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interviews and talking with attractive women?

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#31 luv2increase

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Posted 05 July 2007 - 10:04 PM

Am I the only woman who has guy friends? Sometime I'm more comfortable talking with guys, since women are sooo trying to impress one another. And, I listen to people [therapist, Joe the Bartender, LOL] for a living.  If you want a female 'just' friend, who is also an immortal, I (and others) are on this site. I've already made a few friends and enjoying the conversations. Email me.  Sincerely, Baerta

Why only 'just' a friend. I'd say that here is a place for you to find your soul mate baerta. I think the same beliefs about immortality is a strong foundation for a relationship.

#32 baertacgraff

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Posted 05 July 2007 - 10:25 PM

Why only 'just' a friend.  I'd say that here is a place for you to find your soul mate baerta.  I think the same beliefs about immortality is a strong foundation for a relationship.

LOL, thanks guy. That's why you and I are already friends, you're going to help me find him, LOL...., after I get my divorce. Good ole' S. Carolina law, LOL. Cool Baer

#33 EmbraceUnity

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Posted 06 July 2007 - 12:22 AM

That's why you and I are already friends, you're going to help me find him


Now do you see what I mean about the correlation between women friends and despair?

#34 baertacgraff

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Posted 06 July 2007 - 03:19 AM

It looks like I'm the only girl with the guts to be on this forum. Why is that? Hmm...

Oh, Progressive, don't disappoint me..., do behave, before I sick my protective 3 1/2 yr old on you.
LOL. Keep the humor guys, really. B

#35 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 06 July 2007 - 04:03 AM

Hah, that is funny, I was reading through this thread before I saw your posting! But come on--have common sense, please don't practice on unattractive girls, they have feelings.

Also, no one has mentioned finding a woman with the same interests such as searching literally millions (instead of 100 or so a night of bar hopping, or the smaller odds of your work or church).

It can be easier to talk to someone who has the same interests, education level--income even. Also, you can look at the pictures! I didn't but my picture on match.com, because I wanted to do the searching though ;) (so some good looking girls, probably don't put their pictures up because they don't want all the excess attention--so it can be worth contacting if the interests match, asking for a pic, then meeting live-time if you want)

#36 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 06 July 2007 - 04:04 AM

oh, and baertacgraff, if you are going to search for a man--I'd love to schedule at least 45 minutes to talk on the phone with you--giving tips and all, especially as I had to find a hot guy, responsible, smart--and the world's best dad for my kids--whole different angle if you are searching! but possible!

#37 Ghostrider

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Posted 06 July 2007 - 04:47 AM

I never actually paid for a dating site, but looking through the free ones like craigslist leaves a lot to be desired. The problem is that there is no "convenient" way to start a relationship. The type of women who match my interests do not "offer" themselves online. I have to go to the dirty part of town to find what I want. j/k I am impressed though, we now have at least 3 women who regularly visit this forum. At this rate, who needs a "dating" website :-)

#38 eternaltraveler

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Posted 06 July 2007 - 04:52 AM

Also, no one has mentioned finding a woman with the same interests such as searching literally millions (instead of 100 or so a night of bar hopping, or the smaller odds of your work or church).

Indeed. High throughput selection methods are preferred.

If you think a woman is attractive and you want to know more. Talk to her. Whats the problem? If she gives you the cold shoulder, move along. No harm done.

finding women is easy. There are more than 3 billion. That means you can fail 299,999,999 times and still succeed. In practice it really can't take more than a few hundred misses before you get one hit. Nothing to worry about. This can easily be done in one day.

#39 baertacgraff

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Posted 06 July 2007 - 03:13 PM

Right on Elrond.

Wing_girl, love ya', am looking, but with current situ', 'just' friends for a good while. We'll tawk dawling, LOL! And, the kid immortality books arrived yesterday, thank you sooooo much!!!

Chris h, and all, stay open to the terrific possibilities, and have a great weekend!!!! : ) Baerta

#40 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 06 July 2007 - 03:53 PM

Dude--Ghostrider--you find a woman who falls in love with you--you get to play act all kinds of scenarios to your heart's content ;) Match is cheap, do the six month thing... it is the investment of time that is harder, but gives the payoff. Some women have higher sex drives than men too--I def. have that problem...

