

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#1 Mind

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Posted 27 September 2016 - 11:43 AM

There are many outlets to express your opinion. Change.org is one of the more visible online petition around the world. At the behest of LongeCity member Alvin (who provided most of the text), I have created a new petition to increase funding to cure age-related disease. You never know when a petition will strike a chord with a world-wide audience. Go here to put your name on the petition: https://www.change.o...related-disease


It only takes a few names to get the ball rolling.

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#2 Droplet

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Posted 28 September 2016 - 08:10 AM

I have signed it and urge others to do so too. This needs to be shared on social media groups like the Facebook one for Longecity. Please invite whoever deals with the social media side of Longecity to this forum if they haven't already posted the petition and/or are not aware of it. Thank you. :)

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#3 Droplet

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Posted 28 September 2016 - 10:03 AM

Any chance of getting a newsletter out about this petition? I have already sent a load of invitations to people but the more who are aware of this, the better. :)

#4 Steve H

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Posted 28 September 2016 - 11:11 AM

Folks, I have signed it and will distribute on MMTP social media today. We are currently working on WHO ICD11 to include aging as a disease as US and Russian law definitions of disease suggest aging is also a disease.

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#5 Droplet

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Posted 28 September 2016 - 11:16 AM

Folks, I have signed it and will distribute on MMTP social media today. We are currently working on WHO ICD11 to include aging as a disease as US and Russian law definitions of disease suggest aging is also a disease.


That is amazing! :-D Thanks so much for your help.

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#6 Nate-2004

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Posted 28 September 2016 - 01:10 PM

I'm not sure what the goal is of this other to increase funding I assume? Wouldn't it be better to try and change the ridiculous FDA "policy" that refuses to acknowledge aging as a disease?

Edited by Nate-2004, 28 September 2016 - 01:11 PM.

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#7 Droplet

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Posted 28 September 2016 - 01:22 PM

I'm not sure what the goal is of this other to increase funding I assume? Wouldn't it be better to try and change the ridiculous FDA "policy" that refuses to acknowledge aging as a disease?

May be worth setting up a petition for that also if you or Mind can do so. :) As for the current petition, any attention we can attract towards the cause is good. Get enough signatures and band this around enough and it will be discussed in other places. Could potentially even get discussed on radio or something.

If a second petition is created to change FDA policy, please link to it here so that I can sign. Also, I have drawn lots of attention to this topic already so it should get seen here. :)

#8 Steve H

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Posted 28 September 2016 - 01:31 PM

I would suggest that the most important people to convince about aging being a disease is the WHO. The majority of developed countries with the kinds of budgets available for research take their queue from WHO and the International classification of disease (ICD). ICD11 is shortly being discussed at WHO so any public pressure to that end would have global impact.

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#9 Droplet

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Posted 28 September 2016 - 02:06 PM

I would suggest that the most important people to convince about aging being a disease is the WHO. The majority of developed countries with the kinds of budgets available for research take their queue from WHO and the International classification of disease (ICD). ICD11 is shortly being discussed at WHO so any public pressure to that end would have global impact.


Again, another good idea for a petition if anyone is good at wording things and can set one up. Please link if this happens. :)

#10 Ark

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 01:38 AM

(Off topic slighty) - Posting flyers at colleges would be a greater way to increase the number of new scholars on longecity and it might even be the start of a student movement to end aging.

Edited by Ark, 29 September 2016 - 01:53 AM.

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#11 Droplet

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 06:31 AM

(Off topic slighty) - Posting flyers at colleges would be a greater way to increase the number of new scholars on longecity and it might even be the start of a student movement to end aging.

Okay, do we have anyone signed up as advocates/volunteers who work or study in an educational setting AND would be willing to do this? It is a very good idea. :)

(Off topic slighty) - Posting flyers at colleges would be a greater way to increase the number of new scholars on longecity and it might even be the start of a student movement to end aging.

Okay, do we have anyone signed up as advocates/volunteers who work or study in an educational setting AND would be willing to do this? It is a very good idea. :)
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#12 Steve H

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 08:30 AM

Do you have anyone capable of producing professional quality infographics and posters? It is essential that any media produced is of high quality. I know Stanford has a transhumanist association and no doubt some other Universities do also.

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#13 Droplet

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 09:04 AM

Do you have anyone capable of producing professional quality infographics and posters? It is essential that any media produced is of high quality. I know Stanford has a transhumanist association and no doubt some other Universities do also.


I think that we have already put a call out for people who can produce these things in our commissions forum. However, doesn't hurt to ask here also...especially since I've spent a few hours sending out invites to get as many people to see this petition as possible.


