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THEFIRSTIMMORTAL Lifetime member given 6 months to live

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#211 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:15 AM

The average American diet yields 106 mcg/day, so most people would need less than 200 mcg.

Since you don't have time to titrate yourself, use my result as a guide. Add up your dietary selenium and supplement enough to bring your total intake to no more than 237 mcg/day.

Missminni pointed out to me a few moments ago that my diet has many items that tend to be high in selenium.

The current reanalysis indicates that selenium supplementation did not significantly decrease lung cancer incidence in the full population, but a significant decrease among individuals with low baseline selenium concentrations was observed.

OK Krillin, I’m convinced based on two solid reasons to pay a little more attention to these concerns. One, your clearly up on the science of this, two, I’m not convinced that it would be wise for me to get too argumentative with someone with a an avatar such as yours with the name Krillin. :)

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#212 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 02:36 AM


I understand that your doctor mentioned you may not make it to November, but we know you will be celebrating New years without a problem. Do you have an appointment date set with the doc soon?


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#213 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 04:10 AM


I understand that your doctor mentioned you may not make it to November, but we know you will be celebrating New years without a problem. Do you have an appointment date set with the doc soon?


Yes Anthony, I have one this Thursday for chemo and to see him. If we were to get all technical, my official prognosis would be 6-8 months from Feb 11, so August 11th to October 11th. I'm fairly confident about passing that barrier, but I have to be perfectly honest with you, the weekend of the Fourth of July I was very nervous about it. Clearly I was right on schedule. If it were not for everyone here coming together to put together this war chest of vitamins and supplements, the 15g of res and all the other help here, I would have clearly dropped between those dates.

#214 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 08:53 PM

Lunarsolarpower post 121

Obviously this may not be the only reason behind the lack of momentum seen in this case but at present I'm a bit confused what is expected of the rank-and-file member who would like to make a contribution? William has indicated that he does not prefer to receive direct cash contributions. Is there a process that could be initiated by ImmInst leadership to create a fund that could be conveniently donated to via paypal…

Hi Lunarsolarpower,
On the issue of paypal, it’s been brought up several times, in several different threads. It’s been discussed several times in exchanges between myself and individuals who are also in leadership. The organization is well aware of the issue. Laz has posted about it in my Thread about the treasure chest request, so in all fairness, I have to respond to that I guess before I go much further in discussing this.

But for now, let me say this, let’s not count on the organization to get involved, we don’t have the luxury of time waiting for the organization to do anything. Individuals who happen to also be leaders have been very active in the fight, but the organization itself is moving at the speed of government while we need to move at the speed of the free market.

I don’t want funds directly sent to me for various reasons, but the main reason is that I want to remove all doubt about what happens to someone’s contribution. They should know what it has been spent on with absolutely no questions. You see people wanting to send contributions but not having a place to do so. And we are having slight problems coordinating orders, that paypay would help resolve.

We need someone who fits this profile, someone well known and trusted by everyone here, someone who is willing to set up a paypal account, place orders, and post each and every contribution and each and every order as to how the money was spent. The only thing we lose by doing it this way is the tax deduction. That really is the only benefit we lose by having an individual do this as opposed the organization.

Any ideas Anyone?

Edited by thefirstimmortal, 06 August 2008 - 09:26 PM.

#215 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 09:36 PM

Shannon post 138

Some directors are willing to donate from their treasurer's chest for William's supplements. I don't have a treasurer's chest, as the chair, or I would have already.
I thank missminni, anthony loera, maxwatt and others who have stepped up to be leadership here, we need you-we all are volunteers who care passionately about ending aging. I support the initiatives you've started here, as well as William's fight for life. He is asking cryonicists to donate to the Venturist compassionate care fund set up for him (info in the link put up by lunersolarpower), and for the ImmInst community to donate the supplements to battle the cancer now. William can provide a lot of information to our community, through his records, his current supplementation and progress. It is a wonderful opportunity for our community to help a willing person stricken with cancer, to fight it with some of the supplements that are currently seen as possibilities in the treatment of cancer but are not fully tested.
I encourage you to attend the director's meeting this Wednesday. Or, to let your suggestions be known within the director's meeting thread:

