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#1 deadmanwalking

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 09:40 AM

Hello all.

For the last two months I've used wellbutrin xr firsth month 150 mg the second 300.

I used it to threat anhedonia social anxiety and mild depression.


It was surprisingly effective... again I wanted to go out to the people, had a lot of energy, symptoms of depression disappeared, and most important I started to feel emotions again you know something like looking at my wife, I thought man i really love her, more often I smiled and I wanted to talk to people.


Unfortunately, it lasted only two weeks from the start of treatment and later disappeared and never come back :(


My question is what could be the reason that the drug worked so well ? Was it gaba antagonizm ?

I would be grateful for any response.


I would add that I tested other drugs:



Low dose naltrexone





ketamine,  tons of supplement and nothing worked..



#2 jack black

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 03:42 PM

Usually it's the other way around, that it doesn't work in the first couple of weeks or makes people worse before making them feel better.

Maybe you depression is atypical in some sense. Provide more info please.

Btw, it works by antinicotinic, dopinergic, noradrenalinergic, and blocking some p450 enzymes.
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#3 deadmanwalking

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 05:28 PM

Usually it's the other way around, that it doesn't work in the first couple of weeks or makes people worse before making them feel better.

Maybe you depression is atypical in some sense. Provide more info please.

Btw, it works by antinicotinic, dopinergic, noradrenalinergic, and blocking some p450 enzymes.


thanks for reply.

I know, I read a lot of reports of others but in my case it was different.


am i self medicating so dont really know what kind depression is it, but I know that I had it from an early age...

mostly it is that I do not like to be in a crowd of people and when i am I get nervous and I'm sweating.

also music irritates me and when i get to bed i got terrible racing thoughts..


The only drug that really helped me was mdma, but i abused it and dont take it like 10 years now.


I am quite sure its not dopaminergic or noradrenalinergic because I tried ritalin and it didnt work

#4 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 06:21 PM

I agree with Jack, tell us more about yourself - something like this:





25 years old

Symptoms: Anhedonia, sensory overload, social phobia, obsessive thinking

(Jack, dude, you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'...?)


Drugs trialed:


Tianeptine 37 mg


Slight improvements to ALL symptoms.


Bupropion 300 mg


Complete lessening of symptoms for the first few weeks, later a drop-off in efficacy.


Omega-3 2000 mg


None whatsoever.



Basically, tell use more about yourself - your diet, your results from medications, and perhaps a bit more about your family - do others whom are closely related, have any similar symptoms? Even if they are to a much lesser degree, it would help to figure you out.


Also, have you had any testing for metabolic disturbances, like Low Thyroid or EXTREME mineral deficiencies? Tell us as much as possible!

Edited by Stinkorninjor, 20 November 2016 - 06:23 PM.

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#5 Londonscouser

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 08:16 PM

and also did you have the symptoms before your 'MDMA abuse' ?


You stated you had these symptom from an early age, but yeh more information will enable for a better understanding

#6 deadmanwalking

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 08:57 PM

it will be difficult for me because English is not my primary language but i will try.

Male 36 years old

tall - 194

weight - 95 kg


Symptoms: always social phobia, obsessive thinking, suicidal thoughts when I was young, racing thoughts before sleeping (when it comes i imagine that i pull a gun to my head and shoot), completely  do not feel sympathy for anyone so i think its anhedonia.


Drugs trialed:


Tianeptine dont remember dose but 3 pills a day

Results: after 12 days appeared terrible nightmares where people from my familly died so i quit i never try it again. it didnt do much anyways.


Low dose naltrexone: 3 mg at bedtime

Results: nothing helped


ketamine: 100 mg

Results: nothing helped, but for a few hours thanked god that i survived this... its really shitty drug.


methylphenidate: 10 mg

Results: greater motivation, calm and very elevated libido but does not work on phobias and  anhedonia


bromocriptine: 5 mg

Results: nothing helped, appeared nausea and headache


dxm: 100 mg

Results: I felt like brain is melted, but the next day for a few hours i had magnificent afterglow.


venlafaxin : 75 sr

Results: felling terrible and quit after 2 days.


quetiapinum: 25 mg

Results: felling terrible and quit after 2 days.


selegiline : 5 mg

Results: was very nervous, and after three days has stopped working


Wellbutrin: first month 150 xr mg next 300 mg xr

Results: I wanted to go to the people and talk to random people, I looked at my wife and I thought how much I love her and how I was rude to her on a daily basis,just feeling returned. drawback was a lot of nervousness. it completely stopped working after two weeks :(


As for the drugs i hate cocaine, amhetamine, alcohol ( but use it anyway) , nicotine, sometimes I smoke marijuana but I'm not really fan of it.


when I was 24 years I started to use mdma, this was a miracle for me, my world become better, finally my social fobia was gone, moreover, you know how mdma works. odd was that when take mdma i felt very well for at least 3-4 days, and I had no come down..