Chris_h you are young, no? Plenty of time! (it is worth waiting to find a life partner--marrying in your thirties even gives you more than half your current expected life span with your loving mate)

Baerta--let me know what you think about the book! And we can still chat sometime--are you a cryonics member? Just wondering if you know the people with one of the groups...

#41 maestro949

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Posted 06 July 2007 - 04:29 PM

Chris_h you are young, no? Plenty of time!  (it is worth waiting to find a life partner--marrying in your thirties even gives you more than half your current expected life span with your loving mate)

True. Choose carefully if you're looking for a lifelong partner as you want them to be a longlife partner!. Over 1/2 of American women live alone for various reasons. This is an increasing global trend. Going through a messy divorce can be costly in many ways. Getting laid should be the last thing on your mind - well behind career motivation, physical and mental health, intelligence, common goals and compatibility.

#42 Ghostrider

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Posted 07 July 2007 - 08:06 AM

And this thread brings up some of the reasons as to why I need a longer lifespan. Wing_girl, this is the hard part: "you find a woman who falls in love with you", not the rest of what you said. I think this topic of how to meet women has come up before. My point there and here is that there is no defined protocol for expressing your attraction "take it or leave it" to woman that is socially acceptable. Case in point, I go to this $6 a plate (rip-off mexican place) fast food restaurant, order my lunch, go outside (it's a nice day and inside seating is packed), I see this cute girl sitting by herself eating lunch under an umbrella alone. The 2 or 3 other tables w/ umbrellas were taken and the outside seating area was mostly vacant. It was a bright and sunny day and due to my pale complexion, I kinda had or thought I might have had a legitimate reason to ask if I could sit with her. But if I were her, I would think that would be either a tad bit weird, desperate, or awkward (she could have had a boyfriend she was waiting for, might have been waiting for other co-workers, who knows). Problem is that there is no way you can express your interest in a woman and then see if she is somehow interested in you. Anyway, point is that it is impossible to intentionally start a relationship. They are almost all initiated by random chance. Have I hi-jacked this thread yet or do I need to keep trying?

Edited by Ghostrider, 07 July 2007 - 08:16 AM.

#43 trevyn

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Posted 07 July 2007 - 09:06 PM

But if I were her

But you're not. Leave it up to her how she interprets your arrival. Some girls will welcome any random conversation. Some will find you sitting down awkward or weird. You won't know until you try. Absolute worst case, you can just say "Sorry for interrupting your lunch. Have a great day." and go take another seat.

How would you react if you were eating lunch alone and a cute girl came along and struck up conversation?

My girlfriend would spank me for this, but I think there's also a certain element of gender roles at play here. Girls get hit on all the time, so it's not really weird to them, even if they're already seeing someone or otherwise not interested. It's just how it's done. If they're not receptive, you'll know, and no harm done.

#44 eternaltraveler

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Posted 07 July 2007 - 10:40 PM

I kinda had or thought I might have had a legitimate reason to ask if I could sit with her. But if I were her, I would think that would be either a tad bit weird, desperate, or awkward (she could have had a boyfriend she was waiting for, might have been waiting for other co-workers, who knows). Problem is that there is no way you can express your interest in a woman and then see if she is somehow interested in you. Anyway, point is that it is impossible to intentionally start a relationship.


who cares if she thinks it's weird. Doesn't mean it wouldn't work. There are very very very very easy ways to express your interest. Why do people obsess so much about how they are perceived by others?