This is a wonderful idea for anyone wishing to ask questions about or comment about what the organization is doing or planning to do. This is something everyone can do to get involved and help. I don’t have time to find out right now why my sound doesn’t work, so I won’t be attending the next meeting, but if someone could update the link to the next meeting, and if a whole bunch of you could go there and have a nice friendly session, you know, chat the directors up on the subject. If you guys decide to go, let me know, and fill me in on what was said and what was discussed.

I’m 100% behind Shannon on this, please everyone, attend the next director’s meeting. ;)

#216 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 10:21 PM

Maxwatt Post #145

How much should you take? As much as you can tolerate. We have seen papers discussed in this forum indicating that past a certain dosage, the concentration both peak and AUC do not increase. This would indicate a rate-limiting transport mechanism. My recollection is that the peak efficiency of delivery seemed to occur at around one gram, but to fall off slowly. I think five or 6 grams in one dose is the maximum dose that would show increased blood levels. However, it could administered twice or even three times a day to result in higher sustained levels. So 15 grams a day in three divided doses is a possibility, as long as there are no intolerable side effects.

I know it’s taking me a little while to get to your post, sorry Maxwatt.

Are we locked in at 15g three times a day? It really seems to be a good dose for me. I just start to get a laxative effect at that dose, and that didn’t last long. It’s an easy dose to manage. The jury is still out on some of the effects, like appetite suppression and general feeling of well-being, but the evidence is starting to support it. Aside from maybe having to back off the dose temporarily if my weight dips to 122, are we holding strong on the current dosing routine? I rather favor this dose.

#217 maxwatt

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Posted 06 August 2008 - 11:22 PM

Maxwatt Post #145

How much should you take? As much as you can tolerate. We have seen papers discussed in this forum indicating that past a certain dosage, the concentration both peak and AUC do not increase. This would indicate a rate-limiting transport mechanism. My recollection is that the peak efficiency of delivery seemed to occur at around one gram, but to fall off slowly. I think five or 6 grams in one dose is the maximum dose that would show increased blood levels. However, it could administered twice or even three times a day to result in higher sustained levels. So 15 grams a day in three divided doses is a possibility, as long as there are no intolerable side effects.

I know it’s taking me a little while to get to your post, sorry Maxwatt.

Are we locked in at 15g three times a day? It really seems to be a good dose for me. I just start to get a laxative effect at that dose, and that didn’t last long. It’s an easy dose to manage. The jury is still out on some of the effects, like appetite suppression and general feeling of well-being, but the evidence is starting to support it. Aside from maybe having to back off the dose temporarily if my weight dips to 122, are we holding strong on the current dosing routine? I rather favor this dose.

Divided dose means 5 grams three times a day. I cannot tell you what you must do, it's unexplored territory. Short term, I expect no toxicity. In rats, toxicity tests at a dose whose human equivalent is open to question, rats developed kidney lesions. We guess or estimate this dose to be 15 gm a day in humans based on relative body size and metabolic rate, but humans are about three times as efficient at conjugating resveratrol as rats. So maybe 15 grams times three is OK. The rats lesions went away when the dose was lowered. I don't know what symptoms to look for in a human, but I think excessive thirst might be one.

If I were in your place, I would be taking five grams three times a day, but I'm not in your situation. You may be the best judge. I am sorry I do not have definite answers.

#218 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 07 August 2008 - 01:14 AM

Hmm... You are taking 15 grams 3x a day?

If it seems like a good dose for you, then continue with this choice. I presume you are taking what missminni did with her dogs, and trying to increase the dose for a human.