I stopped taking it when I met my wife.I had no side effects after discontinuation. but all of my symptoms returned and continue today...


As for my familly:

My brother was seriously addicted to heroin.

My father is 63 years old, social phobias and problems remembering.

Grandmother on my father's side had severe symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Maternal grandfather very addicted to alcohol

Paternal grandfather heavily addicted to alcohol


I researched all the hormones and they are in the middle of scale.


As for thyroid:

FT3  (S)  [O55]
AM PB 05-102 wyd.5/2011
FT3                                                    4.95
pmol/l                3.13-6.76

FT4  (S)  [O69]
AM PB 05-104 wyd.5/2011

pmol/l                12.0-22.0

TSH  (S)  [L69]
AM PB 05-105 wyd.5/2011
TSH                                                   0.704
mIU/l                  0.27-4.20


I used all possible supplements like macuna, lithium,, omega, magnesium, 5htp (I had thoughts of suicide after this), pea,  inositol and tons of others and it never  worked even a little positive, so i completely did not recognize them as a cure.


I never had investigated mineral deficiencies  but I eat very healthy, I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.


I noticed also sexual abstinence ( no ejaculation) slightly improves my mood.


Edited by deadmanwalking, 20 November 2016 - 09:45 PM.

#7 ThreeKings12341

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Posted 20 November 2016 - 11:25 PM

holy sugar :-O


we are very similar.


i will make an own thread  after this post


i also cant feel emotions, they are really dulled and come back rarely randomely, and if i feel them they are very blunted.


social problems (body dysmophobic disorder ) i have, rasiing thoughts i used to have but are gone, skin picking my fingers , anhedonia.. and so on.



what helped me so far, was smoking cigarettes and taking n-acetylcysteine , or drinking a lot of alk and having a completly great day with emotions the day after binge drinking.. but i stopped both since 9 months.. so u may try out n-acetylcysteine ? N-AC...


hmm venlaflaxine i took till 3 weeks ago and was soooo crappy.

other ssri i dont want to mntion... for what .. every ssri dulls emotions -.-



at the moment im taking similar something to lyrica ,  (also has pregabalin), its ok i sleep better, and my mood is much better since taking omega 3 high dose.. more positive, but not really emotional... my girlfried has hard times with me but its a lot better then it used to be.


i excessivly watched porn  till one year ago (started with 15 till 23 ),

smoked cannabis also wich made me always paranoid but still did it since my dad does it...

alcohol i already mentioned but only drank when i had really shitty days where my social phobia was bas..



hmm i dont know ...is is nmda -receptor related or gaba like u said?


my doc wants to put me on wellbutrin next week,


and also have appointment with  a doc who does neurofeedback.. maybe that works..


but i would love to know what could help us :/


i have this emotional dullness since im 16 and im 25 now... i want to feel properly emotions. it sucks this very blunted state :-/  (if i cry its only in my brain head with tears and no emotions , veeeeeeery rarely with  - my cat died this year and that gave me emotions for 10 minutes when they gave him sleeping injection). laughing is easily but without any emotions..



pppllssss   help:(



#8 jack black

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Posted 21 November 2016 - 04:14 AM

 5htp (I had thoughts of suicide after this


if too much serotonin was bad, then you have to try the opposite, like 5HT2a receptor antagonists: nefadazone, trazadone, Hydroxyzine, Atypical antipsychotic drugs like clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone and asenapine.


gradually stopping all the stimulants including alcohol and caffeine wouldn't hurt.. 

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#9 ThreeKings12341

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Posted 21 November 2016 - 08:39 AM

Male 25




main symptom: EMOTIONAL BLUNTING :( - ill write more to that after a few symptoms.


ocb: (thinking, but got better a bit, but i am  a perfectionist in some ways. in schooldays my bag had to be paralled next to my chair, but i dont have that a´nymore - )


body dysmophobic disorder ( developed when i was 16, comments from school mates in combination with my obsessive thinking developed bdd, since then i had nosesurgerys, crying a lot); wearing glasses in public makes my bdd completely away


anhedonia: the only times i feel pleasure  is reading about ios- gaming news, or pc games , or playing them but everything else in life is extremly low in feeling pleasure. - if i do - its very dulled


when i was 6 , parents broke up and i developed ocb, and cried a lot, with 16 i developed body dymophic disorder and cried also again a lot  - so that maybe shut down my emotions?, also i developed eppstein bar virus - pfeifisches drüsen fieber with 16.....