#45 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 07 July 2007 - 11:30 PM

Tryvin that is true! (that girls are used to getting hit on in our culture) If I have a guy hit on me at church, or while I'm out shopping or anywhere-I tell my husband because A. I think it is cute and B. It makes me feel attractive. I rarely think a guy is weird, unless he keeps being obsessed say after knowing I am married and such. (at a party last week, my husband was in the front yard talking with friends of his from when he worked at Apple, I went in the house to get a beer and a totally cute guy from Holland hit on me--I could see the polite interest take over after mentioning my three kids, that I'm a cryonicist, my book etc. ;) very fun, guys are cute! )

I think we are wired to fall in love, for all the long term survival benefits--so I don't think it is that hard to get a girl to 'fall in love with you'. The same outlook to long term commitment needs to be there (according to experts) and then secondly some general interests. I've read so many books on what makes marriage work (especially while my first was falling apart) that I set apart searching for a man to marry in a much more realistic manner. You just have to be honest. I liked that about match.com, the sheer numbers that the system can search through for you--then you can quickly ascertain on your own the core beliefs, life-histories, outlooks of a person, easily.

#46 Ghostrider

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Posted 08 July 2007 - 03:34 AM

Why do people obsess so much about how they are perceived by others?

Cause if I am wrong and I end up hitting on a cute 22-year old who really ends up being a 17-year old, I could kinda care about how I am perceived. No seriously, it probably has something to do with a lack of social confidence. The topic of this thread.

wing_girl, did you actually use match.com to find your husband? Did it work?

#47 nootropicpete

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Posted 11 July 2007 - 01:12 PM

stop with the labeling, "social anxiety disorder" the fact is, when you go to do your interview you have to think highly of yourself and answer his questions based on your true or at least somewhat true abilities. Or you just have to have the courage and self-love to straight out lie when needed. If you know you can't talk interesting then don't think that you can do it under pressure. Doing good on tests under pressure and talking under pressure are two different things. If you can't talk persuadingly, then talk like you are a serious, committed, hard working person.

#48 FunkOdyssey

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Posted 11 July 2007 - 01:41 PM

Indeed. High throughput selection methods are preferred.

If you think a woman is attractive and you want to know more. Talk to her. Whats the problem? If she gives you the cold shoulder, move along. No harm done.

finding women is easy. There are more than 3 billion. That means you can fail 299,999,999 times and still succeed. In practice it really can't take more than a few hundred misses before you get one hit. Nothing to worry about. This can easily be done in one day.

This is my philosophy as well -- its all about sheer numbers and playing the odds. Guys that have a rough time dating usually don't cast a very broad net. They develop unproductive crushes on one or two girls from work or school, rather than getting out there and talking to the hundreds they need to find a decent match. I would use every avenue available to you to meet women, parties, mutual friends, bars, church, grocery store, online dating sites -- leave no stone unturned. I ended up meeting my fiancee on hotornot.com -- of all places, one of the least likely to produce a serious relationship (or so I thought).

Use every resource at your disposal, learn not to take rejection personally, and crank out some numbers. You'll develop the skills you need along the way, becoming better at selling yourself, better at dealing with women, and better at relationships after each one. There is no chemical or mental replacement for having a TON of experience.

#49 nootropicpete

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Posted 11 July 2007 - 02:10 PM

Indeed. High throughput selection methods are preferred.

If you think a woman is attractive and you want to know more. Talk to her. Whats the problem? If she gives you the cold shoulder, move along. No harm done.

finding women is easy. There are more than 3 billion. That means you can fail 299,999,999 times and still succeed. In practice it really can't take more than a few hundred misses before you get one hit. Nothing to worry about. This can easily be done in one day.

This is my philosophy as well -- its all about sheer numbers and playing the odds. Guys that have a rough time dating usually don't cast a very broad net. They develop unproductive crushes on one or two girls from work or school, rather than getting out there and talking to the hundreds they need to find a decent match. I would use every avenue available to you to meet women, parties, mutual friends, bars, church, grocery store, online dating sites -- leave no stone unturned. I ended up meeting my fiancee on hotornot.com -- of all places, one of the least likely to produce a serious relationship (or so I thought).

Use every resource at your disposal, learn not to take rejection personally, and crank out some numbers. You'll develop the skills you need along the way, becoming better at selling yourself, better at dealing with women, and better at relationships after each one. There is no chemical or mental replacement for having a TON of experience.


#50 nefastor

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Posted 23 September 2007 - 08:48 PM

I know some perform poorly in physical or academic tests due to pressure, but this seems unnatural to me (what is the evolutionary advantage?).