My understanding was that toxicity in Animals was found when they were given 1 gram per kilogram of body weight[1]. So I wouldn't suggest going over this limit. Even if you are presently taking 15 g 3x a day... you are still under this limit according to the study.


[1] Crowell, J. A., Korytko, P. J., Morrissey, R. L., Booth, T. D. & Levine, B. S. Resveratrol-associated renal toxicity. Toxicol. Sci. 82, 614–619 (2004).

#219 jCole

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Posted 07 August 2008 - 03:32 PM

TFI, you notice any other effects yet, in terms of feeling better or energy levels?

#220 JLL

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Posted 07 August 2008 - 05:38 PM

Do you think the supplements and ideas on this topic would work for brain tumors as well? An acquiantance of mine just got diagnosed with one.

#221 Mind

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Posted 07 August 2008 - 05:44 PM

Do you think the supplements and ideas on this topic would work for brain tumors as well? An acquiantance of mine just got diagnosed with one.

Most herbal supplement treatment of cancer is highly speculative and experimental. Until long-term double placebo studies and more safety studies are done, no one can say for sure whether resveratrol or other alternative therapies will do any good. That being said, I hope it works for thefirstimmortal.

#222 missminni

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Posted 07 August 2008 - 06:06 PM

Do you think the supplements and ideas on this topic would work for brain tumors as well? An acquiantance of mine just got diagnosed with one.

If it were me, I would absolutely use them. But I know a nurse who has breast cancer and we've told
her about resveratrol and various other effective supplements, but she is so indoctrinated by her training she's afraid to try it.
Yet she had a two radical breast mastectomies, and chemo where she lost all her hair. Go figure. I'd be more afraid of conventional
treatments. There's lots of clinical evidence for Resveratrol suppressing cancer. Then there's my dog Minni. She was cured by resveratrol.

#223 tom a

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Posted 07 August 2008 - 07:13 PM

Do you think the supplements and ideas on this topic would work for brain tumors as well? An acquiantance of mine just got diagnosed with one.

My general reaction to this sort of question would be to try resv for a case like this.

Using resv in such cases seems reasonable to me because:

1. There are no known toxic side effects of resv use at the typically suggested dosages
2. It can readily be used along with other standard treatments (it's very important that it doesn't interfere with standard treatments for all kinds of reasons)
3. It's not really very expensive for most people, all things considered
4. It shows promise of a payoff in terms of treatment, even though the evidence is quite incomplete

In short, it has potential upside with very limited downside. The worst case would seem to be that it was ineffective, and the patient might be out a few hundred dollars. And of course the best case would be that it has a very real positive effect treating the cancer.

It wouldn't be hard to justify using resv in most cases of cancer -- and when it comes to cases where the prognosis otherwise is quite grim, it's hard to see a good argument not to try it.

#224 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 06:10 AM

Divided dose means 5 grams three times a day. I cannot tell you what you must do, it's unexplored territory. Short term, I expect no toxicity. In rats, toxicity tests at a dose whose human equivalent is open to question, rats developed kidney lesions. We guess or estimate this dose to be 15 gm a day in humans based on relative body size and metabolic rate, but humans are about three times as efficient at conjugating resveratrol as rats. So maybe 15 grams times three is OK. The rats lesions went away when the dose was lowered. I don't know what symptoms to look for in a human, but I think excessive thirst might be one.

If I were in your place, I would be taking five grams three times a day, but I'm not in your situation. You may be the best judge. I am sorry I do not have definite answers.

That's what I'm currently doing. 1 tablespoon in green tea 3 times daily, equaling 15g. I got that right don't I, 1 tablespoon = 5g. I've noted no increase in thirst.

#225 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 06:18 AM

Hmm... You are taking 15 grams 3x a day?

No, 15g total, I thought that was the recommended dose we talked about and settled with as a good dose.

If it seems like a good dose for you, then continue with this choice. I presume you are taking what missminni did with her dogs, and trying to increase the dose for a human.