EMOTIONAIL BLUNTING:  when i cry its only from my head without emotions, only time i cried with emotios for 7 minutes was when i  realised my cat died and it had gone for a loooooong sleep (was watching how doc gave injection). i can laugh reaaaally lot but its not combined with any activity in my chest or stomach.. no emotions . agressive i can get very easy in public if somebody does me wrong.

i cannot feel love at all (had several girlfirends, and didnt feel it), family i dont feel it , 2 no one....

when reading about new cure solutions i can feel euphoria and exitement



since im 6 i byte off my finger skin and they bleed, but mostly dont hurt.. but not always bleed, i just eat the top skin if possible. --> Dermatophagia


i cant concentrate- watching movies , series, i drift oof eaaaasily, i can only listen if somethings really interesting, with people the same


no sexdrive , also my errections are only like 60 -80%






no alcohol for 9 moths

no nicotine for 9 motnhs

no porn since doing it excessivly for dopamine feelings






age 21-24

gave me dopamine boost "kinda euphoric, or happy feelings which i felt  (not dulled) when taking puffs- in the morning even better, made me less anhedonic in someways


nicotine + nac age:24

VERY EUPHORIC , i felt like cured, couldnt feel love or something, but reallly euphoric and antidepressant feeling, hypomania.....




during drinking obsessive thinking, depressive, but  THE DAY AFTER BINGEDRINKING, i felt NEARLY ALL EMOTIONS, every time i binge drinked i felt emotions the day after



weed(over 150 times i smoked in life)

paranoia and obsessive thinking and  , but still kept doing it since laughing felt nice if i laughed, but emotional deatachment was evern worse when not laughing but when i could feel emtions while laghing



magic mushrooms(tdid it  wice)

WOW very positive vibes, chiildhood emotions, devitiely more emotionns




zombie like




dont know




zombie like state




zombie like sate




didnt notice anything




sleeping better, emotins still dulled



omega 3

more positive, i feel more well in my living room  but still dulled emotions




lethargic, zombie state, compulsive thinking was even worse with this drug









more energy, and bit euphoric



black tee





psotive easyness state after sprinting, but emotions still dulled





sicne 9 months i stoped alchol, coffee, nictone,  eat veeeery healthy (my gut docotor helps me for that) - i know there is an gut - brain axis...


PLS PEOPLE, i neeeeeed your help, i need 2 see the day when i can spread out lvoe too the whorld like i just 2, and want to feel deep emotions hug my family, and be very glad that i have them, and friends



pls :(







Edited by ThreeKings12341, 21 November 2016 - 09:01 AM.

#10 MattMcFly1986

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Posted 21 November 2016 - 06:12 PM

I tried Wellbutrin 150 mg XR for two months early this fall. Years before that I experimented with various SSRIs, but all of them blunted me emotionally and gave me sexual side effects.

The first three weeks on Wellbutrin the side effects were at its worst. I've experienced were insomnia (I'd always wake up at 2 and 5 AM, no matter how early I took it the day before), increased general anxiety (lots of sweating!) and irritability (Wellbutrin rage). It took 4 weeks before it started working. Gone was the lethargy and the brain fog, the negative, obstructive thoughts. I was suddenly able to work efficiently without procrastinating and getting distracted. Thoughts were very precise and decisions were quickly made. I'd say it was exactly what I was hoping for, though it may have worked a little too well in that regard. Maybe it upped my heart rate or made me a bit racy, anxious. I wasn't as patient when I wasn't controlling a process.

I also noticed that when I was out in the streets I'd be suddenly more attracted to girls. Kinda gave me a "hunting vision" so to speak (I was suffering from low libido, but that's as far as this increased stimulation went).

Unfortunately, after said 5-7 days it pooped out and only the side effects remained. The irritability (Wellbutrin rage) and minor increase in hair loss / worsening of scalp eczemas (although I don't know if Wellbutrin can be blamed on the latter two) were annoying and I didn't feel like upping to 300 mg. Shame, without the side effects, Wellbutrin was the only thing I noticed some benefits on.
Last week I switched to Aurorix / Moclobemide (a reversible MAOI / RIMA), after being on nothing for a week.
So far it is making me more tired and lethargic. Not sure if it's because Wellbutrin is leaving my system or I'm starting up with Aurorix.


