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About OxyCalm™, my calming product.....

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#1 oxycalm

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Posted 05 January 2006 - 09:29 PM

Greetings fellow ImmInst members,

I became interested in life extension 3 years ago when I turned 30. I began to notice that many physical and psychological traits that I took for granted were beginning to show signs of fading. Both metabolism and recovery time seemed to decline, as well as I started to notice some unexplained anxiety and brain fog. Since then, I began reading and exploring the many facets of life extension.

A year ago I became aware of Oxytocin and the many benefits it has to offer. I read Dr. Moberg's book entitled "The Oxytocin Factor" and I searched the Internet for any and all studies, articles, abstracts and news about Oxytocin.

One of the more interesting studies I found was in the Dec. 2005 Science Daily report which stated that recent NIH research has shown from fMRI scans that Oxytocin weakens "connections in fear-processing circuitry" and increases a sense of trust and willingness to approach others in subjects tested.

Below is another very informative resource about Oxytocin.

Via my company OC International, I have created a product called OxyCalm™ (http://www.oxycalm.com) which contains Oxytocin and elicits the responses described in both links above.

From a personal perspective, I have been using OxyCalm™ for 7 months with positive results. It has benefitted me by reducing anxiety and stress as well as improving concentration and sleep. As I know there are many people who suffer from anxiety, I will be happy to respond to any questions about OxyCalm™ use and effectiveness.

Best regards,
Mike Delaney

[edit: unapproved content removed]

Edited by DonSpanton, 05 January 2006 - 10:32 PM.

#2 ajnast4r

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Posted 05 January 2006 - 10:53 PM

s [spam] [spam] [spam]

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Posted 06 January 2006 - 03:43 AM

hahaa~! I'll join you!

[spam] [spam] [spam]

Look at 'em... just dancing away into infinity on this digital nightmare planet we call http://www.imminst.o...69&t=8981&st=0 !!!

#4 tracer

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Posted 06 January 2006 - 09:23 AM

Hmmm... well oxytocin is the cuddle hormone...

Still spam tho.

#5 oxycalm

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Posted 06 January 2006 - 03:23 PM

Tough group!

I did seek the advice of the "powers that be" on this board to come up with a post that would inform members of the new product in a non-spamish manner. Obviously, this is still being negatively viewed as spam.

However, I do believe that the product has many beneficial aspects. Some of the members from this board have recently purchased it and hopefully they will provide the members with feedback.

#6 Shepard

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Posted 06 January 2006 - 07:15 PM

Is this anything like OxyContin? If so, you should really package in some DMB music with that stuff to make a killer stack.

#7 oxycalm

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Posted 06 January 2006 - 08:03 PM

No, this is nothing like the pain killer Oxycontin. The active ingredient in it is Oxytocin.

#8 Shepard

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Posted 06 January 2006 - 09:16 PM

Yeah, I was joking.

#9 superpooper

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 01:07 AM

Men produce more serotonin and women produce more oxytocin, right?

#10 oxycalm

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 05:17 AM

I know that men and women both naturally produce Oxytocin. I will look in to your question to see if there is documentation substantiating which sex produces more.

#11 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 06:26 AM

Your product contains 0.005% oxytocin. I am of the opinion that any relaxation experienced by users of your product is the result of deep breathing of a pleasant vanilla scent and a hefty dose of placebo effect. I do not believe your product contains enough oxytocin to do anything significant or measurable.

If you have any factual evidence to the contrary, please share it with us. You aren't going to get far with testimonials on a science-based forum.

#12 magr

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 05:23 PM

4 IU Oxytocin per spray in OxyCalm.

Studies have been made with people recieving 20-24 IU Oxytocin.

#13 superpooper

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Posted 07 January 2006 - 10:37 PM

Oxytocin still scarys me because I remember my chemistry book says it triggers milk lactation.

#14 oxycalm

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Posted 09 January 2006 - 06:46 PM

Men produce more serotonin and women produce more oxytocin, right?