No, (and correct me if I am wrong Maxwatt), but if I recall, it was Maxwatt that recommended a starting dose of 10g and when I reported no laxative effect, a recommendation of 15g was forwarded.

My understanding was that toxicity in Animals was found when they were given 1 gram per kilogram of body weight[1]. So I wouldn't suggest going over this limit. Even if you are presently taking 15 g 3x a day... you are still under this limit according to the study.

15g total is relatively safe, yes?

Bill O’Rights

#226 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 06:35 AM

TFI, you notice any other effects yet, in terms of feeling better or energy levels?

Well jCole, I have, however I have been real reluctant to attribute the whole general feeling of well being and feeling like I have great energy levels and appetite suppression to the Res. The current reason is that along with the increased res I am using green tea to mix it with. I however have been addicted to caffeine before, and usually cycle through crashes, and I used much higher caffienated products when I had these addictions. I got hit with Chemo today, and yet you see where I am at, past 2:30 in the morning.

But you know something; we are going to settle this issue this weekend and the following week once and for all. I’m going to eliminate the green tea altogether and mix the RES in cantaloupe juice starting tomorrow. If it’s the green tea, I should go thru caffeine withdrawal and crash hard, as any good addict would do coming off his drug. Just note what time I post till the next few nights. Actually the res goes into this with a handicap, because the CPT-11 (Chemo drug) could make me sick and tired over the next few days, and the caffeine withdrawal should automatically bring me down, so if I’m still posting after 2:00am, It’s really going to be difficult to dismiss that as being anything bet the res.

#227 maxwatt

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 09:39 AM

Hmm... You are taking 15 grams 3x a day?

No, 15g total, I thought that was the recommended dose we talked about and settled with as a good dose.

If it seems like a good dose for you, then continue with this choice. I presume you are taking what missminni did with her dogs, and trying to increase the dose for a human.

No, (and correct me if I am wrong Maxwatt), but if I recall, it was Maxwatt that recommended a starting dose of 10g and when I reported no laxative effect, a recommendation of 15g was forwarded.

My understanding was that toxicity in Animals was found when they were given 1 gram per kilogram of body weight[1]. So I wouldn't suggest going over this limit. Even if you are presently taking 15 g 3x a day... you are still under this limit according to the study.

15g total is relatively safe, yes?

Bill O’Rights

I recommended very conservatively a half a gram initially, and doubling the dose repeatedly once tolerance was established. I did not envision going over 10 grams a day, but at 15 grams, you are showing no signs of toxicity. Missminni recommended 10 grams a day. In your situation, I would not reduce the dose until the doctor says "Wow, the chemo really did the trick, the tumors are gone!" or you feel a symptom, such as excessive thirst, that could be attributed to resveratrol toxicity. The most I've every known anyone to take chronically is 7 grams a day, and they showed no problems.

You could use water-process decaffeinated green tea. You can make your own, the method is essentially the same as the Swiss invented. Caffeine is very water soluble, the rest of the polyphenols in tea much less so. "Washing" the tea briefly with hot water removes 99% of the caffeine.

Pour a cup of boiling water over the teabag. After 3 seconds, remove the bag. Let it drip for 15 seconds. Then either dry it for later use, or place in hot water to make decaffeinated tea. Most of the flavor survives.

I do not think res will be soluble in fruit juice, it might reduce the efficacy of your dosing. Milk or cream, or yogurt will dissolve it. Or melt some ice cream, and stir it in.

#228 missminni

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 12:27 PM

Hmm... You are taking 15 grams 3x a day?

No, 15g total, I thought that was the recommended dose we talked about and settled with as a good dose.

If it seems like a good dose for you, then continue with this choice. I presume you are taking what missminni did with her dogs, and trying to increase the dose for a human.

No, (and correct me if I am wrong Maxwatt), but if I recall, it was Maxwatt that recommended a starting dose of 10g and when I reported no laxative effect, a recommendation of 15g was forwarded.