#11 psychejunkie

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Posted 23 November 2016 - 06:05 AM

Usually Wellbutrin and other modern anti-depressants start working after several weeks of usage.\

On the other hand, it has short-term and rapid effects of AntiNicotinic, which people use for tobacco withdrawal. 

my guess is your problems may all arise from excess Acetylcholine, and Wellbutrin rapidly solved it until tolerance developed. Acetylcholine receptors are very fast at tolerance and regulations.

basically, nicotinic and muscarinic receptors rapidly regulate themselves to new conditions. So, only using drugs/supplements won't be enough to fight with excess Acetylcholine transmission.


search in this forum and other well-researched websites for effective supplementation and life-style changes that lead to reduced Acetylcholine; then you'll be fine again.


good luck

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#12 Finn

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Posted 23 November 2016 - 06:38 AM

Usually it's the other way around, that it doesn't work in the first couple of weeks or makes people worse before making them feel better.

Maybe you depression is atypical in some sense. Provide more info please.

Btw, it works by antinicotinic, dopinergic, noradrenalinergic, and blocking some p450 enzymes.


Especially with psychiatric drugs with any dopaminergic activity, quite a few people get initial mild euphoria, that might fix their issues temporarily. Unfortunately euphoria is never sustainable in the long run. 



It was surprisingly effective... again I wanted to go out to the people, had a lot of energy, symptoms of depression disappeared, and most importanI started to feel emotions again you know something like looking at my wife, I thought man i really love her, more often I smiled and I wanted to talk to people.


Sounds pretty typical "instant cure" through mild euphoria, but unfortunately drug induced euphoria is never sustainable. 

Edited by Finn, 23 November 2016 - 06:39 AM.

#13 MattMcFly1986

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Posted 23 November 2016 - 10:07 AM

Usually Wellbutrin and other modern anti-depressants start working after several weeks of usage.\

On the other hand, it has short-term and rapid effects of AntiNicotinic, which people use for tobacco withdrawal. 

my guess is your problems may all arise from excess Acetylcholine, and Wellbutrin rapidly solved it until tolerance developed. Acetylcholine receptors are very fast at tolerance and regulations.

basically, nicotinic and muscarinic receptors rapidly regulate themselves to new conditions. So, only using drugs/supplements won't be enough to fight with excess Acetylcholine transmission.


search in this forum and other well-researched websites for effective supplementation and life-style changes that lead to reduced Acetylcholine; then you'll be fine again.


good luck

I so hope you are right. At the moment I am really desperate to get to a healthy base level again. The only thing that gives me some dopamine / a quick fix is masturbation / hours of edging. It's unhealthy and I try to abstain (because it only ends up making me more depressed for days afterwards). I managed to completely clean up my already mostly clean and healthy life (now straight edge), even be on noFap for 48, then 96 days, but seriously struggling since July. Hence why I saw no other way than to start ADs. But it seems like they aren't right for me.


#14 deadmanwalking

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Posted 23 November 2016 - 01:58 PM

Usually Wellbutrin and other modern anti-depressants start working after several weeks of usage.\

On the other hand, it has short-term and rapid effects of AntiNicotinic, which people use for tobacco withdrawal. 

my guess is your problems may all arise from excess Acetylcholine, and Wellbutrin rapidly solved it until tolerance developed. Acetylcholine receptors are very fast at tolerance and regulations.

basically, nicotinic and muscarinic receptors rapidly regulate themselves to new conditions. So, only using drugs/supplements won't be enough to fight with excess Acetylcholine transmission.


search in this forum and other well-researched websites for effective supplementation and life-style changes that lead to reduced  ; then you'll be fine again.


good luck


Thanks for the reply, it is very important to me...


I will study all abut Acetylcholine now.


Usually it's the other way around, that it doesn't work in the first couple of weeks or makes people worse before making them feel better.

Maybe you depression is atypical in some sense. Provide more info please.

Btw, it works by antinicotinic, dopinergic, noradrenalinergic, and blocking some p450 enzymes.


Especially with psychiatric drugs with any dopaminergic activity, quite a few people get initial mild euphoria, that might fix their issues temporarily. Unfortunately euphoria is never sustainable in the long run. 



It was surprisingly effective... again I wanted to go out to the people, had a lot of energy, symptoms of depression disappeared, and most importanI started to feel emotions again you know something like looking at my wife, I thought man i really love her, more often I smiled and I wanted to talk to people.


Sounds pretty typical "instant cure" through mild euphoria, but unfortunately drug induced euphoria is never sustainable. 



I hope you're wrong. I had the impression that it was not a dopamine. Currently I am testing a metylophenidat of and I have no euphoria after him. anyway thanks for the reply.

#15 deadmanwalking

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Posted 23 November 2016 - 03:45 PM

psychejunkie: really you may be right.