Thanks to everyone who has signed so far - every signature brings us a step closer to curing ageing! :-D

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#14 Steve H

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 09:10 AM

I have broadcast this on lifespan.io and MMTP social media networks today. However some people believe that a 100 signatures is far too few and we should be aiming at 1000+ can the petition goal be changed to something a bit more ambitious?

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#15 Droplet

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 09:12 AM

I have broadcast this on lifespan.io and MMTP social media networks today. However some people believe that a 100 signatures is far too few and we should be aiming at 1000+ can the petition goal be changed to something a bit more ambitious?


I agree but the question is how many people support this cause to begin with? If we don't hit the target, we run the risk of looking like a bunch of fringe lunatics with a weird idea. However, hitting a target of 1000+ would send a powerful message that lots of people care about curing ageing. We are already half way to hundred though, which is exciting! :-D

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#16 Steve H

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 09:50 AM

What are the time limits? Because 100 people will make us look like a small fringe so obviously the more the better. I have a lot of experience with social media outreach and fundraising so there are some tricks and tactics we can apply to a petition if we can work out what the goal of said petition is and what we are trying to achieve. It would not be hard to launch a full on media campaign to raise support for treating age related disease and research for that, we will enjoy more success if we dial down the transhumanist aspects and focus on the purely medical, most people will support research for age related disease but not so many will support curing aging for example as that goes against the grain.

It would be my suggestion to also make this a multi-org campaign to include longecity, lifespan.io, MMTP, ILA and the other groups so we present a united front. We can even put everyones org logos on there and show some real solidarity. 

Edited by Steve H, 29 September 2016 - 09:51 AM.

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#17 Ark

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 11:42 AM

I had a idea what if longecity.org set up a charity fund raiser online where artist compete to make music and it can be their interpretation of aging & anti aging with prizes for originality and the title of timeless music award of the year.

You get the idea....
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#18 Steve H

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 12:06 PM

I had a idea what if longecity.org set up a charity fund raiser online where artist compete to make music and it can be their interpretation of aging & anti aging with prizes for originality and the title of timeless music award of the year.


And what incentive would you offer to artists for contributing to such a competition? The ILA last year held a longevity film making contest with prizes for the top 3, not huge prizes but enough to incentivise people. Again I think whatever is done should be a united mutli-org effort that includes as many groups and foundations in the community as possible, no single group should assume they can solve this alone and solidarity and unity are the cornerstones of a truly pro-active movement that will achieve things.

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#19 Droplet

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 02:11 PM

What are the time limits? Because 100 people will make us look like a small fringe so obviously the more the better. I have a lot of experience with social media outreach and fundraising so there are some tricks and tactics we can apply to a petition if we can work out what the goal of said petition is and what we are trying to achieve. It would not be hard to launch a full on media campaign to raise support for treating age related disease and research for that, we will enjoy more success if we dial down the transhumanist aspects and focus on the purely medical, most people will support research for age related disease but not so many will support curing aging for example as that goes against the grain.

It would be my suggestion to also make this a multi-org campaign to include longecity, lifespan.io, MMTP, ILA and the other groups so we present a united front. We can even put everyones org logos on there and show some real solidarity. 


I really love your ideas! :-D It is also brilliant that you seem to know about media campaigns. I do agree on dialing down the transhumanist perspective on certain things.


Mind, are you able to help facilitate this at all?

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#20 Steve H

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 02:27 PM

Btw not an attempt to blow my own trumpet here about the social media skills. But I am part of lifespan.io, worked for SENS, run the MMTP and have done social media as a job in the past so I know a few tricks. Based on experience I would suggest:

  • Present a united front with the other big orgs and FB groups that support the LE and H+ mission eg, Longecity, SENS, MMTP, H+, IEET, LEAF/Lifespan.io, ILA and so on, the more the merrier because the movement needs unity. 
  • Work out what our objective is and organise a large scale petition. The push for the NIH to support more funding for NIA is great. You could even push for more funds for the ITP who are part of that NIH and conduct lifespan studies by mass testing geroprotectors, this suits the Longecity mission too. They have great researchers like Richard Miller for example who would love more funds to test more compounds. We need a tangible goal. Collins has said in the past of aging he would not know where to begin so we would need to present him with a solid suggestion of where to begin. I would suggest the ITP or a similar department as the focus.
  • ICD11 this year is also probably another superb cause because it means the World Health Organization could include aging as a disease. I am in communication with official delegates working on this and could get their imput on what we as a grassroots movement can do to help those on the frontline.



