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Itching with Longevinex?

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#1 enveek

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Posted 24 May 2009 - 05:40 PM

Hi, I just found this site and I just started taking Longevinex about a month and a half ago. I'm not a scientist and very limited with my understanding of the chemistry behind the workings of this supplement. I, however, have several questions, which I have sent to the manufacturer, but would like answers from actual users. One thing I have noticed is itching occurring around the joints of my fingers and feet. Am I crazy or is this something that has happened to anyone else? If someone would be so kind as to email me I would like to ask more questions but not bore everyone since many of these concerns/curiousities have probably already been addressed. I'm enjoying this site immensely! Good job, everyone!

#2 4eva

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Posted 24 May 2009 - 07:08 PM

You might have a sensitivity to polyphenols. This usually causes a rash so you might check to see if your symptom is also caused by this sensitivity which indicates a problem with sulfation. If you have problems with sulfa drugs then you should probably discontinue the resv because you are sensitive.

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#3 2tender

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Posted 24 May 2009 - 10:50 PM

It may not be Resveratrol itself. I was alternateing Longy and another leading Res. product and did experience some itching. I discontinued the longy and stayed with the non-compounded 99% pure, micronized, emulsified 250 mgs, product and have had no problems. Stop taking it and see if the itching subsides or it may be related to something else, bar soap etc. It may be something that goes away with continued use. Perhaps you could try the 99% pure, micronized product that does not have the co-factors that longy has and see if the problem continues. Please post any correspondences you get from the manufacturer regarding this and your experiences with stopping the longy and any change in product.

Edited by 2tender, 24 May 2009 - 10:52 PM.

#4 bluemoon

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Posted 25 May 2009 - 12:50 AM

I have been taking Longevinex, and know a few others who have as well, but no itching among us. So far, reports of endurance gains, smoother skin (me...or my illusion) and one who says he sleeps much better, while one didn't notice anything at 100mg. A couple changed their minds and stopped after a bit and said they wanted to hold off.

One guy tried Wallgreens (I advised against it) and he said his back hurt, which I thought was odd. It was fine when he stopped.

#5 enveek

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Posted 29 May 2009 - 03:00 AM

It may not be Resveratrol itself. I was alternateing Longy and another leading Res. product and did experience some itching. I discontinued the longy and stayed with the non-compounded 99% pure, micronized, emulsified 250 mgs, product and have had no problems. Stop taking it and see if the itching subsides or it may be related to something else, bar soap etc. It may be something that goes away with continued use. Perhaps you could try the 99% pure, micronized product that does not have the co-factors that longy has and see if the problem continues. Please post any correspondences you get from the manufacturer regarding this and your experiences with stopping the longy and any change in product.

I think you may be right about the Longy because I have also been experiencing joint pain with the itching. I haven't changed anything in my hygiene routine so I don't think the itching is due to anything I am applying to my skin nor to the home/work environment. The manufacturer addressed my joint pain by suggesting I take 400mg of magnesium citrate when I take the Longevinex. They said if the stiffness did not subside it was probably an autoimmune condition (which I seriously doubt since the onset seems to suspiciously coincidence with the ingestion of the product). I was told if the symtoms persisted while taking the magnesium I should stop the Longy and see what happens. I'd like to try the pure micronized product that you use but I have no clue where to get it. Any leads would be appreciated.

#6 enveek

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Posted 29 May 2009 - 03:13 AM

You might have a sensitivity to polyphenols. This usually causes a rash so you might check to see if your symptom is also caused by this sensitivity which indicates a problem with sulfation. If you have problems with sulfa drugs then you should probably discontinue the resv because you are sensitive.

Thank you for your reply. I am able to take sulfa drugs so I don't have a sensitivity. I also drink wine, teas, coffees, etc. so I know I don't have a problem with polyphenols. Do you know of anyone who is unable to use resveratrol because of a sensitivity? It would be so unfortunate to not be able to use something which is proving to be so beneficial. I'm really hoping I'm not going to be one of those who can't, for whatever reason!!