Anticholinergic Side effects, among others:


- Diminished bowel movement,


It was a side effect that disturbed me from the beginning of taking wellbutrin, after two weeks, everything was back to normal but than the drug has stopped working...

Now i know occasional smoking  was a bad idea also

Well and it looks like that I have to give up caffeine.

DXM as a Antinicotinic agent... very intersting.

basin in a more and write what are the results.



Edited by deadmanwalking, 23 November 2016 - 03:47 PM.

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#16 Quaker32

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Posted 23 November 2016 - 06:00 PM

matt, if you have a serious sex addiction, problem, it may be worth asking people on here about adding in naltrexone. i don't know how it interacts with acetylcholine problems however. just a thought. anyway, back to the thread. 

#17 psychejunkie

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Posted 26 November 2016 - 08:42 AM

psychejunkie: really you may be right.



Anticholinergic Side effects, among others:


- Diminished bowel movement,


It was a side effect that disturbed me from the beginning of taking wellbutrin, after two weeks, everything was back to normal but than the drug has stopped working...

Now i know occasional smoking  was a bad idea also

Well and it looks like that I have to give up caffeine.

DXM as a Antinicotinic agent... very intersting.

basin in a more and write what are the results.




Yea! seems right. Here is what I gathered from different articles and papers which you can consider taking or doing to solve your depression/anxiety problems:

  • Stay away from Fatty Diet, Red Meat, Fish Oil (Omega-3) and Eggs: these foods increase Acetylcholine production and levels.
  • Eat Green and Healthy: mostly Gut Flora convert digesting nutrition to several different neurotransmitters, including Acetylcholine. By eating more Veggies, Olive and Healthy Foods you can balance their activity and population.
  • Take L-Tyrosine: this amino acid helps with faster break down of excess Acetylcholine by increasing the responsible enzyme "acetylcholinesterase" activity.
  • Stay away from Lecithin containing Processed Foods and Supplements: Lecithin, like Choline, increases Acetylcholine levels.
  • Let your body to see more sun light: this will help to use up stored Choline and Acetylcholine in your skin. it also increase several metabolic pathways including Vitamin D productions which generally helps with Depression and Anhedonia.
  • Aerobic Exercise: Do this as much as you can! exercising use very much up of excess Acetylcholine, and very much other benefits for mood and cognitive performance.
  • Quit Smoking, Coffee and Tea: these bastards also increase Cholinergic Receptor density and Acetylcholine neurotransmission. also bad for depression and anxiety in general.

I hope you get best soon.

waiting for your updates.


Good luck.

#18 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 26 November 2016 - 10:50 AM


psychejunkie: really you may be right.



Anticholinergic Side effects, among others:


- Diminished bowel movement,


It was a side effect that disturbed me from the beginning of taking wellbutrin, after two weeks, everything was back to normal but than the drug has stopped working...

Now i know occasional smoking  was a bad idea also

Well and it looks like that I have to give up caffeine.

DXM as a Antinicotinic agent... very intersting.

basin in a more and write what are the results.




Yea! seems right. Here is what I gathered from different articles and papers which you can consider taking or doing to solve your depression/anxiety problems:

  • Stay away from Fatty Diet, Red Meat, Fish Oil (Omega-3) and Eggs: these foods increase Acetylcholine production and levels.
  • Eat Green and Healthy: mostly Gut Flora convert digesting nutrition to several different neurotransmitters, including Acetylcholine. By eating more Veggies, Olive and Healthy Foods you can balance their activity and population.
  • Take L-Tyrosine: this amino acid helps with faster break down of excess Acetylcholine by increasing the responsible enzyme "acetylcholinesterase" activity.
  • Stay away from Lecithin containing Processed Foods and Supplements: Lecithin, like Choline, increases Acetylcholine levels.
  • Let your body to see more sun light: this will help to use up stored Choline and Acetylcholine in your skin. it also increase several metabolic pathways including Vitamin D productions which generally helps with Depression and Anhedonia.
  • Aerobic Exercise: Do this as much as you can! exercising use very much up of excess Acetylcholine, and very much other benefits for mood and cognitive performance.
  • Quit Smoking, Coffee and Tea: these bastards also increase Cholinergic Receptor density and Acetylcholine neurotransmission. also bad for depression and anxiety in general.

I hope you get best soon.

waiting for your updates.


Good luck.



Just got an idea, from those guys using Kappa Agonists during the night, causing Kappa-downregulation during the day...


What do you think about him simply using PIRACETAM during the night, coupled with a sleep-aid?? Would this not lead to a decreased aCh-state during the day, precisely when he needs it?

#19 psychejunkie

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Posted 26 November 2016 - 11:37 AM

Just got an idea, from those guys using Kappa Agonists during the night, causing Kappa-downregulation during the day...