Last year I had my first important interview, and I was surprised when I performed poorly.  It seems that pressure and nervousness decrease my interview performance.  I cannot understand why my body does not react properly in this situation.

I have found that talking to pretty women is equivalent to a job interview in that nervousness only decreases my performance.

Let me assure you, you are a perfectly normal egghead. As a professional rocket scientist I'm welcoming you to the club.

You suffer from the side-effects of typical social brainwashing. As do I. Let me explain how and why it works :

Like all brilliant people (I assume you are brilliant because of the way you describe your behavior during exams. Also, you're here) you always attack a personal challenge knowing exactly your strengths and weaknesses. You walk into an exam room knowing you have what it takes to "win", and therefore you have little to no anxiety. Your bowels keep quiet, even if the stakes are high.

But in all your education, there has never been such a thing as an interview. Moreover, interviews are conducted by people who will not only judge you, but, and you know this for a fact, are paid to do so. Which you (wrongly) assumes makes them superior to you. And suddenly you realize you're facing a challenge for which you are unprepared.

Your reaction at that point (such as intense bowel movements and sweaty palms) is totally uncontrollable. Your conscious mind doesn't enter into it. IT IS NOT A DISORDER OF ANY KIND : social disorder is an invention of sleazy pharmaceuticals to sell people cures for breathing and being thirsty. It's all a big scam.

What you experience in an interview is NOTHING MORE THAN YOUR SURVIVAL INSTINCT AT WORK.

You are in what's known as a fight-or-flee situation, where victory is uncertain and you do not have to option to flee. You only need to realize that your life is not at stake.

But you can't. No one can. People who walk into their first interview totally relaxed are simply too stupid to realize where they are. And being brilliant, you fully realize where you are, and the implications.

I've been there myself, and back then I actually knew what I'm telling you now. Didn't help me. But I still got hired on my first interview. With experience (as an engineering consultant I have gone through dozens of high-stakes interviews and meetings and reports) you will become comfortable, YOU CAN BE ASSURED OF THAT. There's no magic pill, there's no money to spend on anything. Only practice will help.

I used the words "social brainwashing". I was referring to the media. You have been shown thousands of time how interviewers, or bosses, or policemen, or journalists have the bigger guns in an interview, thus when you find yourself interviewed, you "know" you're in a position of weakness. That sort of brainwashing can only be erased by "brain cleaning" : go through interviews as often as possible, so your subconscious will grow accustomed to the fact that you don't need to feel threatened. That's how it all works.

Same goes with the ladies.

By the way, I find the idea of a "practice girl" absolutely insulting towards women. Would you really like a boss to interview you "for practice" when all he really thinks about is to hire someone (he perceives as) better than you ? Feck that !

Plus, it is counter-productive : if you're afraid of beautiful women, you'll still be afraid of them after going out with women you're not afraid of. You can't get used to swimming with sharks by swimming with goldfish.

You must go the opposite way : ask the most beautiful woman around you, right now, if she'd like to go take a walk with you, maybe have coffee, talk a little. It'll twist your intestines... the first few times. Eventually your subconscious will realize you are NOT dealing with Darth Vader, but with a human who can probably enjoy your company (especially if you're actually brilliant and have bathed at least once in the last ten days).

It's the same as with interviews : you've got to get rid of media-induced brainwashing such as "cheerleaders only date quarterbacks". Use IMDB and Google to look-up famous movie stars (the ones you find sexy). You'll realize most are married to average gals or blokes. Even Julia Roberts is married to a perfectly average-looking cameraman with whom she's had 3 kids... and we're talking about a woman paid 25 million dollars a movie just for her looks !

I'm assuming you're smart and you don't look like Frankenstein. You have your chances with any available lady who doesn't hate your particular complexion or guts or size or age differential towards her. You shouldn't have any problem. JUST PRACTICE, get shot down a few times, learn the do's and don'ts... it doesn't take a genius. People have been doing it for millennia.