In Dr. Kerstin Moberg's book The Oxytocin Factor she explains that Oxytocin is a natural hormone produced in both males and females. Since estrogen reinforces the influence of oxytocin, females tend to experience more of Oxytocin's effects from endogenous levels of the hormone.

Edited by oxycalm, 10 January 2006 - 06:28 AM.

#15 mitkat

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Posted 09 January 2006 - 09:19 PM

How many sprays of Oxycalm would you recommend taking in a day?

#16 oxycalm

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Posted 10 January 2006 - 02:41 AM

As stated above, OxyCalm™ contains 4iu per spray. In the "Trust In A Bottle" study, the sujects used 24iu.

Here is a LINK to the study: http://www.nature.co...ature03701.html

and here is what it say about the dose:

"Subjects received a single intranasal dose of 24 IU oxytocin (Syntocinon-Spray, Novartis; 3 puffs per nostril, each with 4 IU oxytocin) or placebo 50 min before the start of the trust or the risk experiment"

I believe you must pay to be able to access the above LINK. You can read more about the study on our website under the ANXIETY LINK. Also, I have a hard copy of the study that I can fax to those interested if you don't want to pay for it.

The product seems to have a cumulative effect. I recommend using 2 to 3 sprays per nostril 2 to 3 times a day at the beginning. Most users report backing off to 1 or 2 sprays per nostril after the first week of use and still experience the calming and clarity of thinking benefit.

#17 worldeater

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Posted 10 January 2006 - 10:45 AM

Oxytocin still scarys me because I remember my chemistry book says it triggers milk lactation.

I could imagine there's probably a market for that. [sfty]

#18 superpooper

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Posted 11 January 2006 - 02:03 AM

Oxytocin still scarys me because I remember my chemistry book says it triggers milk lactation.

I could imagine there's probably a market for that. [sfty]

Oh snap! [:o] [huh]

#19 bocor

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 02:22 AM

can you tell me specifically what other effects your product has physically and mentally and do you develop a tolerance to your product where you need more and more over time and what if you quit the product coold turkey??? would you experience increase in depression or a decreased ability to produce oxytocin naturally???thanks

#20 oxycalm

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 03:03 PM

Physical and mental effects are:

Thought to induce pair bonding in people. Levels of oxytocin are found to be higher amongst people who claim to be falling in love. It is also thought to mediate other forms of pair bonding such as friendship and family relationships as given above. Reduction of sociophobic behavior was shown after treatment with oxytocin.

Nasally administered oxytocin appears to generate trust in humans. In a 2005 study, it was shown that in a risky investment game, experimental subjects given the hormone displayed what the researchers deemed "the highest level of trust" twice as often as the control group who were given placebos. The same experiment with the subjects told that they were interacting with a computer showed no such reaction, leading to the conclusion that oxytocin was not merely affecting risk-aversion (Kosfeld 2005)

Various anti-stress functions: reducing blood pressure and cortisol levels, increasing tolerance to pain, reducing anxiety.

Oxytocin may play a role in encouraging "tend and befriend", as opposed to "flight or fight", behavior, in response to stress.

Oxytocin and oxytocin receptors are found in the heart, and the hormone appears to play an important role in the embryonal development of the heart by promoting cardiomyocyte differentiation. (Paquin 2002, Jankowski 2004)

It inhibits the development of tolerance to various addictive drugs (opiates, cocaine, alcohol) and reduces withdrawal symptoms, at least in animal tests. (Kovacs 1998)

„X Carmichael MS, Humbert R, Dixen J, Palmisano G, Greenleaf W, Davidson JM. Plasma oxytocin increases in the human sexual response. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1987;64:27-31. PMID 3782434.
„X Kosfeld M, Heinrichs M, Zak PJ, Fischbacher U, Fehr E. Oxytocin increases trust in humans. Nature 2005;435:673-676. PDF. PMID 15931222.
„X Paquin J, Danalache BA, Jankowski M, McCann SM, Gutkowska J. Oxytocin induces differentiation of P19 embryonic stem cells to cardiomyocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Jul 9;99(14):9550-5. PMID 12093924
„X Jankowski et al.. Oxytocin in cardiac ontogeny. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Aug 31;101(35):13074-9. online. PMID 15316117
„X Kovacs GL, Sarnyai Z, Szabo G. Oxytocin and addiction: a review. Psychoneuroendocrinology 1998 Nov;23(8):945-62. PMID 9924746