What do you think about him simply using PIRACETAM during the night, coupled with a sleep-aid?? Would this not lead to a decreased aCh-state during the day, precisely when he needs it?



Very nice idea! as a matter of fact, I thought of Piracetam myself, but then the whole concept of "Piracetam increasing Muscarinic Receptors density" canceled my recommendation of taking low dose Piracetam.


Yep! Low Dose Piracetam (~100-200 mg) before sleep will help reduce Acetylcholine. but it shouldn't be a regular habit, otherwise in short time Cholinergic receptors will up-regulate.

#20 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 26 November 2016 - 01:27 PM


Just got an idea, from those guys using Kappa Agonists during the night, causing Kappa-downregulation during the day...



What do you think about him simply using PIRACETAM during the night, coupled with a sleep-aid?? Would this not lead to a decreased aCh-state during the day, precisely when he needs it?



Very nice idea! as a matter of fact, I thought of Piracetam myself, but then the whole concept of "Piracetam increasing Muscarinic Receptors density" canceled my recommendation of taking low dose Piracetam.


Yep! Low Dose Piracetam (~100-200 mg) before sleep will help reduce Acetylcholine. but it shouldn't be a regular habit, otherwise in short time Cholinergic receptors will up-regulate.



Sounds reasonable. I'm mostly thinking since Piracetam depletes choline-reserves, he should be more stable during the day. (since he WON'T be replenishing with Alpha-gpc)

How often do we figure? Twice a week? Seems like a reasonable amount to use it.

#21 deadmanwalking

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Posted 26 November 2016 - 01:52 PM

Thanks guys for information.


Currently I am testing a dimenhydrinate without any positive effects.

So I think it is more a matter of nicotinic receptors than muscarinic

I would like to get something to work on the nicotinic receptors but it will be challenging because bupropion acted on it hardest of all drugs to which I have access.

Muscle relaxants do not come into play.

Mementine maybe but it will also be hard to get


As allergy I have access to all antihistamine drugs.


As for suplements i already tested L-Tyrosine but i had pain from the back of the head.

Let your body to see more sun lightit - will not be possible for the next few months because of where I live :)


Fish Oil (Omega-3) - always avoided it because It makes me more depressed.


Quit Smoking - I do not smoke from a month earlier only occasionally.


Coffee - quitting is impossible because I'm doing heavy physical work and I need some extra energy.

#22 psychejunkie

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Posted 27 November 2016 - 04:40 AM

Thanks guys for information.


Currently I am testing a dimenhydrinate without any positive effects.

So I think it is more a matter of nicotinic receptors than muscarinic

I would like to get something to work on the nicotinic receptors but it will be challenging because bupropion acted on it hardest of all drugs to which I have access.

Muscle relaxants do not come into play.

Mementine maybe but it will also be hard to get


As allergy I have access to all antihistamine drugs.


As for suplements i already tested L-Tyrosine but i had pain from the back of the head.

Let your body to see more sun lightit - will not be possible for the next few months because of where I live :)


Fish Oil (Omega-3) - always avoided it because It makes me more depressed.


Quit Smoking - I do not smoke from a month earlier only occasionally.


Coffee - quitting is impossible because I'm doing heavy physical work and I need some extra energy.


Then few reasonable options are Healthy Green Diet, Low dose Piracetam and Aerobic Exercise.

Also, Breathing Meditation will help a lot.


Good luck

#23 deadmanwalking

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Posted 27 November 2016 - 12:00 PM

Ok will try Piracetam( bed time) + methylphenidate (during the day)

No cigarettes

Half dose of coffeine

More green food

once again thank you all for your help, it is nice feeling to know that there are people who want to help others disinterestedly

#24 ThreeKings12341

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Posted 27 November 2016 - 04:36 PM


psychejunkie: really you may be right.



Anticholinergic Side effects, among others:


- Diminished bowel movement,


It was a side effect that disturbed me from the beginning of taking wellbutrin, after two weeks, everything was back to normal but than the drug has stopped working...

Now i know occasional smoking  was a bad idea also

Well and it looks like that I have to give up caffeine.

DXM as a Antinicotinic agent... very intersting.

basin in a more and write what are the results.




