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Repairing brain damage cocaine/Mdma

nmda receptors damage glutamate nootropics

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#1 Remember717

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Posted 05 February 2017 - 05:48 PM

I'm writing this in order to obtain opinions on how I should go about repairing the damage I've done to my brain.

​First of all my Pardon me for my englisch. I am not a native speaker.



I Am 26 and how everything began. It startet all an Christmas. I wehere on a party and took one line cocaine after then I went home and took several times a little bit(lines) of MDMA until the Afternoon. You should know that i take drugs once a year. In my youth I did a lot of experience with Drugs. Currently I just did it just for fun and it was a special day. I never had problems with drugs and I also don't need them. But this time after 2 days. I get panic,bulled view, fear, hearth throb, concentration weakness for 1 week. In this time felt very uncomfortable with my environment. Normally a bad Trip I know hold 1- 2 days. But this time it did not end and I though iI will become crazy forever. After the first week I felt one week quit normal and i thought everything will be fine, but it startet again, but not in that intensity. Know after six weeks the symptoms are coming and going but the symptoms are reducing. Especially if I have stress the symptoms are coming back for example if am short of sleep or if I have to learn a lot because a test. So what i read, it looks like something with my glutamate mGluR2 receptors(nmda) went wrong and maybe also with my dopamine receptors.

Cocaine blocks the admission of serotonin in the synaptic gap and MDMA increases the release of serotonin, so that combination probably cause a dysfunction in my brain.

I was by a psychologist. She told me if it don't stop than she can give me something to block the D2 receptors which are reason of delusion, but I am not a huge fan of fighting symptoms. Also there can be some long term negative results of using them. I think its better to solve the causation. Know i am looking to find a stack which can improve the repairing of my brain. My knowledge of neuroscience is limited. And I believe there are many people here on this forum that are very neuro-scientifically knowledgeable and would love to get the opinion of such people of what my damage is and how to go about repairing the damage. I would also like to say that I will try contribute as much information as i can to the forum because this happening change my view and I would like to learn more about it and share it with people and to help people.

So I read about some stuff it cloud help:



Alpha Gcp Choline

Omega 3 Acids

Vitamine B9 and B12


Also about:


NAC (n-acetyl- cysteine)



Hypothalmex (by standard process)



So know I am not sure which of them to take and is there a problem to combine them.

Maybe there are also other substances which can help. So, I would be deeply grateful for any advice.








Edited by Remember717, 05 February 2017 - 06:20 PM.

#2 Londonscouser

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Posted 07 February 2017 - 09:24 AM

If the symptoms are coming back in 'waves' while reducing in intensity, then all you need it time. You will be back to normal in the next couple of months

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#3 Remember717

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Posted 07 February 2017 - 06:36 PM

First of all thank you for answering. And i agree with you on this point, but what makes me still suspicious is, that even when the symptoms are gone like hearth rob and uneasiness I still have bulled vied (delusion), what is probably caused by the D2 receptors and this is probably caused by glutamate mGluR2 receptors(nmda). I guess? And this makes me feel like something is wrong with me, kinda strange. And I still optimistic that will be gone in a couple of months. But I want to improve that and  besides after I found longecity I am very interested in cognitive enhancement. A lot of substances which I mention is helping me to feel better and solve the symptoms like (Glycine and NAC (n-acetyl- cysteine ) and do no harm to my body,but I am not sure which of them can help me long term and maybe there are other substance which can help. Uridine repair D-receptors, decline depression and Choline support this and by the way makes me to feel better. And what I read. it looks like Piracetam open the glutamate receptors again, which can also help. Actually I struggling with my tests and with my life because all this happened. It´s everyday in my mind.. So I don't want just to wait and pray. And there is obviously something I can do, but I have no idea wehere to start.







Edited by Remember717, 07 February 2017 - 06:48 PM.

#4 Lia-chan

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Posted 07 February 2017 - 07:19 PM

I would suggest you to try BPC-157 and P21, both of them will heal you, I'm pretty sure of it.