#7 MissM

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Posted 29 May 2009 - 04:14 AM

You might have a sensitivity to polyphenols. This usually causes a rash so you might check to see if your symptom is also caused by this sensitivity which indicates a problem with sulfation. If you have problems with sulfa drugs then you should probably discontinue the resv because you are sensitive.

Thank you for your reply. I am able to take sulfa drugs so I don't have a sensitivity. I also drink wine, teas, coffees, etc. so I know I don't have a problem with polyphenols. Do you know of anyone who is unable to use resveratrol because of a sensitivity? It would be so unfortunate to not be able to use something which is proving to be so beneficial. I'm really hoping I'm not going to be one of those who can't, for whatever reason!!

Enveek, I have a sulfa drug sensitivity and I am able to take Resveratrol. Click the banner at the top of the page, and you will find a vendor that sells micronized resveratrol. I didn't start off with Longivenex because it seemed that they had too many other things in the mix that would make it difficult to pinpoint a sensitivity. Revgenetics also has trans resveratrol, which seems to be working for me.

#8 tonyrx7

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Posted 29 May 2009 - 04:24 AM

My wrists hurts when I doubled the recommended dosage of the inexpensive Walgreens "Finest Resveratrol" brand. I wonder if this is similar to that guy with the back pain? Perhaps it causes joint pain for some people? Later I switched to the Longy stuff but I didn't feel any different. When I gave the Longy stuff to my 82 years old dad, within a week I've notice he has more endurance and fall asleep less in the afternoon. I was very impress with the results from my dad but nobody believe me when I tell them. I've placed orders for the micronized 250mg stuff from another company with the banner at the top of this forum but currently it is out of stock. I'm looking forward to see more improvement from my dad.

Edited by tonyrx7, 29 May 2009 - 04:26 AM.

#9 enveek

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 04:53 AM

You might have a sensitivity to polyphenols. This usually causes a rash so you might check to see if your symptom is also caused by this sensitivity which indicates a problem with sulfation. If you have problems with sulfa drugs then you should probably discontinue the resv because you are sensitive.

Thank you for your reply. I am able to take sulfa drugs so I don't have a sensitivity. I also drink wine, teas, coffees, etc. so I know I don't have a problem with polyphenols. Do you know of anyone who is unable to use resveratrol because of a sensitivity? It would be so unfortunate to not be able to use something which is proving to be so beneficial. I'm really hoping I'm not going to be one of those who can't, for whatever reason!!

Enveek, I have a sulfa drug sensitivity and I am able to take Resveratrol. Click the banner at the top of the page, and you will find a vendor that sells micronized resveratrol. I didn't start off with Longivenex because it seemed that they had too many other things in the mix that would make it difficult to pinpoint a sensitivity. Revgenetics also has trans resveratrol, which seems to be working for me.

Have you seen the thread (last one on the Resveratrol page) on Revgenetics on this site? I notice it was written in 2007. Was that a different product they were or are still making? Does anyone know which brand/type Dr. Oz takes?

By the way, how do I "quote" just parts of these posts instead of the whole thing or all of the replies that go back and forth? Thanks.

#10 2tender

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 11:15 AM

It may not be Resveratrol itself. I was alternateing Longy and another leading Res. product and did experience some itching. I discontinued the longy and stayed with the non-compounded 99% pure, micronized, emulsified 250 mgs, product and have had no problems. Stop taking it and see if the itching subsides or it may be related to something else, bar soap etc. It may be something that goes away with continued use. Perhaps you could try the 99% pure, micronized product that does not have the co-factors that longy has and see if the problem continues. Please post any correspondences you get from the manufacturer regarding this and your experiences with stopping the longy and any change in product.