Yea! seems right. Here is what I gathered from different articles and papers which you can consider taking or doing to solve your depression/anxiety problems:

  • Stay away from Fatty Diet, Red Meat, Fish Oil (Omega-3) and Eggs: these foods increase Acetylcholine production and levels.
  • Eat Green and Healthy: mostly Gut Flora convert digesting nutrition to several different neurotransmitters, including Acetylcholine. By eating more Veggies, Olive and Healthy Foods you can balance their activity and population.
  • Take L-Tyrosine: this amino acid helps with faster break down of excess Acetylcholine by increasing the responsible enzyme "acetylcholinesterase" activity.
  • Stay away from Lecithin containing Processed Foods and Supplements: Lecithin, like Choline, increases Acetylcholine levels.
  • Let your body to see more sun light: this will help to use up stored Choline and Acetylcholine in your skin. it also increase several metabolic pathways including Vitamin D productions which generally helps with Depression and Anhedonia.
  • Aerobic Exercise: Do this as much as you can! exercising use very much up of excess Acetylcholine, and very much other benefits for mood and cognitive performance.
  • Quit Smoking, Coffee and Tea: these bastards also increase Cholinergic Receptor density and Acetylcholine neurotransmission. also bad for depression and anxiety in general.

I hope you get best soon.

waiting for your updates.


Good luck.



what helps for emotional detachment?


can help me herepls :) : http://www.longecity...hy-help-needed/

#25 psychejunkie

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Posted 29 November 2016 - 05:06 AM



 what helps for emotional detachment?



can help me herepls :) : http://www.longecity...hy-help-needed/




have you tried any kind of therapy? like TA (https://en.wikipedia...ional_analysis)

usually, such a deep emotional disorders are caused by childhood trauma or mistreats.


as you've already tried Shrooms, if you are also familiar with psychoanalytical therapies or psychoanalysis, you can try LSD and hypnotizing yourself to bring back memories, disorders or mistreats you've had experienced during young age. LSD would let your consciousness access your subconscious flow of thought and enables powerful Suggestion-Effect you can benefit from. better to mention that you will experience a bad trip for bringing back those bad-times, though its needed process for getting better from emotional disorder, a burst outflow of repressed emotions.

But if you're not familiar with psychoanalytical psychology, you'd better try it without self-hypnotizing or suggestions as you may make your problems worse.


you may have too much Serotonin as most patients with emotional disorders have; try to stay away from Serotonergics and SRIs or related supplements. consult Buspirone with your psychiatrist as it lowers Serotonin activity and transmission.


Good luck

Edited by psychejunkie, 29 November 2016 - 05:07 AM.

#26 deadmanwalking

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Posted 04 December 2016 - 03:02 PM


Heres my report:


For several days I test recommended by you piracetamm but unfortunately without any positive results.
When I take him at night there is a problem with insomnia and racing thoughts and on the following day, any positive result.


When I take it in a day for a few minutes whose rapid pulse but not in any way affect the psyche.


I wrote earlier that also testing methylphenidate, I took it for 4 days one tablet of 10 mg and little help.
This week I decided to try the 3 x 10 mg every 3 hours and the results are much better.


I have become much more calm, on a daily basis often happen to me outbursts of aggression but now I control them without a problem.
I do not have as many negative thoughts.
I improved my sense of taste and touch.
I fall asleep much faster and do not have a problem with racing thoughts.


I have read the opinion of one person from the forum to the disease ADHD which perfectly fits and reflects what I feel after this medicine:

 " it is like the storm inside my head is dying down, I feel more "present" in the world, and have much less trouble to start doing things and to stay on track."


I do not think I have ADHD but medication helps a little.
Of course, I can not imagine to use it every day because of the very unpleasant comedown...


#27 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 04 December 2016 - 03:14 PM


Heres my report:


For several days I test recommended by you piracetamm but unfortunately without any positive results.
When I take him at night there is a problem with insomnia and racing thoughts and on the following day, any positive result.


When I take it in a day for a few minutes whose rapid pulse but not in any way affect the psyche.


I wrote earlier that also testing methylphenidate, I took it for 4 days one tablet of 10 mg and little help.
This week I decided to try the 3 x 10 mg every 3 hours and the results are much better.


I have become much more calm, on a daily basis often happen to me outbursts of aggression but now I control them without a problem.
I do not have as many negative thoughts.
I improved my sense of taste and touch.
I fall asleep much faster and do not have a problem with racing thoughts.


I have read the opinion of one person from the forum to the disease ADHD which perfectly fits and reflects what I feel after this medicine:

 " it is like the storm inside my head is dying down, I feel more "present" in the world, and have much less trouble to start doing things and to stay on track."


I do not think I have ADHD but medication helps a little.
Of course, I can not imagine to use it every day because of the very unpleasant comedown...


I fail to see why you do not think you have ADHD, when the results of the medication, literally EVERYTHING you describe, fits the response of ADHD-individuals to an extremely good extent.