You can see a discussion here:


and here:



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#5 Remember717

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Posted 07 February 2017 - 07:34 PM

Thank you very much! :) I will take a look.

#6 Lia-chan

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Posted 07 February 2017 - 07:44 PM

I would also suggest you to try noopept, semax, magnesium l-threonate, intranasal insulin and memantine, they are not so effective as the drugs (except for memantine and intranasal insulin) I've listed above, but they are pretty cheap (except for memantine and intranasal insulin, again), so if I were you, I would add them to your stack and if you have a money, I would also suggest you to try galantamine, but that's just an extra pill so you'll be sure that everything is a-ok with your brain, take care and don't do drugs anymore, lol.

Ketamine is also pretty helpful, but you'll need to find a place (Alphabay for example) where you'll be able to buy it.

#7 Remember717

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Posted 08 February 2017 - 03:49 PM

Hey, tank you for answering again. : ) This would be my first stack, so I am not sure wich of them to put in my stack. 




BPC-157 and P21 Should I take both of them?

Omega 3 Acids

Vitamine B6, B9 and B12


Alpha Gcp Choline

NAC (n-acetyl- cysteine)

magnesium l-threonate





What about:


intranasal insulin



Piracetam (I think Noopep is better)?

Hypothalmex (by standard process)




And with what would you start and which of them you would slowly put in?

I am also not sure which of them make long term benefits(best case). So maybe I just have to take them a period of time to recover again.


And which of them give me a one time benefit, so it is just against the symptoms. So I can take them depend on my needing and feeling. 



I will never ever do drugs again. I would rather cut my arm off!


and sry, if I am asking to much. It will need take more time to go through all off this and to understand it, but so much thanks to you, that you lead me the way how to start. I appreciate it so much!



Edited by Remember717, 08 February 2017 - 03:58 PM.

#8 kurdishfella

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Posted 09 March 2021 - 11:21 PM

I would suggest omega 3 oil for brain repair shown to be very useful, and balance your different omegas in the body because too much omega 6 can be bad.

On another note. I have heard about people injuring their brain trough contact with blunt force on the head then waking up different person. Or had a seizure, perhaps drugs can do this as well?

Different as in smarter, dumber, became a good person or evil. I wonder if its because a location in the brain stop working so other take up activity.
your brain finnish growing up around age of 25, so perhaps its late for you since your 26..damage done

Edited by kurdishfella, 09 March 2021 - 11:24 PM.


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Posted 11 March 2021 - 03:12 PM

It sounds to me like your bad experience came from something other than the MDxx series. You might have been sold/given something inadvertently from the 2C family, 2C-P, 2C-T or 2C-B series, that's what it sounds like to me. Were there disturbing visuals? This may sound silly, but any killer clown-like faces? Did you feel a lot of anger sometimes, perhaps even felt like stabbing someone? I've heard that reported frequently from that series.


Edit: I should mention, in particular 2C-P can be a long trip and some of these others can also be long duration, much longer than you'd expect, make you feel like you're going permanently crazy if you've taken too much.

Edited by TMNMK, 11 March 2021 - 03:20 PM.

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#10 Ames

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Posted 29 March 2021 - 05:24 AM

Eliminate the glycine, piracetam, choline at the least. Risking neurotoxicity while trying to heal damage is a conflict of method and goal. I'd also eliminate the omega 3, personally.


1. Ascorbic acid (can / should cycle on and off)

2. well regulated sleep

3. and a measure of later-day fasting (one version: eat your calories early and skip dinner) will probably be your best hope.


In my experience and opinion.


If you feel neuro-inflamed take either 500 mg of taurine (light inflammation) or 2 Excedrin. 


But stop stacking so many supplements to try to find a solution. There's no reason for it or science backing it, and you are more likely to accidentally induce a measure of neurotixicity through experimenting with the wrong thing (happens constantly, peruse this board for evidence).

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nmda, receptors, damage, glutamate, nootropics

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