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Coluracetam + Aniracetam combo

aniracetam coluracetam piracetam choline nootropic

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#1 Darkest Chaos

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Posted 27 June 2014 - 08:04 AM

Hey there!


New to the forum but really eager to get involved on here.


I'm writing because I started on a new regiment of coluracetam (20 mg...2x 10 mg) and Aniracetam (2x 750mg).


I'm finding the colors in the world lifting, as well as a brimming confidence.

I've been having trouble with my girlfriend recently, and suddenly today it's like everything has made sense

and I was firing off in conversation incredibly fluently and well versed to day. It was surreal.


I also practiced some piano, and flew through two lessons in half the time it normally might've taken me.


Does anyone have any experience with the effects of this combo?

#2 SvampKramp

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Posted 28 June 2014 - 09:21 PM

How do you respond to them one by one? how long did it last for you?

#3 komoku

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 03:10 AM

Ive tried this combination twice, and plan to try more in the upcoming future.


first time I tried it, the increase in color saturation and acuity was significant, as was the anxiolytic effect and the musical effect. It felt like I was able to think through situations with a great clarity and calmness. When I take aniracetam alone, these effects are still present, however not to the same degree. I question if this sense of calm was pushing borderline emotional blunting, it felt like nothing could effect me, positive or negative. I also felt that the combination gave me less focus than just aniracetam alone. I appear to be a strong aniracetam responder, it effects me greater than either piracetam or oxiracetam. I think my physiological response to coluracetam and aniracetam separately is to a similar degree, I respond to low doses of each drug to illicit an effect (5mg coluracetam and 400mg aniracetam individually give me strong responses). The second time I tried the combination, I didn't notice the effects to the same degree, however it was a busier day so it could have been effecting me, and I wasn't paying attention. More experimentation will obviously be needed.


I'm hoping that in the future I can combine aniracetam + coluracetam with caffeine + green tea to give me a boost in energy and focus, while retaining the anxiolytic and sensual effects.


PS: I'm still working out the dosing for piracetam and oxiracetam, I think lower doses is the way to go with me given the way I respond to low doses of aniracetam or coluracetam.

Edited by komoku, 29 June 2014 - 03:13 AM.

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#4 Darkest Chaos

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 06:42 PM

How do you respond to them one by one? how long did it last for you?





To be honest, I haven't tried the Coluracetam alone. I receieved both Aniracetam (which I've tried for a long period a while back) and Coluracetam at the same time.

The first and second day, I'll admit, I didn't notice too much of a change. The first moment I noticed something was at one point after dosing the second time on my second day (750 Ani mg and 10mg of Colu) that I got extremely

tired whilst laying in my bed. I'm not the kind of person who normally gets sleepy and naps, being a hell of an insomniac. I shut my eyes and took a 30 minute power nap. When I awoke it's like my brain speed had kicked into overdrive. A sort of fog I'd been feeling had lifted and my mind was extremely clear and felt "quick". It was extremely pleasant.


However, the effects of the combo have steadily grown. Yesterday, at work, after two days off in my inital loading phase, I was like a new person. I'm a fine dining server at one of the most upscale resorts in South Beach and the amount of steps of service, leadership (with assistants and fellow servers), and things that I have to juggle can be overwhelming at times. I came into work to find that I was assigned a party of 30 people spending about 15,000 dollars having champagne, and canapes and then about 4 courses of food, all paired with different bottles of wine. It took an extreme amount of organisation.


The organisation came EASY, as well as confidence. Usually I'm one of the more "nice", and reserved servers. I have a tendency to ask other co workers "can you please help me with this", in a nice way. Yesterday I almost had a demanding confidence with everyone from managers to assistants. I had many compliments from guests who even inquired to know my name and background because I stuck out to them so vividly. One server, who normally is very intrusive, and quite a nuisance said I was "aggressive", since I wasn't just taking his normal passive-aggressive comments and deflecting them, but rather retorting with my own comment. To him I came off as aggressive, but it really just felt like I was able to more easily formulate a response within milliseconds and respong effectively whilst being aware of the exact repercussion my words would have.


Where as with Pramiracetam I have a tendency to judge every single sentence I say for a bit too long before saying it (One cocktail waitress said I ALWAYS took so long to respond when spoken to, during this phase), now with this combo my sentences had even CLEARER intention and came with much more fluid ease.


I'm loving this combo. I managed to become aware of serveral facets of my girlfriend's relationship with me that have been suffering sexually due to my own performance anxieties, yesterday, as well.

I'm more able to be "in tune" with my thoughts, emotions, and therefore able to express them better.


Even since not dosing today yet, I still feel very clear, as you can probably tell from this post. In that last one I found that brain fog made it difficult to even exactly express my thoughts, and call for advice and experience from you all.


I, so far, and mixed with about 200 mg of caffeine I take throughout the day, HIGHLY recommend this combination so far. The effects seem cumulative, and I only expect they'll help me change for the better.