My understanding was that toxicity in Animals was found when they were given 1 gram per kilogram of body weight[1]. So I wouldn't suggest going over this limit. Even if you are presently taking 15 g 3x a day... you are still under this limit according to the study.

15g total is relatively safe, yes?

Bill O’Rights

it was me and it was based on what I gave Minni

#229 missminni

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 12:32 PM

TFI, you notice any other effects yet, in terms of feeling better or energy levels?

Well jCole, I have, however I have been real reluctant to attribute the whole general feeling of well being and feeling like I have great energy levels and appetite suppression to the Res. The current reason is that along with the increased res I am using green tea to mix it with. I however have been addicted to caffeine before, and usually cycle through crashes, and I used much higher caffienated products when I had these addictions. I got hit with Chemo today, and yet you see where I am at, past 2:30 in the morning.

But you know something; we are going to settle this issue this weekend and the following week once and for all. I’m going to eliminate the green tea altogether and mix the RES in cantaloupe juice starting tomorrow. If it’s the green tea, I should go thru caffeine withdrawal and crash hard, as any good addict would do coming off his drug. Just note what time I post till the next few nights. Actually the res goes into this with a handicap, because the CPT-11 (Chemo drug) could make me sick and tired over the next few days, and the caffeine withdrawal should automatically bring me down, so if I’m still posting after 2:00am, It’s really going to be difficult to dismiss that as being anything bet the res.

Cantaloupe juice? No. Don't do that. Use a whey protein drink or kefir or some pro-biotic with whey protein in it. I know you won't drink milk, but when you were doing the green tea, you added cream...and that's what carried the REs. Not the the tea. And it won't dissolve in cantaloupe juice anyway.

#230 missminni

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 12:37 PM

Hmm... You are taking 15 grams 3x a day?

No, 15g total, I thought that was the recommended dose we talked about and settled with as a good dose.

If it seems like a good dose for you, then continue with this choice. I presume you are taking what missminni did with her dogs, and trying to increase the dose for a human.

No, (and correct me if I am wrong Maxwatt), but if I recall, it was Maxwatt that recommended a starting dose of 10g and when I reported no laxative effect, a recommendation of 15g was forwarded.

My understanding was that toxicity in Animals was found when they were given 1 gram per kilogram of body weight[1]. So I wouldn't suggest going over this limit. Even if you are presently taking 15 g 3x a day... you are still under this limit according to the study.

15g total is relatively safe, yes?

Bill O’Rights

I recommended very conservatively a half a gram initially, and doubling the dose repeatedly once tolerance was established. I did not envision going over 10 grams a day, but at 15 grams, you are showing no signs of toxicity. Missminni recommended 10 grams a day. In your situation, I would not reduce the dose until the doctor says "Wow, the chemo really did the trick, the tumors are gone!" or you feel a symptom, such as excessive thirst, that could be attributed to resveratrol toxicity. The most I've every known anyone to take chronically is 7 grams a day, and they showed no problems.

You could use water-process decaffeinated green tea. You can make your own, the method is essentially the same as the Swiss invented. Caffeine is very water soluble, the rest of the polyphenols in tea much less so. "Washing" the tea briefly with hot water removes 99% of the caffeine.

Pour a cup of boiling water over the teabag. After 3 seconds, remove the bag. Let it drip for 15 seconds. Then either dry it for later use, or place in hot water to make decaffeinated tea. Most of the flavor survives.

I do not think res will be soluble in fruit juice, it might reduce the efficacy of your dosing. Milk or cream, or yogurt will dissolve it. Or melt some ice cream, and stir it in.

I answered before I got to your response but how funny we both said exactly the same thing about the cantaloupe juice. I think yogurt is the way to go. You got your whey and your pro-biotic.

#231 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 05:29 PM

Most herbal supplement treatment of cancer is highly speculative and experimental. Until long-term double placebo studies and more safety studies are done, no one can say for sure whether resveratrol or other alternative therapies will do any good. That being said, I hope it works for thefirstimmortal.