Since Oxytocin has only been used medicinally for inducing labor and causing milk letdown in nursing females, there are no scientific studies regarding tolerance and natural production shut down. Ancedotally, I can tell you that we have not received any information that suggests dependancy development or natural production shut down. However, I am well aware that ancedotal evidence does not carry much weight.

In all of the recent studies involving Oxytocin, however, scientists have not found any evidence of increased depression after continued use. In fact, I have yet to find an article were scientists even mention that possibility.

#21 xanadu

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 11:30 PM

"pair bonding"? give me a break.

#22 vegeto

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Posted 16 January 2006 - 03:28 AM

Nasally administered oxytocin appears to generate trust in humans.

I would have to already be on oxytocin to be willing to take your word for it then wouldn't I? :) Cause I don't believe you. [lol]

Back to being serious though, I'm not sure trusting humans is an intelligent change. Humans are not trustworthy.

I think you've got a tough crowd here.

#23 sub7

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Posted 16 January 2006 - 10:30 PM

People should feel free to question claims made by new products or manufacturers, but given the few but nonetheless scientific studies on the active ingredient, I do not see why some are more inclined to distrust this particular manufacturer than those of other similar products. If my budget were not limited, I would try this product myself -while of course keeping in mind that real life results often show serious variation from expected outcomes.

BTW, I had read the abstract of the "gambling" study and recall being quite intriqued...

#24 magr

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 08:59 AM

I agree with the above poster completely.

People are gathering a lynch mob it seems.

There are scientific studies on the subject albeit few.

#25 mitkat

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 08:40 PM

^Indeed. I am willing to give this poster a chance, he's not hiding the fact that he has a product to sell, and is standing behind it, and willing to answer any questions we might have. I see our objectivity as something very important in deciding if a product should be taken or not, and if he is a salesman, so what? We should dig deeper, at least look at the studies provided, and decide.

At least he's being upfront about selling a product, unlike a certain poster we had a while ago, who posted so much nonsense and drivel. This being said, I don't know if it's a good product or not, but I'm going to look into it, and if i decide to get some, I'll report back, with my subjective opinion. Because that's all we have sometimes! Why be so hard on someone?

#26 oxycalm

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 08:50 PM

I can't blame some of the skeptics. Yes, I am new to the board and I am posting about a product I have to offer. It is only human nature, I suppose, for members to have their guard up.

However, I truly feel that OxyCalm is a product that would benefit many people on this board.

The main thing that surprises me is people are "attacking" me for providing them with well-documented and tested information about Oxytocin. If one took the time to look into it for themselves, which I assumed the majority of members here would do, one would find out that I am not just making this stuff up.

#27 eternaltraveler

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 09:25 PM

can you prove that your product does contain the oxytocin it claims too? Can you prove nasal administration is effective?

#28 oxycalm

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Posted 17 January 2006 - 09:42 PM

I can send anybody a copy of a certificate of analysis from our first batch run. However, we all know how easily faked those can be, so I am willing to send a bottle to anybody who wishes to test it at an independent lab.

As far as the effectiveness of nasal administration, that is exactly the route used in the "Trust In A Bottle" study. Please see the LINK below:


#29 magr

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 10:18 AM

can you prove that your product does contain the oxytocin it claims too?  Can you prove nasal administration is effective?

Syntocinon/Pitocin is used both as nasal solution and injection so it should definately be effective.

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#30 catshmat

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Posted 18 January 2006 - 06:49 PM

Are there any other sources for this substance?

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