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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

Luminosity's Blog


Want to live forever?

Posted by Luminosity , in Health, Commentary, Recommended 15 April 2014 - - - - - - · 1,149 views
How alive are you right now ?



Posted by Luminosity , in Recommended, Health 08 December 2013 - - - - - - · 1,119 views
"men die of their medicines, not of their diseases." -- Moliere


Canadians' mental health care in US database at airport

Posted by Luminosity , in Health 01 December 2013 - - - - - - · 997 views

From CBC News

Canadians With Mental Illnesses Denied U.S. Entry

Data entered into national police database accessible to American authorities: WikiLeaks

by Sarah Bridge   September 09, 2011

More than a dozen Canadians have told the Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office in Toronto within the past year that they were blocked...


Woman denied entry to US due to private medical file

Posted by Luminosity , in Politics, Health 01 December 2013 - - - - - - · 1,093 views

From the Toronto Star Thursday, Nov. 28, 2013

Disabled Woman Denied Entry to U.S. After Agent Cites
Supposedly Private Medical Details

A Toronto woman is shocked after she was denied entry into the U.S. because
she had been hospitalized for clinical depression.

by Valerie Hauch News reporter

Ellen Richardson went to Pearson Airport on Mond...


Regrow Cartilage

Posted by Luminosity , in Recommended, Health 26 September 2013 - * * * * * · 7,356 views
regrow cartilage
This is my supplement regimen to regrow cartilage and connective tissue at this time. It has helped me to go from a wheelchair to walking. I used to use innumerable herbal anti-inflammatory substances each day, now I often take none:

1) Swanson's Type II Collagen from Chicken Sternal Cartilage: five or six capsules dissolved in water for about half an ho...



Posted by Luminosity , in Health, Recommended 07 September 2013 - - - - - - · 896 views

A 2004 Johns Hopkins study found that two thirds of doctors surveyed felt inadequately trained to the care for the chronically ill.



Posted by Luminosity , in Poems & Quotations, Food & Drink, Recommended, Health 22 August 2013 - - - - - - · 977 views

The binges are part of the diet.
.  .  .  .  .  .   Luminosity



Posted by Luminosity , in Health 12 July 2013 - - - - - - · 1,242 views

91 year old actress Betty White eats french fries and a hot dog for lunch every day.  She is still working.


Senator Durbin wants to outlaw supplements

Posted by Luminosity , in Health, Commentary, Politics 07 July 2013 - - - - - - · 938 views
health freedom, vitamins

Jonathan Emord, constitutional lawyer and activist, went on Coast to Coast AM radio on July 3rd, 2013 to sound the alarm about legislation intended to restrict your access to supplements. He said that Senator Dick Durbin intended to re-introduce legislation giving the FDA a pretext to restrict access to supplements. The regulations would be impossibl...


Prevent Breast Cancer Naturally

Posted by Luminosity , in Health 18 May 2013 - - - - - - · 1,004 views
angelina jolie
Before following in Angelina Jolie's bra cups women should look at natural ways of preventing and treating breast cancer.  A hundred years ago, cancer was an anomaly.  Today it is common.  Why?  Because of chemicals in the environment and food supply.  Eating a healthful diet low in sugar and avoiding chemicals, especially pesticides, are good steps...

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