Mind, I am curios, if you had the same terminal disease I have, or a brain tumor like Jll’s friend, what would be your protocol? And my second question, has Dr. Chui’s therapy been thru a long-term double placebo study?

#232 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 11:03 PM

I recommended very conservatively a half a gram initially, and doubling the dose repeatedly once tolerance was established. I did not envision going over 10 grams a day, but at 15 grams, you are showing no signs of toxicity. Missminni recommended 10 grams a day. In your situation, I would not reduce the dose until the doctor says "Wow, the chemo really did the trick, the tumors are gone!" or you feel a symptom, such as excessive thirst, that could be attributed to resveratrol toxicity. The most I've every known anyone to take chronically is 7 grams a day, and they showed no problems.

Yeah, I recall the coonservative step up dose call you made, and me kinda ignoring that. I wasn't worried about stepping up to 10g from 5 g. I'll have to review the thred to fiquer out how I got to 15g. I don't think I made that call by myself.

You could use water-process decaffeinated green tea. You can make your own, the method is essentially the same as the Swiss invented. Caffeine is very water soluble, the rest of the polyphenols in tea much less so. "Washing" the tea briefly with hot water removes 99% of the caffeine.

Pour a cup of boiling water over the teabag. After 3 seconds, remove the bag. Let it drip for 15 seconds. Then either dry it for later use, or place in hot water to make decaffeinated tea. Most of the flavor survives.

I do not think res will be soluble in fruit juice, it might reduce the efficacy of your dosing. Milk or cream, or yogurt will dissolve it. Or melt some ice cream, and stir it in.

For reasons stated in post 226, I'm elimating green tea for 4 days to see if I'm staying energized because of Res or caffiene. Also, for the same reason I did the dietary no no with the chocolate for a week, I'm doing the same only with cantaloupe this time and only for 4 days.

Edited by thefirstimmortal, 08 August 2008 - 11:09 PM.

#233 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 11:08 PM

I do not think res will be soluble in fruit juice, it might reduce the efficacy of your dosing. Milk or cream, or yogurt will dissolve it. Or melt some ice cream, and stir it in.

Oh yeah, the res was soluble, but I had to mix it aggressively for over a minute with a fork. I also mixed in 2 tablespoons of Lecithin granules and a scoop of whey protein, both products that I got from Mark.

#234 missminni

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 11:28 PM

I recommended very conservatively a half a gram initially, and doubling the dose repeatedly once tolerance was established. I did not envision going over 10 grams a day, but at 15 grams, you are showing no signs of toxicity. Missminni recommended 10 grams a day. In your situation, I would not reduce the dose until the doctor says "Wow, the chemo really did the trick, the tumors are gone!" or you feel a symptom, such as excessive thirst, that could be attributed to resveratrol toxicity. The most I've every known anyone to take chronically is 7 grams a day, and they showed no problems.

Yeah, I recall the coonservative step up dose call you made, and me kinda ignoring that. I wasn't worried about stepping up to 10g from 5 g. I'll have to review the thred to fiquer out how I got to 15g. I don't think I made that call by myself.

You could use water-process decaffeinated green tea. You can make your own, the method is essentially the same as the Swiss invented. Caffeine is very water soluble, the rest of the polyphenols in tea much less so. "Washing" the tea briefly with hot water removes 99% of the caffeine.

Pour a cup of boiling water over the teabag. After 3 seconds, remove the bag. Let it drip for 15 seconds. Then either dry it for later use, or place in hot water to make decaffeinated tea. Most of the flavor survives.

I do not think res will be soluble in fruit juice, it might reduce the efficacy of your dosing. Milk or cream, or yogurt will dissolve it. Or melt some ice cream, and stir it in.

For reasons stated in post 226, I'm elimating green tea for 4 days to see if I'm staying energized because of Res or caffiene. Also, for the same reason I did the dietary no no with the chocolate for a week, I'm doing the same only with cantaloupe this time and only for 4 days.