If all else fails, there's this "Pick-Up Artist" reality show going on (on VH1) that you might want to watch. It's a bit over the top but it all boils down to similar advice. You can even apply that stuff to making friends and finding work.

And by the way, any girl who doesn't know you that you'll start talking to will immediately know what you're after. So if she doesn't blow you away right away (i.e. with a "I need to go back to work" or "you're cute, but I'm taken"), it means she's at least a bit interested in doing the dirty with you. She'll let you get away with being less than perfect... because she's just as self-aware as you are and hopes YOU will let her get away with being less than perfect. She too is brainwashed by the media and believes she's not sexy if she can't attract a man and keep him around as long as she wants.

I'm sure you would eventually understand that on your own. Almost everyone does (otherwise there wouldn't be 6 billion of us). But I like saving people time.


#51 Shepard

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Posted 23 September 2007 - 08:57 PM

If all else fails, there's this "Pick-Up Artist" reality show going on (on VH1) that you might want to watch. It's a bit over the top but it all boils down to similar advice.

And it's possibly the most painful thing I've ever seen on television. I have a lot of issues with the pick-up community, and that show is the worst example of it. I think there is some worth in reading the original recommended books from those guys, but don't get any real connection with that community.

#52 nefastor

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Posted 23 September 2007 - 11:09 PM

I wasn't suggesting you apply any and everything shown on that show, my friend. All I'm saying is, women are not fire-breathing dragons on amphetamines ready to blast you to shreds if you so much as talk to them.

There used to be a time when fathers had time to tell their sons all about women long before anyone could interfere, so there was no problem, but today, TV and tabloids take care of that first, and give kids false ideas that handicap them when they finally confront the reality of women, or interviews. It's just lucky that the damage is reversible, but it is annoying that reversing it is not as painless as watching TV.

In fact the only way that I know works is to engage women in conversation. Preferably perfect strangers, so there's no comfortable topic you can readily fall back on (like work or shared friends). In that sense, some of the least aggressive things detailed in the "pick-up artist" can actually help.

You don't need pick-up lines or fake stories : I believe anyone older than 18 has at least a few interesting things to say about himself.

The show didn't exist when I was young, so my own deprogramming method was simply to say hi to strangers, anywhere, and offer to treat them to coffee. Works about half the time if you have enough sense to go after tourists and women who aren't obviously busy (i.e. running around with a Bluetooth earpiece stuck in each ear typing on a Blueberry)

Yeah, and personally, I live in France, where absolutely no one dresses as ridiculously as the "master pick-up artists". But then again, Frenchmen don't need that sort of thing :D

Actually I'm not too sure what you mean by the "pick-up community" : are we talking about the 3 billion men on this planet, or just about those who dress up like it's carnival and use cheesy lines and fake stories to get women to talk to them ?

Oh and the "technical vocabulary" is just hilarious, speaking as a programmer. NEG's... IOI's... I'm wondering if there's a NOP in there, 'cause some of the dudes on this show seem to do a lot of that :D


#53 Shepard

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Posted 23 September 2007 - 11:28 PM

I wasn't suggesting you apply any and everything shown on that show, my friend.

My comment wasn't to you, directly. I was talking about the show, in general, and if any poor soul was blinded by the promise of becoming sexually attractive in true PUA-style.

Actually I'm not too sure what you mean by the "pick-up community" : are we talking about the 3 billion men on this planet, or just about those who dress up like it's carnival and use cheesy lines and fake stories to get women to talk to them ?

Yeah, I'm mostly talking about the ever-growing community of guys that regurgitate the same stories, tricks, and methods used by others with the hopes of disguising their flaws and appearing attractive.

#54 nefastor

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Posted 23 September 2007 - 11:29 PM

Choose carefully if you're looking for a lifelong partner as you want them to be a longlife partner! (...)  Getting laid should be the last thing on your mind - well behind career motivation, physical and mental health, intelligence, common goals and compatibility.

I beg to differ. If the sex isn't good, a man and a woman will not stay together. They MAY, out of convenience, stay married, but you can be sure they'll both be sleeping out on each other and be miserable. This is a common cause of divorce even if people are too ashamed to talk about sex (I wonder whose fault that is...) to admit it.