(p.s. I had been on Aniracetam for the first time about 1 year and 8 months ago for about 4 months. During that time, initially, I didn't feel the effects of Aniracetam like I had to Oxiracetam and Piracetam. However, upon continued long term dosing I noticed everything seemed BRIGHTER. The resolution in nature seemed more complex. Individual branches, grass blades, waves, and streams of light between tress DEMANDED my visual attention and awe. I began looking at the world with a new admiration. At this time I met the woman who fell in love with me after being single for three years. She found me extremely charismatic and felt like we "clicked" like she never had with anyone before. The ability to connect with others I wanted to came naturally, and instead of with anxiety with a LONGING, DESIRE, and CURIOSITY. I feel like the effects of Aniracetam are kicking in much faster than before either because of Coluracetam's synergy, or because my brain already know "what to do" with the substance.

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#5 Darkest Chaos

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 07:20 PM

Ive tried this combination twice, and plan to try more in the upcoming future.
first time I tried it, the increase in color saturation and acuity was significant, as was the anxiolytic effect and the musical effect. It felt like I was able to think through situations with a great clarity and calmness. When I take aniracetam alone, these effects are still present, however not to the same degree. I question if this sense of calm was pushing borderline emotional blunting, it felt like nothing could effect me, positive or negative. I also felt that the combination gave me less focus than just aniracetam alone. I appear to be a strong aniracetam responder, it effects me greater than either piracetam or oxiracetam. I think my physiological response to coluracetam and aniracetam separately is to a similar degree, I respond to low doses of each drug to illicit an effect (5mg coluracetam and 400mg aniracetam individually give me strong responses). The second time I tried the combination, I didn't notice the effects to the same degree, however it was a busier day so it could have been effecting me, and I wasn't paying attention. More experimentation will obviously be needed.
I'm hoping that in the future I can combine aniracetam + coluracetam with caffeine + green tea to give me a boost in energy and focus, while retaining the anxiolytic and sensual effects.
PS: I'm still working out the dosing for piracetam and oxiracetam, I think lower doses is the way to go with me given the way I respond to low doses of aniracetam or coluracetam.

Interesting how you felt emotionally blunted.

I actually did feel that way earlier in the day after dosing, but I think for me at least it was because of a more clear mindset allowing me to focus my emotion and thoughts where I wanted. Things that normally stressed me didn't. However, I did feel emotions actually STRONGER when it was something I felt important to follow.

Also, what dosage of Piracetam have you been experimenting and for how long?

Edited by Darkest Chaos, 29 June 2014 - 07:23 PM.

#6 komoku

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Posted 29 June 2014 - 10:28 PM


Interesting how you felt emotionally blunted.

I actually did feel that way earlier in the day after dosing, but I think for me at least it was because of a more clear mindset allowing me to focus my emotion and thoughts where I wanted. Things that normally stressed me didn't. However, I did feel emotions actually STRONGER when it was something I felt important to follow.

Also, what dosage of Piracetam have you been experimenting and for how long?



I got piracetam the same time as bacopa... and it was not a pleasant experience. 45% bacopa gives me too much anxiety despite it being an anxiolytic... and it gave me a pounding headache when i combined it with piracetam 4.8g so I stopped taking bacopa and dropped piracetam's dose to 300mg.


I noticed using piracetam 300mg with aniracetam 400mg and CDP choline 100mg gave me a good amount of focus, and it extended aniracetam's effects by 2-3 hours to a total of 5 hours after dosing. I used this combination for 2.5 weeks with good effect each day, and would add an extra 200-300mg aniracetam alone in the afternoons to boost mid-day slumps.


aniracetam's effect on me was greatest at the beginning but had definitely dropped a little after i was using it every day. this is why i decided to look into other racetams and found coluracetam and oxiracetam.


I was really hoping to see good results with oxiracetam as it's effect profile is exactly what i'm looking for in a racetam... but alas it seems to not effect me to any significant degree, whereas i immediately notice effects from coluracetam and aniracetam.


now that I have 4 racetams to work with, i'm going to try several combinations and hope i hit a combination that is ideal for me.

#7 Darkest Chaos

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Posted 30 June 2014 - 05:35 AM



Interesting how you felt emotionally blunted.

I actually did feel that way earlier in the day after dosing, but I think for me at least it was because of a more clear mindset allowing me to focus my emotion and thoughts where I wanted. Things that normally stressed me didn't. However, I did feel emotions actually STRONGER when it was something I felt important to follow.

Also, what dosage of Piracetam have you been experimenting and for how long?



I got piracetam the same time as bacopa... and it was not a pleasant experience. 45% bacopa gives me too much anxiety despite it being an anxiolytic... and it gave me a pounding headache when i combined it with piracetam 4.8g so I stopped taking bacopa and dropped piracetam's dose to 300mg.