Don't waste your time reviewing the thread. It was me. Boy, how soon they forget.

#235 missminni

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Posted 08 August 2008 - 11:30 PM

I do not think res will be soluble in fruit juice, it might reduce the efficacy of your dosing. Milk or cream, or yogurt will dissolve it. Or melt some ice cream, and stir it in.

Oh yeah, the res was soluble, but I had to mix it aggressively for over a minute with a fork. I also mixed in 2 tablespoons of Lecithin granules and a scoop of whey protein, both products that I got from Mark.

Whew. Thank goodness. But that must have tasted strange.

#236 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 09 August 2008 - 02:30 AM

Don't waste your time reviewing the thread. It was me. Boy, how soon they forget.

Well, is that the favored dose? I still like that level, and I'm still feeling all the positive effects of what now can only be attributed to the res at this point. I mean, I'll give it the full 4 day test, and note any changes when I go back on the green tea mix, but as for night one it favors Res.

Edited by thefirstimmortal, 09 August 2008 - 02:31 AM.

#237 missminni

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Posted 09 August 2008 - 03:00 AM

Don't waste your time reviewing the thread. It was me. Boy, how soon they forget.

Well, is that the favored dose? I still like that level, and I'm still feeling all the positive effects of what now can only be attributed to the res at this point. I mean, I'll give it the full 4 day test, and note any changes when I go back on the green tea mix, but as for night one it favors Res.

Honestly it was just a hunch on my part. Minni did so well on 7g and she is 94 lbs.
That figures out to about 163 mg per kg. At the time you were about 135 and using the same ratio, that came
out to 10 g. That's why I initially told you to take 10 g. However once you told me you had no adverse reaction
i.e. diahrea, I figured since dogs metabolize it more efficiently than humans, it would probably be a good idea
for you to take 50% more to make up for that factor. That's why I said try 15g. Mawxatt agreed but
advised not more than 5 g at a time since more than that in one dose doesn't really show up as more in the blood.

#238 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 09 August 2008 - 12:26 PM

Hmm... You are taking 15 grams 3x a day?

No, 15g total, I thought that was the recommended dose we talked about and settled with as a good dose.


wow did I understand that post incorrectly or what?! ... 15 grams a day is great if it's making you feel good.

My understanding is that 55 grams a day would be your toxic limit if you were one big rat. I initially thought you were taking 15g 3 times a day, or 45 grams. So you were still fine according to toxicity, but I thought you were going to burn through the res powder pretty quickly.

Glad to hear 5 grams 3 times a day appears to be good for you.

#239 jCole

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Posted 09 August 2008 - 12:41 PM

Don't waste your time reviewing the thread. It was me. Boy, how soon they forget.

Well, is that the favored dose? I still like that level, and I'm still feeling all the positive effects of what now can only be attributed to the res at this point. I mean, I'll give it the full 4 day test, and note any changes when I go back on the green tea mix, but as for night one it favors Res.

It's only going to get better from here brotha'. :)

You get those supps I ordered earlier in the week yes?

Edited by jCole, 09 August 2008 - 12:41 PM.

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#240 thefirstimmortal

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Posted 10 August 2008 - 05:21 AM

Honestly it was just a hunch on my part. Minni did so well on 7g and she is 94 lbs.
That figures out to about 163 mg per kg. At the time you were about 135 and using the same ratio, that came
out to 10 g. That's why I initially told you to take 10 g. However once you told me you had no adverse reaction
i.e. diahrea, I figured since dogs metabolize it more efficiently than humans, it would probably be a good idea
for you to take 50% more to make up for that factor. That's why I said try 15g. Mawxatt agreed but
advised not more than 5 g at a time since more than that in one dose doesn't really show up as more in the blood.

OK, well I think it's the dose we should go with. Why and how do dogs metabolize it more efficiently than humans?

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