Marriage and life-long partners aren't in our genes. Men trying to sleep with as many women as possible, and women looking for the best conditions to make children, is what our DNA is written for. Almost all the problems with marriage come from the fact that people delude themselves into thinking that isn't true.

In fact, France is doing something about the problems you've mentioned with marriage (such as costly divorce) : we now have something called "PACS", a contract between a man and woman that allows them to benefit from all the social advantages of being married (such as tax cuts) without being married. A PACS can be time-based, think of it as an automatic divorce, and you can renew your PACS or convert it into a marriage. There is no question of alimony or sharing property in the case of separation.

By the way same-sex PACS are legal. Maybe we should bring this into the USA so Bush can stop whining about the gays and "sanctity of marriage" [tung] We still need to make improvements though : a PACS can only be between two people, no more ;)

That way, people can "try" being married until they consider themselves ready for the real thing. If ever. There's obviously no reason why people who love each other shouldn't stay "PACS'ed" (it is now a French verb) until death do them part. The only requirement for a PACS is that the two people live under the same roof when the PACS is established (what they do after that is only their business).

Obviously, the Church isn't involved [wis]


#55 Shannon Vyff

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Posted 24 September 2007 - 03:47 AM

Men do get benefits from marriage, health and financial stability. I take contention with the view that it is only our genes, causing men to want to sleep around. Not all men are like that, not all women are into 'security'. There is a case to be made for the fact that we have some evolutionary derived monogamous physical traits, that we have sex for the bonding.

I am in complete agreement with divorce being less costly, the PACS system sounds good.

#56 Ghostrider

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Posted 24 September 2007 - 06:56 AM

Nah, if I found the perfect woman, I could definitely be monogamous. But the match would have to be pretty near perfect, which could happen. Reproduction is certainly in our genes, however, not everything in our genes is good. Death or the lack of defenses related to the causes of death are in our genes.

#57 nefastor

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Posted 24 September 2007 - 01:56 PM

Men do get benefits from marriage, health and financial stability.  I take contention with the view that it is only our genes, causing men to want to sleep around.  Not all men are like that, not all women are into 'security'.  There is a case to be made for the fact that we have some evolutionary derived monogamous physical traits, that we have sex for the bonding.   

I am in complete agreement with divorce being less costly, the PACS system sounds good.

I would definitely like you to make the case for evolutionary derived monogamous physical traits, because I've never heard anyone even try to suggest there are, and I can't even imagine what they are.

Your view is quite romantic, and I don't mean that in a bad way at all : like all my people, I'm big into romanticism. "Roman" (the French word for novel) even is the initial, Middle-Age name of the French language.

However, evolution only works because men actively try to mate with lots of partners and women actively try to raise their kids as best as possible. All other behaviors are artificial, the result of our own cultures and delusions (especially religion).

Do you know what my theory is, about the Christian rules of marriage and procreation ? That religion was invented by a bunch of geeks who weren't very attractive to the women of their time, but were quite good at scaring the sh*t out of everyone when it came to telling stories around the camp fire. So they decided if they couldn't get any, no one should, or at least it should be a lot of pain for everybody, not just them.

That would explain things like monogamy, and stupid rules like not having sex except for procreation, and not having sex outside marriage. Also, sexy red-head women being tortured as "witches" by people who also liked to burn books and extort "confessions" through torture.

Because there's nothing that physically limits humans from having any number of partners at any time. Ask porn actors. As for emotions like love, I believe it's insulting for anyone to suggest every human on Earth only has room for one person in his heart. I love eating cake very much, and I love eating pasta too. You couldn't force me to decide which I like best... so why would you suggest I can't love two different women at the same time ? I mean, besides jealousy.

As for the benefits of marriage that you mention, I don't see them. It's a known fact married couples have, on average, less sex than unmarried couples, for many reasons, however it's also a known fact that, for men, having sex more than once a week clears the prostate of seminal fluid that, after a few days, breaks down inside the body and can cause prostate cancer. Financially, I'm single and dating, and I'm doing OK. I don't get the tax cuts I would have if I were living with my girlfriend, but since we only see each other for the good times, we won't get tired of each other anytime soon and I won't have to go through a costly divorce. It's a very good trade-off in my book. And these, by the way, are the reasons why so many people are single these days. Because we are all starting to realize marriage isn't something to be taken lightly, and that it has nothing to do with love, but can certainly kill it.