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#21 Nate-2004

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 02:52 PM


Btw not an attempt to blow my own trumpet here about the social media skills. But I am part of lifespan.io, worked for SENS, run the MMTP and have done social media as a job in the past so I know a few tricks. Based on experience I would suggest:

  • Present a united front with the other big orgs and FB groups that support the LE and H+ mission eg, Longecity, SENS, MMTP, H+, IEET, LEAF/Lifespan.io, ILA and so on, the more the merrier because the movement needs unity. 
  • Work out what our objective is and organise a large scale petition. The push for the NIH to support more funding for NIA is great. You could even push for more funds for the ITP who are part of that NIH and conduct lifespan studies by mass testing geroprotectors, this suits the Longecity mission too. They have great researchers like Richard Miller for example who would love more funds to test more compounds. We need a tangible goal. Collins has said in the past of aging he would not know where to begin so we would need to present him with a solid suggestion of where to begin. I would suggest the ITP or a similar department as the focus.
  • ICD11 this year is also probably another superb cause because it means the World Health Organization could include aging as a disease. I am in communication with official delegates working on this and could get their imput on what we as a grassroots movement can do to help those on the frontline.



I'm good at promoting comedy shows and can get a full house and I'm also good with computers, but I'm not very familiar at all with the bureaucracy around the WHO and classifying aging as a disease thing. If I were to set up a petition for that what would it need to say?

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#22 Steve H

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 03:23 PM

Nate I am seeking that answer currently from one of the official delegates working on ICD11. I have asked what the grassroots movement could do to help (if anything at this point). I will update as soon as I have a response from them. We will have to play this carefully and bring our A game but we could achieve something if the community works collectively. 

Also with great respect any petition would probably be much better being initiated by someone in the research community who can lead the call to action and has some academic credability. I mean that in a constructive way btw I dont wish to sound rude or dismissive but I know how these things work and we need to play a tight game here. 

Edited by Steve H, 29 September 2016 - 03:26 PM.

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#23 Droplet

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 03:29 PM


Btw not an attempt to blow my own trumpet here about the social media skills. But I am part of lifespan.io, worked for SENS, run the MMTP and have done social media as a job in the past so I know a few tricks. Based on experience I would suggest:

  • Present a united front with the other big orgs and FB groups that support the LE and H+ mission eg, Longecity, SENS, MMTP, H+, IEET, LEAF/Lifespan.io, ILA and so on, the more the merrier because the movement needs unity. 
  • Work out what our objective is and organise a large scale petition. The push for the NIH to support more funding for NIA is great. You could even push for more funds for the ITP who are part of that NIH and conduct lifespan studies by mass testing geroprotectors, this suits the Longecity mission too. They have great researchers like Richard Miller for example who would love more funds to test more compounds. We need a tangible goal. Collins has said in the past of aging he would not know where to begin so we would need to present him with a solid suggestion of where to begin. I would suggest the ITP or a similar department as the focus.
  • ICD11 this year is also probably another superb cause because it means the World Health Organization could include aging as a disease. I am in communication with official delegates working on this and could get their imput on what we as a grassroots movement can do to help those on the frontline.


That is a very impressive CV! :-D It is wonderful to know that we have someone like you helping out an important cause and it helps bring hope that maybe I'll see some real advances in my own lifetime.

#24 Steve H

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 03:32 PM

Thanks for the kind words but I am just doing my bit the best I can same as everyone here. I am certainly not suggesting I am an expert but I am happy to lend what experience I have. 

Edited by Steve H, 29 September 2016 - 03:34 PM.

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#25 Droplet

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 03:34 PM

Thanks for the kind words but I am just doing my bit the best I can. 


Yes we all can do our bit but knowing something well always gives someone the edge. :) Having said that, if anyone is reading this thinking "I'm not an expert" and is reluctant to help, all you need to make a difference is enthusiasm and a belief in the cause of defeating ageing.

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#26 Steve H

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 03:36 PM

Having said that, if anyone is reading this thinking "I'm not an expert" and is reluctant to help, all you need to make a difference is enthusiasm and a belief in the cause of defeating ageing.


Absolutely! There are plenty of things people can do to help rejuvenation biotechnology, you dont have to be a bench researcher. In fact there are plenty of researchers its funding and social awareness that are the big problems, and those are things everyone can learn to be good at and help drive progress. Willingness to take action is the most important quality in this game. 

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#27 jroseland

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Posted 29 September 2016 - 04:13 PM


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#28 Droplet

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Posted 30 September 2016 - 06:58 AM


Thank you so much! :) We are at 80 signatures already!

#29 Marius Fusariu

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Posted 05 October 2016 - 03:53 PM

Signed!  :laugh:

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#30 Droplet

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Posted 05 October 2016 - 04:25 PM

Signed!  :laugh:


Great work! :-D If anyone reading this has already signed the petition, please share it with others if you use social media. The further we spread news of the petition, the more opportunities there are for getting more signatures to support the cause. :) Thank you so much to every one of you who have taken time to sign the petition already.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: change.org, age-related disease, petition, activism, campaign

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