I noticed using piracetam 300mg with aniracetam 400mg and CDP choline 100mg gave me a good amount of focus, and it extended aniracetam's effects by 2-3 hours to a total of 5 hours after dosing. I used this combination for 2.5 weeks with good effect each day, and would add an extra 200-300mg aniracetam alone in the afternoons to boost mid-day slumps.


aniracetam's effect on me was greatest at the beginning but had definitely dropped a little after i was using it every day. this is why i decided to look into other racetams and found coluracetam and oxiracetam.


I was really hoping to see good results with oxiracetam as it's effect profile is exactly what i'm looking for in a racetam... but alas it seems to not effect me to any significant degree, whereas i immediately notice effects from coluracetam and aniracetam.


now that I have 4 racetams to work with, i'm going to try several combinations and hope i hit a combination that is ideal for me.



I really didn't feel anything from Oxiracetam when I did it until I started dosing sublingually. Is that how you take it? I would notice that my scores in Counter Strike would shoot me to the top. I'd always be on top. This continued for a while, and then I feel like I built quite a tolerance to it. I would need constant breaks to feel the effects, and they definitely didn''t feel cumulative to me so I stopped.


I'm still debating whether it's worth adding Piracetam to the Coluracetam and Aniracetam stack. Maybe it would enhance all of their effects, but I know it's common knowledge Science Guy didn't personally enjoy that combination.



#8 komoku

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Posted 30 June 2014 - 12:05 PM

I really didn't feel anything from Oxiracetam when I did it until I started dosing sublingually. Is that how you take it? I would notice that my scores in Counter Strike would shoot me to the top. I'd always be on top. This continued for a while, and then I feel like I built quite a tolerance to it. I would need constant breaks to feel the effects, and they definitely didn''t feel cumulative to me so I stopped.


I'm still debating whether it's worth adding Piracetam to the Coluracetam and Aniracetam stack. Maybe it would enhance all of their effects, but I know it's common knowledge Science Guy didn't personally enjoy that combination.



I tried oxiracetam sublingually and just normally, neither really elicited a noticeable effect like coluracetam and aniracetam.


I think you should try the piracetam + coluracetam + aniracetam at low doses when you have some down time and can stay home in a controlled environment. I would take low doses, then after 45 min to 1 hr add more if the effects you feel are favorable. this is what I also plan to do, just haven't had the chance yet (have only had coluracetam for a week so definitely will take time to experiment).

#9 Darkest Chaos

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Posted 01 July 2014 - 05:35 AM

Yes, I'll probably get my hands on some Piracetam again, and try that out. I was always one to believe in loading phases for Piracetam, and never felt much effect until a month had passed at decently high doses. Perhaps my brain is used enough to the supplement that taking it in conjunction with Coluracetam and Aniracetam would hearken it's effects much quicker.


I really didn't feel anything from Oxiracetam when I did it until I started dosing sublingually. Is that how you take it? I would notice that my scores in Counter Strike would shoot me to the top. I'd always be on top. This continued for a while, and then I feel like I built quite a tolerance to it. I would need constant breaks to feel the effects, and they definitely didn''t feel cumulative to me so I stopped.


I'm still debating whether it's worth adding Piracetam to the Coluracetam and Aniracetam stack. Maybe it would enhance all of their effects, but I know it's common knowledge Science Guy didn't personally enjoy that combination.



I tried oxiracetam sublingually and just normally, neither really elicited a noticeable effect like coluracetam and aniracetam.


I think you should try the piracetam + coluracetam + aniracetam at low doses when you have some down time and can stay home in a controlled environment. I would take low doses, then after 45 min to 1 hr add more if the effects you feel are favorable. this is what I also plan to do, just haven't had the chance yet (have only had coluracetam for a week so definitely will take time to experiment).



#10 FocusPocus

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Posted 28 August 2014 - 06:58 PM

Hi OP,


Are you still using this combo?


Was hoping for an update!



#11 psych0therapist

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Posted 03 October 2018 - 06:30 PM

Hi OP,


Are you still using this combo?


Was hoping for an update!



Hey, not OP, but I've had some success with this combo recently and I wonder if it is due to an idea posted Heraclitean on one of the initial/subsequent Coluracetam threads started by ScienceGuy: 


I have mixed Coluracetam with Aniracetam a few times, to good effect. The difference between the two can be illustrated using the "System A, System B" model of cognition expounded and explained by Daniel Kahneman in this book "Thinking, fast and slow".Coluracetam seems to improve variables which fall under the domain of System 1, such as quickly and accurately picking up on social cues, associative and intuitive thinking, etc. (more "automatic" functions), whilst Aniracetam seems to improve more the variables which fall under the domain of System 2, such as taking time to solve a problem from first principles and in a methodical manner, regardless of what our initial reaction to it might be. This means that each compound seems to fill in important gaps left by the other one, therefore rendering each other more effective, as the brain/mind is very highly interconnected.


I wonder if anyone else has had good results with this combo? It seems like there can be a strong synergistic effect. 

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: aniracetam, coluracetam, piracetam, choline, nootropic

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