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New Slogan & Homepage Paragraph

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 28 Jul 2006

The word "existence" could be subbed for just about all of the places that "lifespans" or "life" is currently.

Also, the terms "survival", "continuation", "continuance", "journey", "permanence", "eternally", "sentience", "survival", "life cycle", "longevity", "endless", "boundless", "perpetual", "prolonged", "unceasing", "undending", "uninterrupted" may be of use mixing and matching to make a good phrase.

FunkOdyssey's Photo FunkOdyssey 28 Jul 2006

I'll contribute one:

For Unlimited Lifespans

Mind's Photo Mind 28 Jul 2006

Life Without Limits (no, again, too ambiguous)

Ambiguity is good because it allows each person to attach their own meaning to the slogan.

A more direct/precise slogan is constricting.

Again, we are looking for a slogan...not a mission statement or a shorter version of the DoP.

DJS's Photo DJS 28 Jul 2006


The word "existence" could be subbed for just about all of the places that "lifespans" or "life" is currently.

Nice suggest, Nate. I have also thought about incorporating the term *existence*. It is more philosophical and less "bio-centric". However, the pragmatist in me says that this institute's purpose, at least in the short term, is to push a "traditional biotech" agenda.

Ambiguity is good because it allows each person to attach their own meaning to the slogan.

Ambiguity is not a good thing. People need to know we stand for something.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 28 Jul 2006

Some more off the top of my head:

For continual lifespans
For undending survival
For perpetual existence
For boundless lives
For endless life
For prolonged life cycles

Some not starting with "for":
ImmInst - Fighting for life
ImmInst - Promoting Life Extension in all forms
ImmInst - Life Extension Community
ImmInst - Working to extend lives since 2002 (ok, a bit silly)
ImmInst - Propagating unending existence

Mind's Photo Mind 28 Jul 2006

The most recognized and successful slogan in the world is "Just Do It". It couldn't get any simpler. Easy to say. Easy to attach your own meaning to it. Very ambiguous. People love it. It is a true slogan.

Again, we already have a DoP. Why rehash it in the slogan? Seems like a waste of marketing potential.

Mind's Photo Mind 28 Jul 2006

People need to know we stand for something.

If they can't figure it out from the rest of the homepage and the DoP, then they are pretty dense people you are talking about Don.

Mind's Photo Mind 28 Jul 2006

Could you imagine if Nike slogan was

"Nike - We are a shoe company and we make the best shoes in the world".

Lame, lame, lame.

Our how about gatorade. Isn't their slogan "It's in you". I wonder why their marketing pros didn't go with "Gatorade - scientifically proven sports drinks for the world"? Because it sucks.

How about Budweiser's slogan: "True" (simple and ambiguous)

A slogan is more about attitiude and marketing.....not purely information.

Lazarus Long's Photo Lazarus Long 28 Jul 2006

Live long and Prosper Mind. :))

I happen to agree with you. A slogan is a contrived meme designed to infect not communicate.

It is supposed to encapsulate what we stand for but not necessarily explain everything we stand for. Basically it is a coment that is meant to become a cliché.

New Hampshire for example:

Live Free or Die

My personal construct:

Live to learn and learn to live.

All corny but consistent with for example the *Right to Lifers* that say:

Choose Life

I think we need something to grab attention like:

First Live and Never Die

These aren't suggestions as much as examples.

A slogan needs to be compact and concise, clear and definitely unambiguous IMHO. I cannot agree with Mind more about the role and function of the slogan.

quadclops's Photo quadclops 28 Jul 2006

Here's a couple:

[>] You are a terrible thing to waste!

[>] Immortality, git-r-done!

[>] No one dies with dignity

[>] Cause death sucks!

[>] For Radical Life Extension

[>] Deathist? Here's your sign!

[>] Promoting a long and healthy life

[>] What's your hurry?

[>] We value life

[>] Stay as loooooong as you like!

Some might be useful, some are just for fun. [tung]

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 28 Jul 2006

Short ones (in the "Just do it" vein):
Live Long.
Don't Die.
Choose Life.
We don't die.
Love Life.
Cherish Existence.
Taste life.
Pure passion.
Death thrashers.
Beat death.

Lazarus Long's Photo Lazarus Long 28 Jul 2006

Positive affirmations are always better than reactionary negatives.

We are here to affirm a positive idea about living not trash a negative about dying.

Stay focused on living, like First Life

To that extent most of the list you provide LF are on target but a few are off the mark and while passion is always a good idea when experienced it can (and frankly often should be) distracting.

FunkOdyssey's Photo FunkOdyssey 28 Jul 2006

Death -- Beat It Like It Owes You Money.


DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 28 Jul 2006

Mind, as someone whom has studied slogans for nearly two decades, I can tell you that the two you use as examples, "Just do it" and "It's in you", are non-obvious, and probably had to undergo many battles for approval. These sorts of slogans only become good (and obvious) after they've been around a while and sink deep into our minds.

