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Reached my Target heart rate "too fast" during test

stress test cardio health

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#1 TheFountain

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Posted 27 January 2018 - 02:02 AM

I had a stress test today because i've been having "symptoms" and my doctor told me I reached the Targeted heart rate too fast according to his monitors. 


I asked what it means and he said "this is fairly normal, did you feel nervous when you came in?" and I said yes. 


Then he said "your Coronaries look good, so I don't see anything concerning, just reduce stress" and bla bla bla.






White male, 


30s and work out intensely at least twice a week currently (because full time work etc).

#2 CWF1986

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Posted 02 February 2018 - 09:30 AM

No suggestions for what you're asking about in particular but I've got some tips that can help with working in more exercise into your week.


The basics like:

+park your car far out so you have a little walk on the way in and out to wherever you go

+take the stairs whenever possible.  If you have like 10+ flights, then take the elevator to a floor before the one you want to end up on according to your current fitness levels


Other things:

+do you watch TV?  If you're loaded get a treadmill and walk/run while watching TV.  If concerned about your joints, rather than increasing speed, increase the incline levels.  If you're not loaded, then things like high knees, burpees, jumping jacks, and any body weight calisthenic will do the trick.  Just listen to your body and beware of overuse injuries.

      -having said this, some people have to get in the gym to be motivated

+give yourself a kitchen and/or bathroom tax.  Here's what I mean:  everytime you use the restroom do 5 pull ups or a 10 push ups.  You can even do the pushups at work by using paper towels or TP to place your hands on for the push ups.  You could do also do stationary high knees with burpees, get creative!

+jump roping could be fun.  You'd be learning a new skill with many many levels of progression that does great things for cardio.  It's also super affordable and takes very little space!  Just ease into it so you don't end up with ankle issues or shin splints.

+you can do stretches while seated.  There are many stretches that are easily customized so that can be done seated and some even work better this way.  Really good way to not only improve flexibility, but blood flow too which is important when seated for long periods of time.


I suggest just adding one to a couple of these ideas per week so you don't end up with injuries or just burn out.  Some things like stretching, mobility, and light low impact cardio won't really impact work capacity or structural integrity of your body assuming you're not very out of shape so those can just be dumped in immediately. 


I know... not every problem can be cured with a medicine or supplement :(

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