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Guinea Pig X: A case study of supplement use over time, with test results

blood test quercetin resveratrol bromelain vitamin d3 vitamin k2 omega 3 bilirubin vo2 max coconut oil

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#1 davidd

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Posted 11 June 2013 - 06:07 PM

The following are the purposes for this topic:

1) Record which supplements, amount of each supplement and timeline of supplement introduction/withdrawl
2) Record test results over time in order to document possible cause and effect of supplement use for the benefit of anyone interested
3) Record anecdotal results over time in order to document possible cause and effect of supplement use for the benefit of anyone interested

The following are the specific measurable metrics of interest and their date of initial interest:

- unconjugated / indirect bilirubin
- blood pressure
- weight
- body fat percentage
- body mass index
- 25-hydroxy vitamin D / 25(OH)D
- cholesterol
- VO2 max

The following are the specific anecdotal metrics of interest and their date of initial interest:

- overall energy level
- alertness after waking
- endurance (ability to perform physical activities or exercise with reduced exhaustion)
- aches and pains
- clarity of thought
- motivation

The following are the supplements of interest and their date of initial interest. Their date of introduction will be determined in time. Open to suggestions, as time goes on, for other synergistic options or supplements that may show improvement in those areas that are not improving on the existing regimen.

- Multi-vitamin (1 daily)
- Quercetin/Bromelain (1500 mg/750 mg, daily in 2 divided doses)
- Resveratrol (500 mg, daily, single dose)
- Vitamin D3 (5000 iu daily, single dose)
- Vitamin K2 MK4 (5 mg daily, single dose)
- Omega 3 (800 mg EPA/400 mg DHA, dialy in 2 divided doses)
- Coconut Oil (4 tablespoons, daily in 2 divided doses)

The following are the areas where I need input and help and their date of introduction:

- Self-purchasable blood test that shows total and conjugated (direct) bilirubin. Unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin is generally determined indirectly (hence the "direct"/"indirect" nomenclature) by comparing total to direct bilirubin).

- LEF used to have a test, but I'm unable to find that now.

- Need suggestions an alternative test that can be ordered

- Self-purchasable broad blood test, such as a chemistry panel & complete blood count (CBC) test.

- Need suggestions here on a test that will hit as many bases as possible without breaking the bank, since it will be taken at regular intervals to determine effect of supplementation

- Self-purchasable blood test(s) for insulin resistance

- Need suggestions on which type of test(s) would be best as well as where to order it

- Other tests that people can recommend that may be of benefit or interest

- If there are tests that you've found of value, please post

- If there are tests that you would be curious about to see the effect of the supplements in question, please post

Plan of attack. This may be altered based on outcomes.

1) Decide on bilirubin test, broad blood test, insulin resistance test and VO2 max test (and possibly other tests that are suggested) to purchase
2) Have all tests taken. Will probably do two of each a week apart to get a baseline values.
3) Start supplementation of Quercetin/Bromelain
4) Have bilirubin tests taken at regular intervals as well as free tests.
5) After one month of supplementation with Quercetin/Bromelain, have all test taken again.
6) Start supplementation of Resveratrol/Vitamin D3/Vitamin K2 MK4
7) After one month of supplementation of Resveratrol/Vitamin D3/Vitamin K2 MK4, have all tests taken again.
8) Start supplementation of Omega 3
9) After one month of supplementation of Omega 3, have all tests taken again.
10) Start supplementation of Coconut Oil.
11) After one month supplementation of Coconut Oil, have all tests taken again.

Reporting results:

- All results will be posted in this topic.


- Bilirubin testing is due to having Gilbert's Syndrome. You can read more about it in this post.
- Reducing weight, improving blood pressure and improving energy/endurance are for general health/obvious reasons.
- Guinea Pig X has not taken any supplements for a few years, with the exception of a multi-vitamin started several months ago.
- Guinea Pig X is not on any medication, rarely drinks alcohol and doesn't do drugs.
- Guinea Pig X gets very little exercise and spends the work day sitting in front of a computer. The exception is fall, when Guinea Pig X can be found foraging through the forests and fields of Minnesota. This may change in time (the exercise part), but in the interest of science (and laziness), this is primarily about testing the results of supplements on a mostly sedentary piggy.

Comments and suggestions, please?

Edited by davidd, 11 June 2013 - 06:52 PM.

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#2 davidd

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Posted 12 June 2013 - 09:53 PM

I know there is a lot up there, but to anyone reading this, I'd really appreciate a point in the right direction to any blood tests that others have purchased.

I already have a vitamin D test. I've been looking into VO2 Max tests locally too. Although the first place I contacted said they don't do them anymore and they do a lactate test. Not sure if I'm ready to switch to something different, but I'd be interested in thoughts others have on the lactate test.

Additionally, it appears there is something new (to me) on the scene -- C60. I will need to do more research. I'm not sure if I could expect tests to show anything, but if it turns out that this is largely regarded as safe and if someone knows what type of test would show the impact of C60, I'll consider it.


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: blood test, quercetin, resveratrol, bromelain, vitamin d3, vitamin k2, omega 3, bilirubin, vo2 max, coconut oil

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