Anyway, that said, my main reason for not liking "For Infinite Lifespans" is because it's too easy to write off as a wacky claim. We need a slogan that makes a more reasonable claim, and the best slogans are also simple and memorable.

doug123's Photo doug123 28 Jul 2006

I was just about to ask (swear on my life)..."Where's Dukenukem when we need him?"

Duke (Scott), I quoted you here (I think I've quoted you more than anyone in my entire posting history).


I kind of like these:

You are a terrible thing to waste!
Immortality, git-r-done!
No one dies with dignity
Cause death sucks!
For Radical Life Extension
Deathist? Here's your sign!
Promoting a long and healthy life
What's your hurry?
We value life
Stay as loooooong as you like!

Live Long.
Don't Die.
Choose Life.
We don't die.
Love Life.
Cherish Existence.
Taste life.
Pure passion.
Death thrashers.
Beat death.

You don't think any of these would work? Maybe a mix of them? Stir some more of your creative energy for us, bro!

Kalepha's Photo Kalepha 28 Jul 2006


/Earth trembles

doug123's Photo doug123 29 Jul 2006

Ok, here is a list of the slogans that have been suggested so far (in the order they were received):

for open-ended lifespans
For Extended Lifespans
For Infinite Lifespans
For unending life
For unending lives
Beating the shit out of aging
For life without limits
Life Without Limits
More Life
Join Us or Die
Immortality Institute - Advocacy and Research on the Attainment of Indefinite Lifespan
For Continuing Lifespans

Please make any additional suggestions very soon. We will be holding a full member vote on the slogan - whether to change or keep it the same (for infinite lifespans).

Dude, I need to get OUT of the habit of not reading every post before commenting. I started this topic today with quadclops comment (that's where I thought it started) and didn't notice that Mind is the one put it all together for us...

Mind: sorry about that if it seemed rude. I just clicked on the topic from outside the forum so it took me to this page...

I like Life Without Limits...I think it is T-shirtable even.

I've called Opales and left him a message...I hope he does not get angry at me for taking stuff out of a PM, but this is pretty funny I think:

PS: I have to admit you sounded a little different than I had imagined, I thought you might be a little hyperactive but you sounded all Californian laidback [lol]


doug123's Photo doug123 29 Jul 2006

If we took More Life! than we'd feel the wrath of Paul and Kitty forever.

doug123's Photo doug123 29 Jul 2006

Beating the shit out of aging! LOL.

A variation on "Join us or die" might be a good saying for a flyer on US college campuses...but not as our official slogan. It needs to be media friendly...Duke? Mind, Lazarus Long: what do you guys think?

doug123's Photo doug123 29 Jul 2006

Immortality Institute - Advocacy and Research on the Attainment of Indefinite Lifespan

If we are going to have a new flashy homepage with striking graphics why have such a mundane byline. Sure it is technically correct but no one will ever remember it. It doesn't fit on a t-shirt or coffee mug or roll off the tongue. It is not the best suggestion from a  marketing standpoint. To me it seems more like a mission statement than a "slogan".

:) I couldn't agree more.

Advocacy and Research on the Attainment of Indefinite Lifespan

is WAY too geeked out.

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 29 Jul 2006

Beating the shit out of aging!  LOL. 

I think I was a bit intoxicated when I suggested that one. It was, of course, not meant to be a serious suggestion, haha.

...or, was it. [sfty]

Lazarus Long's Photo Lazarus Long 29 Jul 2006

In the for what it's worth column I like the "Life without limits" motto too.

DJS's Photo DJS 29 Jul 2006

Sounds like a Tony Robbins infomercial. [sfty]

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 29 Jul 2006

Sounds like a Tony Robbins infomercial.  [sfty]

Hey, if only we could be so lucky to be pulling in the money that dude does.

opales's Photo opales 29 Jul 2006

Beating the shit out of aging

Man that completely cracked me up [lol]

I read it like 15 minutes ago and I still can't stop laughing

Centurion's Photo Centurion 29 Jul 2006

Aging is growing old (not suggesting that one its too corny) I'm pretty sure you all get the weak doubleentendre there.

For unrestricted lifespans

Longer lifespans through science

Longer living through science

Advocating the fight against aging

Waging the war on aging

Come with me if you want to live

The research is out there


Aging Must Die

Strapping peter pan to a table and probing him for answers

Immortality needs YOU!

Forever young

Centurion's Photo Centurion 29 Jul 2006

Promotional poster

Posted Image

Live Forever's Photo Live Forever 29 Jul 2006

Promotional poster

Posted Image

Nice. [thumb] I was a big fan of the X-Files.

DukeNukem's Photo DukeNukem 29 Jul 2006

Tossing one into the hat:

Don't let aging kill you.

Brainbox's Photo Brainbox 29 Jul 2006

"For healthy lifestyle to reach a long lifespan"

This could be a realistic approach that will not put off to many potential interested people. It also addresses the issue of self development opposing the couch potato lifestyle. IMO it's not just a matter of contributing to or waiting for new technologies to appear.
Edited by brainbox, 29 July 2006 - 03:55 PM.