You are right, not all men want to hump anything that moves and has boobs (hello Pope Benedict), and not every woman is paranoid about raising their kids in the safest possible way (hello, Britney). Some men are simply too busy in their life to spend time clubbing and dating (like yours truly), or want to build a family. Some women don't feel like spending their entire life caring for kids and grandkids and great-grandkids, they'd rather enjoy life to the fullest. These are understandable behaviors, but they aren't evolutionary derived behaviors, they are lifestyle choices that only our intelligence, our mind, is responsible for.

That's just one more illustration of how our own mind can lead us into behaving against our own survival and that of our species. Like a soldier throwing himself onto a grenade to save his friends. Like a fireman risking to be burned alive to save someone else's progeny. All admirable behaviors, but not "natural" behaviors.

I would like to recommend you watch the movie "Idiocracy". If only the first five minutes. It will give you food for thought and make you laugh in the process. Doesn't hurt that it's a very good movie with a great cast.

That said, I can't deny the romantic appeal of a man and woman belonging entirely to each other. As I can't deny the romantic appeal of a house that crumbles to dust as soon as its owner passes away. But these are symbols, not things that happen in real life, except by chance, once in a great while.


#58 tommybananas

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 05:42 PM

You could try a self hypnosis tape to boost your confidence - I'm looking at one now because I've got an interview and presentation in a couple of weeks, and they aren't my strong point; Paul McKenna is a famous hypnotist in the Uk, and he does one called Supreme Confidence (http://www.amazon.co...a/dp/B00002MVA0)

When it comes to speaking to women I think you just need to practice - I used to just force myself to go up to women and chat to them in bars, after the first couple of rejections I got more used to it and gave less of a sh1t, so I'd go up and just start joking around with them - and it seemed to work, sometimes they'd laugh,either way they thought I was confident.


#59 Ghostrider

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 07:54 PM

I have not actually done this, but maybe one of the better ways to get more comfortable talking with women is to start flirting with girls your age at the typical places. Maybe start with the ones who are less attractive and work your way up as you gain confidence. Just go to your local Office Depot or bookstore, find a cute girl, walk up to her and say, "Oh, you have an HP color inkjet printer? How did you figure out what replacement inkjet cartridge you needed?...Then, if the response is anything other than "f*** off" or "leave me alone", try extending the conversation in any way possible, if she still speaks with you, ask her to head next door to the Starbucks for some coffee. I think that would work and you risk nothing. If you are really worried about how you would appear, try it next time you are away from home. I do not think you would be using anyone in this case, because you have not indicated any intentions. You are just building your confidence and also the confidence of the girl you are talking with. I think this might be a good idea, but like I said, I have not actually tired it before.

#60 stayin_alive

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 08:39 PM

When harry meet sally defines it all. Men don't have chick friends (unless they are gay.) It's all a lie. Well, unless of course, you redefine friends.

I mean, there ain't a lady i've been around that I haven't imagined "how would she be in the sack." Although that doesn't mean I can't be friendly with them. I imagine, while not appearing to, I wonder does she scream? does she scratch my back, does she do something that makes me drop to my knees... I mean, just because I think regularly like that doesn't mean I put the move on all of even most. So outwordly it appears friendly, but, it's always a potential in my mind, given the right circumstance, or the go-ahead, I'd find out how sex was with a given female.

I'm more attracted to one's sexual aire rather than looks. Looks can be good, but the chick who got me going the most was not much more than a 5 on a 10 scale, but damn, I just couldn't get enough of that, and I didn't really care for her as a person.

But you need fire in a relationship and for me, looks is just not that big of an issue. On the other hand, I won't go out of my way to meet "unattactive" chicks, but if in passing we happen to say a few words and I feel something erotic, I'm jumping ...

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