I think you may be right about the Longy because I have also been experiencing joint pain with the itching. I haven't changed anything in my hygiene routine so I don't think the itching is due to anything I am applying to my skin nor to the home/work environment. The manufacturer addressed my joint pain by suggesting I take 400mg of magnesium citrate when I take the Longevinex. They said if the stiffness did not subside it was probably an autoimmune condition (which I seriously doubt since the onset seems to suspiciously coincidence with the ingestion of the product). I was told if the symtoms persisted while taking the magnesium I should stop the Longy and see what happens. I'd like to try the pure micronized product that you use but I have no clue where to get it. Any leads would be appreciated.

The banner at the top of this page. Revgenetics.com.

#11 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 08:38 PM

Dr. Oz does not promote any brand of resveratrol.

Folks seeing product advertisements with his picture on the webpage, are being misled into believing he takes a particular brand. If you see ads like this, you should report them to the Attorney General of your state.


Edited by Anthony_Loera, 30 May 2009 - 08:40 PM.

#12 enveek

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 11:04 PM

Dr. Oz does not promote any brand of resveratrol.

Folks seeing product advertisements with his picture on the webpage, are being misled into believing he takes a particular brand. If you see ads like this, you should report them to the Attorney General of your state.


Thanks. I do know he takes it, but, yes, I do know better than to trust advertisements. How does one find a reputable source (other than the Revgenetics that two posters are recommending, which I still may purcahse? When I try to research different products on the web I run into reviews that have been written by the manufacturer; biased, of course. Money is tight so I don't want to waste it.

#13 MissM

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Posted 30 May 2009 - 11:58 PM

Dr. Oz does not promote any brand of resveratrol.

Folks seeing product advertisements with his picture on the webpage, are being misled into believing he takes a particular brand. If you see ads like this, you should report them to the Attorney General of your state.


Thanks. I do know he takes it, but, yes, I do know better than to trust advertisements. How does one find a reputable source (other than the Revgenetics that two posters are recommending, which I still may purcahse? When I try to research different products on the web I run into reviews that have been written by the manufacturer; biased, of course. Money is tight so I don't want to waste it.

Enveek, I know what you mean. Researching brands was pure torture for me. There is a learning curve to researching a product that has been pretty much untested on humans. However, I came to the conclusion that if a vendor was willing to test each and every batch, it would be worth it to me to pay his price, which is still pretty competitive. I can't find another vendor that does that, other than the banner at the top. There has been some Resveratrol that has been contaminated with Mercury, and that is not a risk that I want to take. I am taking it to try and get healthy, not to be made sick. There are probably many reputable vendors with quality products, but until they publish their batch testing, I will buy from the banner at he top of the page. NSI at Vitacost has just come out with a potentially competitive product at a really good price, and I e-mailed them to ask about batch testing. They e-mailed back, just to say "it has been tested." Well, I don't know when, or how long ago, or if they test every batch, or what. When it comes to my health, I like specifics.

It is my impression that most Polygonum Cuspidatum comes from China, since it grows freely there. That is the source of most Resveratrol. (Not grapes) There is just no getting around the fact that most vendors probably have to buy from China. We all know about contaminated products from China. Even though I am on a tight budget as a retiree, I feel that my health is not something that I want to gamble on for a few bucks. And no, I don't have any connection with Revgenetics other than to buy their products. They are also very generous...when they ran out of the product that I wanted, they sent me double of an acceptable substitute.

#14 maxwatt



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Posted 31 May 2009 - 01:19 AM

Dr. Oz does not promote any brand of resveratrol.

Folks seeing product advertisements with his picture on the webpage, are being misled into believing he takes a particular brand. If you see ads like this, you should report them to the Attorney General of your state.


Thanks. I do know he takes it, but, yes, I do know better than to trust advertisements. How does one find a reputable source (other than the Revgenetics that two posters are recommending, which I still may purcahse? When I try to research different products on the web I run into reviews that have been written by the manufacturer; biased, of course. Money is tight so I don't want to waste it.

Enveek, I know what you mean. Researching brands was pure torture for me. There is a learning curve to researching a product that has been pretty much untested on humans. However, I came to the conclusion that if a vendor was willing to test each and every batch, it would be worth it to me to pay his price, which is still pretty competitive. I can't find another vendor that does that, other than the banner at the top. There has been some Resveratrol that has been contaminated with Mercury, and that is not a risk that I want to take. ....

