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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

Luminosity's Blog


God is the healer

Posted by Luminosity , in Uncategorized, Health, Poems & Quotations 03 May 2016 - - - - - - · 2,048 views
"Remember--God is the healer and we are only his hands.
Remember that all you're going to learn in becoming a doctor is going to give you the tools to take care of patients.
Remember--first and foremost--you're a caregiver, someone who should always heal with compassion. Don't ever let the rigors of medical school take that away from you. It's going to b...


Message for Healers

Posted by Luminosity , in Poems & Quotations, Health 30 March 2016 - - - - - - · 2,121 views
Message for Healers In spite of all the similarities, every living situation has, like a newborn child, a new face, that has never been before and will never come again. It demands of you a reaction that cannot be prepared beforehand. It demands nothing of what is past. It demands presence, responsibility: it demands you. -- Martin Buber


I proceed

Posted by Luminosity , in Poems & Quotations, Recommended 30 January 2016 - - - - - - · 1,745 views
-- by Luminosity  
I proceed. I am led by impulse. I am led by emotions. Sometimes I am led by a craving for baked goods. I have been led by avoidance. Lately I am led by better judgment, by considered opinion, or by God.  I fly crooked and circle back. I pull backwards. Sometimes I attack. I feel feelings or I feel the lack. I try to includ...


Writers Are Cats on the Window Sill of Life

Posted by Luminosity , in Poems & Quotations 28 January 2016 - - - - - - · 1,498 views
Writers Are Cats on the Window Sill of Life Writers are cats on the window sill of life.
Bring us our favorite food and drinks, what we like to read and what we need to write with.      -- Luminosity      find my best blog posts here:


Appetites Like Stray Cats Outside A Window

Posted by Luminosity , in Poems & Quotations 27 January 2016 - - - - - - · 1,430 views
Appetites Like Stray Cats Outside A Window Quoting from A Tender Struggle Story of a Marriage by Krista Bremer
Algonquin Hill Books of Chapel Hill, 2014 "In the past my appetites were like stray cats outside a window, staring at me with recriminating yellow eyes . . . But now they scaled the walls of my self-discipline and clawed at me, demanding carrot cupcakes with cream-cheese frosting ....


I will be waiting here . . .

Posted by Luminosity , in Poems & Quotations 24 October 2015 - - - - - - · 1,649 views
I will be waiting here...for your Silence to break, for your Soul to shake, for your Love to wake! -- Rumi  
Rumi was a 13th century Persian mystic.
His words are still alive today.  
Find more poems and quotations I've selected here:


Healing & Medicine

Posted by Luminosity , in Health, Poems & Quotations 13 October 2015 - - - - - - · 1,672 views
Only 15 percent of the decisions a doctor makes
everyday are based on evidence.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Robert Califf M.D. Director of Duke University's Clinical Research Institute
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Time magazine October 12, 1998)   Cultural assumptions are often the hidden rationale
underlying many scientific premises.
. ....


Healing without labels

Posted by Luminosity , in Health, Poems & Quotations 13 October 2015 - - - - - - · 1,490 views
There can be healing without labels and labels without healing.  
-- Luminosity


Live the Questions

Posted by Luminosity , in Poems & Quotations 01 October 2015 - - - - - - · 1,711 views
. . . have patience with everything unresolved in your heart . . . Live the questions themselves . . .  Rainer Maria Rilke
Letter to a Young Poet


He thought of how he had been pursued and scorned

Posted by Luminosity , in Poems & Quotations 01 October 2015 - - - - - - · 1,571 views
He thought of how he had been pursued and scorned He thought of how he had been pursued and scorned, and now he heard them all say that he was the most beautiful of all beautiful birds. The lilacs bent their boughs right before him, and the bright sun was warm and cheering, and he rustled his feathers and raised his slender neck aloft, saying with exultation in his heart: 'I never dreamt of so much happi...

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