Have you never been tested for the disease? You really, really need to look into that, man - Methylphenidate has a positive response-rate of 90% for true ADHD-sufferers - that's in the top 10 of all response-rates for all known diseases. Incredibly good.


If you have ADHD, then that's the drug you should try.


As for the unpleasant comedown - that can be mediated by time-release mechanisms such as Concerta, or by changing to FOCALIN - Dextro-methylphenidate have been reported to not have the same unpleasant side-effects and possibly a slightly less terrible comedown.


Addition of low-dose Guanfacine has also been shown to lessen problems with side-effects from Methylphenidate



Look into this, seriously.



#28 deadmanwalking

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Posted 04 December 2016 - 04:51 PM



I fail to see why you do not think you have ADHD, when the results of the medication, literally EVERYTHING you describe, fits the response of ADHD-individuals to an extremely good extent.


Have you never been tested for the disease? You really, really need to look into that, man - Methylphenidate has a positive response-rate of 90% for true ADHD-sufferers - that's in the top 10 of all response-rates for all known diseases. Incredibly good.


If you have ADHD, then that's the drug you should try.


As for the unpleasant comedown - that can be mediated by time-release mechanisms such as Concerta, or by changing to FOCALIN - Dextro-methylphenidate have been reported to not have the same unpleasant side-effects and possibly a slightly less terrible comedown.


Addition of low-dose Guanfacine has also been shown to lessen problems with side-effects from Methylphenidate



Look into this, seriously.



No i have never been tested for the  adhd disease. I "borrowed" ritalin from a friend.


I was born in the 80's and lived in a place where no one has ever heard of ADHD and what to diagnose and treat it.


I fear that even now if I suggest a doctor adhd he just  laugh at me and treat as a drug addict who wants to extort stimulants.


From an early age I had problems with science. I've never been able to remember what they said teachers tried to catch up reading after school but it also did not help much, my mother wrote down me for tutoring and this made up for the backlog. When I was 19 problems terribly intensified so I learned to cheat in tests...

On the other hand, I have a problem because of memorizing things that are all for anything not needed, for example, a meaningless conversation 20 years ago.

No mention here of social phobia which was not very strong


I know all this sounds strange, and I guess that reading what I wrote is not very interesting but I did not have anyone who could tell about it ...


I heard about concerta.I think over it and I think really I'm going out on a visit to the doctor.


#29 ThreeKings12341

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Posted 05 December 2016 - 10:07 PM




 what helps for emotional detachment?



can help me herepls :) : http://www.longecity...hy-help-needed/




have you tried any kind of therapy? like TA (https://en.wikipedia...ional_analysis)

usually, such a deep emotional disorders are caused by childhood trauma or mistreats.


as you've already tried Shrooms, if you are also familiar with psychoanalytical therapies or psychoanalysis, you can try LSD and hypnotizing yourself to bring back memories, disorders or mistreats you've had experienced during young age. LSD would let your consciousness access your subconscious flow of thought and enables powerful Suggestion-Effect you can benefit from. better to mention that you will experience a bad trip for bringing back those bad-times, though its needed process for getting better from emotional disorder, a burst outflow of repressed emotions.

But if you're not familiar with psychoanalytical psychology, you'd better try it without self-hypnotizing or suggestions as you may make your problems worse.


you may have too much Serotonin as most patients with emotional disorders have; try to stay away from Serotonergics and SRIs or related supplements. consult Buspirone with your psychiatrist as it lowers Serotonin activity and transmission.


Good luck


thx for responding :)


1s question:

does this therapy form actually help? heard anything about that?


2nd: is neurofeedback any useful? for emtoional dysbalance,.. generally for my concentration?... beauce atm im having neurofeedback therapy 2 a week for several problems i have...


3nd. do u you know  if lyrica can numb emotions?


4. i would love 2 try that out with magic mushrooms, but that will be my last station... is there a guide for that in the internet for people like me??


5 are there any other therapy form that would help for emotional blunting?   hmm eye movement desensitization and reprocessing for instance didnt work


6. could buspirone bring my emotions back? are there any reports?

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#30 Quaker32

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Posted 05 December 2016 - 10:42 PM

sorry, but i think recommending somebody which a mental health problem to take LSD by himself, in some kind of self-therapy experiment, is unwise, if not a dangerous suggestion. i don't mean to be rude about this, but when i joined this site i wanted to help people in a genuine way - and that means being honest. 


I've done all of that and none of it helped. getting professional help early on by people who know what they are doing would have been the right path to follow. it might work or it could massively fuck you up. and i am at the fucked up end myself right now. as long as you don't get in legal trouble, talk to your doctor about it. seriously. its worth mentioning and say that you are considering all of this because of how bad things are for you. 

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