The only resveratrol that appears to have been contaminated with mercury was a batch of 50%. As far as I can tell, the 98 and 99% products have all been of acceptable purity. Only one micronizes to a size well under 5 microns, which is an added expense. This does give a higher blood serum level for a given dose, though the area under the curve is the same (i.e., all of the larger particle size does get absorbed, but it takes longer.) If resveratrol's effects are mediated through high blood serum levels, then this is better, though taking a larger dose of non-micronized may also be as efficacious to some extent.

#15 enveek

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Posted 06 June 2009 - 06:24 AM

Well, I stopped taking the Longevinex (about a week now) and my joints feel MUCH better and I don't notice any itchy feelings. After my daughter graduates from UCI (next weekend) and I have paid off the party we're giving her, I will try the Revgenetics. I'm thinking, as many of you have suggested, to stick with purity. So...now what do I do with the two boxes of Longy that I have left? :|o Thanks for all your help!

BTW, I feel like an idiot with that question about eliminating the quotes with the replies. I was just really tired (working too hard on report cards) to notice the correct button. Yes, I am definitely in need of some resveratrol.

#16 2tender

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Posted 06 June 2009 - 07:31 PM

Glad to hear the problem resolved after discontinueing the product. Side effects are common with supplement ingestion according to personal physiology. I recently had to stop taking my RSV supplement due to excessive gas, so hopefully it was just time for me to stop taking it for a while, as I still have a bottle left. I intend to take it sporadically during the upcoming month. I still have a box of longy also, I take it on rare occassion, just so its not wasted. If the company wont take yours back perhaps you could pm the member in this thread that said he used longy and ask him if he would like it, hopefully that is not against board rules. Or you may try taking it every other day and see if that helps. If you do get the other RSV, try taking it 5 days on, 2 days off, or every other day, early in the morning, before food, I think once a day is fine. Some people just get sensitive to this, the trick seems to be to have just enough in your system to get the results and not the side effects. This is all just my opinion, of course and I hope that helps you.

Edited by 2tender, 06 June 2009 - 07:33 PM.

#17 Crepulance

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Posted 15 June 2009 - 06:25 AM

Hmmm why wasn't this thread closed? Seems like it's supposed to be policy that when a brand name (longevinex in particular) is mentioned (especially in the title) it is removed or editted immediately. But wow, put the word longevinex up with something negative associated with it and that thread will breathe free in the Imminst forums.


Glad to hear the problem resolved after discontinueing the product. Side effects are common with supplement ingestion according to personal physiology. I recently had to stop taking my RSV supplement due to excessive gas, so hopefully it was just time for me to stop taking it for a while, as I still have a bottle left. I intend to take it sporadically during the upcoming month. I still have a box of longy also, I take it on rare occassion, just so its not wasted. If the company wont take yours back perhaps you could pm the member in this thread that said he used longy and ask him if he would like it, hopefully that is not against board rules. Or you may try taking it every other day and see if that helps. If you do get the other RSV, try taking it 5 days on, 2 days off, or every other day, early in the morning, before food, I think once a day is fine. Some people just get sensitive to this, the trick seems to be to have just enough in your system to get the results and not the side effects. This is all just my opinion, of course and I hope that helps you.

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#18 maxwatt



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Posted 15 June 2009 - 11:46 AM

Hmmm why wasn't this thread closed? Seems like it's supposed to be policy that when a brand name (longevinex in particular) is mentioned (especially in the title) it is removed or editted immediately. But wow, put the word longevinex up with something negative associated with it and that thread will breathe free in the Imminst forums.



Because 2tender addresed the poster's concerns in terms of individual biochemistry, rather than dwelling on any products' inadequacies. It could have easily have devolved into something that belongs in the vendor forum. It didn't. The threaddied a natural death.

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